NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 1

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CyberLaw said:
Oh yeah by the way I find the "rumour" of search warrants very suspect. You have no idea what it takes to get a warrant. For the first thing you need a crime to have been committed. Without that, no supporting affidavit from LE. A judge has to sign off on a search warrant and he will only do so when the information is factual and correct and required.

So yet again........please.........this discussion site is on earth is it not........or does it exist in a fantasy world.
Searched three weeks of posts........the word warrant is never mentioned...where did someone say anything about warrants...I'd like to read it.
CyberLaw said:
If you go to the REAL LE site and look at it, it does not list Major Crimes as a contact person.

I also find it VERY interesting that the site that you refer to is somehow associated with a Helena Murray. No wonder this particular site lists Major Crime as a contact..
Do you really think that anyone, even family would post on the internet a contact name and phone number to a department that would ignore any information they are provided? I had hoped to provide you with the link to the newstory sometime around June/July 04 that mentioned Major Crimes Unit went to Maura's sister and picked up the belongings that were found in her car after she was missing. Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate it..........perhaps you or another reader can locate the LINK - not that you have any confidence in me, but I assure you there is a story that confirms that Helena Murray is correct in listing Russ Conte with Major Crimes as the contact person.

CyberLaw said:
So the REAL site administered by NH LE still lists Maura as a missing person and it lists NH State Police and Haverhill Police as contacts. It also list any information to go to the Missing persons at NH State Police. ..
Maura's family was told within a few months after her missing that NH LE is investigating the case as BOTH a missing person's case and a criminal case. The family's issue has been that NH LE has not provided them with evidence that the case is being investigated in any matter.

CyberLaw said:
Oh yeah by the way I find the "rumour" of search warrants very suspect. You have no idea what it takes to get a warrant. For the first thing you need a crime to have been committed. Without that, no supporting affidavit from LE. A judge has to sign off on a search warrant and he will only do so when the information is factual and correct and required.

No maybes, about it.

Small minds, small towns...........the "status" has not changed of this case as a "voluntarly" missing person.

So yet again........please.........this discussion site is on earth is it not........or does it exist in a fantasy world.
Cyberlaw, I have to say that I almost always understand the opinions of my family and friends EVEN when I do not agree with them. I REALLY do want to understand you. Like grassyknoll2, I have searched this thread and do not find any posts referring to "rumors' of search warrants.

Will you please explain why you incorportated this subject matter into your post? Are you hearing rumors in Canada that we in NH, MA and the Midwest have not been privy to?

As far as small minds, small towns: Maura went missing in a small town - she is not from a small town, nor did she attend school (HS, West Point Or UMASS) at a 'small' town facility......in my opinion, the small minds are those who will not entertain the possibility that someone has harmed Maura. Do I know that someone has harmed her? No, but I do know those who know her very well and they consider her family ties, consideration and love to/for her family as fact that she would not worry them for these many months........on the other hand, everyone that loves Maura hopes for the best.

The mother of Maura's boyfriend was quoted on The Montel Show when asked how her son was doing, "He fears the worst, but will always hope for the best."

If your son were missing for almost 17 months, how could you possibly have different feelings than these people?

I will be anxiously awaiting your explanation re: "rumors" of search warrants.
According to this article the Major Crimes Unit IS involved! I found this at Caledonian record. Here is the link:
Top News
Maura Murray Case

Major Crimes Unit Involved


Tuesday June 29, 2004

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The New Hampshire State Police Major Crimes Unit is now involved in the disappearance of 22-year-old Maura Murray.

Murray, a University of Massachusetts at Amherst nursing student, has been missing since she was involved in a minor one-car accident the night of Feb. 9.

Her father, Fred, said the Major Crimes Unit earlier this month requested that everything present in Maura's black 1996 Saturn at the time of the accident be returned so a forensics investigation may be conducted.

At the time of the accident, Maura had about a week's worth of clothing, books for her college classes and diamond jewelry with her.

Everything in the car was turned over to family members after the accident.

The Major Crimes Unit only now asking for the items in Murray's car be returned is unsettling to her father.

"It's evidence Major Crimes was not involved until now," Murray said. "They sent (state trooper Todd) Landry to my daughter, Kathleen's (house).

"This is pretty sloppy," he continued. "For them to have told me they were treating this as a criminal investigation is a bunch of (expletive)."

Murray said, "So, it shows how amateurish this has been right from the beginning. They can't get away with this. They have to be held accountable."

Earlier this month, Murray requested a copy of the accident report and any other relevant information from the Haverhill Police Department and the state police.

To date, he has not received any response from Troop F, which is based in Twin Mountain.

However, he did receive a letter from Haverhill stating the request is being considered.

