NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - # 9

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Snipped from Concord Monitor: A decade lost and the spotlight gone, a father searches for his daughter

But months turned to years and the tips stopped pouring in. Now, nearly a decade out, the prospect for resolution is dimming for the 70-year-old father.

“It appears I’m going to go to my eternal reward not knowing what happened on that night,” Fred said last month at the home in Hanson, Mass., where he raised Maura and his other two daughters. He no longer lives there – he hasn’t in years – but he visits often and says he’s fixing it up, with the intention to one day move back. The house is beautiful but dated, its interior dusty and carpets cluttered with bric-a-brac. Two small oval portraits hang on the living room wall: one of Maura and the other of her older sister Julie, both in soft gray West Point uniforms, standing tall, proud.
With so much taking place in what James is now posting on his blog, it seems he's premature in finishing his book and publishing it now ..... should be held off till there's resolution to things he's just mentioned, no?
I just get a weird feeling about how the family is reacting. They seem to be intent on spinning a very specific narrative about what happened leading up to her going missing, and what happened after (foul play). Any other possibility is considered out of hand, and not possible in their view. They even go further in trying to paint a very rosy picture of Maura, and refuse to consider that there were some serious issues in her life that could taint that image, and have been a cause in her leaving. It is a stark contrast to the case of Leah Peebles whose family was not at all concerned about how she appeared in the eyes of others, even if she was heavy into drugs and even a prostitute, they simply wanted an answer as far as what happened to her and help her if they could. That seems to be the more likely approach of a family wanting answers, as opposed to what is happening in this case.
I think Renner has some resolution on some of the posts and they will be in the book or he will post more.

And I agree. Since day one there has been this whole thing if one doesn't follow the family line - and so much of that makes no sense. I think the whole Maine/Red Truck thing is so interesting and so close to what I have thought since shortly after Maura left/went missing.
I just get a weird feeling about how the family is reacting. They seem to be intent on spinning a very specific narrative about what happened leading up to her going missing, and what happened after (foul play). Any other possibility is considered out of hand, and not possible in their view. They even go further in trying to paint a very rosy picture of Maura, and refuse to consider that there were some serious issues in her life that could taint that image, and have been a cause in her leaving. It is a stark contrast to the case of Leah Peebles whose family was not at all concerned about how she appeared in the eyes of others, even if she was heavy into drugs and even a prostitute, they simply wanted an answer as far as what happened to her and help her if they could. That seems to be the more likely approach of a family wanting answers, as opposed to what is happening in this case.


I think she had a few problems, but maybe the family feels it is none of our business. It isn't something most families would like to advertise about their loved ones. I also don't think they feel it has anything to do with the reason she disappeared. They may believe she had issues that may have been the reason why she drove up to NH, but not the reason she is missing. For example, if she accepted a ride from someone and he killed her, that scenario would have had very little to do with her problems. The only connection would have been her emotional state caused by her problems which influenced her decisions that day. The decision to go up to NH.

I guess it all depends on what made her disappear. All the digging into her family and her problems may have nothing to do with what ultimately happened to her.

Hey people I havn't been back on here in along time but i have been reading and as before too I was weary of this guy writing the book heres how i see it I think the familly knows alot more and clearly so do the friends and i think they are just trying to keep her image clean they don't want all this garbage and acusations on top of a disappearance and really what is that gonna do for anyone its seperate in my mind the disappearance i mean and it just happens to be so close to other stuff that had happend in her life but i dont think they are related and the familly knows that so why give anyone the info about what happend at this party or maybe her getting charged or whatever that could trash her name the familly wants the focus on the disappearance nothing else and i have to agree ....
Renner's on a roll... See the last half dozen entries... http://mauramurray.blogspot.com

He appears to be following up every single lead he can, which is what a good investigator does. There's absolutely no way to know which details will be relevant, in retrospect. Most of what he's digging up will be irrelevant, of course -- but that's also true when you're mining for gold.

