NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 1

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First, I apologize for the length of this post - I prefer much shorter posts with the opportunity for the ws members to offer their opinions on one or two comments at a time. However, I know of no other way to address JUST SOME of Cyberlaw's comments

Secondly, Cyberlaw, I really do respect that your OPINION differs from mine --- but I cannot understand nor condone your consistent and unfounded attacks on Maura's family or that of her boyfriend.

If indeed Maura ran away, why is it the fault of her family or her boyfriend? You never implied that the recent run away bride, Jennifer, did so because of her family or future husband.

In the case of Jennifer, it is obvious that both her famly and that of her future husband are being very supportive and loving towards her and that it is SHE that has the problems.

The last 15 months have proven that Maura also has the love and support of both her family and her future family.

Perhaps Maura does/did have problems of which no one is aware. IT is easy for any of us to hide things from others......but I recall in some of your other posts that you accused the family and the boyfriend of not being honest........they have repeatedly said that they are not aware of anything. If they are not aware, how is it they are being dishonest?

Although I disagree with you, it is not your insistence that Maura has run away that raises my blood pressure, it is that you continually accuse Maura's family and the boyfriend and his mother of being liars....No, I do not believe you have come out and said "They are liars." But, as in your prior post, you are always insinuating and implying that they are. In my opinion, you attack the family.

I had an opinion that Jennifer's future husband did not seem worried or concerned about her. That opinion was based on his physical appearance as compared to that of the other loved ones in Jennifer's life as well as to the physcial appearance of Maura's father and boyfriend when I saw them on tv.....this fourm is all about opinions and speculation, not personal attacks.

What would the Murray family or the boyfriendy gain in lying about the facts surrrounding Maura's missing, the police or any other issue unless they harmed her?.......are you implying they are involved? It is not the fault of anyone on this forum or the Murray and Rausch famlies that you choose not to believe them. It is not the fault of the Murray and Rausch families that NH LE did not do a standup job on this investigation at the onset. Hopefully, they are dealing with her case differently now.


The answers I am providing ARE FACTS and are copied after your remarks or questions - there was no reason to begin with and there is certainly no reason after 15 months for either family to spin a web of lies....everyone who knows Maura would be thrilled IF she is a runaway like Jennifer, especially the people that you constantly berate. Hopefully, she is, but here are some facts (for those of you unfamiliar with me, I have a close relationship with several people who know Maura well; some since her childhood.)

CyberLaw said:
I wonder why her cell phone was in the name of the BF Mom when Maura had her own credit cards.

The boyfriend's cell phone was in the name of his mother because when he was at WP his freshman year, he could not leave the academy to purchase one for him self. She purchased it for him and used her initials which are similiar to the son's.

The boyfriend for reasons unknown to me kept 'his' cell phone account in his mother's name (I am GUESSING that after having the number for so long, - he went to West Point in 1998 - he just didn't want to change it.........it has only been recently that cell phone companies permit you to keep the same number IF you change accounts or companeies) and HE gave Maura's cell phone to her as a gift the Christmas before she went missing - surely you are aware of the share plans for cell phones????........an article at the beginning of her missing provided this information....share plans keep all of the lines on one account.

I guess the BF Mom would know everyone that Maura phoned.

My sources sau that the cell phone bill is mailed to the boyfriend - Mom does not pay for it. And Yes, Mom knows everyone that Maura called because AFTER Maura weent missing, her son/the boyfriend sent her a copy of the 2 cell phone bills that were generated from the time Maura received the phone until she went missing. When the cell phone bill arrived, he also contacted NH SP Detective Landry and sent NH SP the cell phone statement. IT is a fact that NH SP NEVER investigated ANY of the calls on the cell phone bill until the boyfriend's mom made it public that when she first called the numbers in OCTOBER 2004 that there were people the police had NEVER CONTACTED. They investigated the calls in late Nov and early Dec.

In October, Maura's family was re-reviewing everything they knew and the boyfriend's mom offer to call every number they did not know. That is how they learned the calls were never investigated.....and this is one more FACT that LE fails to investigate information they tell the Murray family they are investingating. While the Murray family with help from the Rausch family and many other voulunteers have been very active in the search for Maura, they really have wanted LE to do an investigation and have ONLY done those things which LE did not do/would not do.

To me that seems odd. For a child, sure, but for an adult, it seems to me odd, controlling and invasive.

Logical thinking concludes there is nothing odd, controlling or invasive here...........

I find it interesting that the family BF and BF mom's still tells the media that Maura "had a perfect" relationship with the BF.

That they were engaged to be engaged.

But Maura left him.......seems to be in direct contrast to what the "family portrays"

YOU ASSUME she voluntarily LEFT HIM - that she ran away - the family and the boyfriend disagree - their hearts break because they believe she has been harmed. Their lives have been forever changed with.

Maura contacted her boyfriend by phone just prior to her leaving UMASS- she left him messages - as well as emailing him the day of her disappearance ......all of her messages and the email said she loved him and that she promised to call him that evening.......the police listened to these messages and were provided a copy of the email....the email was printed in an issue of Seventeen Magazine and I have posted it here before.

