NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 7

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I dont thing this has been brought up but bus drivers have CB;S just like truckers do why did he have to go home and call why not just go on the cb and contact the police right there and then...

I don't think that all buses have CB radios. In fact, I've never seen one on a bus. Although, maybe I just didn't notice. Also, police may not monitor it and I don't think you can call them directly from a CB. To me, the land line phone was much more efficient in getting the police that night in that area.
I dont thing this has been brought up but bus drivers have CB;S just like truckers do why did he have to go home and call why not just go on the cb and contact the police right there and then...

Good point - even if the bus didn't have one built in, would make sense for him to carry one in case a kid on the bus acts up or something happens...

You've been following this case - what are your thoughts about the SBD?

I've read lots about strange things he did...
Okay, here's another thought. Since the contractor lived right near the accident scene, why didn't he notice all the search activity and come forward at that point? Didn't he notice all the commotion? He may very well be innocent, but I'm trying to figure why he didn't remember the night he worked late at that point. Perhaps, he was at the Franconia work site and missed it all? Yet, I heard he was living with a girlfriend. Did she notice the searches and talk about it with him? If I saw officials with dogs wandering around in front of my house, I would want to know the reason and the specifics, so that I could help if possible. Could their house be set back enough to block the view of the activity?

Just some thoughts.

What you mention is something many have wondered about on other forums... I believe LE was still near his house by the time he would have returned home -- so seems there was no way to miss what was going on.
I don't think that all buses have CB radios. In fact, I've never seen one on a bus. Although, maybe I just didn't notice. Also, police may not monitor it and I don't think you can call them directly from a CB. To me, the land line phone was much more efficient in getting the police that night in that area.

I can only speak about my school district and their buses. Each bus has a radio, but the radio can only contact the schools, school board office, other buses, and bus garage. If they need to reach a parent, drivers radio the school and the school calls the parent. (They do carry cell phones too, but unless it is an emergency they are not to use them.)
For anyone else who hasn't seen the Disappeared episode featuring Maura, I found it on You Tube in 5 parts. I didn't learn anything I didn't already know from this forum, but I'm very glad I watched it.
There was a lot of interest placed on the bus driver. Interviewed in Florida, both he and his wife as well as an interview of the wife after the Bus driver passed away. I'm inclined to believe the reasoning is the investigators believe he or she did see something other than what has been put out in the open.

I often wonder, Where is the construction worker now? No information can be found regarding him. What company employed him at the time? or Was he self employed? Where is he now?
There was a lot of interest placed on the bus driver. Interviewed in Florida, both he and his wife as well as an interview of the wife after the Bus driver passed away. I'm inclined to believe the reasoning is the investigators believe he or she did see something other than what has been put out in the open.

I often wonder, Where is the construction worker now? No information can be found regarding him. What company employed him at the time? or Was he self employed? Where is he now?

Were the interviews in Florida with the bus driver and his wife police interviews or media interviews?
I often wonder, Where is the construction worker now? No information can be found regarding him. What company employed him at the time? or Was he self employed? Where is he now?

I think he lives in Dalton, NH now, but I'm NOT positive that it is him. The age fits though (late 40s). Dalton is in the vicinity of Woodsville compared to where the other guys live in NH with the same name, so it makes me think it could be him. You are right, there isn't much info on him. My guess is that he is self employed, because they would call him a "construction worker" rather than a "contractor" if he was employed.

This guy from Dalton is into ice fishing:

ICE FISHING DERBY | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
I know the issue of the cell phone has been discussed, but I can't find the information about whether or not it was left in the car. I apologize for bringing this up again, since I'm sure it's already been hashed out somewhere on here.

If Maura didn't have her phone with her, this question is pointless. If she did though, I'm wondering, was there no cell service in the entire area, or could there have been cell service in the area where the dog lost track of her scent? (I like how they used a German Shepherd on Disappeared while talking about a blood hound). Anyway, this wouldn't answer what possibly happened to her, but I'm wondering, if there WAS service, was it possible that she walked to that point to get service and then called someone she knew to come pick her up?

I guess that doesn't make sense because, for one thing, she didn't know anyone in the area (as far as we know). Also, that would mean that someone else has also gone off the radar if the two are hiding out together (which, of course, is extremely unlikely). I don't know. Maybe she did know someone in the area, since her dad did say they'd been there several times. Maybe she did call someone to pick her up and that person either doesn't want to come forward because he or she is the one who harmed her, or maybe that person dropped her off somewhere else where something did happen and feels some responsiblity or is afraid to get blamed.

