NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 8

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I don't know about MM being as alcoholic as some seem to be saying. Even less so about having an eating disorder. As someone here liked to say, much of our peculation is simply "white noise". I have to admit, much of what I've speculated falls into that category as well.

I don't know if we can ever find an answer as to what happened to her.
Occam's razor leads me to think she either perished from the elements (intentionally or unintentionally) and somehow remarkably has not been found; or she was taken (either willingly or unwillingly) shortly after her crash and again remarkably not been found.

I do agree with you on what may have happened to her. I think she could have succumbed to the elements, accepted a lift (unknowingly from a bad guy) or she was hit by a vehicle. I don't think she was abducted off the street. I have a feel she accepted a ride from the wrong person. I do think she had a eating disorder, because it explains her actions prior to the NH accident. It may be white noise, but it fills in the blanks for me. As far as what happened to her after her NH accident is anybody's guess, but the 3 possibilities I listed are my theories on what happened. I do not think she was meeting anyone and I have a feeling she didn't tell anyone she was heading north. She didn't even tell her boyfriend (phone call) when she was making the plans. In fact, she wasn't in the mood to talk.
After thinking for a few years now that Maura must've met her end that February night in New Hampshire 8 years ago, the recent efforts of Mr Renner ( http://mauramurray.blogspot.com/ ) have me tilting toward Maura didn't know what she wanted that night but somehow ended up voluntarily disappearing.

1. It wasn't that cold that night.

2. Maura was a youthful, conditioned athlete, who likely could've separated herself from
the accident scene and made it to some sort of shelter with relative ease--with
or without anyone else's assistance.

3. Maura had coping and surviving skills that until recently we weren't aware of.
i.e., digging credit card numbers out of dumpsters to acquire basic necessities.

4. Maura drank more than it initially seemed (Bailey's in her morning coffee?)

5. Maura spent a year (or two?) at West Point. Just getting into West Point is a major achievement.

6. Maura's looks:

(a) while for the most part a hyper-generic looking girl
(b) the pictures circulated by her family after her disappearance look different than her
mugshot or whatever it was taken right before she disappeared.

I think it was possible she made it to town. She was young, healthy and a champion runner. However, it is sooooo dark on those roads. It is disconcerting and downright scary. One can become disoriented very easily. Also, it would have taken her hours to get to town. I have always wondered if she had a flashlight with her. It would have made a difference.
I think it was possible she made it to town. She was young, healthy and a champion runner. However, it is sooooo dark on those roads. It is disconcerting and downright scary. One can become disoriented very easily. Also, it would have taken her hours to get to town. I have always wondered if she had a flashlight with her. It would have made a difference.

Apparently she had a running injury at that time and it has been "reported" that her running shoes were in locked in the Saturn that night. But if you were feeling trapped and wronged and were going it alone you might be tempted to run just about anywhere.
As we approach the 8th anniversary - when all is said and done, what rattles around in my mind is driving a car running on only 3 of it's 4 cylinders.

Would it have been smoking all along the way and drawing unwanted attention to a lone female in a broken down car?

Would it have caused her to make more stops for gas than needed?

It also says something about the mindset of the driver in that driving a car in that condition one would have to feel it might breakdown at any moment, stranding you.
So MM must not have cared about that, feared it like I would, or she feel confident in herself that she would find shelter or get a ride for help - which leads me to thinking that while she did not want help from the SBD, she couldn't have been close-minded about accepting rides.
Any thoughts about this?
Regarding the consultation of psychics:

"The Associated Press

The parents of a Massachusetts woman missing in northern New Hampshire for two months reacted with skepticism to a psychic profiler's belief that the
young woman was abducted and killed.

Maura Murray's father, Fred, contacted the California psychic and is unsure
if he believes her, but the missing woman's mother says she is disregarding
Carla Baron's belief that Maura Murray was the victim of a serial killer.

"I don't believe her," Laurie Murray, of Hanson, told the Boston Sunday
Globe. "I don't believe in (psychics) at all."

University of Massachusetts nursing student Maura Murray, 21, has not been
seen since she was involved in a one-car accident in Haverhill on Feb. 9.

Police have said there are no signs of foul play, but her family, and now
nationally known psychic Carla Baron say they believe someone picked Murray up after the accident and harmed her.

Fred Murray, of Weymouth, said he's willing to listen to anyone who offers
help because law enforcement officials have been unable to explain his
daughter's disappearance Feb. 9.

"I have no idea whether they know what they're talking about or not," he
said of Baron and other psychics who contacted him. "If they're wrong,
they're wrong. The police seem to be out of ideas and there's no information
coming forward."

Maura Murray abruptly packed belongings and drove to New Hampshire without telling friends of family members of her plans.

Baron, a psychic profiler who helped lead police to finding the body of a
man who had committed suicide in a cornfield in the Midwest, told Fred
Murray that she believes a clean-cut man offered her a ride after her
accident, sexually assaulted her, killed her, and dumped the body, the Globe

Baron also told him there is another woman's body near his daughter's - a
victim of the same person.

