NJ - Trial of Christopher Gregor Allegedly Beat 6-Year-OId Son to Death

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I also believe, CG's only reason to ask for custody was to avoid his financial responsibilities to Corey and his mother. And when there is the type of shared custody they had, I imagine he did not have to give Corey's mom a cent. And he did not even know what Corey's health insurance card was?

I bet it was CG's mother that wanted him to get a home of his own. Is Grandpa feeling any guilt in this? He was retired, so why not just raise Corey at this point? They knew CG's past.
Lol I didn't buy grandpa's little story of how son wanted to assume responsibilty and provide a home for Corey....lmao.

The last, very last thing he wanted. The whole time CG had "custody" of Corey and was living with parents he could come and go whenever. Even leaving Corey that marijuana (ahem paraphernalia) arrest night, without tellings parents he was even leaving Corey.

The worst thing, whatever family dynamic that pushed him to take the boy. Maybe he had to, for custody regulations.
It might be his only chance to prove he is not a monster. But still, good luck with that…
I hope the prosecution has one of those giant photo blowups in court, with CG opening his mouth as wide as possible before biting Corey. Honestly, and this isn't even a joke, he opened his mouth like a donkey, with teeth pushed out, jaw open, to engulf the top of CM's head.

Apologies to donkeys.
I just want to thank all the WSers that have taken so much time to help educate us in this case with comments and research. I believe all we want is justice. Life does not always give justice, but hopefully this jury will. I don't always appreciate all the 24 hour surveillance we are under now-days, but thank god for that treadmill tape!!!
I wish the jury could see him in motor mouth mode, flabby arms, gesticulating and gf frisked. So far, although I have his number, (having met a few pretty boy, weak, pouty-lipped momma's boys)........if I were a juror he appears to be a quiet guy, a few discreet tears, obediently sitting, adequately dressed. Far less prone to tears than Dad.
Question... That day BM was on the stand someone spoke against court ruies and said they paid for Corey's funeral, at which she snapped "no you didn't". Was that CG?
I have listened multiple times and I only hear the defense attorney questioning her, "Didn't the Gregors pay for the funeral?" Emphatic no from her.


Lol I didn't buy grandpa's little story of how son wanted to assume responsibilty and provide a home for Corey....lmao.

The last, very last thing he wanted. The whole time CG had "custody" of Corey and was living with parents he could come and go whenever. Even leaving Corey that marijuana (ahem paraphernalia) arrest night, without tellings parents he was even leaving Corey.

The worst thing, whatever family dynamic that pushed him to take the boy. Maybe he had to, for custody regulations.
Or maybe his Father insisted. After all, in THEIR minds, they were the perfect family unlike Corey’s mother’s family. Maybe it was Dad’s idea of CG ‘taken responsibility.’ If CG felt forced into it, felt controlled by his Father…he might have taken those feelings out on the only person HE controlled.
@AnyNameIWish you’re the real MVP for that transcript of the stop in Tennessee! Thank you!! One teeny tiny thing though —— You forgot to add the cops saying “New Jersey sucks!” Lol

As I suspected Gregor Sr brought up that whole arrest for drug paraphernalia found in CG’s car to insinuate that Breanna planted it and set him up. CG mentioned it to the Tennessee cops. The entire proffer of the parents was to smear the mother/her family.

I also agree with others, Gregor Sr was tough on CG. An unloving tyrannical father figure. Unfortunately, parents like this bring about the behavior they detest in their children - a failure to launch syndrome. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy if you constantly criticize your children and make them feel inadequate. It explains CG’s rage. CG could never measure up to Senior’s expectations of him. Never good enough. I’m also betting Senior told him to get his own place and take care of his son. Man up and handle your responsibilities. Senior was disappointed in CG for fathering Corey and let him know it further adding to CG’s sense of failure and inadequacy. Possibly it was senior who told him to get back to NJ and take shared custody. Again, man up! Possibly his parents were helping him financially at the time (we’re not gonna pay for your mistakes: translation we won’t support you). Just speculating of course.

