NM Missing/Murdered - linked to West Mesa?

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This person I spoke with back home had done extensive research into this case. This person believes that you can find the other burial site by determining and testing soil. The killer buried these poor girls in an arroyo wash. Arroyo's would run during mansoon season in NM but not every rain. In order for the arroyos to run it would have had to have been a particularly hard rain. The soil in the arroyo washes was so soft and smooth, think sand on a beach, but the desert surrounding the arroyo the soil would be hard and difficult to dig. I grew up near an arroyo and as kids we would play in the area where the beach sand was cause it was easy to dig, play with, etc.
Hi! I have spoken with someone back home in ABQ, and this person works with sex workers. We were talking and I ran a couple of ideas past this person anyway, we both think there is s second burial site. Probably somewhere on the "north mesa" heading towards Rio Rancho. I believe there you will find the last 6 girls who were sex workers and vanished from Albuquerque.
Ana Vigil lka 1/20/05
Felipa Gonzales lka 4/27/05
-arrested 4/30/2005
-in custody 5/1/2005
Nina Herron lka 5/24/2005
Shawntel Waites lka 3/15/2006
Leah Peebles lka 5/22/2006
-featured on disappeared episode
-cell phone records available
Vanessa Reid Lujan lka 6/13/2006
-sister, Amy, lived same lifestyle
-both knew Fred Reynolds well, Amy believes there is know way possible he was west Mesa killer

I wonder(think) NINA HERRON is the one that creepy caller was talking about when he called that p.i. that went viral
--found an old list I had saved prior with those above girls on it as well as others and some run away teens--havent really looked into any to check for updates, but figured I'd repost them here:

--Betty Vigil Garcia missing 1998
--Jeanette Maria De La Cruz missing 1999
--Christine Julian missing 2003
--Brenda Jeen Apalicio missing 2003

Brittney Ann Jaramillo missing 2007
Danisha Renee Klug missing 2008
Johana Elvira Martinez missing 2008
Ashley Nichole Lopez missing 2008
Xylonia Begay missing Feb. 2009
Amber Adelia Bittinger missing March 2009
I’d like to revisit this thread.

the seeker, you did an amazing job finding new potential victims; did you happen to find anything in the media discussing an uptick in missing sex workers in the area(s), or anything about specific missing sex worker(s)? Any women found that might meet the West Mesa victimology? I looked at news sources and couldn’t find anything specific; I did find an instance of two women who were found near one another, but this seems to be an odd coincidence, as they don’t have anything in common with the WM victims. They were also found in the mountains. Do we have additional details (such as NamUs IDs) that we can look at to see if we can help search for identities? A description of a missing woman and a story about a family looking for a missing sister/daughter/niece with a similar description in NamUs could lead to the possibility of a match if we send them our information.

Vegasdee, I know you were working hard on a map of the more recent missing; I think you may have ended up listing every city in NM, but were you able to find any patterns?

I do think there is the possibility of a second site, but where? Let’s see if we can find any patterns that might lead us to some site ideas. Maybe articles about construction sites being vandalized, people in cars or trucks found in isolated areas or trespassing?

The site will in all likelihood be smaller than the original WM site, as the killer may have realized that too many victims buried in one place leads to a higher probability of someone being found.

As always, thank you for your help. We couldn’t do this without you.

Rachel and Josh

Thanks. I will dig for the above information you requested. I will also spend some time on Namus and the DoeNetwork and see what I can find.
I’d like to revisit this thread.

the seeker, you did an amazing job finding new potential victims; did you happen to find anything in the media discussing an uptick in missing sex workers in the area(s), or anything about specific missing sex worker(s)? Any women found that might meet the West Mesa victimology? I looked at news sources and couldn’t find anything specific; I did find an instance of two women who were found near one another, but this seems to be an odd coincidence, as they don’t have anything in common with the WM victims. They were also found in the mountains. Do we have additional details (such as NamUs IDs) that we can look at to see if we can help search for identities? A description of a missing woman and a story about a family looking for a missing sister/daughter/niece with a similar description in NamUs could lead to the possibility of a match if we send them our information.

