NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 6

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There was at least one psychic that offered an unsolicited guess as I remember. From what I remember it was dismissed by the family for what it was.


I think the family dismissed it initially, but since 6 years have passed, I believe they think foul play is a big possibility in her disappearence. Fred had indicated in the "Disappeared" TV show that she may have been taken by a local creep.
This is such a perplexing mystery. It has occupied my thoughts on and off since I discovered this forum back in Feb. I have read and re-read every thread so many times. I have scoured web sites to learn all I can. One question that I can't seem to gain any insight into is what was the NH state trooper's role at the accident site that night. What (if anything) did he file in his report? I have read that he was at the scene for about 2 hours - (or that there were 2 hours between his radio contacts back to the dispatcher once he reported to the site). Seems to me that his initial investigation that night would shed great light and possibly answer many of our questions. Does anyone have knowledge into his report that he filed that night from his time at the scene?

From what I have read, he offers NO comment on that night. You would think he would have a simple explanation such as, "I thought the local police had the situation under control, so I took off to police the interstate".
He offers nothing, which I find ODD!
From what I have read, he offers NO comment on that night. You would think he would have a simple explanation such as, "I thought the local police had the situation under control, so I took off to police the interstate".
He offers nothing, which I find ODD!

Thank you! No report being filed is really ODD. It's downright STRANGE...It makes me recall a comment that I have heard again and again about how if an ADULT wants to disappear then it is within their right to do so. LE is not required to reveal a missing adult's where-a-bouts to family. I'm not saying that this is what happened in this case, just speculating based on the lack of information offered by LE. Does anyone think that it is possible that this trooper may have been in contact with MM at or near the scene? Could he have transported her to the destination she had intended when she left Amherst that day during the two unaccounted for hours? If MM wanted to run from her life and keep this from her family, would LE assist her in this effort?
Thank you! No report being filed is really ODD.

The reason a report was likely not written is because there was nothing to report. He didn't search, didn't see, didn't hear, didn't find.....anything. So, no report.

Does anyone think that it is possible that this trooper may have been in contact with MM at or near the scene?

Unlikely. That would have generated a report.

Could he have transported her to the destination she had intended when she left Amherst that day during the two unaccounted for hours?

Not likely.

If MM wanted to run from her life and keep this from her family, would LE assist her in this effort?

Not, actively unless she was in something like witness protection. But, if they found her they have no obligation to report her location. I don't know if they can at least report they found her, if they did.

I think the family dismissed it initially, but since 6 years have passed, I believe they think foul play is a big possibility in her disappearence. Fred had indicated in the "Disappeared" TV show that she may have been taken by a local creep.

There may or may not be foul play involved. I don't understand why that would have any bearing on guesses by psychics.

The reason a report was likely not written is because there was nothing to report. He didn't search, didn't see, didn't hear, didn't find.....anything. So, no report.

For two hours? Seems like a lot of time (if the time lag between radio contact was indeed spent) at the accident site --not to have anything to report. If the time that's indicated as him being there had been brief, I wouldn't question it.

I guess there is the chance that he just sat in his patrol car to see if she returned to the car and when that didn't happen or when he got a new call he left...with nothing to report.

I don't know, the two hours with out documentation has me wanting to know more and suspecting more.
For two hours? Seems like a lot of time (if the time lag between radio contact was indeed spent) at the accident site --not to have anything to report. If the time that's indicated as him being there had been brief, I wouldn't question it.

I guess there is the chance that he just sat in his patrol car to see if she returned to the car and when that didn't happen or when he got a new call he left...with nothing to report.

I don't know, the two hours with out documentation has me wanting to know more and suspecting more.

Where are you getting this "two unaccounted hours" from and why do you think his entire time was spent at that scene?

It is the role of Law Enforcement in a Missing Adult case is to make sure the missing person is not a crime victim or otherwise in any danger. Once those issues are ruled out, it would be violation of Privacy Laws to disclose a person's whereabouts to a third party, even the person who made the report.

SOP, in most states, is to pursue the case as "resources permit" but leave it open until "solved". If the Missing Person is "found" safe, they are told about the Missing Person Report. The Missing Person then has the option of contacting the reporter OR NOT. Often, the only clue the reporter has that the case is "solved" is that the case has been "closed".