While Murray has faced frustration after frustration with New Hampshire State Police and Haverhill police regarding his daughter's disappearance, a northern Vermont family is receiving more communication from Vermont State Police looking into the disappearance of their 17-year-old daughter.

Brianna Maitland clocked out of work at the Black Lantern Inn at about 11:20 p.m. March 19.

Her car was found early the next morning partially ensconced in an abandoned building about a mile from the inn.

Brianna was headed home to her friend's home in Sheldon, where she had been living, when she disappeared.

Since the Maitlands met with Lt. Gov. Brian Dubie and Public Safety Commissioner Kerry Sleeper earlier this month, Bruce Maitland said there has been a big difference.

For one, police have discarded the runaway theory. And two, there is more communication.

"Ever since meeting with Dubie and Sleeper, things have turned around," he said.

However, Maitland also said there are no new leads.

"It's just like she has vanished right off the face of the earth," he said.

A vast network of friends is helping the Maitlands with sending out press releases across the country regarding Brianna's disappearance.

"If she's alive, we need your help," Maitland said, appealing to anyone who may be able to provide some information about Brianna. is IS
Cyberlaw, I wanted to post this one also since it is from the police standpoint, I want to make sure that you know they are REALLY involved, and would rather have 2 incase you didn't like one of them or found a 'problem' with it

The Caledonian-Record Online Edition * · * Thursday July 1, 2004
Web Contact:
Ron Fontaine, Webmaster
190 Federal Street, PO Box 8
St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819
Phone: 802-748-8121

Police Secure Murray Items For Evidence
Lieutenant Says Major Crimes Involved Since Beginning


- State police say they have secured items from a missing 22-year-old University of Massachusetts at Amherst nursing student as possible evidence.

Lt. John Scarinza, commander of New Hampshire State Police Troop F, says the items are being held, possibly for further investigation.

However, Scarinza also says it's not true the state police Major Crimes Unit is only now getting involved in the Maura Murray case.

Murray has been missing since she was involved in a minor one-car crash on Route 112 in Haverhill, N.H., about a mile east of Swiftwater Feb. 9.

She has not been seen since the night of the accident.

He said the Major Crimes Unit, and specifically, Sgt. Charles West, has been involved in the Murray disappearance since three days after she disappeared.

Scarinza also said detectives from Troop F and the Major Crimes Unit have been used during the missing person's investigation.

He was emphatic that the items from Murray's car are not only now being looked at.

"The items have already been gone through once," Scarinza said.

When asked whether any of the items, including clothing and books, had been analyzed for forensic evidence in the beginning of the investigation, he said, "You don't just send a bag of stuff down there."

However, he did say the items in Murray's black 1996 Saturn were inventoried by Haverhill police officers during the first week of the investigation back in February.

In addition to diamond jewelry, books, clothing and some alcohol found in the vehicle after the accident, some items were missing.

"She had a (black) backpack when she left Massachusetts," Scarinza said. "We have not been able to locate the backpack in the car or her (dorm) room. That was the pack she used at school."

Scarinza also said when Murray left the Amherst campus, she had with her a box of wine, and bottles of vodka, Kahluha and Bailey's Irish Cream.

The box of wine, of which most had been spilled, was found in the car. But some of the other bottles were not found.

Also found in the car, specifically on the back seat, was a book written by Nicholas Howe, titled, "Not Without Peril."

Scarinza said the book is about tragedies regarding search and rescues in the White Mountains.

"Mrs. (Sharon) Rausch tells me that is Maura's favorite book," he said. "What does that mean? I don't know."

Haverhill police, in a press release issued two days after Murray's disappearance, said she possibly was suicidal.

Because it has been nearly five months since the night Murray disappeared, and because state police believe there is not a lot to look for, Scarinza said it's appropriate to have the items in the car at the time of the accident returned to investigators so they can be held as possible evidence.

"I don't know what we will do with them," he said. "We want to have all the items if we need them. At this point, we are holding them for evidence."

That includes Nicholas Howe's book.

"For instance," Scarinza said, "is there something significant about that book? I don't know."

If there is something highlighted in the book which may help with the investigation, they will have the book readily available.
Dear Marissa,

Thank you so much for taking the time to search and locate the 2 Links that I knew were out there...........don't know how I missed them, but please accept my appreciation for your follow up.

I know for a fact that there has been no deception or spin regarding Maura's missing reported to LE or posted by either myself or those who love Maura.

To place suspicion on their information would be one of the very worst actions they could take in bringing Maura home. All who love her and many who only know of her are working diligently to bring her missing persons case to an end.

Again - Thanks!