Vegasdee, I know you were working hard on a map of the more recent missing; I think you may have ended up listing every city in NM, but were you able to find any patterns?

I do think there is the possibility of a second site, but where? Let’s see if we can find any patterns that might lead us to some site ideas. Maybe articles about construction sites being vandalized, people in cars or trucks found in isolated areas or trespassing?

The site will in all likelihood be smaller than the original WM site, as the killer may have realized that too many victims buried in one place leads to a higher probability of someone being found.

As always, thank you for your help. We couldn’t do this without you.

Rachel and Josh

I totally agree about the perp using a smaller site. He may be strewing them out somehow now, or when he was active...not sure if he is active now, but if he is alive, the chances are that he is active or will be again at some point. We all know they are not likely to stop completely. He may have moved onto Lakes etc...I know nothing about lakes in NM....I guess its time to check that out as well.
I will be combing youtube too for whatever I can find....
I wonder(think) NINA HERRON is the one that creepy caller was talking about when he called that p.i. that went viral
--found an old list I had saved prior with those above girls on it as well as others and some run away teens--havent really looked into any to check for updates, but figured I'd repost them here:

--Betty Vigil Garcia missing 1998
--Jeanette Maria De La Cruz missing 1999
--Christine Julian missing 2003
--Brenda Jeen Apalicio missing 2003

Brittney Ann Jaramillo missing 2007
Danisha Renee Klug missing 2008
Johana Elvira Martinez missing 2008
Ashley Nichole Lopez missing 2008
Xylonia Begay missing Feb. 2009
Amber Adelia Bittinger missing March 2009

Yes, I just found Jeanette Maria De La Cruz on DN. She fits. Hispanic, short (5'1) and 19 years old and living in Albuquerque. Don't know if she was a known sex worker as of yet. Last seen in the area of her residence which was near the 11800 block of Montgomery NE in Albuquerque.
Girly Chew was not a WM victim, I don't think, as suspects for her murder where arrested and are doing time. Her husband was involved. However, her body was never found. It was the first murder conviction in Albuquerque to happen without a body.
I wonder(think) NINA HERRON is the one that creepy caller was talking about when he called that p.i. that went viral
--found an old list I had saved prior with those above girls on it as well as others and some run away teens--havent really looked into any to check for updates, but figured I'd repost them here:

--Betty Vigil Garcia missing 1998
--Jeanette Maria De La Cruz missing 1999
--Christine Julian missing 2003
--Brenda Jeen Apalicio missing 2003

Brittney Ann Jaramillo missing 2007
Danisha Renee Klug missing 2008
Johana Elvira Martinez missing 2008
Ashley Nichole Lopez missing 2008
Xylonia Begay missing Feb. 2009
Amber Adelia Bittinger missing March 2009

The four adults are still missing.





Of the teens, the three names I bolded are no longer missing. The other three don't show up in any of the missing databases, so they probably were located, as well.



Im working on a whole list of people. Im a little sickened, there are a rash of newly missing 2014-2015 that fit...short in stature, Hispanic, the only thing I haven't found out yet is if they were sex workers. I will find that out. They are missing from Albuquerque. Is he back?

I want to compile a list here, if that's ok, for easy access reading here. My plan is to list them by ages since there seem to be relatively two groups...one being teenage and early 20s and the other being in mid to late 30s and even 40s. I also want to list the more recent ones together.
Here is a list of the missing within the last few years that may fit with the WM victims. I obtained this info from


These are the girls that are 18 and under missing from Albuquerque in the last few years. Many of them are short of stature. I, myself, am 5' 3", which is short, but many of these girls that are missing are even shorter, just like the WM victims. I need to do more research on each to see if any are sex workers. Also sometimes the race is listed as "unknown" , "other" or "white" but they look Hispanic. There are two listed as Black and judging by the photo, I would agree. Some have only been missing a few weeks.