Remember the note (which the family denies) Maura left indicating "difficulties" in the relationship.

If you do any research, you will find ONLY Lt. Scarinza mentioning a note sometime in April - first he says that there was a note FROM Maura TO the boyfriend........Later he releases a statement in a press conference when he met with the VT SP stating that the note was FROM the boyfriend TO Maura.........I KNOW that the boyfriend and the Dad tried for over six weeks to speak to LT. Scarinza and he would not take or return their calls.......have any of you ever noticed that ALL of the newspaper articles about the failure to investigate the cell phone calls, requests for comments re the Montel Show, and the recent requests to the Attorney General's office ALL state that "Lt. Scarinza is not available for comment". He has not made any comments since July 2004. That is his manner of communication in this case.

The boyfriend was INVITED by the UMASS POLICE to go through Maura's room the Friday after she went missing - the NH SP had never been to UMASS at that point. when the boyfriend went through her room, THERE WAS NO NOTE FROM MAURA TO HIM.

I suggest that if you choose to believe otherwise, that is up to you. Perhaps, you should call UMASS Campus Police. I doubt if they would release any info, but nontheless, THEY KNOW that what is being reported here is truth. In Maura's dorm room, there was a collection of notes/letters/cards from the boyfriend to Maura. These were love letters that she had kept - as most young women do.

As far as "difficulties", yes I would say, and I am sure that Maura and her boyfriend would agree that being in love and living over 2000 miles apart is a hugh difficulty - that in no way means there were any difficulties between them in their personal relationship.

So the family thought the relationship was "perfect" while Maura left a dear John note.


It doesn't take logical thinking to see the contraindiction in leaving a Dear John Letter and leaving several voice mails saying "I love you and I miss you." and sending an email stating the same thing with "I promise to call tonight."

Total contrast.........

Yes, the Dear John Letter that WAS NOT and the last messages and communication from Maura are in "TOTAL CONTRAST"

Before we get into the "but the family and BF deny there was a note, LE lied etc.

Tell my again, why would LE lie about the note.


That was only days after Maura went missing.

It makes no sense for LE to lie about this, just like the call from the Red Cross.

LE has nothing to gain by lying.......about the phone call or note.
LE HAS EVERYTHING TO GAIN - TO COVER UP THEIR MISTAKES AND/OR THEIR IN ADEQUACIES........even those I know close to Maura do not think that the LE originally or intentionally set out to bungle this case...........

Only if Maura's case file is made public will the truth be known for a certainty to you and to others not involved. What I have reported to you is truth - my report does not rely on the media, which often inadvertently makes mistakes.....but they often print corrections; LE is human too and they can and will make mistakes; but if a life were not at issue here, the mistakes made in NH regarding Maura would be considered a 'Comedy of Errors". It is past time that someone took responsibility.

Cyberlaw, if you really thing that LE does not lie, you are very naive....and I am not talking about the possible necessity of not telling the whole truth in order to catch a criminal. There are wonderful people in LE and there are not so wonderful people.

I would suggest that perhaps any of you that truly question the character of NH LE to emai "Lani", a moderator on this forum about her experience with NH LE when she attempted to assist the Murray family about a lead. Surely, Lanie has no reason to lie as you so clearly indicate that you believe the Murray and Rausch Families do.

Cyberlaw, as of today, it is my intention to ignore your venomous opinions. I hope that if I ever go missing, my family and loved ones will do for me what I see the Murray and Rausch families doing for Maura.

Prayers for Maura..........
Peabody said:
I would suggest that perhaps any of you that truly question the character of NH LE to emai "Lani", a moderator on this forum about her experience with NH LE when she attempted to assist the Murray family about a lead. Surely, Lanie has no reason to lie as you so clearly indicate that you believe the Murray and Rausch Families do.

Prayers for Maura..........
Please forgive me.....I should have lcheck some information BEFORE I posted it, but as I mentioned in my earlier post, my blood pressure was rising :furious:

It is WasBlind that is a moderator on this forum and is so frustrated with the lack of NH SP for their lack of cooperation with her in offering a lead for Maura and in their failure to investigate it.

Lani, if you are reading here, I owe you big time ;)
So let me get this straight, it is perfectly fine for the "family" to call unbiased, impartial LE liars, incompetants, don't know their own jobs, did not do their jobs, but it is not perfectly fine to "question" the biased motives of this family. That the family are liars.

Let me repeat this again - BIASED MOTIVES OF THE FAMILY.

It is like a man calling LE to report his wife missing. HE tells them she has no reason to leave, loving family, wonderful husband. She was just going to the store. She only had pocket change on her, no keys, no cell phone, no purse. No reason to leave.

But upon investigation by LE they find out that, he stays out late, does not come home, is having an affair, let bills go unpaid, screaming matches, emotionally abused her. She was unhappy.

Now you see what I mean. Do you think that he is going to tell LE this.