I don't know. I've always been of the opinion that her plans beforehand, however strange they may have been, had nothing to do with what happened to her. However, after watching Disappeared, I can't help but wonder if she may have been planning to meet someone after all. I know the police went through her computer already and never mentioned anything, but I just find it incredibly odd that she would plan to go somewhere all by herself, however upset she may have been about her dad's car. Another thing that's odd to me is that no hotel/condo/cabin etc. came forward saying they had any reservations for her. Considering the amount of research Maura did, I don't think she would have left on this trip without finalizing somewhere to stay. Could it be possible that she was planning to stay with someone? I really can't make sense out of this part.

Like I said, I've always thought that her plans had nothing to do with what happened, but those things do make me curious about whether or not maybe she did plan to meet up with someone and that, one way or another, that person was the one she did ultimately meet up with, and he or she caused her harm. She also purchased a heck of a lot of alcohol for one person.

The lack of reservations to stay anywhere and the excess alcohol make me suspicious that she did plan to meet somebody. I would say that person had nothing to do with what happened, except if that were the case, he or she would have come forward and said so.

Hmmmm. Thoughts?
Good point - even if the bus didn't have one built in, would make sense for him to carry one in case a kid on the bus acts up or something happens...

You've been following this case - what are your thoughts about the SBD?

I've read lots about strange things he did...

If you wouldn't mind, what strange things have you read? Or do you have links or anything of the sort? I've heard these kinds of things said before but I've never seen any in print. Thank you.

Also, if the contractor lived just down the way from where this happened, and he says he saw "someone" running that night, wouldn't he have noticed everything else going on around, wouldn't it be unforgettable?
IIRC, the contractor didn't report his seeing a person possibly matching Maura's description running down the road some ways away from the scene of the accident until a few months later.

So if he did see LE activity near his home the night of Maura's accident/disappearance, he didn't initially connect it to the person he saw running, or so it would seem.
IIRC, the contractor didn't report his seeing a person possibly matching Maura's description running down the road some ways away from the scene of the accident until a few months later.

So if he did see LE activity near his home the night of Maura's accident/disappearance, he didn't initially connect it to the person he saw running, or so it would seem.

There is that possibility he was clueless. Perhaps, he was busy and spent day and night on the job, but I have a feeling there must have been talk about Maura's disappearance. If his business associates and construction friends knew where he lived, I would venture to guess they'd bring up the disappearance, because of his home's close proximity to her car accident. Also, there were at least 2 searches in his area--right by his house. Was he up and out of the house so early not to notice them? Did his live-in girlfriend notice them and talk about it with him? That is a quiet part of NH. Police, search parties and helicopters are not the norm I would think. Yes, it is possible he didn't connect the running person with Maura's disappearance, but he did have to head west on Rt. 112 to get home, so he should have seen the lights from the tow truck and police vehicles down the road from his house. I wonder if he didn't connect the police and tow truck lights with her disappearance? The runner would be something he would remember, because I suspect it was an odd sighting in February on that road at night.

Here's my imagination at work: I could imagine another construction worker kidding with him about hiding Maura, especially if they knew the dogs lost the scent in front of his house. I can't help thinking this. Yet, I realize the contractor may have nothing to do with her disappearance. There are more than 2 men in NH. The bus driver and contractor are not the only ones in town.
I know the issue of the cell phone has been discussed, but I can't find the information about whether or not it was left in the car. I apologize for bringing this up again, since I'm sure it's already been hashed out somewhere on here.

If Maura didn't have her phone with her, this question is pointless. If she did though, I'm wondering, was there no cell service in the entire area, or could there have been cell service in the area where the dog lost track of her scent? (I like how they used a German Shepherd on Disappeared while talking about a blood hound). Anyway, this wouldn't answer what possibly happened to her, but I'm wondering, if there WAS service, was it possible that she walked to that point to get service and then called someone she knew to come pick her up?

I guess that doesn't make sense because, for one thing, she didn't know
anyone in the area (as far as we know). Also, that would mean that someone else has also gone off the radar if the two are hiding out together (which, of course, is extremely unlikely). I don't know. Maybe she did know someone in the area, since her dad did say they'd been there several times. Maybe she did call someone to pick her up and that person either doesn't want to come forward because he or she is the one who harmed her, or maybe that person dropped her off somewhere else where something did happen and feels some responsiblity or is afraid to get blamed.

I don't know. I've always been of the opinion that her plans beforehand, however strange they may have been, had nothing to do with what happened
to her. However, after watching Disappeared, I can't help but wonder if she may have been planning to meet someone after all. I know the police went through her computer already and never mentioned anything, but I just find it incredibly odd that she would plan to go somewhere all by herself, however upset she may have been about her dad's car. Another thing that's odd to me is that no hotel/condo/cabin etc. came forward saying they had any reservations for her. Considering the amount of research Maura did, I don't think she would have left on this trip without finalizing somewhere to stay. Could it be possible that she was planning to stay with someone? I really can't make sense out of this part.