With the exception of ONE of these, they were all under 5' 05", most of them in the 4'-5' range. I find this to be very interesting.

Angel Williams
Date missing: Aug 2, 2015
Age when missing: 15
4' 8", 110 lbs.
Race: Black

Mackenzie Ward
Date Missing: February 20, 2015
Age when missing: 18
4'11", 137 lbs.
Race: Black
Vehicle Associated. 2003 Red in color Toyota Rav4.

Abbie Oller
Date missing: April, 1 2015
Age when missing: 17
5' 9", 138 lbs
R: White

Antoinette Moreno
Date missing: April 13, 2015
Age when missing: 16
4' 11"
Race: White

Dominique Martinez
Date missing: January 17, 2011
Age when missing: 11
4' 09", 65 lbs.
Race: Unknown-LOOKS Hispanic and DOES NOT look 11. She looks 15 or 16.

Ashley Richelle Lovato
Date missing: August 10, 2015
Age when missing: 17
5' 05", 120 lbs.

Giselle Teresa Estrada
Date Missing: June 16, 2015
Age missing: 16
5' 02", 130 lbs.

Brianna Blea
Date missing: June 1, 2015
Age missing: 16
5' 0", 100 lbs.
Here are the recent missing adults-same source: http://missingpersons.dps.state.nm.us/
Again, notice some of the heights. We should look at other cities' missing and compare the height of the missing...

Amanda Marie Apodaca
Date missing: April 26, 2015
Age missing: 28
5' 05", 150 lbs.

Tracey Arellano
Date missing: February 18, 2015
Age missing: 50
5' 06"

Jennifer Carter
Date missing: May 25, 2015
Age missing: 31
5' 05", 185 lbs.

Catalina Espino
Date missing: August 6, 2015
Age missing: 38
5' 03", 120 lbs.
**Missing with 3 dogs.
Vehicle: Green Suburu

Veneranda Flores
Date missing: December 14, 2014
Age missing: 24
5' 02", 120 lbs.

Beth Jaramillo
Date missing: July 22, 2015
Age missing: 46
5' 08", 150 lbs.

Rebecca Manso
Date Missing: November1 2014
Age missing: 29
5' 02"

Nanette Nunley:
Date missing: June 2, 2015
Age missing: 47
5' 02", 105 lbs.
Vehicle: 2002, red in color Jeep.

Tina Louise Romero
Date missing: May 7, 2015
Age missing: 29
5' 03", 200 lbs.
Vehicle: 2003, silver in color, Hyundai Santa Fe.
Some information on the two women found in the Sandia Mountains. One was the missing Brittney Johnson-who in my opinion does not fit the WMBC victim profile-and whose death was thought to be "accidental". The other women's remains were found during the search for Brittney, and I have not found any more info on who this could be. I am still looking.

Link to article on remains found:

Not Albuquerque but Belen. Im putting it here because it is one of the few NM missing articles I have found that describes a vehicle that may or may not be involved. It is from DOE network.


ETA: She is well known to some websleuthers as she is the girl believed to be the girl in the found polaroid of her (or who they believe to be her) and the missing boy Michael Henley. Henley's remains were found in the Zuni Mountains. I dont think she fits the profile of our victims, other than she is female and in New Mexico, but I would hate not to post it or overlook it due to vehicle information in it. You never know.
The DOE Network seems to stop listing missing for NM after 2000. Which, is really not helpful IMO.
Sorry for all the posts, Im on a roll today I guess. This is my last one for today as I have to pick up bear cub from football practice.

I spent some time on NAMUS. I am just flabbergasted by all the missing. It seems like the different missing sights dont exactly match...some may include more than the others or some may leave a lot of missing out. Here are some more missing NM women/girls mostly from Albuquerque. I have asterisked the ones that were said to be involved in drugs or prostitution according to NAMUS. I suspect that some of the other were too, particularly those that were from nearby towns. More than likely they ran away to the big city and supported themselves in this manner, thus becoming a victim.