Lt. John Scarinza, who has been in charge of the case, could not be reached
to comment Saturday."

Very interesting. Carla Baron is supposed to be the real deal. I have thought all along that it is someone local that has done this before.
Very interesting. Carla Baron is supposed to be the real deal. I have thought all along that it is someone local that has done this before.

As the eight year mark approaches perhaps that's all that might be of help -- psychics and mediums. The problem is that they sense energy movement and usually aren't able to recite names or licence plate numbers. But, if you've ever watched John Edward and James van Praagh in an audience it's amazing to see what they are able to relay to the living loved ones of those who have passed. Perhaps something might come to light if they were to try and reach Maura on the other side.

It might prove interesting if someone could convene a gaggle of renowned paranormal investigators to see what they might come up with collectively. I'm a science based, show me the facts kind of person but if more information could be gained through via a variety of investigative modalities, why not?
If it were me, as the parents of a loved one, or a sister or brother, I'd not rely on what easily might be cold-readers, who may exploit the death, but rather rely on the inner promptings (within)....for I always hear from all my loved ones when they crossed over.

It just takes a true faith that the spiritual plane exists, and then patience.

I read in Beth Holloways book that she didn't hear from Natalie for 1 year after she disappeared, and then in the dream (I call them a breakthrough dream) Beth saw her in a room gathered with the entire family, her grandparents too, and Natalie said to them
"Where is my stuff".

Beth said that in this dream she appeared to not know yet she was dead.
WMUR (New Hampshire) had a brief news segment on Maura's disappearance last night. I found it difficult to watch Fred Murray and see his physical pain over the loss of his daughter. If he thought Maura was alive anywhere in the world I'm certain he would have left no stone unturned.

Very intriguing post up on Renner's blog... http://mauramurray.blogspot.com/2012/02/does-mauras-cousin-know-true-story-of.html

While most of what this person says is plausible, I start to have problems when it gets to the final accident. I simply find it hard to believe that Maura actually staged it, and then took off with some mystery man who was waiting in the wings.

If she was about to willingly disappear with this guy, then why buy so much alcohol? Maura's trip up to NH (or wherever it was) seems very last-minute, very rushed and almost desperate. It doesn't seem like she was about to make a clean break from her old life with this sort of smooth Hollywood-esque plan IMO.
Very intriguing post up on Renner's blog... http://mauramurray.blogspot.com/2012/02/does-mauras-cousin-know-true-story-of.html

While most of what this person says is plausible, I start to have problems when it gets to the final accident. I simply find it hard to believe that Maura actually staged it, and then took off with some mystery man who was waiting in the wings.

If she was about to willingly disappear with this guy, then why buy so much alcohol? Maura's trip up to NH (or wherever it was) seems very last-minute, very rushed and almost desperate. It doesn't seem like she was about to make a clean break from her old life with this sort of smooth Hollywood-esque plan IMO.

I agree. Why would she tell the school a family member died, so she'll be gone for a week? IMO, this was an excuse to get away for a week, so she wouldn't get into any trouble for her absence when she got back. Why bother coming up with an excuse if you're going to take off forever?? Also, there is absolutely no proof of correspondence with a secret lover. Some say she may have used a throw away cell phone, but why would she need to bother? She wasn't married. She was free to see anyone she wishes. He could have been married, but why would SHE need to keep it a secret? Her phone bill did go to Billy's mother, but I feel she could have explained it away. Perhaps, say the guy was tutoring her, etc. The whole idea of a secret lover just seems too complicated to me. She did things impulsively in the last few days before her disappearance. For her to be calculating with her correspondence and planning with a secret lover doesn't ring true to me.

The only way this could be true for me is if LE was holding back info. Maybe there are calls they are keeping secret, but as far as the existing evidence made public, I feel she left on her own. Besides, why didn't the secret lover drive her up there, instead of her taking that malfunctioning car?

In the Renner blog, there was a list of LE's evidence from early in the investigation. It mentions Grand Jury subpoenas. It looks like LE may have a possible suspect, but don't have enough evidence to prosecute, because nothing has come out of this Grand Jury. This is just my opinion and speculation.
At first when James mentioned his book I didn't think his efforts were all that sincere to the cause of helping find Maura - but as I've followed his blog my opinion has changed to where I now see his efforts as the real-deal.

On this the 8th anniversary - hopefully MM's family members will see this as well, and open up to him.
At first when James mentioned his book I didn't think his efforts were all that sincere to the cause of helping find Maura - but as I've followed his blog my opinion has changed to where I now see his efforts as the real-deal. On this the 8th anniversary - hopefully MM's family members will see this as well, and open up to him.

So much drama on this anniversary day over at Mr. Renner's blog concerning the creepy videos posted on YouTube by someone calling himself "112dirtbag". While it might have been just a sadistic prank, it's clearly been orchestrated by someone who is not of sane mind.

At first when James mentioned his book I didn't think his efforts were all that sincere to the cause of helping find Maura - but as I've followed his blog my opinion has changed to where I now see his efforts as the real-deal.

On this the 8th anniversary - hopefully MM's family members will see this as well, and open up to him.