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I will believe it when I see it. Hope he does testify. Won't change anything about what I think about this case, imo.

Can't speak for any juror... they are the ones who really matter. I trust the jurors will make the correct decision.
It is usually not advisable for a defendant to take the stand. Is CG going against his attorney's advice? We shall see. moo

#ChristopherGregor's attorney, Mario Gallucci, believes Gregor will take the stand. Gregor's charged in the death of his son, #CoreyMicciolo.

Some of these older reports, so illuminating. Starts about 3:00. Gallucci unloads bunch of toxic trash on the M's while saying he doesn't want this played out on social media. He says, para, The M's abused the child, he lived a "poor existence" before CG stepped in at age 2, the M's are not capable of raising a child, nor a goldfish for that matter.
Some of these older reports, so illuminating. Starts about 3:00. Gallucci unloads bunch of toxic trash on the M's while saying he doesn't want this played out on social media. He says, para, The M's abused the child, he lived a "poor existence" before CG stepped in at age 2, the M's are not capable of raising a child, nor a goldfish for that matter.

Great find.
Mario should be eating his words about now.
Or maybe his Father insisted. After all, in THEIR minds, they were the perfect family unlike Corey’s mother’s family. Maybe it was Dad’s idea of CG ‘taken responsibility.’ If CG felt forced into it, felt controlled by his Father…he might have taken those feelings out on the only person HE controlled.

While it's very hard to understand how anyone could do even just the treadmill thing to a child, I think your explanation is the best I've seen. I've seen it too, in other abusive families. If CG was brought up that his own family was perfect and knew automatically how raise children, his own parenting efforts were failing (according to his own twisted viewpoints) and of course, his ex-wife's family was making things worse. IMO, CG was brought up to be a sociopath and that's consistent with your view. Dark triad all the way.

The role of impulsivity in the Dark Triad Personality (full article, very readable). Article is one of many that have been published since 2010, as psychologists, psychiatrists, criminologists and others try to wrap their minds around what such people are capable of doing.

Dark Triad is not an official diagnosis, it's a research category.

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I tried since it was making me mad they'd release such crap video.

I'm going with timestamps from this shorter video.
this is.... April 4 around 11:30am. EASTER SUNDAY
(Corey died April 2nd, 5:03pm, GOOD FRIDAY)

This police encounter is 43 hours after his death. One day PLUS 18 hours.

10:30 Timestamp
A blonde figure (we know is Laura because of text to her "I'm heree" at 11:17am on 4/5.) She walks out of passenger side, she is walked over toward Pizza Hut*, and searched. Presumably speaking with officer.

Laura's side of story told by one officer to another.

She's known Christopher for about 2 years, just flew in from NJ into Alcoa, Tennessee. Also something about he was pulled over for speeding.

[Christopher more audible]
"She asked me yesterday if she could fly out"
"I'm freaking out right now because there's like police cars"
"I went to grad school, too. And I was a math teacher"
"Those that can't do, teach"
"It's been _________ past two years to say the least"
"She wanted to be with me for the drive home, she also might or might not stay"
"One of the main reasons, was She didn't feel comfortable driving with me another 13 hours after I've drove, driven so much already"
"I haven't slept well as you can imagine"
"Like numb at this point with everything going on and this now I'm a little freaked out"
"My attorney is...."
"I played football"
"When I first got out of the car and you searched me"
"If that was you I apologize"
"There's nothing that I'm hiding, I'm really not, so I'm not worried"
"He didn't have any bruising... I knew when he got home and I knew something was wrong in my gut.... should have took him"
"A lot of me thinks like you know this was partially my fault because..."
"Still be alive..... If I never came back from Baltimore and filed for custody.... that's been going through my head this whole drive"
"They planted marijuana in my vehicle before and I got arrested for that in New Jersey"
"She's a special kind of dirtbag"
"When I was in Maryland teaching, I got my masters degree from Johns Hopkins in special education"
"My brother's in California.. go visit him"
"I left at 5:35 Friday afternoon"
"I couldn't sleep"
"Flight times"
"It doesn't make sense but... it's fine."
"I remember at one point... it was Texakana? Or Texacado? Maybe. It's possible I remember seeing that but I'm not sure"
" I got to Nashville yesterday at like 6 in the afternoon, ate dinner, had a drink. And then I got the hotel room, called her, and went to sleep"
"Heading straight back to New Jersey that was my intention"


