NJ - William McGuire, 39, found dismembered in Chesapeake Bay, 2004

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Good. As it should be. What a horrible excuse for a subhuman to have done that to her husband.

The prosecutors believe that she killed him and dismembered him in their bathroom. Melanie hung herself she stated that it was their luggage not it's the same model as what we own. Her hair was on the duct tape that was the only thing that really linked her to the crime regarding evidence.
The prosecutors believe that she killed him and dismembered him in their bathroom. Melanie hung herself she stated that it was their luggage not it's the same model as what we own. Her hair was on the duct tape that was the only thing that really linked her to the crime regarding evidence.

1. he's still twice her size. how did she maneuver him? once he was "dead weight" without leaving any evidence of that activity?

2. so she shoots him in the bathroom and neither her kids nor neighors hear it. but then he falls to the floor. does she start cutting him up right there on the floor?

3. the reciprocating saw makes noise, but her kids didnt wake up and her neighbors didnt hear anything, and that noise would have been going on for a while before the job was done.

4. and there would have been a lot of blood flowing and spraying around ... none found. (and apparently none noticed by her kids)

5. when did she "hang herself" and state it was their luggage? she chose to exercise her fifth amendment right to remain silent, and i'm not aware of any written or recorded statements like that having been admitted into evidence.

6. the hair on the duct tape? did you see the movie "murder by numbers"? with sandra bullock and ryan gosling? if somebody who was close to her (such as a boyfriend with whom she worked and was having an ongoing affair) wanted to set her up because she had jilted him, it would be no problem whatsoever to obtain multiple strands of her hair without her ever being aware of it.

Guilty on the murder and dismemberment and gun charges! Not guilty on the drug and obstruction charges. Bail has been revoked and she was led out of the courtroom by bailiff.
There is another thread on Melanie McGuire in the Trials forum. I forgot about this thread. :blushing:
youre very welcome! :)
i saw dribs and drabs of the trial as it went along ..... and i thought if they ever did a movie of it, they should ask mary elizabeth mastroantonio to play melanie ....

what do you think? >>>

I think you're right on about MEM. She does resemble Melanie.

And I can see this case being made into a Lifetime movie.
I followed alot of this trial and felt she was guilty but had help. I think the good doctor was in on it and now that she has been convicted I hope if that is true she sings like a bird.
I was just posting what the prosecutors stated. I'm not here to agree or disagree.
exactly .... i remember a couple of the TH's saying the CSI's virtually took the house apart on and off for over a year, and they never found any blood evidence ... they claimed the body was cut up with a riceprocating saw ... but where was it done? no luminol or anything else, not a shred of evidence .... drains ... taking switch plates off the walls, etc. etc., yet they never found a thing in the home to indicate that any crime had occurred there.

that question was never answered, as far as i know.

I believe they think she did it in the shower and drop cloths were used. The blood was supposedly drained and the reciprocating saw only used to cut the bones. It was said that the cuts above the knee showed that the body was sitting with the knees bent and the saw went straight down somehow making it easier. It was mentioned that she probably shot him that night using a green pillow similar to the ones on her couch because a piece of green fiber was found in the suitcase. They think she cut him up the next day while neighbors were all gone to work. The lady who came to buy the entertainment center said the bathroom smelled like a morgue from chemical cleaning smells. I think Melanie could lift the suitcase with the torso without too much trouble. Maybe she even rigged something to help her but I wonder when she would have done it without being seen by someone.
--good post--that sums it up--I wonder why she didn't get rid of the computer lol--anyway, my mother's been following this case more than I and she agrees with the verdict--saw Melanie a couple of times on CourtTV--she sure looked creepy to me
(my bold) They almost never look creepy to me! What looked creepy to you?
1. he's still twice her size. how did she maneuver him? once he was "dead weight" without leaving any evidence of that activity?

2. so she shoots him in the bathroom and neither her kids nor neighors hear it. but then he falls to the floor. does she start cutting him up right there on the floor?

3. the reciprocating saw makes noise, but her kids didnt wake up and her neighbors didnt hear anything, and that noise would have been going on for a while before the job was done.

4. and there would have been a lot of blood flowing and spraying around ... none found. (and apparently none noticed by her kids)

5. when did she "hang herself" and state it was their luggage? she chose to exercise her fifth amendment right to remain silent, and i'm not aware of any written or recorded statements like that having been admitted into evidence.

6. the hair on the duct tape? did you see the movie "murder by numbers"? with sandra bullock and ryan gosling? if somebody who was close to her (such as a boyfriend with whom she worked and was having an ongoing affair) wanted to set her up because she had jilted him, it would be no problem whatsoever to obtain multiple strands of her hair without her ever being aware of it.

Twice her size? Wouldn't that make him 10'4"...J/K!:p

Are they positive it was a reciprocating saw? Could it have been something else, possibly?

She took the stand, right? Did she take the fifth only for some questions...or do you have to take it for all? How does that work?
Twice her size? Wouldn't that make him 10'4"...J/K!:p

Are they positive it was a reciprocating saw? Could it have been something else, possibly?

