NJ - Trial of Christopher Gregor Allegedly Beat 6-Year-OId Son to Death

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It appears that the Defense is trying to have the father testify through his parents without him taking the stand and being subject to cross.

The points:
That he left because he felt threatened.
That he was coming back, no flight.

Yeah? Well, let's hear from him directly then.

If this were occurring in front of the jury, there would be objections every two seconds.

Big job here for the judge to sift through all this and decide what can and cannot go before the jury.

Wow I didn't think of that, having the parents instead of cg testify. Good luck, CG dad didn't even know what grade his ONLY GRANDCHILD was in.

The pros was objecting to hearsay and the judge said hearsay was ok in that forum. She said she would, at the end, present all the hearsay objections. I call BS because all of that is now out in the news. At least the judge called dad on spreading conspiracy.

What does anyone want to bet they were buying that new house FOR him.

I would like a better explanation of the so called inner city, deprived kids math. education masters he got at Johns Hopkins. With a BA in psychology there is little math required. There is not time in a 1-2 years masters program to take all math courses to be able to teach math and at the same time developing some "masters'" project. I'll just leave it like that. After having taken way through calc in sequence plus a s.l. of stats. No way a person can do a math major plus education major in a brief "masters". IMO. IMO

One other thing, I think it was in opening statements. That CG stayed with Corey, already passed, until his folks arrived. Well now we know that was a lie, both the nurse and the father contradicting that bogus story.
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Note CG father said he didn't watch the treadmill vid, because he didn't want his last image of the boy being the "one time" he was treated like that. Yet, pros lady pointed out that the folks never spent time with cg and the boy after they moved. Months. Until the house search for a couple of hours iirc. So how did he know, and present it as fact that it was the one time the boy was treated like that?
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Day 6

NONE OF THIS TODAY IS IN PRESENCE OF JURY. This is all a proffer to see what evidence will be admissible.

Father of Christopher (David Gregor) shared that he TOLD Christopher not to leave the hospital. David said he told him:
Don't leave , Don't go

I don't know if those are actual texts or verbally... but Chris was NOT at the hospital when David arrived.

On the way to the hospital, DG called the police. What??? Your grandson dies in hospital and.... you call law enforcement? Why??? Huh? I don't understand this at all.

There was discussion of DG telling police about an "unattended death" , which the attorney pronounced as "unintended death "- NJ accent- I'm still confused where they're going with that.

The "threats" the Gregor parents described are facebook messages calling Christopher a murderer. The fish/rocks/etc thrown at the house were in AUGUST 2021. Nothing to do with Christopher feeling threatened. Judge had expected death threats or otherwise I think, so this isn't flying with the judge.

"You can't have the defendant testify through his mother or father" - Judge Ryan (I cheered)

Looks like he has 3 siblings. David, Kimberly, and Daniel. They talk about perhaps calling Daniel to the stand but... hasn't he been sitting in the gallery(?)

OK so the text to "Laura" is someone who met CG at the airport in Tennessee. (My bad, I thought it was a booty call) She flew out to fly back with CG to NJ. (But they were detained in their car, car was impounded.)

9:38am to Laura
On my way!

11:17am to Laura
I'm heree

Neither of the parents of Christopher can say how he got back to NJ? And cannot show proof. Which is kind of a mess.... drive from Alcoa TN to Barnegat NJ is 10hrs 30min at least!!! Mom testified that her son was home on Easter Sunday 4/4. She said she was confident that it was 4/4..

State has receipts that rental car was picked up by Christopher in TN at 10:40am..... on 4/5!

So yeah. Grandparents' testimonies are not so helpful to defense.
Day 6

NONE OF THIS TODAY IS IN PRESENCE OF JURY. This is all a proffer to see what evidence will be admissible.

Father of Christopher (David Gregor) shared that he TOLD Christopher not to leave the hospital. David said he told him:
Don't leave , Don't go

I don't know if those are actual texts or verbally... but Chris was NOT at the hospital when David arrived.

On the way to the hospital, DG called the police. What??? Your grandson dies in hospital and.... you call law enforcement? Why??? Huh? I don't understand this at all.

There was discussion of DG telling police about an "unattended death" , which the attorney pronounced as "unintended death "- NJ accent- I'm still confused where they're going with that.

The "threats" the Gregor parents described are facebook messages calling Christopher a murderer. The fish/rocks/etc thrown at the house were in AUGUST 2021. Nothing to do with Christopher feeling threatened. Judge had expected death threats or otherwise I think, so this isn't flying with the judge.

"You can't have the defendant testify through his mother or father" - Judge Ryan (I cheered)

Looks like he has 3 siblings. David, Kimberly, and Daniel. They talk about perhaps calling Daniel to the stand but... hasn't he been sitting in the gallery(?)

OK so the text to "Laura" is someone who met CG at the airport in Tennessee. (My bad, I thought it was a booty call) She flew out to fly back with CG to NJ. (But they were detained in their car, car was impounded.)

9:38am to Laura
On my way!

11:17am to Laura
I'm heree

Neither of the parents of Christopher can say how he got back to NJ? And cannot show proof. Which is kind of a mess.... drive from Alcoa TN to Barnegat NJ is 10hrs 30min at least!!! Mom testified that her son was home on Easter Sunday 4/4. She said she was confident that it was 4/4..

State has receipts that rental car was picked up by Christopher in TN at 10:40am..... on 4/5!