Now the story takes on a whole different scene.

But of course the husband is not going to volunteer this information, it might look like she had a reason to leave.

He just knows that she is missing and he wants to find her. HE wants her BACK for him. He just knows that she is a victim of crime, foul play, she would never just up and leave.

Especially when LE finds out that, she had previously told friends and co-worker that she was "going away for awhile," packed a bag wihout her husband knowing, took out most of her money from the bank, packed up her desk at the office and quit her job the day before she went "missing".

Now it went from the husband's foul play to a women who voluntarily went missing.

But of course the husband will deny, any money was taken out of the bank, that a bag is missing with her clothes, that she quit her job the day before she went "missing" and it is just such a coincidence that this all this happened within a day of her going missing.

Her friends and coworkers lied when they told LE that she was going away for awhile.

After all who should know better then her husband.

Remember everyone else is lying, because of course the husband knows his wife.

She would never leave her husband. Go missing, without telling him.

He insists that LE did not find her for him, that LE did not do their jobs in bringing her back to him, that other people are just saying mean things about him, he is just actually such a nice guy, everyone else is lying.

That he treated her well, that she had no reason to just leave. She loved him, she would have called him if she could. LE is just lying because they "have bungled" the investigation from the start. Of course LE is to blame.

It is all of the fault of LE that his wife is not at home with him.

Their mantra, lie and deny. Blame everyone else. Deflect any responsibility that may have contributed to the "problem". Everyone else is to blame. Everyone else is wrong except them. Lie (even under oath)just make sure we are seen as the "perfect" family. Close ranks. Protect our family.

You see a daughter had a car accident on a rural road on the way back from a day at the cottage. The tire blew.
She and her mother feel it was the fault of the car and tire that she had the accident.

But when the Police arrived, they gave her a breathalyzer(it was .20) and when she was at the hospital having her blood taken and being treated for facial burns due to the air bag, her blood alcohol level increased to .25.

That was two hours after the accident.

But the mother blames the tire on the car for the accident and so does the daughter. The Police saw it a tad different. She was convicted. Impaired is .08 in Canada.

I will take the word of an unbiased LE whom are impartial anyday over a "family" that seems to say at every chance they get that LE is to blame, LE is at fault, LE "bungled" the investigation, LE is trying to spin, LE reported the note and lied, LE has something to hide, LE is to blame for Maura not being with the "family", LE lied about the call from the Red Cross.

You see again LE has nothing, let me repeat this again, nothing to gain by lying.

They have done their job. Investigated. Determine that Maura went voluntarly missing. Period. No other evidence to the contrary. No evidence of foul play.

Move on to other actual "criminal" investigations.

There are actual people who are victims of crimes that need the services and investigation of LE, you know Law Enforcement Officers.

Oh by the way with Jennifer: The only reason that she phoned home was because she was cold, hungry, tired and broke.

She changed her look and it was reported on the news tonight, if it was not for her being, cold, hungry, tired and broke, she would have stayed "missing" for as long as she wanted to. i think the word used was "forever".

She was a few thousand miles away from home across the country.

She did not want to return, but she HAD to return.

Not a well thought out plan.

Also her family and friends would have never known that she was not a victim of a crime and that she was not harmed.

Leading your family and friend and Fiance to believe that you were kidnapped and possibly and most likely harmed.

Now that is cruel......even in my books.

I am glad her family and friends are supportive, because they seem to be the only ones.

Other people (like volunteers) feel betrayed. Used. Angry.

Remember i fthis made it to Canada it made it around the world.

Jennifer may face criminal charges.

Federal charges. One charge is max of one year, the other is a max of 5 years.

She lied big time to 911, continued to lie and lie and lie.

Fabrication.........from the start.

I guess Jennifer is not as smart and resourceful as Maura is to be able to take care of herself.

So of course, when Maura had the phone call that made her distraught, of course that was a nothing call(according to the family) Sure right......actions do speak louder then words. Maura's actions and reactions said it all.

The father was just perfectly fine with the car being wrecked to 10K.

Did not bat an eyelash.

New car also.

I am sure it was "that is just fine Maura, don't worry about it, it was only a new car, and you only drove it after a night of drinking and you only hit a guardrail with no other cars in the vacinity. Everything is just fine.

So Maura looked up direction after visiting her Father on Sunday.

Oh I am sure it was just a coincidence that after she smashed the car and had to face her Dad she just happen to go back to her room and look up directions for Burlington and pack up.

Yeah sure....

That there was no note. Yeah, right.

The call did not come from the Red Cross. Sure, right again

That LE lied about the call from the Red Cross, sure, right again.

That the pre-paid calling cards cannot be traced. Sure, right again.

Yeah right, the family still denies that she ran away. O.K. now, can you please tell me what someone would do if they did not plan on running away.

Sure I pack up my whole house when I am leaving for a few days or a week too.

Maura was perfectly happy with the BF, but she did leave him without telling him of her true intentions.

Without even telling him at the same time that she was packing and looking up direction to Burlington.

