GUILTY NJ - Carolyn Byington, 26, killed inside her home, Plainsboro, 10 June 2019 *Arrest* #2

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"The Plainsboro Police Department and Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office are investigating the killing of a 26-year-old woman inside of her home.

Authorities say that Carolyn Byington was found dead inside her home on Monday after Plainsboro police responded to a welfare check request made by the woman’s co-workers.

The prosecutor has not released many details about the death but has ruled it to be a homicide.

Byington lived at the Hunters Glen apartment complex off Plainsboro Road. Neighbors tell News 12 New Jersey that they saw her come home from work for lunch Monday afternoon. They say that they heard screams coming from her apartment around 1 p.m. It was unclear if anyone called the police."

Plainsboro police seek suspect in slaying of 26-year-old woman inside home

Thread #1 - NJ - Carolyn Byington, 26, killed inside her home, Plainsboro, 10 June 2019 *Arrest*
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Wow! So glad they got someone, both for her family as well as all those in this thread who were rightfully concerned!
A couple of quick thoughts:

In regards to him knowing where she lived, I imagine a company accountant would have access to her home address.

I wonder if co workers noticed he changed his clothes after coming back from work? I can’t imagine an attack like that allowing him to return looking like he had just been to the mechanic.

Also in regards to clothing, perhaps a young man in a suit wouldn’t raise as many alarms if anyone did see him. All JMO of course

He could have easily had her address if he had access to payroll or W2 forms for employees. He could have also followed her or watched her place because he also likely knew her hours at work. He's the worst kind of creeper, because you rarely see them coming. He also is the murderous kind.
That would make more sense I agree.
I read that he was late here:
Police arrest co-worker in slaying of woman found stabbed in apartment
“NJ Advance Media reported that Saal told his boss he would be late coming back from lunch that day because of repairs being done on his car.”
By no means do I not believe that it was reported otherwise in other MSM :) this is just the article that made me wonder. JMO of course

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought he DIDN'T go back to work after lunch. He called his boss and said he was stuck at the mechanic's, which is boss later realized was untrue.

Later (another day), co-workers noticed he had injuries on his hands.

They wouldn't have noticed his clothes after lunch because he didn't return to the office that day, IIRC.

That would make more sense I agree.
I read that he was late here:
Police arrest co-worker in slaying of woman found stabbed in apartment
“NJ Advance Media reported that Saal told his boss he would be late coming back from lunch that day because of repairs being done on his car.”
By no means do I not believe that it was reported otherwise in other MSM :) this is just the article that made me wonder. JMO of course

I have been operating under the assumption that the article quoted above is accurate. I will be shocked if it turns out that KS did not return to work after his alleged "appointment" on the day of the murder (which I think is the interpretation some folks here have gotten from the MSM coverage of the crime).

Don't get me wrong--although it's pretty obvious that this dude is FAR from being the sharpest crayon in the box (constructing a flimsy and easily disproven alibi for his prolonged lunchtime absence from work on the day of the murder, showing up to work with visible and unexplainable physical injuries, asking coworkers about circumstantial evidence in murder trials a few days after one of them is murdered, and hiring a lawyer just days after the crime was discovered?!), even an idiot would have to realize that going AWOL from work on the same day his coworker mysteriously did the same (and was later found to have been murdered) would have immediately made him the PPD's prime suspect.

In fact, the only way KS's actions make sense to me is if he was deliberately trying to get caught as quickly as possible--if that turns out to have been the case, then I'd be more likely to believe that he just bailed completely on work after leaving at lunch to "get his car fixed"/murder this bright and talented young woman.

Gosh, can’t get on to WS a couple times (and other stuff) and such great strides forward! I’m so relieved Carolyn’s killer is off the streets. Phew!

Ugh, what a loser, though. (Aside: why is it always the weirdo perpetrators who live on and the nice people are the ones killed? Sigh.)

I look forward to learning what the motive is. I wonder if, as project manager, Carolyn had suddenly found the budget she was allocated was considerably less than she had expected? Then again, Saal may just be a creepy stalker rather than an embezzler. But who knows. I feel desperately sorry for his wife and child. Did the wife not have concerns after dating him for more than 10 years?

Thanks everyone for the discussions so far. Now to see what happens next!
Here you go -- I mean none of them on its own is outrageous or would predict a future murderer, but who the heck even gets pulled over that many times??

