NJ - Sean Goldman: Abducted and living in Brazil UPDATE: Coming Home

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Snipped from, Dateline bringing David Goldman, son to Orlando:

WESH-Channel 2 reporter Gail Paschall-Brown speculated that the Goldmans might take in Orlando’s sites. But she also noted, “We may not see anything, because I did speak with the general manager here at Galaxy Aviation, and he says he wants to honor his client’s wishes, and that is utmost privacy. And that is what he is going to do.” --> more at link


I hope & pray David's other Christmas wish, the one for utmost privacy is granted!
I am just so elated for David and Sean -when I heard the decision a day or so ago that he would be returning I was almost crying in the kitchen. I give this Dad so much credit for perservering against all odds.

David and Sean need away time to get in touch with each other. As much as I would love to see interviews, pictures, etc. I'll give it up to assure Sean has privacy which will lead to a feeling of security and love. It's family time for the Goldmans.

We cannot crawl inside the minds of the family in Brazil - I believe they each have their own reasons for what they did for 5 years. I feel they wanted control over the situation - something they've always had happen for years. I'm unsure if it's American vs. Brazil but it's a matter of winner and/or loser. Forgetting a child's heart, mind, and feelings are being battered around like a football.

A new chapter has begun for Sean and David Goldman.
Snipped from: Sean Goldman, Dad Arrive in U.S.
Father Ecstatic as He Arrives with Son in Orlando, Fla. after 5-Year Custody Fight Spanning Two Continents

David Goldman and 9-year-old Sean Goldman landed in Orlando on a jet chartered by NBC. Later they were driven away in a caravan of three SUVs, heading to an unknown destination. They did not speak with reporters at the airport, but NBC broadcast an interview with the father and footage from the flight.

"My little boy is 5 feet away, sound asleep, peaceful," Goldman, of Tinton Falls, N.J., told the network. "We're on our way. My heart is just melting. I love him."
--> more at link


Awww, what a sweet and loving father David is!

I heard on the NBC Nightly News that David has left Sean's room exactly how it was when he left for Brazil five years ago. I think that's fantastic, and I hope it will bring the fond memories flooding back to Sean!

Merry Christmas everyone!!
I found the open letter (in its entirety) that David had written, to be read after his departure from Brazil yesterday.

Open letter from David Goldman

Please accept my most sincere and humblest gratitude for getting the truth to Brazilian and American citizens alike and for your help to make our reunion possible.

I am grateful for the so many truly amazing and wonderful people who have put forth an extraordinary and tremendous effort to reunite our family with our beautiful Sean.

Please know that my love and the rest of Sean’s family’s love for him knows no boundaries and we will go to the ends of the Earth to protect him and shower him with every ounce of love that we have.

It is now time for our new beginning, the rebirth of our family at such a special time of the year. I hope the momentum keeps growing and the attention does not fade because there are more fathers and mothers and children to reunites.

God bless you all,



Merry Christmas everyone!
Very happy for David and Sean Goldman and the Goldman family.

How old is his sibling in Brazil now? I wonder what the impact of that separation will be?
Very happy for David and Sean Goldman and the Goldman family.

How old is his sibling in Brazil now? I wonder what the impact of that separation will be?

Sean's mother, Bruna, died a year ago, August, during childbirth; which would make Sean's baby half-sister just about 16 months old. The impact ... only time will tell, I suppose.
I was able to watch TV Tuesday at a Dr appointment; things were not looking good. Wednesday I was not around a TV due to hubby's cancer treatment/hospital admission; yesterday, I'd caught something that said he may be released. I didn't have time to google..

Waking up today; I ended up on People.com for Brittany Murphy & saw a piece about David & Sean. I've been crying tears of joy for the last hour or so with each story I see.

Watching the video of Sean with his step father ripped my heart out. I was not surprised they did that. As far as the grandmother; going along with it and other things she said.. I understand Sean is a part of her deceased daughter & that it must be hard for her to see Sean come home but to me; I'm not sure who's best interests she has.

David was very lucky that he gained support from many people all over the world. Had he not had the internet; I'm not sure if this outcome would have happened; or if it would have happened sooner; because the step father would not have had that outlet either.

My heart goes out to other parents in this situation; I hope that David continues to fight; this time helping them.

It upsets me that it's taken so long to bring Sean home; but I am hopeful that he can recover and live a good life with his American family. I also hope that he will be able to see his little sister once things calm down.

Ever since I read about this a few years ago; I've wondered why the mother up & left like that & why Sean was kept from David to begin with; then why did the step father & family fight so hard as well?

Anyway; what a wonderful holiday David & Sean (as well as his American family) will have. I'm very happy Sean is coming home to NJ where he belongs!

I also want to say that Sean & David walking up the steps to board the plane spoke volumes. It shows he wanted to go with his dad.. David was not dragging him; he walked on his own.