Norma Armas Sanchez
Date missing: July 27 2015
16 yrs old
5' 03"

****Vanessa Reed
Date Missing: June 13, 2006 from Albuquerque
5' 04"
Involved in prostitution and addicted to coke and heroin. Argued with sister and walked away from hotel. This is the last time she was reported being seen. I would love to find out specific names of these hotels some of these girls were frequenting (and the one Julie Nieto's sister died in of a "drug overdose".).

Jillian Hederson-
Date missing: January 2006
Age missing: 25
Around 4' 0" tall
Told her mother she was going to California to find her brother. Was never heard from or seen again.

Shantel Waites-Albuquerque
Date missing-Jan 2006
Age missing: 31 years old
5' 07"

****Nina Herron-Albuquerque
Date missing: May 2005
Age missing: 21
5' 02"
Missing from residence of 8000 block Central NE.
Was involved in drugs and prostitution.

***Felipa Gonzales-Albuquerque
Date missing May 2005
Age missing: 25
4' 06"
Involved in drugs and prostitution

Mayra Lopez-Villela-Las Cruces
Date missing: February 2005
Age missing: 16 yrs old
4' 06"

***Ana Vigil-Albuquerque
Date missing: January 2005
Age missing: 20 yrs old
5' 06"
Involved in drugs and prostitution

Tiffany Reid-Shiprock NM
Date missing: May 2004
Age missing: 16 yrs old
5' 03"

***Martha Lurcher-Albuquerque
Date Missing Sept. 2003
Age missing: 32 yrs old
5' 01"
Possible prostitution....synopsis said she was last seen "coming and going from a street corner"...with a "friend".

Brenda Apalicio-Albuquerque
Date missing: May 2003
Age missing: 18 (?)
AKA Sad Eyes, Arcenya, and Wedda
Last seen near 3100 block of Lafayette NE.

Christine Julian-Albuquerque
Date missing: April 2003
Age missing: 30
5' 02"
Last seen near her residence in the 100 block of Ortega NW

Darlene Trujillo-Albuquerque
Date missing: July 2001
5' 05"
Told her grandmother she was going to Arizona for two days w/a man only Id'd as "Jorge". Weeks later Jorge returned alone and said they never went to Arizona but to Tucumcari but they got in a fight and Darlene left in the car without him.
** I need to check but this sounds VERY familiar....like another one of our girls had this similar situation happen where they left town with someone who came back without them (cinnamon maybe?). Its just very familiar.

Jeanette De La Cruz- Albuquerque
Date missing: October 1999
Age missing: 19
5' 01"
Last seen in area of Montgomery NE

Betty Garcia-Albuquerque
Date missing: Christmas day 1998
Age missing: 34
5' 06"
She was last seen w/to males leaving the Drift Inn Lounge in Albuquerque-on Coors Rd SW and Bridge Road SW

Debra Horgan-Albuquerque
Date missing: April 1997
Age missing: 39
Hired at Budget 8 motel but never arrived for work. Her car was found 2 months later, looking like it was vandalized near West COORS Bldvd and Fortwna Road. ***This is the second time COORS has been mentioned***
I lied. One more post. I noticed Santa Fe is only a little more than an hour Northeast of Albuquerque. Heck, I drive almost that distance to go to work everyday. Anyway the Santa Fe National Forest has close to SIX MILLION acres of forest. There are three or four rivers and various lakes in the Santa Fe National Forest.

What if.....our perp has moved there and is using that vast land to dispose of victims? What if our perp WAS indeed a police officer with APD at one time and now he is with Santa Fe or better yet, a forest service worker in the Santa Fe National Forest?? Something to keep in mind anyway. As a former cop, I KNOW some cops leave the job and go for something like Forest Service Officer when they get tired of all the drama etc.....it happens ALOT. Just a thought.
Christine Julian- may have been a victim of wmbc. I believe her family had her declared legally deceased sometime in 2007. She fit the same profile of victims. However, there were reports of her being a dancer at a local strip club.

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