NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 1

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Prayers for Maura ... I keep hoping she will be found, and I pray that she is alive. That's all that matters to me. If she left on her own, so be it. If she has amnesia, I pray someone recognizes her. Just please bring her home safe and sound....
PrayersForMaura said:
Prayers for Maura ... I keep hoping she will be found, and I pray that she is alive. That's all that matters to me. If she left on her own, so be it. If she has amnesia, I pray someone recognizes her. Just please bring her home safe and sound....

Amen to that! I keep hoping today is the day that she will be found!:banghead:
Please list any questions that you would like me to answer

Please make them new and I will see what I can do.

But please make them logical questions. Factual questions........

Like lets just say a head injury: Well what do you think airbags are for. They prevent a head injury by insuring your head does not hit a solid object. Like the windshield or steering wheel. So what head injury, what amnesia.

Your head will be "coushioned" by the air bag before it hits the steering wheel, dash or windshield.

You are more likely to get an "air bag" burn rather than a head injury from an airbag.

You see that was an easy question to answer. Logic and common sense.

Like the letter, that Maura did not leave(according to the family)

Well I do believe that she left a letter, explaining how unhappy she was and more. But of course this does not fit in with the "theory" of the family that she did not run away.

She expressed her thoughts and feeling in this letter, which would have been found up to a week or more after she "ran away".

So at least Maura had the courage and decency not to leave her family wondering why she ran away.

I guess my opinion and "tone of posts" comes from the fact that an adult is free to choose what to do with their life, they are an adult.

The "family" expect LE to be their own private Police force to look for Maura in 51 States amongst 300 Million people and to actually find her.

Even though Maura has not broken the law.

If LE does not fin the "missing loved one", of course the family blames them.

LE is there for all of society. The law reflect the values and morals of society. Not a specific family of a runaway adult. They are paid by the taxpayers, not privately by the Murray family et al.

They are there to enforce the law for everyone. Last time I checked, running away and "ditching" your family is not against the law.

So let me get this straight. You think LE should second guess and subsitute their decision for another adults decision to flee a scene where no law has been broken.

LE is not the "stupid" decision police or "save your butt" from your own action police.

A person in a democratic society is free to make choices both good and bad for themselves.

"Big Brother" LE is not there to say: We don't think that is a good idea, therefore you are not allowed to do this or if you do this "stupid" idea, we will save you from yourself.

That is the job of parents.

Oh really.....not in Canada. The Police here enforce the law and they turn to the charging provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada to see if the law has been broken.

It is not illegal for any adult to run away from their family in Canada.

LE does not "hunt" them down and drag them back to their loved ones.

No........LE takes a report, all of the information and then makes the determination of the case.

Like a recent case - an elderly frail man - does not speak English - needs medication. Found later the same day, by a "passerby" who recognized him from the news and papers.

Like a "very depressed" University student, disappeared after writing an exam. Still missing

Like a "mentally" and "physically disabled man" who walked away from a managed care home. He needs 24 hour care and has never been on his own outside of the facility. It did not turn out well for him

Like a women who disappeared, after filing for Divorce from her very abusive husband. They found him, holding her against her will and he was arrested.

But not the Politicans daughter who was "missing" for weeks on end partying with her friends.

Not the 24 year old who wanted to travel with her Boyfriend, and not finish school.

Not the young man who did not want to even go to school but take off for the "West Coast" to party and ski.

What young adults want for themselves and how they envision their life is sometimes very different from how their parents do.

Remember children over 18 are no longer children, they are adults and can choose their course of life as they see fit.

If they want to runaway from Mom and Dad and ski in B.C. without Mom and Dad's consent and/or permission, well they are an adult.

Mom and Dad cannot go to LE and say: Well it is more important for my son/daughter to finish school. He/she is in B.C. somewhere, please find my son/daughter and bring them back to me as they are "missing", we don't know where he/she is.

LE will take a report and file it away. Will they contact the RCMP to investigae every ski resort. No. Will they issue an arrest warrant. No. Will it make the TV. No. Newspapers. No. .

Is there a Canada Wide warrant issued for the arrest of said son or daughter. No, there has been no law that has been broken.

Now if said son or daughter robs the ski resort, assults another person, steals a car at the ski resort, gets drunk in public, well of course LE will get involved, all of those offences are against the LAW.

Going against Mom and Dad's wishes as an adult and doing what you want to do where you choose to do it, without telling Mom and Dad where you are, is not.

