NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 4

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nnglas....excellent post. I agree with you that Maura CLEARLY wanted to disappear, if only for a week or so.

What transpired after her car accident is unknown, but I wonder of there is any way an independent investigator can re-investigate this case?
Tristan said:
nnglas....excellent post. I agree with you that Maura CLEARLY wanted to disappear, if only for a week or so.

What transpired after her car accident is unknown, but I wonder of there is any way an independent investigator can re-investigate this case?
Tristan, thank you. I agree with you. It would seem that there are alot of questions surrounding the situation that could easily be answered. But for some odd reason they are not. I think an independent investigator would be able to uncover some other facts, and actually I thought that maybe the 20/20 program would do that. Maybe some new witnesses will now come forward with some information.
I think this question has been asked once before, but is it possible to find out if someone's SS# is being used, income taxes filed, etc?

CL gave a list of individuals that went missing (voluntarily) and were later found safe; those people would have had to use their SS#'s during their newly found lives (some were missing for years....)

Actually, Cyberlaw, I believe, was at one point a missing person; maybe he/she (not sure if CL is he or she) can shed some light on this subject.
nnglas said:
.... there are a lot of things that need to be explained. And frankly, ripping on LE is not going to help the situation. . .
Well said. :)
czechmate7 said:
I was referring more to the statement of her being sexually assaulted.. I didn't think there was any evidence of foul play at the scene. How would someone come to the conclusion of a sexual assault then murder from her car door being locked?
My question exactly. I think he was jumping to conclusions, using the door locking as evidence of intent to return and the using the fact that she then did not return as evidence that she was prevented from returning and then using that to springboard to the existence of a killer and so on.
Tristan said:
nnglas....excellent post. I agree with you that Maura CLEARLY wanted to disappear, if only for a week or so.

What transpired after her car accident is unknown, but I wonder of there is any way an independent investigator can re-investigate this case?


I know you only recently started posting. I want you to know that I have developed a relationship with some of Maura's family and friends:

I know of no one who disputes that Maura *wanted* to get away for a week...........

The disagreement is that it is not clear that Maura's getting away for a week for whatever reason (no one has been able to factually determine Maura's reason for taking her hurriedly planned trip to a familiar spot in NH) means that she "CLEARLY wanted to disappear" - not for a week, nor for any length of time.

When you examine the time line and facts, you will learn that she told the boyfriend in an email and in her phone calls on the morning and afternoon of her missing that she promised to call that night. She also made arrangements to call her father after 7 PM the evening she disappeared. This call was to get assistance on forms that she either picked up from the Hadley Police Station or downloaded online for her father to file regarding the claim on the car that she wrecked on Sat night/Sun morning. The forms were found in duplicate in her abandoned car. These are facts and that the forms were in her car supports her intention of keeping her phone date with her Dad. There is no reason to believe she did not also intend on keeping her phone date with her boyfriend.

I make mention of both of these ***facts*** because of all of the THEORY that has been put forth in this fourm that Maura used several ruses for the sole purpose of giving herself a one week headstart to run away. These facts certainly undermine those theories. Both Maura's father and her boyfriend expected to hear from her on Monday evening, the night she vanished. They did not.

It does seem clear, however, that whatever took place after she became stuck in the snow on the curve on Route 112 prevented her from keeping her promises and plans.

There is currently a team of private investigators re-investigating Maura's case. This team does pro bono work and is affilated with the Molly Bish Foundation out of MA (Molly, a teenager, was abducted and murdered several years ago - she also has a website). I am only familiar with three of the investigators: Tom Shamshak Sr (he was on the 20/20 special), John Healy and Gloria Moriarty. I know that Mr. Shamshak and Mr. Healy have websites.; not sure about Ms. Moriarty. Currently, they have questioned all of the family and friends as well as the school bus driver in FL and the neighbors near the location of the abandoned car. Hopefully, their efforts will be fruitful.

What is important is that the ***absolute truth*** in Maura's case is determined. If she ran away, then that is wonderful that she is safe and well. If she committed suicide, the family needs to know. If someone murdered her, then justice is needed, not only for Maura, but also in order to prevent the evil from continuing.

.........praying for answers for Maura.


I really don't understand why you seem to get hostile when anybody asserts a different "theory" for how and why Maura dissapeared. We all know that the family thinks that there was foul play. But, that thinking has not caused any new information to come forward. It would seem because this is a forum for discussing different aspects of the case, that one would not have to worry about a "family representative" jumping down there throat because they ask some questions or asserts a theory.

