NJ NJ - Wall Twnshp, UncUns, 3 skulls found amongst skel remains, Mar'24


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Sep 26, 2023
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WALL TOWNSHIP - Three human skulls appeared to be among the skeletal remains that were found at a property on Narrumson Road Tuesday, according to the contractor whose workers made the grisly find while working on the site.
"We were digging for a new foundation and we encountered actually three skulls and a lot of bones," Wiley said.

But Wiley, who said he saw the remains, said the skulls appeared to be undoubtedly human. Two were larger, one was smaller, he said.

The skeletal remains were not intact, but could have been disrupted by the machine that dug them up from the ground, Wiley said.

They were all within 2 to 5 feet of each other, he said.
Speculation about the remains have swirled around the neighborhood ever since they were found, he said. Were they connected to Prohibition days when rum-runners were known to frequent the area. Did the excavation disturb a Native American burial ground?

There were no ready answers to any of that Wednesday.

Murcko said one of the workers at the site showed him a picture of one of the skulls. The skull was yellow, Murcko said, but "the teeth were perfect."
Looks like the lot next to 1118 Narrumson Rd. Seems unlikely to be a Native burial site, but looks like maybe at least 3 mysteries might be on the way to being solved. I assume we'll hear more from the neighbor and/or police on who lived in that house before it was torn down, and what activity may have gone on since then.
Looks like the lot next to 1118 Narrumson Rd. Seems unlikely to be a Native burial site, but looks like maybe at least 3 mysteries might be on the way to being solved. I assume we'll hear more from the neighbor and/or police on who lived in that house before it was torn down, and what activity may have gone on since then.
there is a Lenape trail nearby. Maybe just a coincedence?

An 1873 map of Wall Township from the Historical Society shows the region as it appeared to the early settlers and founders. Back then it was mostly farms. Wall Township approved a subdivision in 1927 of the plot of land now at the center of the investigation. A small 744-square-foot Cape Cod home was built in 1940 and remained until 2018.
If the builder was given the all clear, it wasn't a native burial. So it's likely something of significance was found found, a grave marker or coffin nails etc. coupled with records of the house or lot. At the very least no bullet holes in the skulls, etc. I sure hope they did GPR to be sure it was just those three.

“A forensic analysis of human remains discovered during the excavation of a residential construction site in Wall Township last month has not revealed any evidence indicating that the deaths were suspicious in nature,” Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago and Wall Township Police Chief Sean O’Halloran announced.

The age of the deceased at the time of their death has not been determined.

The analysis undertaken by an anthropologist with the New Jersey State Police Forensic Anthropology Unit showed that the bones belonged to several individuals, Santiago and O'Halloran said.
Police told Wall Township Historian De Hearn, who was lending her expertise to the police, that the bones were found deep in the ground. Combining that information with her wide knowledge of the local area, Hearn believes the remains were those of bodies buried in a family plot when farms operated in that section of Wall.
I am glad someone posted something about this. I just saw it on the Monmouth County Prosecutors office and was intrigued they quickly conclude "no foul play". I hadn't even heard about it, but I have been busy lately. Thanks.
Here is the link to their announcement
From the article, “While the precise age of the remains cannot be quickly determined with a high degree of accuracy, it is strongly believed that they are of an advanced age.”

To me, this is not clear. Were the deceased “of an advanced age” - as in tbey were elderly?

Or does “of an advanced age” mean that it has been a long time since the living person(s) ceased living and started to become “remains”?

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