They are young, free wihout ties to a family or job, single without kids, no responsibility to anyone except themselves.

With that in mind, you wonder why so many college aged students go missing from their family.
Cyberlaw Like the letter, that Maura did not leave(according to the family)

Well I do believe that she left a letter, explaining how unhappy she was and more. But of course this does not fit in with the "theory" of the family that she did not run away.

She expressed her thoughts and feeling in this letter, which would have been found up to a week or more after she "ran away".

So at least Maura had the courage and decency not to leave her family wondering why she ran away.

It defies all logic and decency that if Maura had left such a letter that the police would not have shown a copy to the family...instead of allowing this man (Maura's dad) and others to spend every other weekend searching the woods of NH for well over a year, especially after repeated attempts by the family to have LE either show them the letter or correct the information. You appear to have an active imagination to fit your "theories", but your belief that Maura "expressed her thoughts and feelings in this letter" is not commonly known FACT.....your comment that "Maura had the courage and decency not to leave her family wondering why she ran away", is heartening, but apparently you have a very low opinion of the LE involved...seems that if this were a FACT that they would have had the courage and decency to share this information with the family.....
What Gatetrekker said was: Since Maura had had two accidents within a short time frame, there is a REAL possibility that her brain was traumatized in a manner similiar to but not as severe as what's seen in shaken baby syndrome. Nothing was said about Maura's head hitting the windshield. Ones head may well be cushioned before it hits the windshield, but I believe that the point that Gatetrekker was trying to make is that there is a real possibility that there could have been injury without Maura's head hitting the windshield. I've only experienced whiplash once after being hit from behind while stopped...it is very real. The speed of the car when it hit the snowbank or whatever could certainly affect the degree of injury from the head being thrown forward and backward rapidly. One other time I was in an accident when my car was hit near the drivers side wheel.....I actually was trown into a prone position toward the passenger side and then thrown back, hitting my head on the driver's door frame and suffered a slight concussion. I didn't have an airbag, but the seatbelt didn't keep me from being thrown sideways.....we don't know exactly what part of the car struck...either of these scenarios is possible and Gatetrekker makes a good point.

For the record, I have been driving for 40 years and was not determined to be at fault in either accident.
CyberLaw said:
snipped REALLY long post.
may I just ask Why you are bothering to post here if you do not believe she is really "missing"?

Why not just let the people who care for her try and find her.
Instead of agonizing them with your very long posts that
will not Help find her?

Also- LE is also made up of these creatures called, human beings.
And these human beings do things called, Mistakes.

IE. Erica Green (who's grandpa tried many many many times to give them info), and David Steeves (whom I'm sure you'll say that it wasn't LE's fault, but it was the dispatchers fault.)
there's So many different cases to cite in which, yes, the LE, did clearly make a mistake.

Did they in this case? Who knows.

But I must ask why do *You* have such strong feelings about people caring for Maura?
Guess what: The letter is part of this "investigation", it is protected by the Freedom of Information Act.
Even if there is no current investigation, it is still protected by LAW.

I fully believe that Maura left a letter. Runaways often do.

You see LE has already told the Murray et al what the letter contained. She indicated she had difficulties with her BF and probably other information.

LE has already told the them, that Maura voluntarily ran away. But the Murray et al "refuses" to believe that.

LE is not allowing Fred Murray to search an area that Maura was last seen over a year ago. He does that on his own for himself, by his own choice. His own agenda.

The man is obviously desperate and frustrated.

Maura could be in any other 51 states amongst 300 million people.

Wiplash is a muscle injury not a head injury. Your head would have to hit a solid object to substain an injury.

That is why(ta da) there are air bags. Maura was not going fast, nor did her head hit a solid object. Her Father had a brand new car, Maura did not go to the hospital on her own, as a nurse in training she would be well aware of the symptoms of a head injury. She made rational choices which were thought out, pre-mediated, and well planned. That is not a sign of any head injury, nor confused conduct and behaviour.

An adult is free to "runaway" and go missing from their family if they so choose. Their choice, even if the "family" does not like it or agree with the decision that the "runaway adult made". They should respect the choice the person made.

Respect what Maura did and what Maura wants. If Maura wants to come back to the "family" she will, if Maura wants to phone she will also.

You cannot force her to come back so that she is no longer "missing" from the family.

LE has pulled out all of the stops in this case. Put a lot more time, money, effort and resources than there should have been.