8/9/14 - DRIV WITH AN EXPIRED LICENSE (this was listed twice)

I get what you mean. It's a lot. In my experience people with that many traffic tickets have chaotic lives.
I was thinking this too. A coworker call the police to do a welfare check when she never returned from lunch. He might have seemed harmless like a married guy that was maybe a little weird and Carolyn seemed like a nice person that might have been kind to him. Sometimes other people see warning signs that you can't see if you believe a person is your friend. Her coworkers might have noticed things that were odd or they suspected he was too into her before her murder, but possibly not anything overtly creepy or criminal. Coworkers and friends didn't speakout much about her murder it might have been because the police were getting evidence on the suspect and wanted everyone to keep quiet until it could be confirmed. That would be weird working with someone you suspected of murdering a coworker.

I actually do some work with someone who might have murdered someone. It's a weird feeling. He knows I know possible motive. But he's never been charged and we still do some work together. He's perfectly nice and normal. It's a strange feeling. I try to forget it because I can't do anything else.

There's another guy - a fellow attorney- who was actually arrested for murdering, I think it was his son in law. He was convicted but it was overturned, which is insane, and he's out, back practicing. I've seen him around for two decades at court. He's now facing retrial! And he's back. It's eerie to look at him.
He could have easily had her address if he had access to payroll or W2 forms for employees. He could have also followed her or watched her place because he also likely knew her hours at work. He's the worst kind of creeper, because you rarely see them coming. He also is the murderous kind.

Yes!!!! Evil in plain sight.
I don't see any type of romantic thing on her part, at least -- maybe they had a type of kinship because they both came to work there about the same time (IIANM). Maybe they sat & talked during a break or during a bag lunch at work a time or two, but I just don't see her encouraging him in any way other than sharing a table with him. Did he think he saw a little "come-on" from her even though she was just being nice? Sometimes you see what you wanna see...
Maybe we'll find out what his true motive was -- let's hope. Maybe he was just plain weird.

I don't see romance between them either. I will be frank - she's a beauty and he's is...not.

I really can't see it. He's an average dude. Nothing wrong with average dudes but I don't think he has anything that would compel that lovely young lady to have an affair with a married man and father like him.
I don't see romance between them either. I will be frank - she's a beauty and he's is...not.

I really can't see it. He's an average dude. Nothing wrong with average dudes but I don't think he has anything that would compel that lovely young lady to have an affair with a married man and father like him.

His marriage might have made her think he was a safe guy. Someone that was just a friend. He could have been a coworker she was polite to. I don't think affairs are about looks but if they had one he would have been questioned right away. It's almost impossible to hide a digital footprint of communications. It's also hard to keep those secrets in an office. She lived alone so if she had an affair you would think neighbors would have noticed a man coming and going. I think she was an attractive young woman that he stalked and preyed on.
I have been operating under the assumption that the article quoted above is accurate. I will be shocked if it turns out that KS did not return to work after his alleged "appointment" on the day of the murder (which I think is the interpretation some folks here have gotten from the MSM coverage of the crime).

Don't get me wrong--although it's pretty obvious that this dude is FAR from being the sharpest crayon in the box (constructing a flimsy and easily disproven alibi for his prolonged lunchtime absence from work on the day of the murder, showing up to work with visible and unexplainable physical injuries, asking coworkers about circumstantial evidence in murder trials a few days after one of them is murdered, and hiring a lawyer just days after the crime was discovered?!), even an idiot would have to realize that going AWOL from work on the same day his coworker mysteriously did the same (and was later found to have been murdered) would have immediately made him the PPD's prime suspect.

In fact, the only way KS's actions make sense to me is if he was deliberately trying to get caught as quickly as possible--if that turns out to have been the case, then I'd be more likely to believe that he just bailed completely on work after leaving at lunch to "get his car fixed"/murder this bright and talented young woman.


Would his coworkers have known that he hired a lawyer? I know he said thing that were very suspicious. I wonder if they knew or had hints he was a suspect how did they manage to behave normally around him?
Some general thoughts here:
  1. Wouldn't he have been covered in blood? Where did he change clothes? What happened to bloody clothes? Did no one at work notice he had different clothes on?
  2. Sounds like they worked in different departments. Curious if other colleagues noticed him at her desk or them talking much together leading up to her murder. It seems like everyone in an office usually knows of people who are having affairs or even if one person had a one-sided interest.
  3. Since he texted that he was at mechanic and running late I would think that text came from her apartment. Seems like cell phone pings will be great evidence.
  4. Cell phone data should also show evidence of relationship, if any. Or maybe his phone pinged in her apartment area a lot which could show he's been stalking her.
  5. IMO LE had him on radar early on. I wonder if he was still allowed to come into office? I'm assuming yes before arrest which if people had suspicions that would have been very scary.
  6. The traffic tickets are really telling to me. He seems to have a long standing disregard for authority perhaps. Or might even enjoy the attention of being pulled over? Some of the infractions could have started with being pulled over for speeding but then he's given a seat belt violation instead?
All MOO. I'm very relieved an arrest has been made.
I don't see romance between them either. I will be frank - she's a beauty and he's is...not.