Dad, son back in U.S. after 5-year custody fight

I wonder how much Sean actually knows and how much David will tell/show him. Once Sean understands what actually happened; he will have emotions to deal with about his step father & grandmother. Hopefully, time will heal any wounds he has.

I also want to say that Sean & David walking up the steps to board the plane spoke volumes. It shows he wanted to go with his dad.. David was not dragging him; he walked on his own.

Dad, son back in U.S. after 5-year custody fight

I wonder how much Sean actually knows and how much David will tell/show him. Once Sean understands what actually happened; he will have emotions to deal with about his step father & grandmother. Hopefully, time will heal any wounds he has.


I agree. I hope David is able to explain gently sometimes people make the wrong choices because they don't have the means to make better decisions, and not necessarily because they intend harm. I hope David is able to protect while facilitate some kind of relationship with Seans maternal family. It will be a fine line, but I believe David is quite capable and will be succesful with what he is able..... of course the possibility exists Seans maternal family will continue to be toxic and a negative impact on this child if they are not able to put this behind them and focus on what is truely best for Sean.

I also hope, that in the future sometime, not soon, that David will be able to share advice on how to succesfully reintroduce an abducted child and the LBP and work through the obstacles both the child and parent face. I recall a case we worked on here a year ago, the Cook case, in which we sought to find some information for the LBP. It was almost nil' that I and others were able to find..... perhaps we looked in the wrong places, but it seemed there was very little information available regarding professionals with experience dealing specifically with that situation. Admittedly I was greatly disappointed so little was available.

Davids success has been a stepping stone for others facing this similiar situation. While I respect their privacy, David also has a wonderful opportunity to be of more assistance to other parents and children facing these difficult circumstances.. I hope he is able to, in time, continue to be a source of wisdom for others in similiar situations.
Davids success has been a stepping stone for others facing this similiar situation. While I respect their privacy, David also has a wonderful opportunity to be of more assistance to other parents and children facing these difficult circumstances.. I hope he is able to, in time, continue to be a source of wisdom for others in similiar situations.

I was thinking more about it.. I know there is a donation button on his site. I'm not sure what he'll need in the way of donations and how people that have donated to him would feel if he took what would be left to make some sort of foundation for other parents to use to get help. He has a great opportunity to help many other parents/children. He's been so fortunate; it's my hope he will pass that on.

I understand Sean (and possibly David) will need years of therapy; so maybe there won't be anything left donation wise.. but it's nice to "dream" lol

I'm pretty emotional about this today. I've followed it for a few years.. yesterday was emotional for me with my hubby.. picking him up from his last chemo/radiation; crying on the way there because I was happy.. to walk in and he was in a bad mood because he wasn't feeling well. Reading about David & Sean this morning; well the tears from yesterday wouldn't stop.

I also want to say that Sean & David walking up the steps to board the plane spoke volumes. It shows he wanted to go with his dad.. David was not dragging him; he walked on his own.

Dad, son back in U.S. after 5-year custody fight

I wonder how much Sean actually knows and how much David will tell/show him. Once Sean understands what actually happened; he will have emotions to deal with about his step father & grandmother. Hopefully, time will heal any wounds he has.


I think the way the family handled taking Sean to the American Embassy speaks volumes for whose interest this battle was truly about -- and it was not Sean. No one that truly cared for their child would submit them to the trauma of such a walk. A block of cameras, shouting, high drama -- I can only imagine how this must have looked to Sean. Any child would be frightened. They could have taken him to a private entrance, probably had a proper last good-bye, but they had to turn this into a fever pitched, staged drama that highlighted their outrage with little concern for how it affected Sean.

Thank goodness he is with his father and in the good old UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

I hope David will be able to help other families that are suffering from this kind of forced separation but his priority at this time is Sean.
I was thinking more about it.. I know there is a donation button on his site. I'm not sure what he'll need in the way of donations and how people that have donated to him would feel if he took what would be left to make some sort of foundation for other parents to use to get help. He has a great opportunity to help many other parents/children. He's been so fortunate; it's my hope he will pass that on.

I understand Sean (and possibly David) will need years of therapy; so maybe there won't be anything left donation wise.. but it's nice to "dream" lol

I'm pretty emotional about this today. I've followed it for a few years.. yesterday was emotional for me with my hubby.. picking him up from his last chemo/radiation; crying on the way there because I was happy.. to walk in and he was in a bad mood because he wasn't feeling well. Reading about David & Sean this morning; well the tears from yesterday wouldn't stop.