You would think that LE is personally responsible for Maura running away.

You see with the Erica Green case - LE has already admitted publically that "they could have done" more. See accepting responsibility. That case was NOT in N.H.

I won't even get into the David Steeves case. Too complicated. LE did check out the call and did go to the location given. They did attend the scene. That again was not in N.H.

Even if Maura was found 10 minutes after the scene of the accident, LE has no legal right to detain Maura.

Or Maura would have to choose to go with LE, and since she fled the scene to avoid LE I would say that would be unlikely.

They would have had to have a "legal" reason for doing so, like charging her and arresting her.
murraydwyer said:
Ones head may well be cushioned before it hits the windshield, but I believe that the point that Gatetrekker was trying to make is that there is a real possibility that there could have been injury without Maura's head hitting the windshield.
we don't know exactly what part of the car struck...either of these scenarios is possible and Gatetrekker makes a good point.
Exactly. Traumatic brain injury often results from a "coup-contra-coup." Like a whiplash movement, the head need not strike an object in order for a TBI to result. Just a quick movement is enough for the brain- which is floating inside the cranium- to strike the inner surfaces of the cranium and suffer some pretty harsh damage. Good post.
CyberLaw said:
Wiplash is a muscle injury not a head injury. Your head would have to hit a solid object to substain an injury.

That is why(ta da) there are air bags. Maura was not going fast, nor did her head hit a solid object.
See my prior post. "Your head" does NOT have to hit a solid object to sustain a brain injury, but the brain does. When the brain hits the inner surfaces of the cranium ("solid object" :doh: ) it is called a coup-contra-coup injury. Ta Da.
sharon25 said:

But I must ask why do *You* have such strong feelings about people caring for Maura?
Quoted Reply by Cyberlaw from Post #128

"The reason why I have such stong feeling about his family would take another page or so. Suffice to say" I don't respect people who do not take personal responsibility for their actions, blame others, are less than honest, trample other people's rights and "play" the media and have their own personal agenda in blaming others."

I find it very strange that ANYONE not knowing Fred Murray would have strong feelings about him. I have followed Maura's case very closely: having seen Mr. Murray on news reports, Greta Vansustern, CNN and Montel. One can see the constant pain in his face. My heart breaks for him and for anyone with a loved one that is missing.

What "action" has he not taken full "personal responsibility" for?

He "blames others". I am assuming that Cyberlaw is saying that Mr. Murray blames the police for not contacting him the night of Maura's accident. They certainly must shoulder part of the blame: the car that she was driving was registered in his name. He should have been contacted as owner of the car. LE KNEW from witness reports that a woman of about 20 years of age had been driving the car and was alone. They knew she was "absent from the scene of the accident" when they arrived. Leaving the scene of an accident is a criminal offense and is grounds for charges and arrest. Yet, on a dark road with the temperature at 12 degrees and falling, they left and did not search for her for 36 hours.

I have no idea how anyone could truthfully say that he has been "less than honest" ??? As regular readers know, I am acquainted with a Murray family friend that has known Maura since she was a child. This person has never accused Fred Murray of being a dishonest person.

If anyone does a public search of records in Haverhill, they will learn that ONE family complained about their "rights". This ONE complaint generated the letter from Haverhill Police Chief about the Murray's tresspassing. It is my understanding that the vast majority of people in the area want to help Fred Murray find Maura....I in no way minimize the rights any one, individual or group. But, it is also my understanding that Fred Murray has worked through these differences with this family.

"play the media" ? my guess is Mr. Murray has begged the media to keep Maura's story alive.........I commend him if that is playing the media. I may be mistaken, , however I believe Maura's case has not received nearly the media attention that other young women across the nation that have gone missing in the same manner have received.

Media attention often seems tied to the LE Agency. If LE is willing to speak to the media, the media will give both LE and the family time. If LE is not, as in Maura's case (and I know this is true - they have only spoken when they called a press conference AND never informed the family except for the interview by Lt. Scarinza on the news show out of Boston)

Yes, I would have to agree that Fred Murray MAY have his "own personal agenda in blaming others" if you are referring to the police, I know I blame them to a degree for not looking for her the night of the accident. I know it was a mistake on their part. Under the same circumstances, I also know that if anyone would listen to me I would be more vocal and persistent than even Fred Murray about the role that LE played in my loved ones' missing by their omission of actions. There are laws that make failure to act responsibily a serious crime.