The "fact" remains that Maura did in fact lie to her professors about what was going on in her life. According to what has been reported, the email stated that she would be gone for the week.

I like the fact that you try to answer questions to help clarify things, but the idea that Maura was kidnapped, or met with foul play is just another "theory".
However valid you think it is, that is fine, that is your right. But, we all have a right to propose theories and questions on this forum. So please stop discouraging people from talking about this case. It is much more important that Maura's case is talked about, that makes people aware. There is discussion about this case. That is a good thing. Perhaps then we can find some answers about Maura. I think that pretty much everybody supports the family in finding Maura, whatever her fate. So while I understand that you don't want facts reported wrong, you seem to want to convince everybody that your "theory" (because at this point, that is all that it is) is the only theory, and that is just not fair, or even helpful.
Peabody said:

I know you only recently started posting. I want you to know that I have developed a relationship with some of Maura's family and friends:

I know of no one who disputes that Maura *wanted* to get away for a week...........

The disagreement is that it is not clear that Maura's getting away for a week for whatever reason (no one has been able to factually determine Maura's reason for taking her hurriedly planned trip to a familiar spot in NH) means that she "CLEARLY wanted to disappear" - not for a week, nor for any length of time.

When you examine the time line and facts, you will learn that she told the boyfriend in an email and in her phone calls on the morning and afternoon of her missing that she promised to call that night. She also made arrangements to call her father after 7 PM the evening she disappeared. This call was to get assistance on forms that she either picked up from the Hadley Police Station or downloaded online for her father to file regarding the claim on the car that she wrecked on Sat night/Sun morning. The forms were found in duplicate in her abandoned car. These are facts and that the forms were in her car supports her intention of keeping her phone date with her Dad. There is no reason to believe she did not also intend on keeping her phone date with her boyfriend.

I make mention of both of these ***facts*** because of all of the THEORY that has been put forth in this fourm that Maura used several ruses for the sole purpose of giving herself a one week headstart to run away. These facts certainly undermine those theories. Both Maura's father and her boyfriend expected to hear from her on Monday evening, the night she vanished. They did not.

It does seem clear, however, that whatever took place after she became stuck in the snow on the curve on Route 112 prevented her from keeping her promises and plans.

There is currently a team of private investigators re-investigating Maura's case. This team does pro bono work and is affilated with the Molly Bish Foundation out of MA (Molly, a teenager, was abducted and murdered several years ago - she also has a website). I am only familiar with three of the investigators: Tom Shamshak Sr (he was on the 20/20 special), John Healy and Gloria Moriarty. I know that Mr. Shamshak and Mr. Healy have websites.; not sure about Ms. Moriarty. Currently, they have questioned all of the family and friends as well as the school bus driver in FL and the neighbors near the location of the abandoned car. Hopefully, their efforts will be fruitful.

What is important is that the ***absolute truth*** in Maura's case is determined. If she ran away, then that is wonderful that she is safe and well. If she committed suicide, the family needs to know. If someone murdered her, then justice is needed, not only for Maura, but also in order to prevent the evil from continuing.

.........praying for answers for Maura.


I have a few questions I was hoping you could answer since you probably know Maura's family and friends better than anyone else in this forum. What are their thoughts on this.....

I have read that it wasn't unusual for Maura to take a couple days off to unwind or clear her thoughts.

That being said, why would Maura lie to her professors about a death in the family on this particular time?

Why couldn't she tell BF "Honey, I need a few days away. I'm really stressed out and need to clear my thoughts. I'll be back in a few days, I'll talk to you then..Love you"


"Dad, I have so many things on my mind with work, school, the wreck. I need to pick up those forms from the insurance company but I think after I'm going to go up to the mountains for a couple of days to get back focused. I'll call you when I get back....Love you."

Doesn't Maura have any good friends that she confided with? Family members? All these people who claim to know Maura so well.....