Like I said, I've always thought that her plans had nothing to do with what happened, but those things do make me curious about whether or not maybe she did plan to meet up with someone and that, one way or another, that person was the one she did ultimately meet up with, and he or she caused her harm. She also purchased a heck of a lot of alcohol for one person.

The lack of reservations to stay anywhere and the excess alcohol make me suspicious that she did plan to meet somebody. I would say that person had nothing to do with what happened, except if that were the case, he or she would have come forward and said so.

Hmmmm. Thoughts?

I believe she had the phone, but left the AAA card in the car. If she called someone to pick her up, the call would have been in her phone records. IIRC, her boyfriend's mother was actually the owner of that phone and had access to the records. No calls of that nature were made.

She did buy alot of alcohol, but she may had figured she'd use some of it for a future dorm party. In other words, she might not have planned to consume it all on that trip. As far as overnight accommodations, maybe she was just winging it and that is why she was rushing up to NH. It was getting late.

Just some thoughts, not sure if they are correct.
I read an old police forum from 2009 and learned that the bus driver was a former policemen for the town of Taunton, MA. I wonder why he left the force? Was he retired?
I don't think that all buses have CB radios. In fact, I've never seen one on a bus. Although, maybe I just didn't notice. Also, police may not monitor it and I don't think you can call them directly from a CB. To me, the land line phone was much more efficient in getting the police that night in that area.

Are you trying to tell me that a guy/girl resposnsible for 30 plus kids uses a bus with no radio contact i highly dought that . not this day in age or back when maura went missing and if he had a cell phone to use for emergency;s what do u call this not to mention the fact most people have thier own cell phone so thats 3 options even if as someone else stated the cb radio goes to other busses or back to the school or the station he could have used it to call then to call 911 so like i said thats 3 ways to get someone there instantlly and yet he chose none he chose to go to a land line. Not the smartest idea in my estimation and why did he do this is the question.
Are you trying to tell me that a guy/girl resposnsible for 30 plus kids uses a bus with no radio contact i highly dought that . not this day in age or back when maura went missing and if he had a cell phone to use for emergency;s what do u call this not to mention the fact most people have thier own cell phone so thats 3 options even if as someone else stated the cb radio goes to other busses or back to the school or the station he could have used it to call then to call 911 so like i said thats 3 ways to get someone there instantlly and yet he chose none he chose to go to a land line. Not the smartest idea in my estimation and why did he do this is the question.

Cell phones didn't work in that area, which is why the bus driver went home to use the landline. As far as CB, we don't even know if his bus was equipped with one. If it did have a CB radio, maybe there wasn't an easy way to contact police at that late hour. Keep in mind, the bus driver lived only 100 yards down the street from the accident. Calling from his landline was probably the easiest option at the time. He probably wanted to move the bus off the road as well. It was probably not safe to have it stopped in that area for too long.
I read an old police forum from 2009 and learned that the bus driver was a former policemen for the town of Taunton, MA. I wonder why he left the force? Was he retired?

I've read that while he said he once was in LE, he never really was. Would have to go thru the site I posted a link to some posts back..

Oh, here is the link

I cannot vouch for the validity of anything posted there, but found it interesting, especially what was posted by the author, Peripeteia
"Were the interviews in Florida with the bus driver and his wife police interviews or media interviews?"

Because I'm not at liberty to discuss details that I've given my word not to reveal I can only tell you this and let you expand on it to the best of your ability. The answer to your question is this: If it wasn't LE or Media conducting the interviews, Who does that leave that would have the authority to conduct interviews?

It absolutely pains me to have certain information that I gave my word I would not share. The reason it pains me so is ALL this time has passed and no conclusion has come to this case. I would be much more comfortable if ALL those involved in the investigation would release the information to the public at this time. To me it appears they are obviously stymied by the turn their investigation has taken. They may very well be holding the very pieces needed that the public may be able to put together after all this time. If they in fact have two pieces of hard evidence in their possession found at the crime scene as stated in a previous article by John Healey of the NH League of Private investigators I can only surmise those pieces contain only two things, 1) Articles they haven't found out who they belong to. 2) DNA evidence which has yielded no match to this day.
I don't like to sound as though I'm disgusted with the investigators in any way but time continues to march on with no answers and no new updates. I'm not a family member and this case rips at my gut everyday. I can only imagine what this is doing to the family.
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