NM - Cop Fires at Mini Van Full of Kids After Traffic Stop

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The 14 year old "child" that attacked the cops looks bigger than the police officers in that video clip. The woman has convictions for DUI and the found marijuana pipes in the vehicle. I am so relieved this lovely family was not harmed and now they can likely sue and get rich at tax payers expense.
I hate to say this but if she was thinking about her children and following the law instead of running away none of this would have happened!!
Hmm. Mother speeds with car full of kids. Cops try to stop her twice, maybe try to shoot at tires (idk). How about the cops were trying to stop her before she runs into a law abiding mom with her car full of kids? Each traffic stop cops don't know what's going to happen. Jmo

The 14 year old "child" that attacked the cops looks bigger than the police officers in that video clip. The woman has convictions for DUI and the found marijuana pipes in the vehicle. I am so relieved this lovely family was not harmed and now they can likely sue and get rich at tax payers expense.

This. While the police should not have shot at the cops that 14 yr old punk, Got out and assaulted the officer.

If she would have obeyed the officer none of this would have happened. Again I believe the officers were not right in breaking the window or shooting, They should be punished for that, However she should be charged as should her son.
If she would have obeyed the officer none of this would have happened. Again I believe the officers were not right in breaking the window or shooting, They should be punished for that, However she should be charged as should her son.

Yes, I totally agree. While LE acted a little extreme in this case, this woman is the one that started the whole thing. If she had only done what she was asked everything would be fine, but I have a fairly strong inkling that she was trying to hide something and had reason to run. ;)

I watched the video and it's clear to me that the cop was aiming at the tires, not the "car full of kids" -- oh, the drama. I seriously can't believe who the good guys v. the bad guys are these days. smdh

On the surface it seems extreme to start busting windows and firing at tires but one needs to realize that if the cops had failed to immediately try everything they could to keep that woman from peeling out into freeway traffic with those children, they would now be getting ridiculed for not trying hard enough to protect the kids! It's a miracle the van wasn't rolled or hit by a truck.

That mom risked her childrens lives to avoid a ticket. She was clearly not behaving rationally, which is why the officer needed to have her exit the van and attempt to secure her with handcuffs before she broke away and ran. MOO
I watched the video and it's clear to me that the cop was aiming at the tires, not the "car full of kids" -- oh, the drama. I seriously can't believe who the good guys v. the bad guys are these days. smdh


It looked the same way to me as well-he was trying to shoot out the tires.
I watched the videos of this and the mother is clearly in the wrong in so many ways. Come to find out she had drugs/drug paraphernalia in the vehicle. Is she freakin nuts?? What the hell kind of mother piles her 5 kids in a vehicle with drug/drug paraphernalia and goes on a road trip. then she resists the officer and struggles free hops in the car and takes off?

The 14 year old looked huge. He could have easily been 18 or older by the size of him. The cop doesn;t know he is a 14 year old. All he knows is that the woman is trying to flee or get back to the car, the 14 year old is menacing and aggressive. The 14 year old retreated when the cop brought out the tazer and hopped back in the vehicle and refused to come out. That is why the passenger rear window was broken out. For all the cop knew, the 14 year old was an adult and could have pulled out a gun or used one of the younger kids as a hostage.

So who was it putting these children in danger. The mother, that's who. I'm sorry but she does NOT get special treatment just because she has young kids with her to try and hide behind. That makes her even worse in my opinion, kinda like those parents who take their kids shoplifting as a cover, or even get the kids to do the stealing.

The cop was shooting at the tires and I am completely in support of him. It didn't have to happen that way but mom and son amped it up to that degree. If mom doesn't have any concern about her children in the midst of this you can be sure she doesn't care about any other drivers or pedestrians who get in her way as she flees.
"Mother of minivan of kids shot at by police speaks out against 'terrifying individual' police officer"

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-individual-police-officer.html#ixzz2lRn1Li8Z

'A uniformed officer can shoot three bullets at my van and be considered to be “doing his job”, but my doing what I can to get my own children away from such a terrifying individual has been termed “child abuse” and “endangerment,” according to New Mexico law,' she wrote."