So yeah. Grandparents' testimonies are not so helpful to defense.
Now, some of his searches regarding the autopsy were on 4/3. (Gastrointestinal blood, white cells, high glucose) Yet the autopsy was on 4/3, so who was instantly relaying the autopsy findings to him while he was on the lam? The very same day of the autopsy? Same with searches on 4-4, who was passing on a still unreleased autopsy? Any9ne know when it was "officially" released? Who had the pipeline to the ME and to CG?
IMO he doesn't want to see what his son is capable of. He doesn't want to really truly face how abnormal his son is. JMO.

Interesting. It is his son, whom he is defending. Watch the video. I watched it, and was absolutely sickened. It was inhumane.

Video of a psychopath in action. Those gals who missed the dates...they dodged a bullet! That guy isn't normal.
Here's our super hero's memorial page:


Exactly! The autopsy had begun on 4/3.
You can't tell me that high ranking daddy of Christopher the former State Trooper (officer) didn't pull strings and get a play by play from someone in that ME office!!!! There is a reason Christopher was specifically searching internal bleeding/ bleed / GI bleed. I think someone tipped him off.
Another older article. Absolutely disgusted about what happened to Corey. He never had a chance :(

TOMS RIVER – Christopher Gregor, the man charged with murdering his six-year-old son, Corey Micciolo, in Barnegat, was recently denied bail.

Both the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office and Gregor’s defense counsel, Mario Gallucci, appeared remotely before Judge Michael Collins in Ocean County Superior Court.

Due to continuing COVID-19 restrictions, Gregor listened to the detention hearing from the Ocean County Jail. After the court acknowledged Gregor’s presence, his image was reduced to a small square on the screen for the balance of the proceedings.

Corey’s mother and grandmother, Breanna and Rebecca Micciolo, sat in the front row of the courtroom with family and victim’s advocates offering them support. The two had hoped to get an in-person view of the man they believe took their loved one’s life.

“I wanted to see Chris as afraid as he made Corey,” said Breanna before the hearing. “The Prosecutor’s office told me Corey had two lacerations to his heart. My son died of a broken heart.”

No one from Gregor’s family appeared in the courtroom to listen to the proceedings. Breanna said they were also not at Corey’s funeral. She does not know if they visit his gravesite.


March 29, 2022
Here is the article posted earlier (bbm) concerning CG's family.

That's all I need to know about them!

Exactly! The autopsy had begun on 4/3.
You can't tell me that high ranking daddy of Christopher the former State Trooper (officer) didn't pull strings and get a play by play from someone in that ME office!!!! There is a reason Christopher was specifically searching internal bleeding/ bleed / GI bleed. I think someone tipped him off.
That didn't even come up today.
Im watching the hearing from today now. I agree that the defense is banking on 1 or 2 jurors hearing this even though they’re not supposed to. This is a way to garner sympathy for the defendant and avoid his taking the stand. He will not take the stand. Not with that treadmill video! There is no way to explain that and the prosecutor will go over that video with him minute by minute if he testifies. Based on the reports, I’m guessing this family looked down on the mother and her family and they didn’t love this child. I hope the prosecutor crossed these parents fully jury or no jury!

So his dad called the police and asked them to get down to the hospital because the defendant told them he was alone there. These people were already trying to set up the mother right after the poor child died. Where’s the grief and shock? Who calls the police to point the finger at the mother at a time like that?

So now the Gregor family is the victim in all this because the mother was harassing them after Corey died?? Gimme a break! Defense has a lot of nerve trying to act like this is evidence of anything! As if the Gregor family didn’t try to point the finger at her. So they were both pointing fingers at each other!

The next court date is 15th.

A long 6 days away.... I really hope all the jurors behave until then! Justice lies in the balance. It is going to be hard for some of them not to go online and chat about it--- And they better not!

I don't have FB and never did, so it's kind of funny how much drama the Gregor family made of the "threats" ... which turned out to be FB posts of memes of Christopher behind bars! I know for people who LIVE on FB take that s "seriously", as well as discussion board drama, etc. The judge was like OHHHH I thought you meant REAL threats.

We heard about how Christopher didn't want to be seen arriving with Breanna at Corey's practice because he called her "too trashy"- I'm sorry but this rang in my head while I watched those "nice rich people" talk today. They're the exact people who smile and are polite to your face, but judge others REALLY quickly. You know that David is playing off as being homey 'ol grandpa but he's a former Police Officer! He owns guns. (No shade at those who do. But he's a dude not to mess with, not some goofy ol grandpa.)

So we're gonna hear from Laura? So they drove back... together??? How did he manage to talk her into that? If I were her I would be beyond royally p i s s e d
to be looped into this world of doodoo... and that my full name and cell phone # was being announced all over CourtTV. Look forward to seeing her.

Does anyone remember talk of Christopher buying a pay as you go phone (aka "burner phone"? Or am I mixing up another case?)

Moo. Thank you all for this civil discussion.
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You were so involved in his education yet you didn’t know what grade he was in when he came to live with you??? Hahahahahahaha……get’im!!!

The defendant had to learn to hate his offspring from someone and this IS that someone! What makes this even harder to accept is that at the age Corey was he would’ve been so excited to have a Dad and he would’ve been so loving and eager to please. How could you hurt a loving, innocent child??

Insantly, he rings his mother and says, ''what did she do to him?' screaming on the phone. He had to start to set up a narrative that would play for Mom.. Mom could lead Dad into it, no problem.

I am not sure I can bear to watch the Dad, after Mom's performance. Awful.
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