Found Deceased NM - Sharon Gallegos, 4, Alamogordo, 21 July 1960

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Rest easy now baby girl. Sincere condolences to the family.

I’m hoping that maybe the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children will create an age enhanced photo of how Sharon might look today.

NCMEC is a piece of cr@p, good for not much agency that is more concerned with newer cases then old. Look what they've been doing with Helen Green's case going on 5 years the beginning of July. She has long been found, she is deceased. My partner SSA has been fighting them for 4+ years to resolve Helen's case so her brother and family that are left can try to move on, as much as they can anyway. That is the last piece of her puzzle, saying she has been found but they deny him and us.

Thankfully someone did a recon of Little Miss Nobody but that's all we have to be thankful for.

Welcome to WS!

I was just wondering. Has anyone in your family done any DNA testing for or 23 and Me, or any of those sites where your DNA is uploaded? Are there other family names in your ancestry that are already aware of?

I tried to contact his mother on I'm hoping that she did DNA there. Whether she also uploaded, I don't know but now that Sharon has been found, at least someone related was in one of the databases.

Can anyone tell me if Sharon has been officially excluded as being a match to LMNB? Almost everything matches perfectly.

The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

I have tried for many years to get them compared. I have to say that I've been very ticked off since a friend messaged me the other day to tell me LMN has been solved. I was clueless why they did not match in NamUs until a little while ago. NamUs showed DNA for both girls.

I don't know how when the sheriff said that they were not successful in getting DNA it was too degraded when she was first exhumed. I wanted answers, well, I still do.

I just read some of LMNB's thread, and someone there said a footprint comparison was done to rule out SG, but they didn't say where they read that...

I'm kind of in a rush, plus I suffer from chronic back pain. I don't have time to read and reread what I'm going to post to you in various tones and moods because you probably don't know who I am to be familiar with my posts. The only "attitude" I have in my tone is that it took so long to match these 2 girls up. I'm very hot still.

That "someone" you mention would be me and I not only said where it came from, I posted the news article from 1960 that told the whole story.

I'm the one who entered Sharon into NamUs and DoeNet. It was very frustrating to know Sharon was entered, her DNA complete but NamUs took about 2 years to put her profile online.

When I say I did everything that I could back then I'm not kidding. I can not tell you how many hours I have invested in both cases, Sharon's missing and Little Miss Nobody (LMN) being deceased.

I emailed most days both of their NamUs reps plus one more person. It gets frustrating when not one of those 3 will acknowledge your contact. From day one of finding Sharon to enter her into NamUs, NCMEC which should be automatic because that is who her case worker was, someone that works at NCMEC that also intakes kids cases at NamUs. I emailed them until my fingers were bloody. I felt like I talked so much in some emails that I'd be out of breath.

Anyway, when I saw Sharon, she screamed that she had to be LMN. How obvious could it be? Hello, she matched the description her broken hearted mother gave. A blind man would know LMN could not be over 5 because she had a full and perfect mouth of baby teeth.

I looked at my school pictures, those of my kids. We all are missing teeth by late into 5 years old. My guess and most everyone that followed LMN's thread, knew she probably was not over 4 years old.

While researching Sharon and LMN, I picked through every news article I could find. I typed out every one of those articles so that if they one day went offline, there would still be a text copy. I'm not typist either. I have to look at my hands when typing, still hit the wrong keys some days.

From there I wrote a lengthy narrative for "both girls" that I put my heart and soul into. I did whatever I could to get them both on the Facebook page Never Forget Me that I co-own with another member from here. As I said, I entered them into NamUs and doenet. I have been thankful that people of the world saw them both, falling in love, with the girls leaving a piece of themselves in everyone's hearts.

I also pestered the multiple NamUs reps and whether their DNA was compared. I can not tell you how angry I was when Springrain hit me up to say she's (LMN) been identified. I am still very angry about it. They should have done forensic, genetic genealogy on her long ago when I first suggested it. I'm thankful they finally did.