I know how you are feeling. Keep fighting and keep the faith. It's a horrible ordeal you and your husband are going through but you will both make it! Please give your husband my best and tell him to stay strong!
From Twitter:

brazzil tweeted:

brazzil "We dnt have Xmas. We spent night looking at each other's face. Not even TV I wanted 2 turn on." Silvana Bianchi, Sean Goldman's grandmother
about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck

brazzil Lawyer 4 Brazilian family of Sean Goldman complained 2day: A US citizen was always escorted by R police, but we Brazilians had no protection
about 3 hours ago from TweetDeck

Jeff Rossen (NBC correspondent who was on the private jet home with the Goldmans) tweets:

Yes, Dateline is working on a special about this case. It's going to be great!! The material is compelling and emotional.
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to MyMatthewKokes

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!!!
about 1 hour ago from web

I'll be on TODAY tomorrow morning....with the very latest. I just got back to NY from Orlando...so I'll be in the studio. See you at 7am!
about 1 hour ago from web

David and Sean celebrated Christmas for the first time in 5-years together.
about 1 hour ago from web

Hi everyone....thanks so much for all your kind notes!!! It means a lot to me.
about 1 hour ago from web

Thanks for ALL your notes about our reporting. It means the world to me!!! Truly. Merry Christmas!!!
about 12 hours ago from web

On a lighter note....I don't think i have any clean clothes left. Ah, back to reality when I get home....laundry!
about 12 hours ago from web

However you feel about this story....there's something about a father and son that always pulls at my heartstrings. I wish them the best!!!
about 12 hours ago from web

As a parent myself....it was one of the most touching experiences of my life.
about 12 hours ago from web

But what struck me most was David's face. I haven't seen this man smile in awhile. But, he was laughing...and crying with tears of joy
about 12 hours ago from web

Sean is a wonderful little boy who loves video games. He hung in the cockpit for awhile. He started a foodfight with me (still think I won)
about 12 hours ago from web

There are too many stories to tell...to ft in this space. Our 9-hour flight with David and Sean ranged from emotional to playful.
about 12 hours ago from web

Merry Christmas!!! I write to you from Orlando. We had quite a day yesterday...flying back to the US with David and Sean Goldman...
about 12 hours ago from web

* * * * * * * * end of tweets * ** * * * * * * * *

I'm still elated for David; and praying he and Sean are thoroughly enjoying every moment together on their first Christmas Day together in five (long) years!
We knew that a special would be coming... Especially since NBC flew David and Son home. Hopefully they keep it respectful!
We knew that a special would be coming... Especially since NBC flew David and Son home. Hopefully they keep it respectful!

I agree.

Normally, I find these kind of "specials" exploitive but in this case I think David made a good choice. By allowing NBC to chronicle his story, it got his story before the public and that helped with the political pressure. I am glad NBC used a private jet to get them home. They were able to travel quickly and quietly home without more public hoopla.
Goldman reported 'overwhelmed with joy'
Saturday, December 26, 2009

The emotional message David Goldman left for his friend said everything.

"I can't believe we did it. I can't believe he's home," Goldman told his friend, Mark DeAngelis, shortly after Goldman and his estranged 9-year-old son, Sean, landed in Florida Thursday night.

"He was just overwhelmed with joy," DeAngelis said. "I think it almost felt surreal to him." --> more at link


Meanwhile, there were tears and anger from Sean's Brazilian family today as they held an emotional (televised) press conference in which they were crying and (in Portuguese) claimed that Sean wanted to stay in Brazil. I saw this as it was reported on ABC Eyewitness News (Channel 7), out of New York.
Grandmother Blasts Brazil for Selling Out Sean Goldman and Vows to Visit Him Soon
Saturday, 26 December 2009

Silvana Bianchi, the grandmother of Sean Goldman, the 9-year-old American boy who was taken to Brazil by his mother when he was 4 and who was returned to the United States, this Christmas Eve, met the press in Rio, on Christmas day, to talk about the departure of her grandson.


"We will ask for visitation rights, through the Brazilian embassy in Washington and this visit will happen as soon as possible," said the grandmother.

More at link:

Exclusive: Vieira sits down with David Goldman
Posted: Saturday, December 26, 2009 2:16 PM by Ian Sager

The interview will air on TODAY, Monday, December 28, and in a special two-hour Dateline, Friday, January 8 at 8 p.m. ET. --> more at link (but not much more)

Grandmother Blasts Brazil for Selling Out Sean Goldman and Vows to Visit Him Soon
Saturday, 26 December 2009

Silvana Bianchi, the grandmother of Sean Goldman, the 9-year-old American boy who was taken to Brazil by his mother when he was 4 and who was returned to the United States, this Christmas Eve, met the press in Rio, on Christmas day, to talk about the departure of her grandson.


"We will ask for visitation rights, through the Brazilian embassy in Washington and this visit will happen as soon as possible," said the grandmother.

More at link:


Their self-righteousness is amazing. They seem to have forgotten all the years they denied David any communication with his own son. I read that David will not deny them visitation but it will not happen anytime soon. I sure understand that.
If they get visitation, it better be supervised by armed guards.

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