"Calling herself a 'peace officer,' Ferrell writes: 'As a single, African-American mother of five in this country, things are tough enough I should not have to endure harassment at the hands of someone who has been hired to protect the citizens of this land over an alleged “speeding offense.” No one should.'

"Ferrell, who refers to herself as a 'model parent,' will appear in court in April."
New Mexico officer in van shooting is fired


SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — The New Mexico State Police officer who fired shots at a minivan full of children during a chaotic October traffic stop has been fired, a spokesman with the law enforcement agency said Friday.

Lt. Emmanuel Gutierrez, a State Police spokesman, said he confirmed with State Police Chief Pete Kassetas that Officer Elias Montoya was no longer employed by the department. Montoya's termination was effective at 5 p.m. Friday........

The mother and her son were arrested in front of a hotel after a chase in which the van traveled at speeds of nearly 100 mph. She has since been released on bond. She faces charges of child abuse, fleeing and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia for a pair of marijuana pipes that authorities say were in the van.........
I am from New Mexico and I support this police officer 100 percent. I would never behave like this with my children in the car. Geez. Watch the 18 minutes, not just the 30 second NEWS (?) clip!
Model parent? ROFL!!!

I guess I will never be a "model parent" then because I have never resisted an officer, fled the scene, put 5 children in a van with drug paraphernalia, drove 100 miles an hours with 5 kids in the vehicle with me, etc.

I'd be willing to bet there was more than drug paraphernalia in that vehicle but they disposed of it somehow during the chase. She was fleeing for a reason.
I can't believe the officer was fired! I haven't checked but did any officials from the police department or similar speak out in his defence? Anyone who watches the whole video can see that the officers were doing what they needed to do to stop an absolute menace. The woman and her son are the ones in the wrong but now because of misplaced public outrage, an officer loses his job. Unbelievable.
I can't believe the officer was fired! I haven't checked but did any officials from the police department or similar speak out in his defence? Anyone who watches the whole video can see that the officers were doing what they needed to do to stop an absolute menace. The woman and her son are the ones in the wrong but now because of misplaced public outrage, an officer loses his job. Unbelievable.

I would think that there's more to it than that. We don't know what's gone on with this officer during his tenure, nor do we know what the internal investigation uncovered. I doubt he was fired just based on public outrage. I'm guessing there's a lot more we don't know that played a part in his firing.
"Police officer who shot at minivan full of children to appeal firing"


From the above articles are these quotes from the self-proclaimed "Model parent and peace officer"

"As a single, African-American mother of five in this country, things are tough enough I should not have to endure harassment at the hands of someone who has been hired to protect the citizens of this land over an alleged “speeding offense.” No one should.'

Interesting views there. So apparently no one should have to endure the "harassment" of being stopped by a police officer, over something like an "alleged speeding offense". Especially if they are an African-American single mother of 5!

Apparently she fancies herself as an entitled class of people who should be above the law because she has a lot of kids? Or isn't married? Or is African American? I'm sorry but how does that entitle her to immunity to the laws that everyone else must abide by?

SHE escalated the incident when she decided to flee (TWICE). She didn't even know if he was going to give her a ticket when he went to his car to run her info. he had not touched her or even made her get out of the car at that point. She fled an that makes it pretty dang suspicious. Who would flee like that unless they had something pretty serious to hide?

The 14 year old was as large as an adult and the cop(s) had no idea of his age. He certainly was not behaving as a child when he went after the officer. He could have had a gun for all the cops knew. And one of the other "children" in the car was 18 years old! So hardly a child. From what the cop could see, it probably looked like 3 adults and 3 kids.

And model parent? Not according to this link:( http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/201...after-traffic-stop-scuffle-in-new-mexico?lite) "Ferrell was also charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, the newspaper reported. Ferrell, from Memphis, Tenn., has prior arrests for driving while intoxicated, and two apparent marijuana pipes were found at the time of the arrest".