I'm especially upset that her sister did not get closure before she passed away, same for her mother. If that FBI "finger/footprint" team had done their job correctly, they would have known the baby prints belonged to LMN. Go to LMN's thread, you will see the article screenshot. See my reply number 444 and also see my reply 445 in LMN's thread

What I'm guilty of not doing? Posting in Sharon's thread as much as I did in LMN.

*Note, LMN was in NamUs, I did not enter her, I did email her narrative information and all of the articles I had[/b].

Below are 2 of my replies from this morning. Click on the arrow where it says "Roselvr said" it will take you directly to each quote. The system did not bring over all the images I posted, so you have to go to the original reply to see them. It does not list "attachment" on every reply that had one, only some.

The FBI pretty much said there is no way LMN and Sharon are the same little girl. LMN's footprints did not match Sharon's baby inking.

I have to drive my grandson to school.

So happy that her remaining family knows what happened to Sharon.

Wish I had time to come here the other day when Springrain messaged me that she's finally been identified. I'm sure everyone who knows me with my two little girls, LMN and Sharon can imagine how ticked off I was when I heard the ID. I've busted my butt making a DNA compare happen after I entered Sharon in NamUs to specifically be compared using DNA to LMN.

I have a lot of my posts copied to bring over for those with questions. I want to address yours about the foot print.

Foot prints are supposed to be like fingerprints, they do not change as we age, our hands and feet just get bigger.

I'm bringing over a screenshot of the original article when the FBI ruled Sharon out via that footprint way back when saying there is no way LMN's footprint is Sharon's footprint so watch for the articles I'm reposting. I'm very upset that this was some how botched by the FBI way back in 1960. Now I wonder did they really compare footprints or did he not because Sharon wasn't like white bread? To me, Sharon looked European, so I wonder about her parents ethnicities and how much European they have. Sharon doesn't look as "ethnic" as her sister did in the obituary photo. I'm pretty sure I've seen a photo of her mother in her obituary but I don't recall her look.

As I said above, I'm copying over some of my posts along with dates. Sharon and LMN's DNA in NamUs is one I am bringing over.

Sharon has had DNA in NamUs which came from her sister. I'm very sad to read that she passed away in 2017, but my heart is happy that I was able to have NamUs contact Sharon's LE to get her sisters DNA for NamUs when I found out her sister was still local. Thankfully when her sister passed, she knew that someone cared enough about Sharon to get her case in our national MP database and Doe Net. Doe Net emailed me at one point, they were going to take her profile offline because the NamUs profile wasn't online.

I don't know why it took over a year for Sharon's NamUs profile to go online, it was not online when her DNA was showing me that it was in fact processed and in their MP DNA database.

LMN was exhumed in 2018, she had DNA in NamUs's UP DNA database since it was done processing. The MP and UP DNA databases automatically check the other when a new case has DNA entered. I believe I also emailed NamUs and/or NCMEC (another worthless organization) to make sure they were checked against each other.

If both Sharon and LMN had DNA in NamUs, it should have hit ASAP, case closed, but it did not. Trust me I want to know why. I tagged Todd Matthews yesterday, not sure if he can even answer my question. This is not the first time it has happened there which is beyond unfortunate, it is tragic that Sharon's sister passed away not knowing the LMN was in fact her sister.

Springrain sent me the doe net page yesterday, it breaks my heart that the narrative I lovingly wrote for Sharon was reduced to a few lines. I had a lot of details about the couple, the car, how she was being stalked, just like her narrative at Never Forget Me. Everyone can see from her album how detailed I was.

Pay attention to the posts of mine that I'm going to quote to bring over. Not sure who knows or does not know this, in the quote you'll see Roselvr said with a small arrow. You can right click that small arrow, select open in new tab, it will open my original post so you can read it if the article screen shots do not quote over for some reason.

They released information about the car and the abductors. It was a green Dodge or Plymouth IIRC. Green was a pretty common color back then.

Thanks, I'm bringing some over too. I've been reading the last few hours to go back over what I've already done and when.

I do not know what happened with the original narrative, the kidnappers did dye Sharon's hair using a wash out hair dye which was popular back then. They probably did that to darken or change the light/blond hair that Sharon was known to have.