"My legs don't feel great right now"

42:26 (stands up)
"My dad was a state trooper in New Jersey , very much respected... UNLIKE most people in New Jersey "
"Just curious why... I'm not saying it's your guyses fault as a department but wondering it's taking so long to get a car identification.... "
"It is Easter and I understand that.... "
"Did they say when it originated, the search warrant?"
Yeah don't get me started on my commentary on this.

NONE of this video will be shared with jury so Mario Balucci likely presented this in court just SO it would become internet fodder. Maybe he hopes jury members might see it and admit to it.
Brilliant stuff, ANIW, what a fabulous transcript.... . good ole Chris, bowing and scraping, tugging his forelock to the Tennessee patrol, yess, sir , no sir, three bags full, sir.... ... nothing like Mr WhipWieldingBossMan at the treadmill. You'd think they were two different people. This is the conundrum of the psychopath.

Chris was so positive in this Traffic stop cameo. All waving hands, and submissive posture, at one point he actually bends his knee to the copper, (Don't hurt me, Mister, I'm a nice white taxpaying straight guy ) bringing in all the big chops about Dad, and his Degrees, and slipping in a bit of acid into Breanna while he can.

Somewhere in there he refers to an injury, I thought he said his own brain injury, but I am battling another dialect, no doubt I got that off kilter, perhaps he was referring to an injury to Corey, which , to my mind at the time ( no autopsy having been done as yet ) only he would know how many times and with what viciousness he banged his own childs head.
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I think his testifying will prove he is a monster.
Yes. But it’s his only chance all the same. He must present something that is not a sadist who is emulating concentration camp fun while relishing every moment of watching his sons body being torn apart on the inside in front of him.

But I’m sure he can’t muster the same courage as Corey displayed when he tried to get back onto the racing treadmill in order to avoid his father forcefully throwing him on there yet again.

Because just like Corey had no chance with the treadmill execution, his biofather will have no chance in this endeavour.
Defendant’s mom caught on the phone with the defendant being coached. Lol. State arguing if she testifies they will cross examine with that audio. So now defense is not going to call her. Yeah, the parents are totally lying on the stand for their son. And you know what, I get it! It happens all the time. They’re his parents and they want to save him from a life in prison. JMO
I think this is true, and I don't think any of them ever really bonded with Corey, including Chris. They didn't get to experience expecting a grandchild or his babyhood and first milestones. They were only brought in when the mother wanted money for child support.

I think they felt more like a stepfamily than a bloodline family. And I think Chris resented all of it. He resented getting jerked around and not being aware he had a child, and then he resented an ex-lover's child demanding money for a son she conveniently kept him from knowing about in prior years.

Worst of all, little Corey was a pawn.

He deserved better.
and not being aware he had a child,
In Breanna's own words, she was assaulted by Christopher at age 16 and he knew she got pregnant.... he wanted her to abort. It's a small community and word travels fast, Daniel is younger brother and was in HS with Breanna. I don't buy any of this "I didn't know I was a dad" business. Gregor Grandparents didn't know I'm sure. But they knew full well in 2010 about Christopher's assault charges at Wesleyan and why he had to come home.

From her Facebook/youtu.be

Mom of Breanna has mentioned the SA as well, in public, at a school board meeting.
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