Model parents do not have prior arrests (plural!) and carry 2 marijuana pipes in their vehicles. ( I don't care if you smoke but keep it at home and NOT in the same vehicle with your FIVE kids).

Then when backup arrived she fled AGAIN and went against traffic during her wild attempt to get away. She endangered her kids and everyone else on the road with her that day.

I side with the cops on this.
Here is the longer video of the cop and his interactions with this "model parent". You can see how she is being stubborn from the beginning and debating with him on everything he says.

He issued her a ticket for going 71mph in a 55mph zone. He was nice, but firm, as cops are) and he did NOT give her a ticket for having an expired license! He gave her a break on that and she wanted to continue to debate with her over signing the ticket and whether to pay it or go to court over it.

After a few minutes of this, after explaining her 3 options over and OVER, he told her he was not going to stand on the side of the road and continue the debate. If she refused to sign the ticket, she would have to be arrested (it's like that in my state as well, standard procedure). He told her that MORE than once, explaining it to her and giving her a chance to make her choice. She blah blah blahs, that she has never been in trouble before (Umm yeah, that a lie as we know she has prior arrests for driving while intoxicated. So she is no naive innocent woman with no clue of how being pulled over goes.)

She kept it up and he finally told her to turn off the vehicle while he returned to his car. As he turn to go back to his car, she took off. How freakin stupid is that? She should have just taken her ticket and gone on her way, and gone to court if it was unfair, like everyone else.

He pursues her an about a mile or so later, she pulls over again. He tells her to get out and she refuses. He reaches in to turn off the car and pull her out and she struggles with him. She refuses to get out of the car, is fighting him and one of her sons gets out the car so the cop lets go of her and turn attention to the son and orders him back in the car and he gets back in. (That's the FIRST time he gets out and he does it again later) .

Cop then continues to tell her to get out of the car and she refuses and the conversation goes on for another 5 minutes.

Finally cop has enough and tells her to turn around and then she resists and goes to get back in the van. The cop grabs her arm. One of her younger kids ( age 8,9 10?) gets out the driver side and tries to get in the middle, in the middle of the street which is dangerous, while the son gets out again and so does a teenage daughter (from the passenger side).

The cop lets go of her because a young child in in the middle of it so she takes the chance to get back in the car while the cop turns his attention to the menacing son who has put his hands on the cop,getting physical with the cop. from. So the cop pulls the tazer and orders the son to the ground.

Meanwhile the van has all the doors open, including BOTH sliding doors and people are popping heads and bodies in and out and the cop is in a dangerous situation, no knowing where the next attack will come from.

The son refuses to get on the ground. The mom and kids are screaming and the son refuses to obey the order and dashes back into the van. The family shuts all the doors, locks them and the cop orders the son out and he refuses.

At that point, the backup units pull up. There are now 3 cops surrounding the van. They are ordered to open the door and refuse. So the cop pulls the baton out and swings at the window. Then the van pulls off again. The cop who had just pulled up is behind the van and he is the one who shoots at the tires of the fleeing van.

Then it is a 5 minute chase, going about 100 mph (the speed is on the dash cam) and she hops into a one way lane (going the wrong way) to cut into an intersection, in front of other cars (at a red light), without stopping and turns. She then continues at a high rate of speed, passing cars in front of her by passing them on the left in the turning lane and flies thru another intersection.

The pursuit continues (now 18 minutes into the video!) and they pull up in front of a hotel and are ordered out and gunpoint and finally comply.

My final judgement after carefully watching, rewinding and watching bits in slow motion? This mother is an idiot who endangered her kids, traumatized them and is NO "model parent" !! Oh and she home schools her kids too? Yes she does apparently. Well what a lesson mom has given them today on how NOT to behave.

I am now more firmly in support of the officers. I have family in LE and people like these are a nightmare to deal with. People could have died because of this foolish woman and her actions.

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