That's tragic that LMN's clothing was thrown out.

Go through the thread. You can scroll until you start seeing me post. I posted a whole bunch of original articles. There was a lot of information given about both LMN and Sharon.

I still have to go visit Sharon's thread to do the same thing I did with LMN. I don't know how it started that Sharon's mother didn't live there too because the articles said she did. Sharon's mother was broken hearted over Sharon being kidnapped until the day she died.

I had wondered if it was Sharon's father who put someone up to kidnap her.To my knowledge, I don't even recall that her father was questioned. I could be wrong. I'll see once I get over to Sharon's thread.

Thanks for linking her album. Massive amounts of time were spent typing the articles out because I like to have a text copy for their album pictures in case the articles go offline which has happened way too many times.

I'm not sure if I already addressed this in one of my replies, sorry if it's a repeat.

When kids were born back then, hospitals used to only do an inking of their feet, not feet and hands, so they had Sharon's birth footprints. LMN's ME did an inking of her footprints which was sent to the FBI along with Sharon's prints to be compared. The FBI ruled that there was no way LMN was Sharon based on comparing their footprint inkings.

Thanks for linking her obituary. She sounds like a wonderful person.

The obituaries are usually written by family after losing the person. Unfortunately, loved ones being mentioned get missed. Her son could have written it because her husband had already passed away. It says her loved ones were by her side so it sounded like she was sick.

As to DNA, they both supposedly had DNA in NamUs. I'm looking for answers.

Thank you for taking LMN's case, doing what NamUs failed to do for many years. It is not the first of my cases that I've entered where it should have matched in their database. There was one in Kansas that was identified as a woman I entered years ago. NamUs refused to help get an MP report, they also refused taking her mothers DNA which they used to do, even on not published cases. Her case, LMN/Sharon, the Mendocino Jane Does and a few others should have been solved with NamUs. I've been so disgusted with them and their reps that I stopped renewing my password. NCMEC is just as bad. One of my cases, Helen Green should have been announced as found deceased 5 years ago when we found her. There's been years of dragging their feet on whether to exhume her or not. Last I heard she was finally exhumed but still no announcement. It's over money.

It was obvious to me when I found Sharon that she was LMN, I did everything I could to prove it. I kept up on their DNA samples, was told there was no match.

I did everything I could as both an MP and UP advocate to share these "two little girls" with the world. Putting them on the MP/UP Facebook page I co-own Never Forget Me did a lot to get them all over Facebook. I'm very pleased how the world has fallen in love with their cases. A lot of people also thought they were the same. I can't tell you how thankful I am to you and others like Colleen and DNA Doe Project who have finally given names to so many cases that are dear to my heart, but I'm especially thankful for knowing that LMN was proven by DNA to be Sharon.

I'm big on doing my own DNA at Ancestry, My Heritage, 23 and me, FTDNA and even GEDmatch, I know that there is no doubt that it solves cases. It's so much easier these days being able to know how many cM's a match shares to better pinpoint the exact relationship. I also help adoptees find birth parents. I've figured out the father of one of my 2nd cousins who is my maternal grandmothers sisters grandson, turns out his mystery bio mother is related on my maternal grandfathers side, so at some point 2 descendants from both of my mother's parents got together here in the US. My grandmothers sisters settled in NJ, my grandfathers brothers went to Missouri. My grandparents stayed in Hungary.

Are you able to share the family level match you had for LMN/Sharon? Were you able to get a close match or was it one you really had to work?

Thank you so much!

Below is a few of my replies in the thread showing what I was doing. I've dated some, especially the DNA ones.

Unfortunately, it is not bringing over the articles. I had also brought over the footprints are not a match one but it's not showing.

To go to the post I'm quoting, click the small arrow next to where it shows "Roselvr said", I normally right click the arrow to open in a new thread.

Posted Mar 8, 2016

Posted Sep 13, 2016

Posted Sep 13, 2016

Posted Feb 16, 2017

Posted Jul 19, 2018

Posted Aug 9, 2018
@Roselvr Honestly thank you for caring so much about Sharon's case.