It is obvious that Fred Murray's agenda is to find Maura. I commend him for his love and dedication to her. I wish I could say that I feel sorry for anyone that doesn't understand thet depth of love and dedication that he shows, but when it comes to being critical of those qualities, I feel only anger.........

This thread is about Maura's missing. I may be wrong, but in my opinion, none of us should be speaking ill of the people looking for her.

(unlike Cyberlaw who states in Post #49 in the Missing Young Women in NH: quote "Unfortunately I am right often, mistaken infrequently, but yes I do admit when I am wrong also.

I look at it as an unpleasant learning experience." )

I have always found any learning experience to be pleasant - Cyberlaw and I are of different opinions regarding more than just this forum)

:twocents: :twocents:
Peabody said:
Quoted Reply by Cyberlaw from Post #128

"The reason why I have such stong feeling about his family would take another page or so. Suffice to say" I don't respect people who do not take personal responsibility for their actions, blame others, are less than honest, trample other people's rights and "play" the media and have their own personal agenda in blaming others."

I find it very strange that ANYONE not knowing Fred Murray would have strong feelings about him. I have followed Maura's case very closely: having seen Mr. Murray on news reports, Greta Vansustern, CNN and Montel. One can see the constant pain in his face. My heart breaks for him and for anyone with a loved one that is missing.

What "action" has he not taken full "personal responsibility" for?

He "blames others". I am assuming that Cyberlaw is saying that Mr. Murray blames the police for not contacting him the night of Maura's accident. They certainly must shoulder part of the blame: the car that she was driving was registered in his name. He should have been contacted as owner of the car. LE KNEW from witness reports that a woman of about 20 years of age had been driving the car and was alone. They knew she was "absent from the scene of the accident" when they arrived. Leaving the scene of an accident is a criminal offense and is grounds for charges and arrest. Yet, on a dark road with the temperature at 12 degrees and falling, they left and did not search for her for 36 hours.

I have no idea how anyone could truthfully say that he has been "less than honest" ??? As regular readers know, I am acquainted with a Murray family friend that has known Maura since she was a child. This person has never accused Fred Murray of being a dishonest person.

If anyone does a public search of records in Haverhill, they will learn that ONE family complained about their "rights". This ONE complaint generated the letter from Haverhill Police Chief about the Murray's tresspassing. It is my understanding that the vast majority of people in the area want to help Fred Murray find Maura....I in no way minimize the rights any one, individual or group. But, it is also my understanding that Fred Murray has worked through these differences with this family.

"play the media" ? my guess is Mr. Murray has begged the media to keep Maura's story alive.........I commend him if that is playing the media. I may be mistaken, , however I believe Maura's case has not received nearly the media attention that other young women across the nation that have gone missing in the same manner have received.

Media attention often seems tied to the LE Agency. If LE is willing to speak to the media, the media will give both LE and the family time. If LE is not, as in Maura's case (and I know this is true - they have only spoken when they called a press conference AND never informed the family except for the interview by Lt. Scarinza on the news show out of Boston)

Yes, I would have to agree that Fred Murray MAY have his "own personal agenda in blaming others" if you are referring to the police, I know I blame them to a degree for not looking for her the night of the accident. I know it was a mistake on their part. Under the same circumstances, I also know that if anyone would listen to me I would be more vocal and persistent than even Fred Murray about the role that LE played in my loved ones' missing by their omission of actions. There are laws that make failure to act responsibily a serious crime.

It is obvious that Fred Murray's agenda is to find Maura. I commend him for his love and dedication to her. I wish I could say that I feel sorry for anyone that doesn't understand thet depth of love and dedication that he shows, but when it comes to being critical of those qualities, I feel only anger.........

This thread is about Maura's missing. I may be wrong, but in my opinion, none of us should be speaking ill of the people looking for her.

(unlike Cyberlaw who states in Post #49 in the Missing Young Women in NH: quote "Unfortunately I am right often, mistaken infrequently, but yes I do admit when I am wrong also.

I look at it as an unpleasant learning experience." )

I have always found any learning experience to be pleasant - Cyberlaw and I are of different opinions regarding more than just this forum)

:twocents: :twocents:
amen. I just think it's a complete waste of time to even respond to cyberlaw.
I really don't understand the point in trying to Justify why people should be out looking for her.

Does Cyberlaw have chlidren? or someone that he/she loves???
What if someone they had loved just suddenly went missing.. and then let's say cyberlaw tried in vain to get media attentiona to find his/her loved one.. and then let's just say that cyberlaw stumbled upon this thread and got to read about people arguing about why they should be "wasting" their time looking for his/her loved one.

