GUILTY NJ - Jose Ventura for incest, death of newborn, West New York, 2005

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This has to be one of the saddest things I have ever read. I can't imagine what a tortured life this girl lived. Sorry but mom HAD to know. If all of the cousins suspected it, and the daughter was with the parents 24/7 and never left the house without her parentS, the mother had to have a clue. I also found it disturbing that he picked her up from school everyday from lunch, talk about truly isolating this girl, I'm surprised they let her out to go to school.

The Story Gets Worse

About a year ago, a girl was born in this working-class town and was promptly flung out of a third-floor window. She tumbled down a thin air shaft, naked, her umbilical cord still attached. Her head smashed into the concrete 31 feet below. She died instantly. And there she lay, unnamed, buried in a grave of garbage and cigarette packs.

The story gets worse.

On the morning of Sept. 13, another baby was born and he, too, was shoved through the same window, splattering blood through neighbors' window panes as he fell, landing with a thud near the decaying body of his sister. His screams cut through the walls, and neighbors called the police. His skull cracked, and his eye was blackened, but he lived.

The story gets worse.

The authorities soon learned that the mother of the two children was Lucila Ventura, an 18-year-old immigrant from El Salvador. Their father was a 44-year-old named Jose Julio Ventura. But he is not just the father of Lucila's children, the police say. He is also their grandfather.

This tale of incest, abuse and murder has shaken nearly everyone involved here. Edward J. De Fazio, the Hudson County prosecutor, has called the case a "vivid explosion of family dysfunction."

"I've never seen anything quite like this," Mr. De Fazio said in an interview. "And I've been involved in this kind of work for some time."

Link to Article
Pook said:
What I'd like to know is where the hell the mother/wife has been these past 2 years. :furious:

That is what I want to know too. One article said that the girl was always seen with the parents and no one else so we know there were two parents there.

What is an air shaft in an apartment building. I can't even picture what it is or its purpose. I wonder how one baby lived and one didn't if thrown down the same air shaft? Thank God that little baby was crying loud enough for people to hear it. The thought just makes me sick...poor little thing.

I think the whole darn family should be looking out behind bars. The mother knew nothing about the sexual abuse that must have gone on for years and through two pregnancys? If the mom, dad, and daughter were always together mom must have caught on at some time....body language, etc.
mysteriew said:
When her newborn was first discovered at the bottom of an air shaft earlier this week, the baby's teenage mother was accused of trying to murder the child.

But after the decaying body of a second infant was found in the same place, authorities trying to unravel the gruesome story say it took an even more tragic turn: The teen's father on Friday was accused of fathering both of the babies.

Prosecutors said when they first interviewed the young mother, she told them the infants were fathered by different men. A second round of interviews Thursday uncovered a different story: The girl said her own father was actually the father of both children.

Hudson County First Assistant Prosecutor Gaetano T. Gregory said investigators must wait for DNA tests before making a final determination about the baby's paternity, but they believe he is the father.

The Associated Press is withholding the identities of both the girl and her father because she is an alleged victim of a sex crime.

The father was charged with aggravated sexual assault, endangering the welfare of a child and child abuse. If convicted, he could face 10 to 20 years in prison on the most serious charge. He was being held in the Hudson County Correctional Center.,0,1173022.story?coll=ny-region-apnewjersey

If her father is found to be the father he should rot in jail the rest of his miserable life.Unless the girl is mentally challenged she is not without blame. Why not drop the babies off at a Church or a hospital? I can undestand her possibly being ashamed~you know,father making it look like it is her fault etc..but why take it out on a poor defenseless infant!! this is murder.
Casshew said:
This tale of incest, abuse and murder has shaken nearly everyone involved here. Edward J. De Fazio, the Hudson County prosecutor, has called the case a "vivid explosion of family dysfunction."

"I've never seen anything quite like this," Mr. De Fazio said in an interview. "And I've been involved in this kind of work for some time."
Link to Article

From the link:
For at least six years, she has lived in a two-bedroom apartment on 64th Street with her family, relatives and neighbors said. But she was never seen outside hanging on the stoop, like other teenagers in her neighborhood, many say. She slept in a room with her parents and a younger brother, according to relatives.

There are several things I don't understand. First if there were 2 bedrooms, why were the parents, the younger brother, and Luclia all sleeping in the same room? Is that a reporter error, or a fact?

Initially, as the police responded to reports of a crying infant, they found only David, with no clue to how he got to the bottom of the 3.5-by-5-foot shaft. But as they looked up, they saw blood on the windowsill of the Venturas' bathroom window. Once inside the apartment, the police said, investigators found blood everywhere.

And not to mention I don't know how a mother could get by without noticing that her dau wasn't having a period, and was gaining weight- but how could she not notice the blood found in the apartment?
No, the so called 'Mama' knew.
Bobbisangel said:
That is what I want to know too. One article said that the girl was always seen with the parents and no one else so we know there were two parents there.

What is an air shaft in an apartment building. I can't even picture what it is or its purpose. I wonder how one baby lived and one didn't if thrown down the same air shaft? Thank God that little baby was crying loud enough for people to hear it. The thought just makes me sick...poor little thing.