She took the stand, right? Did she take the fifth only for some questions...or do you have to take it for all? How does that work?
no - she did not take the stand
I believe they think she did it in the shower and drop cloths were used. The blood was supposedly drained and the reciprocating saw only used to cut the bones. It was said that the cuts above the knee showed that the body was sitting with the knees bent and the saw went straight down somehow making it easier. It was mentioned that she probably shot him that night using a green pillow similar to the ones on her couch because a piece of green fiber was found in the suitcase. They think she cut him up the next day while neighbors were all gone to work. The lady who came to buy the entertainment center said the bathroom smelled like a morgue from chemical cleaning smells. I think Melanie could lift the suitcase with the torso without too much trouble. Maybe she even rigged something to help her but I wonder when she would have done it without being seen by someone.

that pretty much answers most of the question i had, tex! there's still a question in my mind about where she shot him. i suppose she could have shot him in the bedroom at night (tho neither the kids nor neighbors heard the shot), waited till the kids went to school, but she'd have had to keep him from bleeding out all over the bed or bedroom floor if she waited hours to cut him up... no blood found there .... but then how did she get him out of the bedroom and into the shower? .... or did she wait until he went into the shower and shoot him in there? of course, that scenario has its own problems.

i didnt hear the prosecution opening statements in this case, but apparently, the pros mentioned an accomplice in that opening statement, so even they thought she had one.

i'm pretty much thinking she had an accomplice, but the prosecutor seems to want to wash her hands of this case now that she got melanie.
Twice her size? Wouldn't that make him 10'4"...J/K!:p

Are they positive it was a reciprocating saw? Could it have been something else, possibly?

She took the stand, right? Did she take the fifth only for some questions...or do you have to take it for all? How does that work?

good point! :D i should have specified twice her weight. a lot of people have trouble doing things with anything their own weight, let alone something twice their weight. she weighed @ 115 lb, and he weighed @ 230 lb.

i didnt see it when the prosecutor presented that recip.saw evidence, but i saw michael bryant holding a reciprocating saw and talking about how that was the prosecutions theory .... then after the verdit that jamie floyd held up a recip.saw and said that was the part of the prosecution case she had a reasonable doubt about.

i also saw joe tacopina cros-examining dr. miller about his purchase of a reciprocating saw .... at that time, i didnt know the significance, but dr. miller was extremely nervous during that cross examination.

melanie and her lawyer, joe tacopina, decided (for various reasons tacopina outlined to Crier and Banfield's two separate shows) that she was going to exercise her consstitutional right to remain silent, so this was done outside the presence of the jury .... the judge questioned melanie, herself, about several points, asking if she understood this and that, really going over all aspects of it and asking her point blank if this was her desire, not just a ploy of her lawyers (tho he didnt say it exactly that way) and she said yes, she understood each thing he was telling her and assured the judge that this was her desire.

since she didnt take the stand, i'm unsure how the prosecutor would get into evidence a statement by melanie admitting that the luggage was hers (even if she did make such a statement, which i hadnt heard before), because if melanie so methodically planned and covered her bases the way she apparently did, it doesnt seem in character that she would incriminate herself that way.
youre very welcome! :)
i saw dribs and drabs of the trial as it went along ..... and i thought if they ever did a movie of it, they should ask mary elizabeth mastroantonio to play melanie ....

what do you think? >>>

YES, Mastroantonio would be perfect for the role of McGuire!!
exactly .... i remember a couple of the TH's saying the CSI's virtually took the house apart on and off for over a year, and they never found any blood evidence ... they claimed the body was cut up with a riceprocating saw ... but where was it done? no luminol or anything else, not a shred of evidence .... drains ... taking switch plates off the walls, etc. etc., yet they never found a thing in the home to indicate that any crime had occurred there.

that question was never answered, as far as i know.

seven, you have missed the point of the "lack of evidence" in the McGuire's apartment.

Four people lived there and yet there was ZERO DNA found! Zero! How can that possibly be unless it had been scrubbed sterile and proved that the apartment was the crime scene.

Add that fact to:
Melanie's two different stories about buying the gun
Melanie's buying a .38 handgun and ammo in Pa. with false id days before the murder
the computer searches for info that incriminates her
the luggage--- she admitted it was theirs
the blanket from her office around his head
(sure sign of relationship bet. victim and killer!)
the trash bags were consistent with trash bags from their apt.
(defense expert was knowledgeable about plastic, not about trash bags made from recycled material-- the cheap bags had markings, striations showing to a layperson's eye how they were made in close proximity)
the weight consistent with Bill's set
Melanie's moving Bill's car and her whole story about why and the taxi trips back and forth she claimed to have taken-- complete lies!
the anonymous letters
the timeline and the EZPass records

and the FACT that Bill McGuire was never heard from again by anybody that evening of the day they closed on his dream house. The idea that she and Bill argued in the middle of the night and that he walked out and just vanished is ludicrous.

I suggest to anyone who wants to understand how the pieces of this powerful circumstantial case were put together...watch the closing argument by Patty Prezioso. It is compelling and convincing, to me, certainly, and more important, to the 12 jurors.

Melanie McGuire has much in common with Scott Peterson.
...on ABC is covering this case, 26 June, 10 PM EDT. She was interviewed before the verdict came in and that will be included in the show.
Did anyone see yesterday that Melanie McGuire's attorneys have presented evidence that her husband was indebted to the mob to the tune of $90gs?

I think it was on CNN. I will go try to find an article.

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