Bottom line- This is a thread about FINDING MAURA

Cyberlaw- Make a new thread about why people are wasting their time somewhere else.
From the website: Neuroskills.com

Contrecoup Brain Injury A specific area of brain injury located directly opposite to the site of impact to the head that results from linear violent collisions of the brain with the skull.

Coup = The actual point of impact on the individual's head or neck with another object.

From the Neurologychannel.com

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is damage to the brain caused by a blow to the head. The severity of the injury may range from minor, with few or no lasting consequences, to major, resulting in profound disability or death.

There has been some reported instances of brain injury from non impact. But you would need considerable force to suffer same. Considerable force. Maura was very athletic and had good muscle tone and was young and healthy. It is much more common to suffer a brain injury from a blow, not "whiplash".

Amnesia is not a symtom of a brain injury that is non impact. Maura was speaking, rational, coherent, and there was minimal damage to her car.

You could speculate all you want....but the fact is, there is zero evidence that Maura had a brain injury from either accident.

Tell me to whom does it benefit to find a "missing person" who has voluntarly run away from their loved ones.

Does it benefit the "missing person" to be found, or does it benefit the "loved ones" to find the voluntarly missing person.

The loved ones are not acting in the interest of the missing person who has voluntarly ran away, they are acting in the interest of the "loved ones" to find the missing person. Your own interest, your own peace of mind. Not the missing person.

After all the missing person has run away from the very people that now have taken it upon themselves to "hunt her down". To find her......for their benefit, not the "missing persons' benefit.

Does Maura even want to be found. If she did, she would call her "loved" ones and tell them where she is.

She has not. The "loved ones" are distressed because they don't know where she is. They must find her. Even if she does not want to be found.

I will address Peabody post another time.

You see I am not a friend of the family, nor a friend of Maura so I look at facts with an unbiased, impartial manner. I have an "objective" view of facts.

I don't listen to what a friends of the family has to say. Or someone who knows the family for a long time or what the family has to say. They have a "personal" interest and view. I am inpartial and uninvolved.

You see mistakes are not pleasant. Not at all. If you learn from them it is a "learning experience". If you don't learn from them, then you don't learn and keep on repeating the same mistakes over and over again. If a mistake was pleasant, it would not be seen as a mistake.

The charging provision for leaving a scene of an accident that causes personal property damage or personal injury or death is that someone else has had to have suffered harm.

Leaving the scene of a single car accident does not meet those provision as the only property that was damaged was your own car. You have not "harmed" another person or another person's property. There is no victim.

So again, Maura could not have been "legally" detained by LE even IF they found her 3 minutes from the accident.

They would not have enough evidence to even determine if she was driving. They had a vague description.

So who else was the "victim" in Maura accident. No one.

Usually when a person removes themselves or their car from a single car accident it is to avoid LE and a breathalyzer. Why else would they leave........unless they have something to hide and avoid "criminal responsibility".
CyberLaw said:
Guess what: The letter is part of this "investigation", it is protected by the Freedom of Information Act. That would be why Fred Murray et al, will not and cannot have legal access to it.

Could you please provide a link to the source that stated there was a letter? I don't recall seeing this in anything I read about this case.



Section 172:15

172:15 Treatment and Services. –
I. When a peace officer encounters a person who, in the judgment of the officer, is intoxicated as defined in RSA 172:1, XXVII, the officer may take such person into protective custody and shall take whichever of the following actions is, in the judgment of the officer, the most appropriate to ensure the safety and welfare of the public, the individual, or both:


Perhaps the laws are different in our 50 states than in Canada...they seem to be in NH. This has been posted before on this site.

P.S. Blocking/ignoring is good, but downright confusing at times...curiosity and all that when others respond.
As stated by Cyberlaw in Post #133:

"I don't listen to what a friends of the family has to say. Or someone who knows the family for a long time or what the family has to say. They have a "personal" interest and view. I am inpartial and uninvolved."

Absolutely NO ONE had more interest in Maura's welfare than the family or those who have known her for a long time. They are more informed and KNOW THE TRUTH.

Maura's family and close friends DO NOT HAVE TO SPECULATE, GUESS, OR THEORIZE when it comes to analyzing Maura's personality, personal qualities traits and those whom she loved dearly. They KNOW these things.