My point is: Getting away for a week isn't that big of a deal; so why be so secretive about it???(Unless you know you aren't coming back)
Peabody said:
. . .When you examine the time line and facts, you will learn that she told the boyfriend in an email and in her phone calls on the morning and afternoon of her missing that she promised to call that night. She also made arrangements to call her father after 7 PM the evening she disappeared. This call was to get assistance on forms that she either picked up from the Hadley Police Station or downloaded online for her father to file regarding the claim on the car that she wrecked on Sat night/Sun morning. The forms were found in duplicate in her abandoned car. These are facts and that the forms were in her car supports her intention of keeping her phone date with her Dad. There is no reason to believe she did not also intend on keeping her phone date with her boyfriend...
And yet she was packing or had packed to leave and had either already sent out or was planning to send out her fake death-in-the-family excuses to her boss and her profs and she looked online for hotels to use in setting up her runaway and yet she failed to even make mention of this fact at all to her boyfriend or her dad. It may be that she had considered filling out the forms and leaving them behind to be found once she was gone.

Sounds like she was making promises to contact people that she never really intended to follow through on.
nnglas said:

I really don't understand why you seem to get hostile when anybody asserts a different "theory" for how and why Maura dissapeared. We all know that the family thinks that there was foul play. But, that thinking has not caused any new information to come forward. It would seem because this is a forum for discussing different aspects of the case, that one would not have to worry about a "family representative" jumping down there throat because they ask some questions or asserts a theory.

The "fact" remains that Maura did in fact lie to her professors about what was going on in her life. According to what has been reported, the email stated that she would be gone for the week.

I like the fact that you try to answer questions to help clarify things, but the idea that Maura was kidnapped, or met with foul play is just another "theory".
However valid you think it is, that is fine, that is your right. But, we all have a right to propose theories and questions on this forum. So please stop discouraging people from talking about this case. It is much more important that Maura's case is talked about, that makes people aware. There is discussion about this case. That is a good thing. Perhaps then we can find some answers about Maura. I think that pretty much everybody supports the family in finding Maura, whatever her fate. So while I understand that you don't want facts reported wrong, you seem to want to convince everybody that your "theory" (because at this point, that is all that it is) is the only theory, and that is just not fair, or even helpful.

I must offer my deepest and most sincere apolgies.

I am not offended, and I am most certainly not wanting to appear hostile because I am not!

I am simply pointing out facts.

I have no objections to other's DIFFERING opinions. I try to make that very clear and therefore, I submit my apology. I am frustrated that it seems otherwise.

Frankly, from my perspective, it seems to me that it is others that become offended and hostile when ever I point out facts that undermine the validity of some theories.

There are MANY theories that are simply theories and they cannot be supported by any fact - only suppostition. Maura's case is so mysterious that one can logically submit countless theories. Therefore, I do my best to help keep straight the theories from the facts. I fail to understand how that can be perceived as hostility or offense. Perhaps you can explain it to me.

The very last thing I want to do is to discourage people from talking about Maura's case. However, the first thing I want to do is to insure that we are talking about the case with the facts. It is not helpful to use another's opinions or theories in one's own reasoning to create their own opinion or theory.........that is too much like the parlor game wherein each person whispers what they hear to the person beside of them and by the time it gets around the room, it is seldom even close to what was started. This helps no one. Hopefully, we all discuss the case in an effort to truthfully determine what has happened to Maura.

I have explained before: I am not the family's representative. The only person that I represent is Maura - I have no personal agenda or motive. Sadly, it is *my opinion* that Maura has been harmed, but I do not go on and on trying to prove it. I know there is no tangible proof of that anymore than there is tangible proof of suicide or run away. I do hope and pray that I am wrong. In fact, nothing would make me happier than to have that particular theory/opinion proven wrong.

I am interested in knowing if others here are in agreement with you (as posted above) that I "get hostile when anybody asserts a different "theory", that they "have to worry about a "family representative" jumping down there throat because they ask some questions or asserts a theory" and that I "want to convince everybody that your "theory" (because at this point, that is all that it is) is the only theory". ......

Again, I apologize, not only to you, but to everyone IF my writing style comes off as hostile. That is not and never has been my intention.
czechmate7 said:
I have a few questions I was hoping you could answer since you probably know Maura's family and friends better than anyone else in this forum. What are their thoughts on this.....

I have read that it wasn't unusual for Maura to take a couple days off to unwind or clear her thoughts.
I am not aware of Maura ever taking a couple days off to unwind or to clear her thoughts.