A big problem with "missing adult" cases is that it is very common for young people age 10-25, particularly women, to "run away". They are adults and have every right to go where they want and it is not the role of Law Enforcement to intervene in family problems. The problem is made worse by the fact that families, ususally parents, will not be "truthful" about the circustances of their childs disappeance. They will deny the existance of written notes, verbal threats or promises, known problems or other evidence that the child left voluntartily. Parents, desparate for their children, will do whatever it takes.These case overwhelm the system and cause cynicism among Law Enforcement.

In many cases where missing young women turn out to be victims of predtors, parents complaind that the police "didn't take them seriously" at first. This is because most cases fitting the pattern are not "Serious".
Where are you getting this "two unaccounted hours" from and why do you think his entire time was spent at that scene?


Hey Bill - here is an excerpt from the Hansen Express and the New Hampshire Union Leader. I first saw this statement at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Maura_Murray#cite_note-11

The EMS and a fire truck arrived just before 8 pm, and quickly cleared the scene. Maura's car was towed to a local auto repair garage by 8:49 pm, and the police officer left to attend another call at about 9:30 pm. A New Hampshire State Police trooper stopped by the scene of the accident, but it is unknown at what time he arrived, if he was dispatched or if he stopped on his own accord. The family reports that they were told there was no radio communication between the officer and his station for approximately two hours upon arrival to the scene. [10][12] There was no immediate search as it was assumed that Maura had left the scene by herself.[3] Her bank card, credit cards, and cellphone have not been used since.
Thank you! No report being filed is really ODD. It's downright STRANGE...It makes me recall a comment that I have heard again and again about how if an ADULT wants to disappear then it is within their right to do so. LE is not required to reveal a missing adult's where-a-bouts to family. I'm not saying that this is what happened in this case, just speculating based on the lack of information offered by LE. Does anyone think that it is possible that this trooper may have been in contact with MM at or near the scene? Could he have transported her to the destination she had intended when she left Amherst that day during the two unaccounted for hours? If MM wanted to run from her life and keep this from her family, would LE assist her in this effort?

I doubt that they would not tell the family, if a police officer had given MM a ride to a destination. I can't see why they would keep that kind of info away from the family. They may say that she safely arrived to a destination, but may not disclose the destination, because MM had stated to them that she didn't want anyone to know her whereabouts.
Hey Bill - here is an excerpt from the Hansen Express and the New Hampshire Union Leader. I first saw this statement at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Maura_Murray#cite_note-11

The EMS and a fire truck arrived just before 8 pm, and quickly cleared the scene. Maura's car was towed to a local auto repair garage by 8:49 pm, and the police officer left to attend another call at about 9:30 pm. A New Hampshire State Police trooper stopped by the scene of the accident, but it is unknown at what time he arrived, if he was dispatched or if he stopped on his own accord. The family reports that they were told there was no radio communication between the officer and his station for approximately two hours upon arrival to the scene. [10][12] There was no immediate search as it was assumed that Maura had left the scene by herself.[3] Her bank card, credit cards, and cellphone have not been used since.

OK. Now I understand some of this. First, some of this information is just plain wrong. The well worn statement that there was no immediate search is wrong. There was a "hasty search" done that night by at least the officer and the school bus driver. A "hasty search" typically consists of running avenues of escape, which is what was done. The officer on scene also made a determination at the car that only one set of footprints left the car. Second, some of the times appear to be coming from the dispatch logs yet they don't seem to be referenced. Third, not hearing from the State trooper is likely not unusual in that area since there are large swathes of area that are not adequately covered by radio or cell phone. Again, I suspect that officers are not necessarily always in contact with their centers in those areas. From the discussions I remember, it wasn't even clear if the State trooper was on duty.

There may or may not be foul play involved. I don't understand why that would have any bearing on guesses by psychics.


I was just answering someone's question on the psychic's reading and the families views on an abduction being the possible reason for Maura's disappearance.
Does anyone think that it is possible that this trooper may have been in contact with MM at or near the scene? Could he have transported her to the destination she had intended when she left Amherst that day during the two unaccounted for hours? If MM wanted to run from her life and keep this from her family, would LE assist her in this effort?