I really can't see it. He's an average dude. Nothing wrong with average dudes but I don't think he has anything that would compel that lovely young lady to have an affair with a married man and father like him.

I can't see it either. He would be massively punching above his weight, so to speak, to have wooed her into an affair with him. Like she was SO far out of his league. And I know some men get by on charm and personality instead of their looks but I can't see this guy having those either.

My assumption is she was a nice, friendly person and that was misinterpreted by him as interest, and he was a stalker and couldn't take no for an answer. Regardless of what it is though, I'm so glad an arrest was made and it's another example of LE working on strong theories and leads in the background for a long time even though it looks to us like nothing's happening.
Some general thoughts here:
  1. Wouldn't he have been covered in blood? Where did he change clothes? What happened to bloody clothes? Did no one at work notice he had different clothes on?
  2. Sounds like they worked in different departments. Curious if other colleagues noticed him at her desk or them talking much together leading up to her murder. It seems like everyone in an office usually knows of people who are having affairs or even if one person had a one-sided interest.
  3. Since he texted that he was at mechanic and running late I would think that text came from her apartment. Seems like cell phone pings will be great evidence.
  4. Cell phone data should also show evidence of relationship, if any. Or maybe his phone pinged in her apartment area a lot which could show he's been stalking her.
  5. IMO LE had him on radar early on. I wonder if he was still allowed to come into office? I'm assuming yes before arrest which if people had suspicions that would have been very scary.
  6. The traffic tickets are really telling to me. He seems to have a long standing disregard for authority perhaps. Or might even enjoy the attention of being pulled over? Some of the infractions could have started with being pulled over for speeding but then he's given a seat belt violation instead?
All MOO. I'm very relieved an arrest has been made.

Did the apartment have a washer and dryer in her unit? He could have had spare clothes. It seems like he should have been bloody and leaving a trail if he had to ho back to his car should have drawn attention. It's possible he was prepared and was just waiting for the right time.
I don't see romance between them either. I will be frank - she's a beauty and he's is...not.

I really can't see it. He's an average dude. Nothing wrong with average dudes but I don't think he has anything that would compel that lovely young lady to have an affair with a married man and father like him.

I agree. I just can't see it being an affair. I'll be obnoxiously blunt- he is one of the ugliest of the male species I have ever seen.
I also think if neighbors saw her come home that day for lunch...they might have been the nosey type, or perhaps have rooms that give them clear view to the parking lot and I would think they would have noticed a guy with his sort of looks visiting before-- it it were an affair he would have had to go to her apartment all the time.
IMO, I can see that he would be attracted to and possibly in pursuit of some sort of relationship with her. She resembles his wife completely. When I first saw his profile photo on FB, I thought it WAS Carolyn.

ON her part, maybe he shared this with of his wife and him, and pointed out the similarity.

His wife may have been more distant with him since having a baby, or even he was experiencing the jealousy that some husbands feel when the wife shows more attention and affection to the newborn...again JMO.

This gives me a scenario, at least, where she and he could have had some sort of "friendship" or connection..and I do not mean romantic in anyway, though I believe he wanted that and didn't care for the rejection.
Gosh, can’t get on to WS a couple times (and other stuff) and such great strides forward! I’m so relieved Carolyn’s killer is off the streets. Phew!

Ugh, what a loser, though. (Aside: why is it always the weirdo perpetrators who live on and the nice people are the ones killed? Sigh.)

I look forward to learning what the motive is. I wonder if, as project manager, Carolyn had suddenly found the budget she was allocated was considerably less than she had expected? Then again, Saal may just be a creepy stalker rather than an embezzler. But who knows. I feel desperately sorry for his wife and child. Did the wife not have concerns after dating him for more than 10 years?

Thanks everyone for the discussions so far. Now to see what happens next!

I know what you mean.. I keep thinking about the wife and how she will manage alone with a baby knowing what a hidden monster her husband is. It's hard enough being a single mom but I can't imagine what she is going through and having to tell your child someday what their father did to a wonderful young woman. I wonder if she suspected him after the news was out that his co-worker was murdered... I bet she did but loved ones usually go blind to the truth. It's just too hard to accept.
I would love to be a fly on the wall in the HR Department of Engine Group. Was he harassing Carolyn at work, did she report him for something or did she know something he was doing?
I don’t think she was having an affair with him not because of his looks, ( I know several attractive women who married not so great looking men) but most likely because if they worked together she most likely knew he was married and had a baby. She doesn’t strike me as someone who would have an affair with a married man. They may have been friends. She was known to be quiet and people who worked with him previously said he was quiet. He may have taken the friendship to be more than it was. Hopefully, we will find out more in the days to come.
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