I appreciate the hell out of his work.
Agree with those above saying after her Haverhill crash if a homicide took place then the events prompting her to take the trip are unrelated.

The statement attributed to Rick Graves, on James' Blog:
"He thinks Fred is a good guy. Conservative. But nice. And he paid for everything."

Well that short, simple sentence dispels all the negatives I've read about Fred.

I remain of the opinion that whatever happened in Haverhill that fateful night is a classic example of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
More posted on James' blog, "Letter from Julie Murray" -

And what does James mean when he says,
"Information was given to me last week that confirms what I've always suspected about Fred. I will be giving that info to police on Monday." ???????
What exactly is James Renner implying in his blog? I know that he claims that Fred lied about some things but what else? It's like he has a theory but won't come right out and say it.
Does anyone think that James Renner could possibly be spinning things to make his theories sound more plausible? I mean, if you read between the lines he obviously thinks Maura Murray staged her disappearance and is living a new life somewhere.
He is a journalist who is trying to publish and sell a book. Which do you think is a more interesting story: MM starting a new life with a mysterious love who had a burn phone OR MM walked far away from the car accident and killed herself and has not been found. Why does everyone seem to take everything he says as fact, while picking apart everything MM's family and LE says? People seem to think that MM's family knows more or is hiding things. Why? Because they won't talk to an investigative journalist who has basically trashed all of them?
Sometimes things aren't as suspicious as they may seem. JR can easily say "Oh, I had to sleuth to find one of MM's friends and she was hiding out with a couple in Mass." When in actuality the person was not hiding, had a public Linkedin profile and a public Facebook profile. Don't people see how he spins things, and then he claims he just wants to find MM? He wants to entice ppl. to buy his book.
I'm just tired of seeing Maura Murray and her family trashed, especially her Dad. If she is found alive and well, I will be happy, but after so much time it hardly seems possible. She probably met with foul play or committed suicide and has not been found. I think the probability that she is deceased is a lot higher than the probability that she orchestrated her own disappearance, staged her car accident, hopped into her mystery man's car behind her, and rode off into the sunset. Oh, and there is no trace of her new boyfriend on her phone records because they were using burn phones. Yep, and her friends were all sworn to secrecy, oh yeah, and even her family knows but they are reporting her as missing to LE because if she is alive she will be wanted for questioning in the Vasi hit and run, and Fred Murray is protecting her from that. Yep, all of that sounds so much more likely. Man, he should be an Oscar winner if he can act that fake sad! Oh yeah, and Fred Murray kept dirty pictures in his house that looked like MM!!!! Oh, and he had a lot of dirty dishes in his sink too, so he must be hiding something. I mean, give me a break!
Unless there is something to the vasi hit and run, then I believe that maura took her own life and was not aided by anyone in that final outcome.

Where I get the suicide theory is by having poured through all the news articles, interviews, and factual documents such as accident reports and some of the items James has released on his blog. And also from physically visiting her school campus and accident site myself last summer.

I fully understand that not every news article is 100 percent factual and accurate, but you can take a cumulative look at all the articles and compare them and find out where misinformation exists and where the story-line remains very consistent throughout.

I look and put more credence into the articles done in the early days after maura went missing. There was less chance for those reports to feature spin in them (from family and rumors etc.)

My theory as it stands until proven otherwise.

Maura was depressed. She packed her dorm room (to save everyone the trouble of having to deal with it after her suicide), and only packed enough clothes and items to get away for a night or two.

I think she planned on staying the night likely near a mountain or hiking area she was very familiar with. She brought a few clothes but she also brought some sentimental items such as some jewelry and a teddy bear etc. and the alcohol, possibly as a way to have one last night of reflection.

I think she originally was going to do what her father thought and go drink herself to death on a mountain the next day after having spent a night in a hotel near her final destination.