I think the whole darn family should be looking out behind bars. The mother knew nothing about the sexual abuse that must have gone on for years and through two pregnancys? If the mom, dad, and daughter were always together mom must have caught on at some time....body language, etc.
I agree!! how on earth could this go on without the mother knowing!! They sound like lunatics and the whole damn family should go to jail. If the girl could throw the babies out the window,why not a note attached to something large and heavy stating her name,addy,and she despararately needed help! I'm not trying to be hard on the girl,she has suffered but surely she must have known she could obtain help.The mother is full of chit!!!
From the link above:
in the tiny apartment she shared with her mother, father, four brothers and uncle.
She and a brother shared a bedroom with her parents all those years. I was struck by the fact that the father always drove her to school and sometimes picked her up at lunchtime--was he abusing her then, too? It had gone on for years. With that many people living in such cramped quarters, somebody knew.
This really hurts. I feel so sorry for the girl, but more sorry for the poor babies. The poor baby that died. How terrible! The one who lived.... how tragic. This makes me ill, sad, mad ... I can't explain it :(
SewingDeb said:
From the link above:
in the tiny apartment she shared with her mother, father, four brothers and uncle.
She and a brother shared a bedroom with her parents all those years. I was struck by the fact that the father always drove her to school and sometimes picked her up at lunchtime--was he abusing her then, too? It had gone on for years. With that many people living in such cramped quarters, somebody knew.

We had a case here, in Austin, a couple years ago where a stepdad was having sex with his minor stepdaughter everyday. He'd go get her from school, so often she was failing all her classes, and have sex with her all afternoon. God. Finally, after a couple years of this the girl killed the stepdad. He ran a local karate school and had a huge following of local fans and students, and it wasn't until the school admitted the stepdad picked her up during nearly every single school day, did people actually believe what he was doing to her everyday. The wife claims she didn't know, and the sons in the family don't believe it. People's powers of denial and ability to just go on without acknowledging abuse and incest are shocking.
SewingDeb said:
From the link above:
in the tiny apartment she shared with her mother, father, four brothers and uncle.
She and a brother shared a bedroom with her parents all those years. I was struck by the fact that the father always drove her to school and sometimes picked her up at lunchtime--was he abusing her then, too? It had gone on for years. With that many people living in such cramped quarters, somebody knew.

I am starting to think her father was not the only one raping her. :mad:
SewingDeb said:
From the link above:
in the tiny apartment she shared with her mother, father, four brothers and uncle.
She and a brother shared a bedroom with her parents all those years. I was struck by the fact that the father always drove her to school and sometimes picked her up at lunchtime--was he abusing her then, too? It had gone on for years. With that many people living in such cramped quarters, somebody knew.

So sorry, I missed that the uncle was there too. I guess I was stuck on the fact that it was so strange that she and her bro. shared a room with her parents. That small an apt. and that many people, someone had to know.
This is really sad. I know the girl is considered an adult, but she seems to have been trapped. Her mother worked days, her dad worked nights. How convenient for him he had his daughter to himself all afternoon. Wonder where the brother fits in all of this. How good is her English? Even if she were able to get outside without her parents, was there anybody she had a relationship with she could have confided in? Would she have had any knowledge of programs for unwanted babies? Her father has not been charged with the murder/attempted murder so possibly he did not know she was pregnant. She felt she could not even tell her abuser. Perhaps she was not even fully aware of how things work, & didn't realize she was pregnant until it was too late, & panicked. I don't know, who knows what you will do when you are in a sick environment like this for years.

The picture on the article that Casshew linked does not look like an especially overweight person to me.
hollyjokers said:
Would she have had any knowledge of programs for unwanted babies? Her father has not been charged with the murder/attempted murder so possibly he did not know she was pregnant. She felt she could not even tell her abuser. Perhaps she was not even fully aware of how things work, & didn't realize she was pregnant until it was too late, & panicked. I don't know, who knows what you will do when you are in a sick environment like this for years.

The picture on the article that Casshew linked does not look like an especially overweight person to me.

I might buy that she wasn't aware the first time, but not the second time.
I do agree that the girl needs a break. She was a victim for years. And the I read the dad walked her to school and home from school. I figure she was kept pretty isolated, and who knows how good her English was. That would possibly have factored into it also.
Casshew said:
So where did she say her first baby went? was her family not wondering where the baby was? and now a second pregnancy?

Odds are the father/grandfather knew about it, if he didn't actually help her carry it out to avoid going to jail for incest. Makes you wonder--if you're a sick pig who has to screw your daughter but you're worried that you'll get arrested for incest because she gets pregnant, why not practice brith control in the first place?
Nore said:
I agree!! how on earth could this go on without the mother knowing!! They sound like lunatics and the whole damn family should go to jail. If the girl could throw the babies out the window,why not a note attached to something large and heavy stating her name,addy,and she despararately needed help! I'm not trying to be hard on the girl,she has suffered but surely she must have known she could obtain help.The mother is full of chit!!!
Air shafts do not open onto anything. They are in the center of the building. The bottom of the air shaft is roughly the size of an elevator car. There (might) be a small door in the bottom, that the super can use. They were designed for ventilation only, although tenement dwellers are famous fo throwing their garbage down the airshafts. After years, the building's super might be told to shovel it out, if the health inspector threatens to fine the landlord. Throwing something into an airshaft is the equivalent of throwing it down a well. A note attached to a dead baby might be found, oh, in a few years. Maybe.
BillyGoatGruff said:
Odds are the father/grandfather knew about it, if he didn't actually help her carry it out to avoid going to jail for incest. Makes you wonder--if you're a sick pig who has to screw your daughter but you're worried that you'll get arrested for incest, why not practice brith control in the first place?

Because that is the woman's job? Because it is the woman's fault if she gets pregnant?
mysteriew said:
Because that is the woman's job? Because it is the woman's fault if she gets pregnant?
Or, in the twisted mentality of a pedophile--birth control is a sin? :doh:
They're here illegally, right? Ship the adults back home on a slow boat low on supplies and put the kids and the baby in homes where they can have some normalcy!!
LButler said:
They're here illegally, right? Ship the adults back home on a slow boat low on supplies and put the kids and the baby in homes where they can have some normalcy!!
I completely agree. Also,I still think it is VERY possible the girl was not the one to actually throw the baby into the air shaft, even though she said she did.

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