NM - My son was lucky last night. Shot at and suspect was killed

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Nov 23, 2012
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My ex (his dad), myself and my oldest son's brothers live in Michigan. My oldest son lives in Roswell New Mexico.

He was shot at last night. First shot he ducked, 2nd shot caught the tail end of his vest. So grateful he is ok. Was called last night and I shed alot of tears. He has a nasty bruise on his stomach. Thank goodness. Will see him home in a couple of weeks when he comes for a visit.
Wow mustang, you're blessed! <3
Very, spoke to him last night after he was released from the ER. It scared the crap out of him. His drug enforcement team-mates killed the suspect and arrested the other one. He knows he could of died last night. Frustrating as he is in New Mexico (no police jobs available here back when he was recruited years ago) and we live in Michigan.
OMG how frightening. I am so glad he was ok and was not hurt more seriously. Please thank him for helping keep us safe and to please stay safe himself. How are you holding up?
Prayers for his swift recovery & very thankful for his bravery!
Wow, so glad he's ok! I'd be freaked out being his parent. Hugs to you!
Glad to hear that he is okay. I appreciate his service to his community! I hope you can sleep and rest tonight and in the weeks until he visits.
OH MY LORD. I am so happy he is OK. God Bless him and all of you. So scary. Thank goodness for his vest. :candle: :cop:
So grateful your son is safe! A special (((hug))) for you. Glad he will be home soon and you can give him the hug you are holding for his return. We moms need to see our kids and hold them close, especially after such an awful scare.
So grateful your son is safe! A special (((hug))) for you. Glad he will be home soon and you can give him the hug you are holding for his return. We moms need to see our kids and hold them close, especially after such an awful scare.

Thank you everyone. He told me yesterday he realizes how lucky he is to be alive and was given a 2nd chance. He said if he had to do it again, he would. His dedication is honorable. He loves protecting his community from the bad guys. He said Vest 1, Bullet 0. The bad guy lost this time.
awww, glad he's ok

tell him a huge THANK YOU for keeping his community safe
Thank you everyone. He told me yesterday he realizes how lucky he is to be alive and was given a 2nd chance. He said if he had to do it again, he would. His dedication is honorable. He loves protecting his community from the bad guys. He said Vest 1, Bullet 0. The bad guy lost this time.

He is representative of why we can all sleep at night. I love that the vest won. What a wonderful son you have and I hope you are doing ok.

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