Left school without telling him too.

E-mailed her professors and did not tell him also.

Does not seem like Maura was living her own life, but the life that was set out for her. What was expected of her.

I guess she can choose to do whatever she wants to do now. No pressure to conform to others expectations.

People who feel they have a good relationship with family and friends, talk to them.

People who are happy do not runaway from their life.

Happy people do not choose to go voluntarly missing.

Sorry Peabody I could only read a small portion of your post because of the red text.

Ditto for light green, pink, yellow.

I even tell my employees and associates at my Law practice this also

May I ask if the "lead" that WasBlind offered, was factual, relevant and of and informative nature. Truthful and can be verified.

Anyone who is involved in Law knows the difference, between "fluff" and "fact."

It is when the "average" person seems to think that the fluff is as important as the fact is where the problem arises.

The average person seems to feel that the fluff should be acted upon. But LE knows better then this. They will act upon fact.

That was why most likely the "lead" was discounted and was not warmly received by LE.

I feel strongly that LE has had enough of the "family" and others in regards to a simple case of an adult who chooses to go voluntarily missing.

Why did the Murray family just not report this "lead" to LE themselves.

Personally assisting the Murray family......

A moderator none the less. Does he assist everyone in this fashion. if so he must be busy.....

I kind of wonder, if a person is assisting the Murray family and obviously want to "assist" what their agenda is and how unbised they are.

Peabody, you really should have your blood pressure checked, I would hate for you to have a stroke because of little ole me.

I know there is no Univeral Health Care in the USA, and high blood pressure is probably expensive.
we here in the good old US of A know not to believe BLINDLY every thing that comes out of the mouths of politicians, lawyers, doctors, AND LE entities! :doh:

Since I'm sure that even you have heard of the case in NC of Darryl Hunt- a young black man who was convicted of the rape/murder of a white woman and served 18 years in prison, several of them on death row, before being TOTALLY EXHONERATED due to new DNA testing that proved he could NOT have committed the crime. Another individual who was already incarcerated for another violent crime matched the DNA-and LE was AWARE of this person back when Darryl Hunt was charged because of a similiar crime commission. But LE wanted soooo badly to close this case that they convicted an innocent man-and even tried for several years to keep him in prison even
after they KNEW the DNA didn't match-it took the Gov Of NC to get him out before he was finally exhonerated in court. So CyberLaw, there are LOTS of reasons for LE to lie, bend the truth, and cover their butts when they screw up-not the least of which is because they don't want to look like fools who didn't "do it right" the first time-and LE will sometime go to GREAT lengths to make sure the truth doesn't come out!

Bring Maura home!
There were a couple of points/questions posted on the website for Maura....

I've always been curious as to whether he set out flares to indicate that Maura's car was there. From what I have seen it is a really bad spot and very dark. It would seem that some device of that sort would have been available as a part of the safety kit on the bus.
Does anybody know whether there was anything in the papers about Flares?? Anybody have any idea what types of safety equipment might have been on the bus?? I remember one article where one person said the flashers were on in Maura's car, but then right after somebody else said they weren't.

From the descriptions it seems that the car was in a bad spot, and in one story it said that she had trouble getting out of the driver's car door because of the snowbank. As I picture it in my head, the only way the driver's door could be in the snowbank would be if the car were heading the wrong way in a lane which would mean that another car coming upon it would not have the benefit of the reflection of the red lights.

When I was looking for the quote about the cars, I was reminded of one other very curious piece of information that was printed in the paper...Rausch said family members were told by at least one person living near the accident site a man was seen in Maura's car after the accident.

Did anybody else see this or anymore on this?


The Murray and Rausch families continue to show their love for Maura: According to the scriptures, "Love always hopes and Love never fails."

Praying Blessings for them all today.


It is with the permission of www.mauramurray.com and Sharon that I am reprinting the following regarding Maura’s 23rd birthday today May 4, 2005.

Sharon wrote:

Maura's 23rd birthday is Wednesday May 4th ~ Please add your words and prayers of support here:

"Our help is from the Lord, who created heaven and earth." Psalm 24:8

I have learned over the last year that many statements by those of us who love Maura have been misunderstood or twisted. I wish I could honestly say that I don’t care, but I do. The following thoughts are straight from my heart without a lot of editing or rewriting. Because I have no control over what others read into my words or thoughts, I am just going to say what I feel. Hopefully, I am able to communicate in a fashion that will not be parsed and debated; however if anyone tries to make it something it is not, they are just looking to find fault.

Today, May 4, 2005, is Maura’s 23rd birthday.

So many of us miss Maura that words are inadequate to describe the depth of the void in our lives. As her birthday comes and goes in the lives of those of us who love her most, this day serves only to escalate the painful reminders that she is gone.

Her family and boyfriend have now endured 449 days of grief, heartache and fear that only the loved ones of others who are missing can possibly comprehend. Believe me, the loss to death of a loved one pales in comparison to the loss of a missing loved one, especially when the circumstances are unknown.