Bring Maura Home
You are very welcome! I edited my post, as it made it sound as if I were unsure of LE's role or something along those lines, which isn't what I meant to type up, whoops! I wanted to make sure cyberlaw didn't come after me, it seems that he goes after people for their posts sometimes IMO.
Thanks so much for taking the time to post those articles which should more than adequetly address the question of the Major Crimes Unit. It would be absurd to think that the Murray family would just select a contact person in the MCU and put it up on flyers and websites. Obviously, they would ask the police who it would be best to have people contact, that is NOT a decision a family would be "free" to make!

BTW CL ... on the NHSP police website, they provide a link to a website providing more information http://www.spbowers.com/mauramissing.html

At the top of this page is a link titled Maura's Official Website. This link is mauramurray.com which does have Russ Conte of the MCU as a contact. Do you think they would provide a link to a site in an active case that had the wrong contact person? Are you implying that LE didn't properly investigate the website and the most prominent link on the page before posting it on their official website?

I would like to address the "rumor" question as I believe it was me who brought it up in the first place. I can tell you that I actually spoke to a person who says they were questioned by police and whose property was searched in connection to the police investigation of Maura's case. However, I can't substantiate the story as there is no press coverage and I did not see it with my own eyes, hence it is a "rumor". I never mentioned anything about a warrant, I was told by this person that they willingly cooperated with the investigating officers. So maybe, just maybe you don't know everything there is to know about this case .....
I keep wondering what could be done to progress in this case...there HAS to be something that could help, and really be done! Does ANYBODY have any ideas? My mind takes a little bit to get going, but maybe if somebody posts their idea...my wheels will start turning!
Well, I don't know if I have any good ideas, but there is something I'm wondering about. There has been speculation that Maura could have been the target of a serial rapist and/or killer working in the New Hampshire area, given the possibly connected other cases. However...if a serial killer was abducting young women from their cars in remote locations, he would have to force the women off of the road or find some other means of getting them to stop. BUT, when the truck driver stopped to help Maura, she refused, and he did not report seeing anyone else. This makes me think that Maura was not forced off of the road...otherwise she probably would have taken any help offered.

I haven't seen anything about the truck driver being checked out. He is the last person to have seen her alive which should automatically make him a suspect. I also thought that there were some discrepancies regarding how long it took him to call police, but I don't have the links. Does anyone know more about the truck driver?
It is uncertain who may have been the last reported person to see Maura alive:

1. The schoolbus driver who reports that he offered her help.

2. The construction worker (truck driver?) who reported 6 weeks after her missing that he saw her 4-5 miles east of the accident site.

Bring Maura Home!
The following is a clarification by tybee204, one of our moderators, regarding the Holloway and Twitty families.

I certainly agree with the restriction 100%, but believe it must be applied universally to ALL threads.

Originally Posted by tybee204
Let me clarify things for you since it appears everything has to be laid out in black and white for some posters.

Joran is in jail, a suspect in a missing person/ assumed murder case of a 18 year old girl. Suspects in a crime do not have the same status as crime victims and families of victims.

The Halloway/Twitty familes are victims. Their child , sister, friend is missing and presumed murdered. We will not trash them on this forum. Anyone trashing them will be timed out. You do not have to agree with them but we will not call them names etc. They are in no way connected with the actual crime that occurred and do not deserve your public wrath.

We will refer to the suspects by name not derogatory nicknames. When and if they are charged and a trial is set we will re-evaluate in what manner the accused may be addressed.

We are adults and all of you are expected to act like adults.



Is this a *new* rule?

There is a certain poster who has constantly trashed Maura Murray's family. The poster has gone so far to especially attack the father Fred Murray.

I, for one, would like to see this warning applied on the Maura Murray site.

The Murrays are just as much victims as the Holloways/Twittys.

Praying for Natalee and those who love her.

Bring Maura Home!
I have been working on editing post where the victim or a family member has been bashed. We will not put up with the victim or a family member being bashed any longer WS is not a playground. The next post I have to edit the poster will be given a 5 day T/O.
I'm glad this action was taken. There have been certain posters who have been virulently attacking the Murray family. It needs to stop.
Peabody you are very welcome. If you all need me just pm me and I'll get back to you all ASAP
Peabody said:
It is uncertain who may have been the last reported person to see Maura alive:

1. The schoolbus driver who reports that he offered her help.

2. The construction worker (truck driver?) who reported 6 weeks after her missing that he saw her 4-5 miles east of the accident site.
17 Months tonight and still no answers!

Praying for Maura and those who love her.

Bring Maura Home!

Bumping for Maura and those who continue to search for her... Prayers for those who love her and especially for Maura
Does anybody have ANY updates or news on Maura?! Let's not forget about her! I wish there was something I could do to help out!
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