I hope it will lead to a review of other older cases and a 2nd look at rule-outs of clearly- possible matches for those cases, just in case.

I doubt that it will change anything. Look what happened with the Mendocino Jane Doe;s where Kerry was listed as a male Doe for most of the time. Not only that, the bigger failure was that her dentals were not matched because of the missing date or something like that even though they "matched" because they were hers. The system would not compare them because the dates were off. As soon as her date was fixed, it did what it was supposed to do.

Another one were fingerprints were scanned in backwards so that they were the reverse side of it. I wonder if that still happens or not when an older paper file case is found.

I'm so thankful that they were finally matched and that Sharon still has family alive to see this day. I'm sure her brother is thankful.

Too bad he is still in Germany. I hope he stays safe during that war over in Europe. My whole family is in Hungary, I worry Putin will blow a fuse, my family will be called in to fight. I know I have family descendants in both Russia and Ukraine. I don't know who they are but they match me on my heritage.
Rest in Peace Sharon Lee Gallegos. It's sad that they couldn't identify her back then. Maybe they did not have dental records. According to reports, New Mexico authorities did make contact back then with Arizona authorities when the body was found.

A low income family in 1960 may well not have had dental records for a 4 year old child with perfect baby teeth. (My family certainly didn’t, and they cared for me.) And it’s possible that the dental records of a child with perfect baby teeth wouldn’t mean much anyway. I’d think that it’d be a ‘not rule-out,’ at best.

Gosh. The nickname little miss nobody breaks my heart. She surely was somebody special. And now she has her name back.

What a sad story. I hope the people who abducted her lived the most horrible lives after and were not able to harm other children.

little miss nobody. SMH.
Gosh. The nickname little miss nobody breaks my heart. She surely was somebody special. And now she has her name back.

What a sad story. I hope the people who abducted her lived the most horrible lives after and were not able to harm other children.

little miss nobody. SMH.
i believe it was for a movie from back in the day and was given lovingly. it was discussed upthread.
The thing that puzzles me most about the identification is that she disappeared with pink shorts and her body was found with pink shorts. Were the shorts or photos of the shorts or even a detailed description of the shorts not shown to the family or were they different pink shorts?

I find the red painted nails and "blouse with a distinctive chain pattern" implications distressing.
The thing that puzzles me most about the identification is that she disappeared with pink shorts and her body was found with pink shorts. Were the shorts or photos of the shorts or even a detailed description of the shorts not shown to the family or were they different pink shorts?

I find the red painted nails and "blouse with a distinctive chain pattern" implications distressing.

In the last day, I’ve seen her shorts (when she was found,) called red, pink, white. Othram press release, newspaper of the day, UID database (I forget its name.)

I’ve read in the last day that when she disappeared she was wearing white shoes (missing database,) or was barefoot, (current news report.)

I wonder if family members even knew what she was wearing. That’s not a criticism of them—it was a busy household with a lot of children.
NCMEC is a piece of cr@p, good for not much agency that is more concerned with newer cases then old. Look what they've been doing with Helen Green's case going on 5 years the beginning of July. She has long been found, she is deceased. My partner SSA has been fighting them for 4+ years to resolve Helen's case so her brother and family that are left can try to move on, as much as they can anyway. That is the last piece of her puzzle, saying she has been found but they deny him and us.

Thankfully someone did a recon of Little Miss Nobody but that's all we have to be thankful for.

I tried to contact his mother on I'm hoping that she did DNA there. Whether she also uploaded, I don't know but now that Sharon has been found, at least someone related was in one of the databases.

I have tried for many years to get them compared. I have to say that I've been very ticked off since a friend messaged me the other day to tell me LMN has been solved. I was clueless why they did not match in NamUs until a little while ago. NamUs showed DNA for both girls.

I don't know how when the sheriff said that they were not successful in getting DNA it was too degraded when she was first exhumed. I wanted answers, well, I still do.

I'm kind of in a rush, plus I suffer from chronic back pain. I don't have time to read and reread what I'm going to post to you in various tones and moods because you probably don't know who I am to be familiar with my posts. The only "attitude" I have in my tone is that it took so long to match these 2 girls up. I'm very hot still.