We are living a nightmare. Sleep for many of us is seldom if ever restful. Most often, it eludes us completely. We fight to keep from closing our eyes: unbelievably, our living nightmare is surpassed only by the nightmares and dreams of sleep; our imaginings are even worse than the grim reality that she is gone and that we may never be with her again.

Missing Maura is misery; not knowing where she is or if she is even still with us is agony. All who know our beloved Maura agree with us that she would never willingly worry, let alone hurt so many people by her absence.

Logic and reason tell us that we will never see her again this side of eternity. Yet, our hearts refuse to give up hope. We cannot abandon searching for her. We hear the laughter of the Maura giggle; we picture the Maura smile and dimples; we yearn for her contagious personality. Some days seem unbearable, but with God’s help, we will not surrender to despair.

It helps me to call to mind the look of adoration for my son in her eyes, to reflect on her unique and mature outlook on life, to recall how she looked forward to being a wife and a mother and a nurse – and yes, even an army wife, to recollect how excited she became with the most simple gift or act of kindness, how she was always so positive even when the situation was negative…..her quick wit and sarcastic jibes…. her physical beauty and inner beauty and peace.

Then, the tears and heartache bring me back to reality: We will not have Maura to enjoy a time of celebration with her favorite meal, cake, ice cream and gifts, we are forced instead to relive the worst of our fears and frustrations as we acknowledge that we have not learned anything in 449 days that will help us in knowing what has happened to her or how to bring her home.

I pray that Maura is still of this world. And if she is that she will have the opportunity to read this promise from all of us in Hanson and in Ohio:

Dear Maura, There were those of us that made a promise when you went missing that we would never give up until we brought you home. For your 23rd birthday, we vow once again that we will never stop searching until we do. It is our love for you that drives us. God willing, He will give us answers in His time. If those who say you were running to get away from all of this love are correct, then our only request is that you let us know that you are well. True love isn’t selfish. We only want you happy and our hearts at peace because we love you.

With love,
Big Bill & Sharon

Blue - Maura's favorite color and a symbol of the sadness in our hearts. and

Please add your words and prayers of support for Maura and her loved ones under the 'Missing Persons Information and Support' thread here at websleuths


There is also a special thread for thoughts and prayers at www.mauramurray.com under the sub-heading 'A Show of Support' under the heading 'Knowing Maura' I believe you can add your comments without having to register.
Hey Everyone Please Remember Today Is National Prayer Day, I Hope That All Folks At Some Point During There Busy Day To Take A Moment Of Silence To Prayer For All Those That Are Missing And Their Families.
I did look up the case of Daryl Hunt in N.C.

From the Website:http://www.truthinjustice.org/hunt-exonerated.htm

From the start, race played a role in the way the case was prosecuted and in the way it was perceived for the simple reason that Hunt is black and Sykes was white.

In Keith's motion to vacate Hunt's conviction, he makes note of the physical similarities between Hunt and Brown. Both were dark-skinned black men. Brown was 24 and Hunt was 19 at the time of the murder. Brown was 5 foot 7 and weighed 130 pounds in 1986 when he was questioned by police; Hunt is 5 foot 10 and weighed about 150 pounds in 1984.

Court officials also said that as far as they know, today's hearing was the first test of the Innocence Protection Act, passed by the state legislature in 2001. The act authorizes post-conviction DNA testing, and gives a judge considerable latitude in such cases.

From the start, the case became a parable about race and justice. A survey of jurors before his first trial in 1985 found that blacks overwhelmingly believed in his innocence and whites believed in his guilt.

The Sykes murder and the second rape were strikingly similar. Both victims were young, white women who were attacked on their way to work in a downtown office, and both were raped and stabbed. Police have not explained why they never prosecuted Brown in the second rape or why they ruled him out as a suspect in the Sykes murder. They have said that at some point in their investigation that they learned, mistakenly, that Brown was in prison the day Sykes was killed

So the DNA that proved a man's innocence, was found to convict a man who was responsible for the crime.

So it is a double edged sword. A person who has killed another, can be convicted on DNA, even though he has an alibi witness.

A person who was wrongly identified by a "witness" or "victim" as the "perp" can be found not guilty due to DNA.

Do you know that "eye" witnesses are wrong in 50% of the time.

A white women who was raped, was sure she "eye" witnessed the man who raped her.

Her identification was wrong, an innocent man was sent to Prison (no DNA testing available), but when DNA testing was done, some years later. The man was found innocent and the correct man was finally convicted.

Was that the fault of LE that "they" believed the testimony of the rape victim.

That would be No.

Is it the fault of LE that the black man was convicted of raping a white woman.

That again would be No.

Was it the fault of the judge, jury, lawyers.

Again that would be No.

Was the "witness" mistaken and the "real criminal" looked very similar to the "innocent man"

That would be Yes.

It makes no sense for LE to allow a criminal to go free while an innocent person sits in Prison.

What this has to do with Maura Murray, N.H. LE, missing persons's, voluntarly missing person is way beyond my scope of considerable logic.