At the very least, with the attention on this case, maybe the dirtbag creep will be revealed or they will reveal themselves in some way. I like keeping the pressure on!
So much drama on this anniversary day over at Mr. Renner's blog concerning the creepy videos posted on YouTube by someone calling himself "112dirtbag". While it might have been just a sadistic prank, it's clearly been orchestrated by someone who is not of sane mind.


He's clearly is a sicko along with being a dirtbag. He looks like he is in his 50s or a not aging well, late 40s. Meaning, he could have been in his early 40s in 2004. He could be a local or someone familiar with NH to know about Bretton Woods.
He's clearly is a sicko along with being a dirtbag. He looks like he is in his 50s or a not aging well, late 40s. Meaning, he could have been in his early 40s in 2004. He could be a local or someone familiar with NH to know about Bretton Woods.

There is much speculation about who the man in the video is and his possible history as a long-standing poster on many different Topix threads. And perhaps other sites as well? If Maura chose to not accept help from the school bus driver out of fear from being assaulted then she probably wouldn't have willingly gotten into a vehicle with this weirdo.

Time to go light a candle for Maura and pray that her disappearance gets solved someday soon!
There is much speculation about who the man in the video is and his possible history as a long-standing poster on many different Topix threads. And perhaps other sites as well? If Maura chose to not accept help from the school bus driver out of fear from being assaulted then she probably wouldn't have willingly gotten into a vehicle with this weirdo.

Time to go light a candle for Maura and pray that her disappearance gets solved someday soon!

Yeah, I can buy that, but I'm soooo glad Renner captured this guy's face on his blog! Some followers of the blog also downloaded the videos. So when he deleted it, LE could probably still find it if they are interested! He needs to be talked to in my opinion, just because he is a dirtbag. It can't hurt. He is probably just trying to get attention, but you never know . . .he may not be as clever as he thinks he is . . .
There is much speculation about who the man in the video is and his possible history as a long-standing poster on many different Topix threads. And perhaps other sites as well? If Maura chose to not accept help from the school bus driver out of fear from being assaulted then she probably wouldn't have willingly gotten into a vehicle with this weirdo.

Time to go light a candle for Maura and pray that her disappearance gets solved someday soon!

Do you think it was the lawyer dude, who thinks Fred is responsible? That guy was a piece of work, in my opinion. I didn't participate on Topix, but I did read some of the posts.
There is much speculation about who the man in the video is and his possible history as a long-standing poster on many different Topix threads. And perhaps other sites as well? If Maura chose to not accept help from the school bus driver out of fear from being assaulted then she probably wouldn't have willingly gotten into a vehicle with this weirdo.

Time to go light a candle for Maura and pray that her disappearance gets solved someday soon!

My bold

Yes! I want to see her family get some answers and if there are dirtbags involved, I want Maura and her family to get justice! I don't want anyone to get away with this! We need to keep Maura's flame alive! We need to keep pressure on the dirtbag if she met with foul play! I am not forgetting!
At first when James mentioned his book I didn't think his efforts were all that sincere to the cause of helping find Maura - but as I've followed his blog my opinion has changed to where I now see his efforts as the real-deal.

On this the 8th anniversary - hopefully MM's family members will see this as well, and open up to him.

I don't agree with him a lot, but he does keep the hunt alive. I want to keep Maura's case out there. i think keeping the pressure on is helpful. Unfortunately, the family has to put up with all the lame theories, but keeping her case hot is best in my opinion. Answers need to be found.
I don't agree with him a lot, but he does keep the hunt alive. I want to keep Maura's case out there. i think keeping the pressure on is helpful. Unfortunately, the family has to put up with all the lame theories, but keeping her case hot is best in my opinion. Answers need to be found.

Was thinking, despite all the poking around, nothing much new has really been discovered - and along that line I respect FRED'S WISDOM at the onset of his daughter' disappearance when he said something to the effect of (paraphrasing in my word's not his) nothing matters about events prior to her crashing in Haverhill - all that matters is what happened right after it.

I personally think she was in a vulnerable, endangered state - and while I think she did NOT run away purposely to commit suicide, she may have REACHED A POINT where she did care anymore after the crash.

I wonder about the mindset of going on a long trip in a car that barely runs...

I WONDER IF SHE CARRIED A FLASHLIGHT. This is a something I'm amazed has not been looked into!
It's the only (using a flashlight) I see her running any distance in the dark early night. If she had one in her emergency kit, was it still there??? If she did and if it was gone, then the search should have been done over a much larger area.

I speak from experience running in the dark at night. Wife and I both used flashlights, also a bit of protection too in case any thugs were around. Would never run after a snowfall because of stones being kicked up by plows...

Lastly - a big MISCONCEPTION is the difficulty for a person to simply sit out in the cold and freeze to death... After running, at least for me, sometimes low blood sugar sets in and instead of feeling cold I stop and feel very, very warm - opening my coat and taking off gloves and hat, it strange in that the cold though biting actually feels good! It would be so easy to doze off, and I'm guessing never to wake up.
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