I would be interested in knowing where you learned of this information.

czechmate said:
That being said, why would Maura lie to her professors about a death in the family on this particular time?
The speculation by her family and friends is that since she had packed only enough things for a few days, that the email with the "lie" about the death in the family was chosen so that she could get credit for her school work. Maura was on full academic scholarship and could not afford to let her GPA drop....(not sure of her accumulative, but she was on Dean's List the prior semester, and I believe the entire time that she was at UMass). Also, Maura had all of her school books, notebooks and assignments with her.

czechmate said:
Why couldn't she tell BF "Honey, I need a few days away. I'm really stressed out and need to clear my thoughts. I'll be back in a few days, I'll talk to you then..Love you"
The boyfriend has told the family that he believes that Maura's several calls to him the day that she went missing (made before she left UMass and one made after she emailed him) wherein she left messages saying she missed him, she loved him, she promised to call that night, were attempts to reach him to tell him about the trip, but that in order to not worry him, she did not leave a message saying as much.

Can you imagine, you get a message that says, "Hi, honey, I have decided to take a few days off and go up to the White Mountains to clear my thoughts. Don't worry about me though, I am going in my car." .............first, Maura's car had been parked for several weeks due to mechanical problems, secondly, she had never taken off of school/missed school, and he was not aware that anything was wrong..........and he was 2000 miles away and would have been unable to do anything to check up on her besides call her. That she did not leave him a message shows her concern for his mental/emotional well being. As to her not calling her father: Mr. Murray works in nuclear medicine and cannot take personal calls during working hours and because of the lead lined rooms, his cell phone does not work during working hours. Everyone agrees that Maura was independent and often did things without telling anyone in advance, but that her boyfriend and her father were the two that she "checked in with" when she did.......my understanding is that the "doing things" without telling were quick evening trips or even an occasional weekend trip to West Point to see the boyfriend while he was still a senior, or her running excursions each day, regardless of being in a strange city or community.


czechmate said:
"Dad, I have so many things on my mind with work, school, the wreck. I need to pick up those forms from the insurance company but I think after I'm going to go up to the mountains for a couple of days to get back focused. I'll call you when I get back....Love you."
I explained about Dad's working hours and phone calls above. From the facts, she would only have been able to leave him a message.

czechmate said:
Doesn't Maura have any good friends that she confided with? Family members? All these people who claim to know Maura so well.....
Maura has a huge network of family and friends. But, her personality did not lend itself to relying/depending on others. They all say she was mostly a very private person with but a few exceptions.

czechmate said:
My point is: Getting away for a week isn't that big of a deal; so why be so secretive about it???(Unless you know you aren't coming back
I agree, but their point is that she didn't get to where she was going so that she could keep her promises to call them that night; That she was only "secretive" because she was unable to reach the boyfriend as he was out in the "field" on army military maneurvers and did not want to leave either him or her father a message that she knew would be upsetting to them. They believe that she would never have considered that something might happen to her. They believe that she expected to reach her destination and then to tell them of her plans and that she was all "safe and sound".
"What is important is that the ***absolute truth*** in Maura's case is determined. If she ran away, then that is wonderful that she is safe and well. If she committed suicide, the family needs to know. If someone murdered her, then justice is needed, not only for Maura, but also in order to prevent the evil from continuing."

I wholeheartedly agree.

By the way, where is it noted that those forms were found in Maura's car?
I haven't seen or heard that before.
"My point is: Getting away for a week isn't that big of a deal; so why be so secretive about it???(Unless you know you aren't coming back)"

I keep thinking about this again and again.

A few years ago, I went through a terrible time in my personal life.
I thought that it might be a good idea to go somewhere....a cabin in the
mountains was my idea, to "clear my head" and focus on what I wanted
to happen in my life.

The thing is: I TOLD my family that I was considering doing this.
I would never do that without telling anyone.

I think the fact that Maura told all of her professors that there was a
death in the family (when there wasn't) is VERY telling.
Peabody said:
. . .Don't worry about me though, I am going in my car." .............first, Maura's car had been parked for several weeks due to mechanical problems, . . .
That car was so unreliable that she refused to even drive it across town and instead had to share rides with someone else. I find it odd that a young woman would suddenly decide to take a few days off by driving a such an untrusted car on a 3 1/2 hour trip. I think there was more to it than "just a few days off." In fact her dad was supposedly there just about a day prior to help her pick out a car to replace the unreliable one (as per news reports) so if she had only waited a bit she might have had a new car to drive and would not have needed to take the risk of driving the old untrusted car.