I think any LE officer would have taken her into the station, instead of giving her a ride to a destination, because they found evidence of an open container of alcohol in her crashed car.
Did the state trooper ever make a public statement (in any format: interview or other) about his activities/observations at the accident site that night? His comments about weather conditions, traffic, accident/ impact theory, etc, would be useful.
I think any LE officer would have taken her into the station, instead of giving her a ride to a destination, because they found evidence of an open container of alcohol in her crashed car.

I remember the busted box of wine in the back seat as well as the soda bottle with red liquid that smelled of alcohol outside of the car. But remind me if there was an open container inside Maura's car - maybe the wine would count as open because it had burst during the crash? We know she had purchased more that day, but it was missing from the car, right? Thanks for the clarification.
I remember the busted box of wine in the back seat as well as the soda bottle with red liquid that smelled of alcohol outside of the car. But remind me if there was an open container inside Maura's car - maybe the wine would count as open because it had burst during the crash? We know she had purchased more that day, but it was missing from the car, right? Thanks for the clarification.

There was an open container (not the box of wine) found with a red liquid that smelled of alcohol on the ground outside the car according to the officer. There was also a red liquid splashed on the dash and elsewhere inside the car. There were some bottles of alcohol along with a backpack that were unaccounted for. There was speculation that Maura may have grabbed that before her departure from the car, leaving behind things like her monkey, jewelry, and books.

I remember the busted box of wine in the back seat as well as the soda bottle with red liquid that smelled of alcohol outside of the car. But remind me if there was an open container inside Maura's car - maybe the wine would count as open because it had burst during the crash? We know she had purchased more that day, but it was missing from the car, right? Thanks for the clarification.

You have it right. There was a soda bottle with wine in it outside of the car, as well as a busted box of wine on the inside. Also, wine was splattered all over the interior of the car. One could surmise that the soda bottle was inside the car before the crash. I don't know this for sure, but I don't think there was a cap on the soda bottle. I would think the cops would have thought she was drinking with this sort of evidence. I can't see them ignoring these obvious clues. If she didn't take off, they may have given her a breathalyzer test or a field sobriety test at the scene. They may have even asked her outright if she was drinking.
From what I have read, he offers NO comment on that night. You would think he would have a simple explanation such as, "I thought the local police had the situation under control, so I took off to police the interstate".
He offers nothing, which I find ODD!

If he didn't get involved in the search or in securing the scene, and if he has no information beyond what already has been reported by other LE, I would find it very odd if he did file a report (LE usually aren't so fond of paperwork as to file a report with no content) and I would find it odd, too, for him to publicly discuss his actions or lack of action. I used to supervise LE and generally found that they don't make public statements except in a formal way (a report) and unless they have something of significance to add.

I'm driving by the scene later today and will stop at the tree with the big blue ribbon to observe a moment of respect for this woman.
I am a little confused here. You mean to tell me if the N.H. LE had/has found MM that if she chose to not want her parents to know that is ok? I know she is an adult, I understand that, but could not LE just say that much?
This family is grief stricken, there has been article after article, forums, a TV show etc.
Couldn't they have least said we found her (that night) and she does not want anyone to know where she is at the moment? Rather this family has and is suffering a horrible nightmare not having the slightest idea what happened to her.
That is just beyond cruel,on both Maura's part (or anyone else that wants to disappear) and the system.
At least be able to say that much to a grieving family. Now I am really starting to wonder,,didn't LE not want to give MM's Dad any reports? Or something like that?

What do you all think?
I am a little confused here. You mean to tell me if the N.H. LE had/has found MM that if she chose to not want her parents to know that is ok? I know she is an adult, I understand that, but could not LE just say that much?
This family is grief stricken, there has been article after article, forums, a TV show etc.
Couldn't they have least said we found her (that night) and she does not want anyone to know where she is at the moment? Rather this family has and is suffering a horrible nightmare not having the slightest idea what happened to her.
That is just beyond cruel,on both Maura's part (or anyone else that wants to disappear) and the system.
At least be able to say that much to a grieving family. Now I am really starting to wonder,,didn't LE not want to give MM's Dad any reports? Or something like that?

What do you all think?

I would think LE would have said that they know that she is fine to the family, but that she did not want the family to know her location.
However, she had been drinking before the accident, so I doubt that LE would have let her go her merry way. Also, she would not be on their state's cold case list, if they knew she was fine.
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