GUILTY NM - Adam Avalos, 29, brutally murdered, Las Cruces, 3 April 2006

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Day 5 a.m.
Not much accomplished this morning. Apparently State rested Friday when I wasn't in attendance.

Defense called defendant's GF to stand. She's known defendant 22 years. Met when she was 14 and he was 16. Her mother became a mother figure to defendant when he was 16 and his own mother committed suicide. GF hasn't seen the defendant since 1997 (because of his jail time).. She says she loves the defendant and he loves her. She testified that when she was with defendant, he sometimes blacked out and just wasn't "there". On cross examination, pros asks if she's ever been charged with fraud. She says yes. He asks if she is lying about her BF (referring to his blackouts). She says no, she has no reason to lie. Then, she was dismissed.

We find out the next witness isn't due for another hour-and-a-quarter. So I'm taking a break until after lunch.

Tidbits. Security, the clerk's office and the judge's bailiff could not or would not give me the court's wifi password, So, no tweeting from the court house.

The defense attorney's wife was in court sitting in first row behind defense table. She is even more "colorful" than her husband. Defendant turned in his chair, leaned over to her and commented that "she looks nice today" and she responded back, "You do too." Then she began chatting with him. The guard broke that up fast. Told her she cannot talk to the defendant. She said, "I am Todd's (def lawyer) wife. I work for him" The guard then said, "If you have anything to say to the defendant, speak to his attorney and he will pass it on to the defendant. " I chuckled a little. The 2nd attorney at defense table, a young woman PD, massaged the defendant's back a few times. They all seem to be one big caring family.

Out out of presence of jury, some discussion on whether a NG - insanity plea is

Plan to return this afternoon.
Thanks for the insider info. I don't comment much but like listening to the rest of you.

Thanks for the insider info. I don't comment much but like listening to the rest of you.

Thank you for the kind words potboiler. it is appreciated.:loveyou:
Yeah Chell, this is actually kind of nice.
No trying to get the stream working, or frantically looking for tweets, or keep up with the thead, lol...
Just a nice solid recap or 2 each day from you :)

I'm enjoying it quite a lot as well. :)
Just found out jury found him guilty of Murder 2. Couldn't get to court and didn't even know closing was today. darn!

Oh rats, sorry you missed the closings and deliberation. I'm sorta surprised at the verdict, he sure sounds well off his rocker but I do agree 1st degree wouldn't have been appropriate.

Thanks for all the updates and first hand accounts Chelly, interesting though gruesome case, see you tomorrow for Mazzaglia's closing!

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