Her second car wreck (unless the vasi angle has something to do with her) was UNPLANNED. She had started drinking early and lost control of her vehicle.

I think she first attempted to unfree her car and leave the accident site (nbased on news reports that noted the car's taillights coming on and off), but then the school bus driver approached the scene and she was stuck.

She lied to the school bus driver told him not to call for assistance and when he went back to his house after telling her he was calling the police anyway, I believe she freaked out and made a split second decision to leave her car.

She (most notably) left her clothes and sentimental items behind, yet managed to take her backpack and bottles of alcohol with her. (very telling)
I think she locked her car up knowing that police would get it and it would eventually be turned over to her father (therefore he gets the accident forms as well).

She definitely got out of the immediate area (most likely by foot) and iMHO, she either got tired of walking and accepted a ride further east from the accident or somehow managed to hike the distance herself.

If she accepted a ride, I don't think anything sinister happened. the person that picked her up was just doing a good samaratin type thing and never put any more thought into it after dropping maura off at her final desitination.

In my theory,maura can be found somwhere near one of the mountain trails she was familiar with. Her body hasn't been found because all searches for her have been done near her car. I think she would tuck herself pretty far in somewhere if she was going to take her own life, to have her last moments on earth in peace.

Anything from animals to weather could have played a big part in disrupting anyone all these years from discovering her body.

I predict someday we will find out what happened, and this is pretty much it.
Unless there is something to the vasi hit and run, then I believe that maura took her own life and was not aided by anyone in that final outcome.

Where I get the suicide theory is by having poured through all the news articles, interviews, and factual documents such as accident reports and some of the items James has released on his blog. And also from physically visiting her school campus and accident site myself last summer.

I fully understand that not every news article is 100 percent factual and accurate, but you can take a cumulative look at all the articles and compare them and find out where misinformation exists and where the story-line remains very consistent throughout.

I look and put more credence into the articles done in the early days after maura went missing. There was less chance for those reports to feature spin in them (from family and rumors etc.)

My theory as it stands until proven otherwise.

Maura was depressed. She packed her dorm room (to save everyone the trouble of having to deal with it after her suicide), and only packed enough clothes and items to get away for a night or two.

I think she planned on staying the night likely near a mountain or hiking area she was very familiar with. She brought a few clothes but she also brought some sentimental items such as some jewelry and a teddy bear etc. and the alcohol, possibly as a way to have one last night of reflection.

I think she originally was going to do what her father thought and go drink herself to death on a mountain the next day after having spent a night in a hotel near her final destination.

Her second car wreck (unless the vasi angle has something to do with her) was UNPLANNED. She had started drinking early and lost control of her vehicle.

I think she first attempted to unfree her car and leave the accident site (nbased on news reports that noted the car's taillights coming on and off), but then the school bus driver approached the scene and she was stuck.

She lied to the school bus driver told him not to call for assistance and when he went back to his house after telling her he was calling the police anyway, I believe she freaked out and made a split second decision to leave her car.

She (most notably) left her clothes and sentimental items behind, yet managed to take her backpack and bottles of alcohol with her. (very telling)
I think she locked her car up knowing that police would get it and it would eventually be turned over to her father (therefore he gets the accident forms as well).

She definitely got out of the immediate area (most likely by foot) and iMHO, she either got tired of walking and accepted a ride further east from the accident or somehow managed to hike the distance herself.

If she accepted a ride, I don't think anything sinister happened. the person that picked her up was just doing a good samaratin type thing and never put any more thought into it after dropping maura off at her final desitination.

In my theory,maura can be found somwhere near one of the mountain trails she was familiar with. Her body hasn't been found because all searches for her have been done near her car. I think she would tuck herself pretty far in somewhere if she was going to take her own life, to have her last moments on earth in peace.

Anything from animals to weather could have played a big part in disrupting anyone all these years from discovering her body.