But I guess not beyond yours.........

Simple facts is, there was no crime in NH, no suspects, no "witnesses" to a crime, no evidence of a crime, no DNA, no conviction, no wrongful conviction.


I have yet to find any evidence that LE deliberatly did anything in New Hampshire.

If anything they have bent over backwards and then some to "cater" to the wishes and "beliefs" of the family even though there has been no crime, no evidence and no victim.

Jennifer travelled 3K (miles) in just a few days, it would lend one to wonder how far Maura could have travelled in a similar amount of time.

LE in New Hamsphire have done all they are required to do, barring any new evidence or tangible leads.

LE has "bent over backards" for the Murray family et al.

What this has to do with a "racial" aspect of a wongful conviction, in a Southern State, 18 years ago, is way beyond me.

Oh I forgot the Civil War was fought in the USA, brother against brother, because the South still wanted slavery. Black slaves.......

Please note all support posts are posted on the "wrong" forum.

This is the missing/located discussion forum, not the support forum, nor thread.

Maura has been missing too long without any trace for foul play not to be involved in her going missing.
For those of us who know and love Maura and the Murray and Rausch families, it is very difficult to read some of the comments which seem to question the family's intense involvement in searching of Maura. Surely, we all have the common goal of finding her and having her come home to Hanson. Fifteen months seems like forever for those of us who miss her dearly. It is true that this is the 'Missing/located forum" ~ but the constant 'questioning' (and criticizing) of the family's methods to find Maura is really not helpful regardless of which forum it is!
Thank you Bulletgirl2002 for simply stating what is obvious to so many!
Hi to Golden and Bulletgirl...I've figured out how the "ignore" feature works and I recommend it highly. What others are saying often gets lost because of some of the lengthy posts....kind of like trying to hold a discussion with one person shouting over everybody else.

Golden, I can understand how you feel about the family being criticized, but what is troublesome and confusing to me is not so much that the families search methods are being questioned it is the fact that the family is searching at all that is being called into question.

Bulletgirl, you're so right after all this time in this day and age, it sure does seem that a person with no identification or even false identification wouldn't show up on someone's radar somewhere. I make a lot more than minimum wage and I know I couldn't afford to live anywhere in the country.

I hate to admit it, but Cyberlaw's certainty that Maura is alive, is unnerving...seems to me the only ones who would know with that degree of certainty would be Maura or the person she would be living with voluntarily or otherwise.

Speaking of posts getting lost...did anybody see my last post? Did anybody ever read more about the "man" seen in Maura's car? Tried searching for info on required safety equipment on busses last night...no luck...anybody know what they may be required to carry on these busses?
This was posted in the Support section along with another post...both by Boxerz...

What really throws me...with this Maura case is this...FIVE different versions of witness accounts/observations....then as you look further, there are yet more other versions..right out there in the media.

Some say Maura appeared intoxicated, some did not...some have Maura having a "smoke" in her wrecked car, trying to use her cell phone in an area where cell phone service just doesnt work...because of mountains, rocks, doesnt make sense.

So She was just relaxing, having a smoke, "before breaking into a fierce, no end type of run" thats how she got away from the accident scene so far into the woods where no one can find her, or any trace of her over a year later.

Intoxicated, how did she venture so far into the woods that nobody could find her, then.."Wonderwoman on a High-ball"?

Mind over matter, they say, i guess.

She was a college student plotting suicide, but her books along with her for study..in case she changed her mind?

Two more of these accounts/versions are from one person....Wow...then another report comes up. Then, yet, another two witness', nearly two months later....in a small town this person did not know, took that long to figure out what was remembered in a place where nothing happens?

It is just plain weird...something isnt adding up, it all has not added up, since Feb 9, 2004....Nobody did any immediate search , at say 7:30pm, well over an hour after the accident, in the adjoining counties, townships..why?

For all this time i thought that "Mutual Aid" worked so well here in NH..i begin to wonder, now.
A person is missing for 15 months and then people "assume" it is foul play.

I am not even going to try and "logic" that through.

Don't even know where to begin or where not to begin.

Assume being the key word.

Using your experiences and thoughts to "try" and explain others actions, from your own personal perspective.

A person through their experiences might not be able to survive on their own without Mom and Dad and "family support"

But the next person can no problem. Not only do they survive, they are better off.

People have been "missing" for 5-25 years, because their family or family members don't know where they are.

So they are missing to them.

But the person who is missing, knows where they are, what they are doing, so as far as they are concerned they are not "missing".

They have choosen to "go missing" from the family.

They see it as an "estrangment" from their family, the family sees it as "missing".

The missing person knows who their friends are, their co-workers, children, neighbours, where they play sports, what their favourite movie is. They know exactly where they are.

So they are just fine thank you.

But the family does not know where they are.

But the "family has to find them, hunt them down, trample others rights, make wild accusations, blame others.