Maybe she didn't want to let them spend money to get her a car she knew she was not going to return to be driving.
Has anyone considered the fact that Maura may have been running away from someone ??

She may have been fleeing from a bad situation, which would explain why
she took an unreliable car and left so suddenly.
nnglas said:

I really don't understand why you seem to get hostile when anybody asserts a different "theory" for how and why Maura dissapeared. We all know that the family thinks that there was foul play. But, that thinking has not caused any new information to come forward. It would seem because this is a forum for discussing different aspects of the case, that one would not have to worry about a "family representative" jumping down there throat because they ask some questions or asserts a theory.

The "fact" remains that Maura did in fact lie to her professors about what was going on in her life. According to what has been reported, the email stated that she would be gone for the week.

I like the fact that you try to answer questions to help clarify things, but the idea that Maura was kidnapped, or met with foul play is just another "theory".
However valid you think it is, that is fine, that is your right. But, we all have a right to propose theories and questions on this forum. So please stop discouraging people from talking about this case. It is much more important that Maura's case is talked about, that makes people aware. There is discussion about this case. That is a good thing. Perhaps then we can find some answers about Maura. I think that pretty much everybody supports the family in finding Maura, whatever her fate. So while I understand that you don't want facts reported wrong, you seem to want to convince everybody that your "theory" (because at this point, that is all that it is) is the only theory, and that is just not fair, or even helpful.

I have followed Maura's thread as time permits from the beginning. I'm sure I have read every post. I have also seen Peabody's posts here, and a few in other threads.

While Peabody may have a different viewpoint, which admittedly is not supported by fact, he/she has always been respectful of the opinions of others. Even when certain posters (and let's not get into that) were very disrespectful in sharing their theories, Peabody has remained calm and rational.

I am sure some might think I am biased, but I assure you I am not. I myself do not feel certain Maura met with foul play, but nor do I feel certain she left willingly or killed herself. The only thing I am certain of is that it is a great mystery, one which I'd like to see solved.

I just don't see where Peabody has acted in the manner described, nor has he/she discouraged conversation...to the contrary.

Carry on....

Although I believe that you have Maura's best interest in mind, I do think that whenever anybody starts talking about a runaway or suicide theory, you start running off a laundry list of excuses for Maura. For example......

She wasn't running away because.......she took her books, she picked up insurance forms....

She didn't tell anybody about her leaving town because......if she left that sort of a message they would be worried, dad could not receive phone calls at work, she tried to reach boyfriend but, she was a real private person...........

She lied to her supervisor about the roommate because........she was a private person, she was very independent..........

Her room was packed up because......no, no wait, is wasn't unpacked..........

She lied about the death in the family because.........she just wanted to be able to get credit for her classes........

The alcohol was missing from the car at the scene of the accident because......oh, we don't know that it was Maura that took the alchohol from the scene.......

All I am saying is that there are alot of ways someone can look at these circumstances and come up with other reasons for this behavior. There is alot that is unknown here.......

1. What was so important for Maura to discuss with her father the morning of the first accident, what was she going to do at 3am, wake her father up and what?

2. Why would you decide to take a trip to get away, relax, whatever if in fact she had not been back at school that long, and as the boyfriend said, (I'm paraphrasing here) everything was great?

3. What was so upsetting the night Maura was at work that she was in such a state that a coworker called the supervisor, and the supervisor asked her about counseling, and there was something said about her "sister"? And why and how if you are in such an emotional state do you then come up with some lie about you having a roommate when you don't?(Might that come up later in the course of her dealing with the supervisor in the future?)

4. If she did contact her dad that night, if she had made it to her destination, don't you think that her father would of asked her how she could be just taking a week off from school? Was she going to say, "don't worry about it dad, I told them someone in the family died?"

5. Why would a personal so sensible enough to not drive a car around town because of mechanical problems, then decide to take a long trip in the same car? The fact that she had been getting rides with other classmates and such (remember Maura was a private independent person) shows that she really didn't trust the car. At the very least you would want someone to know where you were going.

It is very possible that something happened to Maura, but it would seem equally possible that she could have run away. Please understand why I want to believe that she left on her on accord. Actually I am sure that you do.

I don't know what happened to Maura, but none of us does. I hope like you that Maura is found safe and sound. But if not her family deserves some answers.