Interesting theory. Couple problems:

1) My guess is she'd be ready to pass out after driving and drinking heavily, I can't see her hiking right after a drinking. Not even someone who's in shape like she is.

2) There was 2-3 feet of snow on ground at the time. I cannot see her walking far in that. We got a lot of snow this winter, at one point, well over 2 feet. It's nearly impossible to walk in, I tried. If she sobered up and then went hiking, she would have realized how impossible it is and gave up quickly.

3) A girl walking at night? Do you have any idea how freaky the woods is at night? Scary as hell. I can't imagine a 21 year old willing girl doing it... for long. See my scenario below, I believe she's in the woods, but under slightly different circumstances

4) This person who picked her up, he never came forward? Not in the 10 years and all the media attention?

My theory is this: she got extremely inebriated, probably drinking enough alcohol to completely plaster someone even my size., went into the snow to pass out. Probably froze to death not long thereafter. Discovering her body would be like finding a needle in a haystack at this point. She didn't walk far into the woods in that much snow, but she did walk far enough to go unnoticed.

I've seen no evidence thus far for it to be anything but my scenario and too many problems with any alternative explanations.

But of course, I cannot completely rule anything out.
What exactly is James Renner implying in his blog? I know that he claims that Fred lied about some things but what else? It's like he has a theory but won't come right out and say it.

IMO, seems like he is getting back at Fred, because Fred won't talk with him. I'm not a fan of Renner.
Does anyone think that James Renner could possibly be spinning things to make his theories sound more plausible? I mean, if you read between the lines he obviously thinks Maura Murray staged her disappearance and is living a new life somewhere.
He is a journalist who is trying to publish and sell a book. Which do you think is a more interesting story: MM starting a new life with a mysterious love who had a burn phone OR MM walked far away from the car accident and killed herself and has not been found. Why does everyone seem to take everything he says as fact, while picking apart everything MM's family and LE says? People seem to think that MM's family knows more or is hiding things. Why? Because they won't talk to an investigative journalist who has basically trashed all of them?
Sometimes things aren't as suspicious as they may seem. JR can easily say "Oh, I had to sleuth to find one of MM's friends and she was hiding out with a couple in Mass." When in actuality the person was not hiding, had a public Linkedin profile and a public Facebook profile. Don't people see how he spins things, and then he claims he just wants to find MM? He wants to entice ppl. to buy his book.
I'm just tired of seeing Maura Murray and her family trashed, especially her Dad. If she is found alive and well, I will be happy, but after so much time it hardly seems possible. She probably met with foul play or committed suicide and has not been found. I think the probability that she is deceased is a lot higher than the probability that she orchestrated her own disappearance, staged her car accident, hopped into her mystery man's car behind her, and rode off into the sunset. Oh, and there is no trace of her new boyfriend on her phone records because they were using burn phones. Yep, and her friends were all sworn to secrecy, oh yeah, and even her family knows but they are reporting her as missing to LE because if she is alive she will be wanted for questioning in the Vasi hit and run, and Fred Murray is protecting her from that. Yep, all of that sounds so much more likely. Man, he should be an Oscar winner if he can act that fake sad! Oh yeah, and Fred Murray kept dirty pictures in his house that looked like MM!!!! Oh, and he had a lot of dirty dishes in his sink too, so he must be hiding something. I mean, give me a break!

I whole heartily agree with you. Well said!
Interesting theory. Couple problems:

1) My guess is she'd be ready to pass out after driving and drinking heavily, I can't see her hiking right after a drinking. Not even someone who's in shape like she is.

2) There was 2-3 feet of snow on ground at the time. I cannot see her walking far in that. We got a lot of snow this winter, at one point, well over 2 feet. It's nearly impossible to walk in, I tried. If she sobered up and then went hiking, she would have realized how impossible it is and gave up quickly.