We just have to find them at all costs. After all the ends do justify the means in the case of our "missing loved one"

After all the "family" does not where their "missing loved ones is"

Even if they don't want to be found.........

Ever been to Peoplesearch.com.

You would be amazed at people looking for "lost" and "missing" family members.

Did anyone see Maura travel without ID.?

Did she have other I.D.?

Was all of her ID gone. ?

Did she have a passport?

Does anyone know that she is working at a minimum wage job?

Is she sharing with anyone?

Do you know what State, town, city she is in.

Is she in the USA?

Travelled to Europe?

Do you know who she knew in Burlington?

Do you know if she meet someone else?

Do you know if she was happy?

Do you know why she was depressed?

Do you know about the "family" dynamics, (according to Maura).

Do you know her interests are at this moment?

Do you know if she has changed her look?

Her emotional state, current and past?

Her lifestyle, her jobs interests?

Did she really want to follow in Mom's footsteps and become a nurse?

Did she really want to go to the same school as her Dad?

What "issues' is she dealing with or was dealing with?

Do you know who her new neighbours are, co-workers?

Do you....come on, please, speak up.

The only person who knows another person is the person themselves.

The longer you stay away, the harder it is to return to the "old" life you left behind and face those conflicts and people you left behind.

You are returning to the same people and same problems you ran away from.

Easier to just stay "missing".

I fully support Maura if she wants to return, wants to contact the BF, the BF Mother, the Father.

That would be IF.

But that after all is the choice of the person who went missing, not the people who want him/her back.

You see there is ALWAYS two sides to every story.

We have only heard one story, we have yet to hear Maura's side of the story, if she was happy with the family, her parents, her BF, school, friends, courses, work.

But then again if she was happy she would not have run away from her "life" as she knew it.

We only know what the parents feel they know, what they think they know, what they might now or not, what they assume, what they want to be made public.

What they are hiding, what they choose not to disclose.

But only Maura knew what she was thinking, her emotional state, if she was happy or not.

You see I guess it is a hard blow to parents to think that they need their children, but their children do not need them.

Part of growing up, letting go. You child is now an adult.

After 18, your child can decide to do what they want for themselves.

What really gets me, is when parents "choose" to believe their child is "dead" and a victim of foul play rather then face the hard cold reality of day, that their child has "choosen" not to be involved in their parents lives.

So I feel extremely comfortable in my position that Maura is alive.

Nothing else to the contrary........no evidence or proof.

So you all can put forth the "conjecture" "assumptions" and "speculation" that Maura is dead, but I for one will not accept that for my position.

I have seen and heard of way too many stories about people who do a "Maura" to even consider it.

A women missing for 7 years. Family "just" knows that she is not alive, because after all they have not heard from her in all of these years. Victim of foul play.....she would call if she could, she would never not just phone.

She ran away......ditched the family, left at 22, never looked back.

Only to show up for her Grandmother's funeral.

7 years later.

A friend that she had been in contact with all these years, told her she read the Obit in the paper.

She came back for the funeral.

Came back to the same people, the same treatment of her and the same "family" problems.

Nothing had changed.

She left again...........never telling her "loved ones" where she lives, her life, her husband, her children, her job.

But she did tell them that she was happy living her life away from them and will continue to think of her hapiness first and foremost other then their "need" to know where their missing "loved one is".

Now that is a hard blow.

The parent cannot now assume their child did not phone them because she could not, but would not, and will not.

Maura did what was right for her, not what was right for her Mom, Dad, Sister, brother, BF Mom and BF.

Maura did what she wanted to do, after all she is an adult, free to make the choices in her life for herself and she has a "right" to be happy on her own terms.

This happens, lets me see an average of 840K times per year alone in the USA.

People running away and going "missing" from their loved ones.

So in the last 15 months probably close to one million people have "voluntarly" gone mssing by choice from their loved ones.

Maura was just one of those people..........
murraydwyer said:
Now I remember why I stopped posting........
Don't stop posting. Your thoughts are just as important as anyone else's. As discouraging as it may get, it's people like you who are firm in their beliefs that keep others going.

CyberLaw said:
A person is missing for 15 months and then people "assume" it is foul play.

I am not even going to try and "logic" that through.

Don't even know where to begin or where not to begin.

Assume being the key word.

Using your experiences and thoughts to "try" and explain others actions, from your own personal perspective.

Cyberlaw, do you believe that Maura left a note explaining that she was leaving and didn't want to be found? I remember someone saying that there may have been a note found by police at her dorm room. If that were the case I assume LE is not obligated to disclose this information to the family...?

I think you do have some good points about this case, as unpopular as they may be with some.

I tend to think that by this time there would be some evidence one way or other....and perhaps there is but we just don't know exactly what it is.

In case of Brianna Maitland - the police stated that they had reasons to believe that she was involved with the wrong people and had made some bad choices that led to her disappearence. That kind of thing does happen....


