GUILTY NJ - Brendan Creato, 3, found dead in Cooper River Park, 13 Oct 2015

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Kelley denied the request for audio and video equipment. He cited court rules intended to ensure jurors don't "over-emphasize one piece of evidence."
The judge said jurors could review electronic evidence in the courtroom, and welcomed them to identify specific portions of recordings they wanted to examine.
In response to a question from the jury foreperson, Kelley said jurors could not keep transcripts of conversations during deliberations because they are not considered evidence. The transcripts have been provided to jurors when recordings are played in court.

Prosecution should probably have made sure the videos were subtitled before entered as evidence.

So they are not deliberating on Friday!
Did the juror's not listen during the regular testimony and playing of tapes? They sure are asking for a lot of info early on, according to the article you posted. imo

They did not have transcripts then, so were forced to decipher the terrible audio. Then, the prosecution frankly lied in closing statements by saying DJ didn't react until he was told Brendan was found deceased, and cut together other choice snippets. The defense then argued against that, so it has to be considered. Someone likely noticed the contradictions and wanted to rewatch it with the transcript available. There was also the niggle of the prosecution bringing in the FBI to testify last minute about cellular data they only just got because the email attachment never made it in the original email. I would want a review of those points as well. All it takes is one juror to be giving these things as reason for their undecided or no vote, so it has to be eeked out until everyone agrees. What I wonder now is, how long will this judge give them to agree?
....Then, the prosecution frankly lied in closing statements by saying DJ didn't react until he was told Brendan was found deceased, and cut together other choice snippets....

SBM: grounds for mistrial if an attorney lies in closing?
Hey everyone, I just wanted to chime in after watching the closing arguments.
First of all, my heart breaks for Brendan and those who loved him.

To me, there's no question as to whether DJ killed his son or not. DJ killed his son. But this case has so much more to it then just a father killing son. I get why so many people want to see this as a clear case of evil destroying good, but it's just not that simple. This is a complex case involving two very damaged individuals. Julie seems dangerous because she can appear normal on some levels on the stand and in texts, she has intelligence and prowess but these often mask much deeper problems. I think Julie pushed his buttons. A person with a sound mind would have stayed away from her but his obsession and I believe from his texts, ADDICTION to Julie caused him to react in a completely unacceptable way. I do believe DJ loved Brendan. You can see it in the interrogation videos. I think Julie had foreknowledge but Julie knew she was playing a dangerous game with his mind. She knew she way toying with his emotions yet lacked any heart to stop. Vail – I can emphasize with a lot of your thoughts on Julie. It's sad.

Does anyone know as to why DJ's drug use wasn't pounced on by the prosecution out of curiosity? Did the judge decide to keep this out of the trial so it would prejudice the proceedings? I mean during the initial search, didn't they find some pot, pipes or any paraphernalia? You would think the prosecutor would use his drug use to argue in one way or another that he was a bad dad but all that was shown were pot leaf and shroom posters. Is it possible he was on drugs when this happened?
SBM: grounds for mistrial if an attorney lies in closing?

The judge didn't seem to notice. It could very well lead to a hold out juror that refuses to convict based on mistrust of all the prosecution evidence because of that mistake though.

Does anyone know as to why DJ's drug use wasn't pounced on by the prosecution out of curiosity?

RSBM - they seemed to allow it to be alluded to, you can see the paraphernalia in his apartment, the texts about doing shrooms in the woods etc, but IMO, these drugs are not dangerous nor involved in what happened to Brendan. Marijuana doesn't make you violent or any mroe likely to commit murder (in fact you would be too lazy to get up to bother) and shrooms are reported to have an amazing healing effect on those with bipolar depression, for example. Psychedelics CAN make you more paranoid though, and certainly could have contributed to his state of mind overall. I doubt he was dropping shrooms on a weeknight so that can probably be ruled out. I think he only had one drug that contributed to this, and it starts with a J.
Hey everyone, I just wanted to chime in after watching the closing arguments.
First of all, my heart breaks for Brendan and those who loved him.