Certainly because she has vanished without a trace there has been much speculation, guessing and theorizing about HOW.

Cyberlaw, you CANNOT possibly know the TRUTH as do Maura's family members and friends. Not knowing the truth puts you at a distinct disadvantage. Not knowing Maura, the family or a friend does not give you any advantage. I don't think because one is involved they are necessarily partial or blind to the facts.

There have been too many impartial experts contacted by the Murray's who believe that Maura has been harmed. (And I am not referring to physics.)

Why in the world would Maura's family and those that love her be so biased as to believe that someone has harmed her. Their greatest desire is for her to be alive and well.........even without them. That she has run away is the best possible sceniaro in her missing.

If anyone doubts that those who love her only want her alive and well, I suggest that you read the message posted by "Sharon", the mother of Maura's boy friend at
The message is mostly in a blue font and dated May 04 2005 and signed Big Bill and Sharon

tuppence said:
Could you please provide a link to the source that stated there was a letter? I don't recall seeing this in anything I read about this case.

Lt. Scarinza of NH SP stated repeatedly in a one hour "Chronicle" special out of Boston on Channel 5 ( I believe ) that Maura had left a note to her boyfriend. He also implied that the note was a suicide note. I can find no documentation of "Chronicle" on the internet. It is a widely watched and very reputable news show out of Boston. Surely, others on this fourm heard Lt. Scarinza's comments and may comment furthur.

One written reference can be found:

"Sometime between Sunday and Monday morning, she packed up all her belongings in her dorm room, to include taking all her pictures off the walls, taking everything out of her bureaus, [and] put them all in boxes [and] left [them] on her bed," Scarinza told WCVB-TV, "[She] left a personal note to her boyfriend on top of the boxes."

Also, please read the response to this artilce by Sharon Rausch.

She explains that her son was invited by UMASS Police to go through Maura's room. I know that NH SP had not been to UMASS at that time and that UMASS Police told the boyfriend that there was no note to him....that the room was just as Maura left it when he entered it.

That is just one of numerous things that drives the people searching for Maura crazy!

It is one thing to make a mistake and not notify the owner of the abandoned car or search for the "missing" young woman. All of us are human and make mistakes. Perhaps it was even a mistake when they first said that there was a letter. But it was brought to their attention that there was no letter....... UMASS Police confirmed to the family that there was no letter. They had done an inventory of the room. Yet, NH SP will not issue a statement of correction - they continue to mislead the citizens of their state.:banghead:
CyberLaw said:
From the website: Neuroskills.com

Contrecoup Brain Injury A specific area of brain injury located directly opposite to the site of impact to the head that results from linear violent collisions of the brain with the skull.
You don't seem to understand.

Maura need not have hit her head against a windshield in order to sustain TBI from a coup-contra-coup. All she needed was a violent jar, or even her head hitting a flippin' airbag to give her floating brain enough momentum to strike the inner surfaces of her hard, bony cranium.

Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Grassyknoll2 said:

P.S. Blocking/ignoring is good, but downright confusing at times...curiosity and all that when others respond.
I am well aware that many of us find certain posts to have a negative impact on what this thread is all about.........:razz:

It is also my opinion that the purpose of those posts is to shut down any discussion :behindbar .......and I am not referring to discussing differing opinions as to what has happened to Maura.

Therefore, I suggest that to all people interested in an ongoing and productive discussion to ALWAYS ignore :silenced: any post they perceive as being nonproductive AND to ALWAYS post something to the contrary WITHOUT addresssing the nonproductive post.

What do you say, fellow sleuths:slap:
Peabody said:
I am well aware that many of us find certain posts to have a negative impact on what this thread is all about.........:razz:

It is also my opinion that the purpose of those posts is to shut down any discussion :behindbar .......and I am not referring to discussing differing opinions as to what has happened to Maura.

Therefore, I suggest that to all people interested in an ongoing and productive discussion to ALWAYS ignore :silenced: any post they perceive as being nonproductive AND to ALWAYS post something to the contrary WITHOUT addresssing the nonproductive post.

What do you say, fellow sleuths:slap:
I agree. I think her family would be Heart broken to see a thread that has their daughters name on it, that is supposed to have the intent of helping give information about her disappearance, but instead has constant bickering between people about even if she is really missing.

She is not at home, has not been at home, therefore she is missing.
She is missing to the family and friends.
and until they find out otherwise they will try to find her
and I will try and keep her name alive and in the memory
of people.
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