That "someone" you mention would be me and I not only said where it came from, I posted the news article from 1960 that told the whole story.

I'm the one who entered Sharon into NamUs and DoeNet. It was very frustrating to know Sharon was entered, her DNA complete but NamUs took about 2 years to put her profile online.

When I say I did everything that I could back then I'm not kidding. I can not tell you how many hours I have invested in both cases, Sharon's missing and Little Miss Nobody (LMN) being deceased.

I emailed most days both of their NamUs reps plus one more person. It gets frustrating when not one of those 3 will acknowledge your contact. From day one of finding Sharon to enter her into NamUs, NCMEC which should be automatic because that is who her case worker was, someone that works at NCMEC that also intakes kids cases at NamUs. I emailed them until my fingers were bloody. I felt like I talked so much in some emails that I'd be out of breath.

Anyway, when I saw Sharon, she screamed that she had to be LMN. How obvious could it be? Hello, she matched the description her broken hearted mother gave. A blind man would know LMN could not be over 5 because she had a full and perfect mouth of baby teeth.

I looked at my school pictures, those of my kids. We all are missing teeth by late into 5 years old. My guess and most everyone that followed LMN's thread, knew she probably was not over 4 years old.

While researching Sharon and LMN, I picked through every news article I could find. I typed out every one of those articles so that if they one day went offline, there would still be a text copy. I'm not typist either. I have to look at my hands when typing, still hit the wrong keys some days.

From there I wrote a lengthy narrative for "both girls" that I put my heart and soul into. I did whatever I could to get them both on the Facebook page Never Forget Me that I co-own with another member from here. As I said, I entered them into NamUs and doenet. I have been thankful that people of the world saw them both, falling in love, with the girls leaving a piece of themselves in everyone's hearts.

I also pestered the multiple NamUs reps and whether their DNA was compared. I can not tell you how angry I was when Springrain hit me up to say she's (LMN) been identified. I am still very angry about it. They should have done forensic, genetic genealogy on her long ago when I first suggested it. I'm thankful they finally did.

I'm especially upset that her sister did not get closure before she passed away, same for her mother. If that FBI "finger/footprint" team had done their job correctly, they would have known the baby prints belonged to LMN. Go to LMN's thread, you will see the article screenshot. See my reply number 444 and also see my reply 445 in LMN's thread

What I'm guilty of not doing? Posting in Sharon's thread as much as I did in LMN.

*Note, LMN was in NamUs, I did not enter her, I did email her narrative information and all of the articles I had[/b].

Below are 2 of my replies from this morning. Click on the arrow where it says "Roselvr said" it will take you directly to each quote. The system did not bring over all the images I posted, so you have to go to the original reply to see them. It does not list "attachment" on every reply that had one, only some.

The FBI pretty much said there is no way LMN and Sharon are the same little girl. LMN's footprints did not match Sharon's baby inking.

I have to drive my grandson to school.

So happy that her remaining family knows what happened to Sharon.

You did a tremendous job. I remember sampling this thread years ago and reading your frustration that submitting the case was taking so long and the woman in charge was so tardy to reply or simply to do her job.

I like the logical connections that don't require tons of guesswork. Sharon Gallegos as Little Miss Nobody seemed like a natural. But I was perplexed and stopped following once there was mention here that the sister's DNA did not match. As I mentioned in the other thread two nights ago, I guess we'll never know what happened there. You did an awesome job to contact the sister and convince her to submit the DNA. This case should have seen solved several years earlier, perhaps before Ramona passed away in 2017.

I can sense how angry and frustrated you are. Others dropped the ball multiple times after you repeatedly handed it to them. Look at it that way.

Everybody who samples these threads knows you were the star.
Thanks you guys and gals. I tried.

I got so burned out advocating due to having to message NamUs reps so much, it got exhausting because they couldn't do their jobs. NCMEC too.I've been "retired" from advocating a few years, had to take a break.

Thankful she was finally found and identified

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