The Case Info timeline on the Maura Murray website says that Maura used her Dad's cellphone to call her boyfriend at 4.49am not pm. I had questioned this am time (2.49am in Ft Sill?) but it remains on the timeline.
Elsewhere the Dad says he had to spend much of Sunday arranging things to get his car and himself back to Weymouth, which he did and the Case Info says that Maura called him at 11.26pm making sure evidently he was home ok, after picking up her cellphone around 8.30pm which had been left in Sara A's room.
Yes it is true according to the Case timeline that Maura called Lt. Rausch at 2.18pm on Monday telling him she was ok, exactly when she was getting ready to take off from Amherst.
Yes it has elsewhere been stated that a fellow student was able to verify that Maura was at her campus security job during the time of the hit and run accident near the UMA campus at midnight Thursday (I was one of those who questioned this coincidence of timing).
There are many other timeline issues in Maura's disappearance, and hopefully the new investigating team will be able to pinpoint these as the ultimate truth of Maura's disappearance is discovered.
Elsewhere the Dad says he had to spend much of Sunday arranging things to get his car and himself back to Weymouth, which he did and the Case Info says that Maura called him at 11.26pm making sure evidently he was home ok, after picking up her cellphone around 8.30pm which had been left in Sara A's room.
Yes it is true according to the Case timeline that Maura called Lt. Rausch at 2.18pm on Monday telling him she was ok, exactly when she was getting ready to take off from Amherst.
Yes it has elsewhere been stated that a fellow student was able to verify that Maura was at her campus security job during the time of the hit and run accident near the UMA campus at midnight Thursday (I was one of those who questioned this coincidence of timing).
There are many other timeline issues in Maura's disappearance, and hopefully the new investigating team will be able to pinpoint these as the ultimate truth of Maura's disappearance is discovered.