To me, there's no question as to whether DJ killed his son or not. DJ killed his son. But this case has so much more to it then just a father killing son. I get why so many people want to see this as a clear case of evil destroying good, but it's just not that simple. This is a complex case involving two very damaged individuals. Julie seems dangerous because she can appear normal on some levels on the stand and in texts, she has intelligence and prowess but these often mask much deeper problems. I think Julie pushed his buttons. A person with a sound mind would have stayed away from her but his obsession and I believe from his texts, ADDICTION to Julie caused him to react in a completely unacceptable way. I do believe DJ loved Brendan. You can see it in the interrogation videos. I think Julie had foreknowledge but Julie knew she was playing a dangerous game with his mind. She knew she way toying with his emotions yet lacked any heart to stop. Vail – I can emphasize with a lot of your thoughts on Julie. It's sad.

Does anyone know as to why DJ's drug use wasn't pounced on by the prosecution out of curiosity? Did the judge decide to keep this out of the trial so it would prejudice the proceedings? I mean during the initial search, didn't they find some pot, pipes or any paraphernalia? You would think the prosecutor would use his drug use to argue in one way or another that he was a bad dad but all that was shown were pot leaf and shroom posters. Is it possible he was on drugs when this happened?

As I've said I have doubt, but I do believe it was him. Julie posted the message that was deleted saying she may go to jail for a homicide or something to that effect. She knew DJ killed him before he was a suspect. DJ's reaction to Brendan being found deceased was a horrible act. I really hope they find him guilty but she should have charges too.

The video of the interrogation appears to be the piece of evidence the jury has been most interested in.
During the course of the video, Creato repeatedly asks if there are any updates concerning the whereabouts of his son, whom he had reported missing around 6 a.m. on Oct. 13. When investigators finally told him his son was found dead, David Creato paused before he said "No, no, no, he was my best friend."

Covering he interesting tidbits:

Glad someone figured it out:
[FONT=&quot]The rat, the squirrel and the hedgehog[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Prosecutors brought up three small animals throughout the course of the trial but it's not quiet clear why.
When Assistant Prosecutor Christine Shah was cross-examining Brendan's mother, Samantha Denoto, Shah asked if she recalled getting a text from Creato about his pet rat and "getting physical" with Brendan. Denoto said she did not recall that. Objections from defense attorney Richard J. Fuschino Jr. quashed Shah's attempts to show Denoto the text message, so jurors never got to learn the significance of the rat or the text.
On the last day of evidence, the prosecutors showed photos from Creato’s phone in the months after Brendan’s death. One featured Creato and his then girlfriend 17-year-old Julia Stensky, smiling in a selfie with a tiny pet hedgehog. Another was of a squirrel.
The GPS stamp on the squirrel photo showed it was taken in New York City, and showed Creato went to visit Stensky in New York City after his son died. The selfie with the hedgehog seemed to be presented as evidence that the two were having a good time hanging out, as they often didn’t when Brendan was alive.

I hope they have better luck tomorrow.

Thanks! Tlcya for some reason I couldn't get it to work!
I hope they have better luck tomorrow.

I hope they work harder tomorrow. It is pretty cut and dry in my eyes! I don't see how anyone else could have murdered Brendan. jmo
I hope they work harder tomorrow. It is pretty cut and dry in my eyes! I don't see how anyone else could have murdered Brendan. jmo

The more I see the video of him crying no, no, no when told the more I know it was him. He needs to pay
Sounds like someone is hung up on the technicalities - the part where the prosecution failed to actually connect DJ to Brendan's death with any physical evidence.

I was re-watching the Casey Anthony story last night and thought how amazing it is that they even had DNA and decomp in her trunk and a mountain more circumstantial evidence than in this case and still couldn't convict her. It made me really worry about this one.
i have missed today but from comments above sounds like an allen charge was issued? I am pretty much thinking another hung jury..getting pretty old with these hung juries.
Creato jury tells judge: We can't agree

CAMDEN - Jurors in the murder trial of David “D.J.” Creato are split over the fate of a Westmont man accused of killing his toddler son.

"We cannot at this point come to an agreement. Please advise," the jurors said in a note to Superior Court Judge John Kelley shortly before 2 p.m. Tuesday.

much more at link

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