3) A girl walking at night? Do you have any idea how freaky the woods is at night? Scary as hell. I can't imagine a 21 year old willing girl doing it... for long. See my scenario below, I believe she's in the woods, but under slightly different circumstances

4) This person who picked her up, he never came forward? Not in the 10 years and all the media attention?

My theory is this: she got extremely inebriated, probably drinking enough alcohol to completely plaster someone even my size., went into the snow to pass out. Probably froze to death not long thereafter. Discovering her body would be like finding a needle in a haystack at this point. She didn't walk far into the woods in that much snow, but she did walk far enough to go unnoticed.

I've seen no evidence thus far for it to be anything but my scenario and too many problems with any alternative explanations.

But of course, I cannot completely rule anything out.

I'm not sure if I agree she was inebriated, but if she perished in the woods, I believe there is that possibility she is there, but hasn't been found yet. The area is thickly wooded.

I know of a case where a young man disappeared from Aspen, CO. He was missing for several months. They did several ground searches all over the area he was last seen. One of the professional searchers decided to look around on his days off too. He ended up finding the young man in an area the large search team had searched twice! The young man's clothing blended into the terrain, which made it difficult for anyone to spot him. He was found under a busy bridge.

Interesting theory. Couple problems:

1) My guess is she'd be ready to pass out after driving and drinking heavily, I can't see her hiking right after a drinking. Not even someone who's in shape like she is.

2) There was 2-3 feet of snow on ground at the time. I cannot see her walking far in that. We got a lot of snow this winter, at one point, well over 2 feet. It's nearly impossible to walk in, I tried. If she sobered up and then went hiking, she would have realized how impossible it is and gave up quickly.

3) A girl walking at night? Do you have any idea how freaky the woods is at night? Scary as hell. I can't imagine a 21 year old willing girl doing it... for long. See my scenario below, I believe she's in the woods, but under slightly different circumstances

4) This person who picked her up, he never came forward? Not in the 10 years and all the media attention?

My theory is this: she got extremely inebriated, probably drinking enough alcohol to completely plaster someone even my size., went into the snow to pass out. Probably froze to death not long thereafter. Discovering her body would be like finding a needle in a haystack at this point. She didn't walk far into the woods in that much snow, but she did walk far enough to go unnoticed.

I've seen no evidence thus far for it to be anything but my scenario and too many problems with any alternative explanations.

But of course, I cannot completely rule anything out.

I have thought about many of these same points you make and my original theory was that maura succumbed to the elements. There is plenty of places to head off and hide and eventually perish at and figuring out exactly which place someone like maura may have dodged away for would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack, especially if the further you get away from where her car was crashed at.

But look at some other important details (albeit some are disputed)..

Fred spent the weekend with his daughter before she went missing (he knew exactly the state of mind she was in).

When he first learns she goes missing (contrary to what he will admit too now) his first reaction to police was that maura had headed for the mountains and took her own life (not just police have mentioned that, also Sharon Rausch as well).

Maura told her boyfriend that she didn't feel like talking to much of anyone. (She wasn't seeking advice and she wasn't seeking counseling) and she took a car that was allegedly on its last legs and drove it along hundreds of miles into the dark and into the beginning of the white mountain national forest. has anyone asked themselves why maura would run away late in the afternoon and not leave first thing monday morning from campus?

I contend that maura's two wrecks in less than 48 hours, are related in the sense that maura wasn't fall-over-drunk at the time of the two accidents, but rather, maura was in a "just don't give a hoot anymore" mind-frame at the time each wreck happened (with alcohol playing its part as well).

I haven't ruled out the vasi hit and run angle, even though I was as big as a skeptic about that as everyone else early on.

if maura was involved in the hit and run then I think that would tie up almost every loose end (with the exception of her final resting place).

While it's still a bizarre twist if she did strike vasi, the reasons given by media to date to explain that the hit and run could not have taken place have been very weak and very much inaccurate (like saying the hit and run happened miles away from where maura was working when in fact it happened the block over less than a single mile away).
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