So with that Peabody, I too apologize, I meant no harm. I mean no harm. Maybe it is just easier for me to find excuses for Maura to be alive.
Tristan said:
Has anyone considered the fact that Maura may have been running away from someone ??

She may have been fleeing from a bad situation, which would explain why
she took an unreliable car and left so suddenly.
Yes I have thought of that. It is a reasonable question. My main problem with that theory is that she told none of her relatives and not even her boyfriend. Remember she planned this disappearance at least as soon as Thursday night (1am) when she used the alleged upsetting phone call which laid the groundwork to set up the death in the family excuse and which made certain to plant that thought firmly in theminds of someone sure to remember it and later repeat it,security personel. So from Thursday to the following monday is time enough to get help from family. Was she running from them in fear? I don't think she was running in fear of them although it seems she was running.
Just to keep the record straight, I have not discussed all of the laundry list of items that you have submitted.

I am "checking" the list as to which items I have discussed:

nnglas said:

Although I believe that you have Maura's best interest in mind, I do think that whenever anybody starts talking about a runaway or suicide theory, you start running off a laundry list of excuses for Maura. For example......

She wasn't running away because.......she took her books, she picked up insurance forms.....
Check - yes I have discussed this.

She didn't tell anybody about her leaving town because......if she left that sort of a message they would be worried, dad could not receive phone calls at work, she tried to reach boyfriend but, she was a real private person...........
Check - yes I have discussed this.

She lied to her supervisor about the roommate because........she was a private person, she was very independent..........
I have NEVER discussed her lying to the supervisor about a roommate.

Yes, Maura is a very private, independent person

Her room was packed up because......no, no wait, is wasn't unpacked..........
Check - yes I have discussed this.

She lied about the death in the family because.........she just wanted to be able to get credit for her classes........
Check - yes I have discussed this.

The alcohol was missing from the car at the scene of the accident because......oh, we don't know that it was Maura that took the alchohol from the scene.......
I have never discussed this.

All I am saying is that there are alot of ways someone can look at these circumstances and come up with other reasons for this behavior. There is alot that is unknown here.......

1. What was so important for Maura to discuss with her father the morning of the first accident, what was she going to do at 3am, wake her father up and what?

2. Why would you decide to take a trip to get away, relax, whatever if in fact she had not been back at school that long, and as the boyfriend said, (I'm paraphrasing here) everything was great?

3. What was so upsetting the night Maura was at work that she was in such a state that a coworker called the supervisor, and the supervisor asked her about counseling, and there was something said about her "sister"? And why and how if you are in such an emotional state do you then come up with some lie about you having a roommate when you don't?(Might that come up later in the course of her dealing with the supervisor in the future?)

4. If she did contact her dad that night, if she had made it to her destination, don't you think that her father would of asked her how she could be just taking a week off from school? Was she going to say, "don't worry about it dad, I told them someone in the family died?"

5. Why would a personal so sensible enough to not drive a car around town because of mechanical problems, then decide to take a long trip in the same car? The fact that she had been getting rides with other classmates and such (remember Maura was a private independent person) shows that she really didn't trust the car. At the very least you would want someone to know where you were going.

It is very possible that something happened to Maura, but it would seem equally possible that she could have run away. Please understand why I want to believe that she left on her on accord. Actually I am sure that you do.

I don't know what happened to Maura, but none of us does. I hope like you that Maura is found safe and sound. But if not her family deserves some answers.

So with that Peabody, I too apologize, I meant no harm. I mean no harm. Maybe it is just easier for me to find excuses for Maura to be alive.
These are excellent questions. Sadly, there are no factual answers.

Please understand, I do not offer excuses for Maura being harmed. I seldom give my opinion and when I do, I clearly state that it is opinion. I have made it my goal to attempt to keep the facts straight.

...........my bed is calling and that is a fact! ;) G'night
nnglas said:

Although I believe that you have Maura's best interest in mind, I do think that whenever anybody starts talking about a runaway or suicide theory, you start running off a laundry list of excuses for Maura. For example......

She wasn't running away because.......she took her books, she picked up insurance forms....

She didn't tell anybody about her leaving town because......if she left that sort of a message they would be worried, dad could not receive phone calls at work, she tried to reach boyfriend but, she was a real private person...........
nnglas said:
. . . So with that Peabody, I too apologize, I meant no harm. I mean no harm. Maybe it is just easier for me to find excuses for Maura to be alive.
Good points. Well said.
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