CyberLaw said:
So let me get this straight, it is perfectly fine for the "family" to call unbiased, impartial LE liars, incompetants, don't know their own jobs, did not do their jobs, but it is not perfectly fine to "question" the biased motives of this family. That the family are liars .........
I have to disagree here "unbiased, impartial LE" - come on now!
YES - the family COULD want to keep personal problems that may have led the Maura's disappearence, to themselves - they may have reasons for not telling the media everything about their lives - who is to judge???
BUT law enforcement is most certainly NOT unbiased, impartial! They would have reasons to cover up for themselves if they did act incompetant and didn't do their own jobs - and it does happen. - BUT I'M NOT SAYING THAT IS THE CASE HERE.
If there was no throughl search done by police until days later - WHY is that? It' was freezing cold and there are reports of a young girl who got into an accident on a dark road and an abandoned vehicle from out of state - that seems like enough of a reason for a large scale search of the area immediately. At that point they didn't know that she had the police do appear to have been lax about the situation.....

I just think it is unforunate either way, it's sad that the family can't know, so at least they can accept the truth and move on with there own lives.
You may be right about the family - but if it were your child wouldn't you still want to know what happened - even if you did have some family issues - and wouldn't you be upset that the police didn't search right away??
Maura's family and friends love her and want to know that she is OK and I feel bad that they have to live with so many questions...but your theory is logical and I definitely take it into consideration as a very real possibility. I would rather believe that she ran way of her own free will and she is happy than the other options...
LE should have done more-since there was airbag deployment they had no way of knowing whether or not Maura was injured. Maura being a petite person was much more susceptible to injury from the airbag in addition to injury from the crash. Since Maura had had two accidents within a short time frame, there is a REAL possibility that her brain was traumatized in a manner similiar to but not as severe as what's seen in shaken baby syndrome. This type of brain trauma can cause confusion, agitation, and even amnesia. See below about a "disappeared" person who "reappeared" but claims to have no memory of where he's been for 3 months!


Bring Maura home!
I have been reading this thread for a while now. It is called the discussion thread and yet it seems that nobody gets to discuss anything without a two page barrage of words.* I'm all for free speech and agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but anybody who has read or posted here gets the same opinion after each post. Cyberlaw, we are well aware of your opinion, many people here don't seem to agree with you, but when they ask specific questions about your reasoning and logic, you never aswer directly. You are not discussing the case of Maura Murray you are merely repeating the same opinion over and over again. (IMO in an extremely cold hearted and mean spirited way. I can only imagine the families reaction upon reading your unnecessarily cruel words. Is that why you do it, for the reaction?)
We get that you even refuse to consider the possibility that the investigation was not properly handled. However, I live here in the North Country and can tell you with certainty that mistakes can and do happen here (as I suspect they do everywhere. After all, the police are only human) I envy you your LE in Canada as they seem to be infalliable, it must be very comforting to have such faith in your safety, but I assure you, that is not how I feel. Everyone has a right to their opinion and we have a right to discuss our beliefs without harassment. I really don't understand the vehemence with which you post, but may I respectfuly suggest that you choose your words with a little more care and compassion ....
nhjane said:
I have been reading this thread for a while now. It is called the discussion thread and yet it seems that nobody gets to discuss anything without a two page barrage of words.* I'm all for free speech and agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but anybody who has read or posted here gets the same opinion after each post. Cyberlaw, we are well aware of your opinion, many people here don't seem to agree with you, but when they ask specific questions about your reasoning and logic, you never aswer directly. You are not discussing the case of Maura Murray you are merely repeating the same opinion over and over again. (IMO in an extremely cold hearted and mean spirited way. I can only imagine the families reaction upon reading your unnecessarily cruel words. Is that why you do it, for the reaction?)
We get that you even refuse to consider the possibility that the investigation was not properly handled. However, I live here in the North Country and can tell you with certainty that mistakes can and do happen here (as I suspect they do everywhere. After all, the police are only human) I envy you your LE in Canada as they seem to be infalliable, it must be very comforting to have such faith in your safety, but I assure you, that is not how I feel. Everyone has a right to their opinion and we have a right to discuss our beliefs without harassment. I really don't understand the vehemence with which you post, but may I respectfuly suggest that you choose your words with a little more care and compassion ....
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Thank You nhjane for your kind, tactful and, in my opinion a most deserved criticism of Cyberlaw's posts.

I speak only for myself, but I do not find Cyberlaw's opinion offensive; I find Cyberlaw's posts offensive because of the attitude with which opinions are presented combined with the consistent refusal to respond to direct questions by other posters.

I am sure that Maura's loved ones hope and pray with all of their heart that his opinion that she has run away is absoultely correct......I know that is my desire, although it is not my belief.

It is also my OPINION (based on Cyberlaw's posts) that he/she has in some fashion, manner or form extremely strong ties to Maura or Maura's case which result in the scathing attacks on Maura, her family, her boyfriend, and her boyfriend's family......

I have wondered if Cyberlaw's ties may be his/her own mental/emotional issues resulting from his/her experience with running away from a controlling family as he/she reported here at Websleuth's during the discussion of Maura's case. :twocents:
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