NM - Man seeks to identify pooping jogger

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I adore this thread, lol
Maybe she didn't realize she dropped something! (oh poo...)

:floorlaugh:Good point!

Maybe she didn't notice the load she left "behind"...

but then again... I wonder if she really would want to go back and grab it... Even if she DID know... KWIM? (Yuck! :eek:)
How do I get verified as a piece of s***, and as an accessory to the crappy behavior?
I would like to make amends. Been going down the toilet lately.
Clues fading a bit as investigation suffers a blockage in the flow of productive activity
ba-dum-dum, your welcome, I laid that sucker out lmao

Don't forget to tip your waitresses folks, starry will be here all night.
I ran a scientific experiment...

BUTT.... Warning: ... Please do not try this at home....

I am an expert....:crosseyed:

I wished to compare these two smilies :
(Note: you may have seen these a few times on this thread... :giggle:)

: behind : : butthead :

:behind: :butthead:

I am wondering if one of them moves faster than the other...

because one of them is BEHIND?

Since this mysterious Femme Fecal is a public nuisance of the highest level...

I feel this case should not be "dumped" by the wayside...

In my dedicated sleuthing I uncovered this most interesting clue...

Which could lead to discovering the motive behind our mysterious jogger's waste management habits...

:waitasec: Could she be running in an attempt to find this?:


Giant prehistoric toilet unearthed

"A gigantic "communal latrine" created at the dawn of the dinosaurs has been unearthed in Argentina."

"Thousands of fossilised poos left by rhino-like megaherbivores were found clustered together, scientists say."

"The 240-million-year-old site is the "world's oldest public toilet" and the first evidence that ancient reptiles shared collective dumping grounds."

"There is no doubt who the culprit was," said Dr Lucas Fiorelli, of Crilar-Conicet, who discovered the dung heaps." :sleuth:

"The fact they shared latrines suggests they were gregarious, herd animals, who had good reasons to poo strategically, said Dr Fiorelli."

"Firstly, it was important to avoid parasites - 'you don't poo where you eat', as the saying goes."

"But it's also a warning to predators. If you leave a huge pile, you are saying: 'Hey! We are a big herd. Watch out!"

Sooo... It looks like Ms. Pooping Jogger wishes to "avoid pooing where she eats"...

And... wants to leave a "big pile" to ward off predators!

Tah - Dah .... :websleuther:
I wonder if the Femme Fecal makes Poo-men... Instead of Snow-men ...this time of year? :waitasec:

I wonder if the Femme Fecal makes Poo-men... Instead of Snow-men ...this time of year? :waitasec:


with a corn cob pipe?

(after all, the forensic analysis did reveal had corn for dinner!:
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9775416&postcount=40"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - NM- Man seeks to identify pooping jogger[/ame])
It's time to get into the spirit of the season...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu4AuQA50pg"]Mr Hanky the christmas poo - YouTube[/ame]

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