NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#26

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My husband is the son of a Baptist Minister. Last night I was telling him about OW & Co. emailing family and friends (I presume some from the congregation) and asking for money. He said how the Ministers of Churches and Family so often believe that because they are "doing God's work" that everyone else should pay and that his fear is that some older folks in the church of IW will give their life savings because they believe that what their Minister says is Law and they will give their last dollar to demonstrate that.
My husband saw it first hand in a South Australian Baptist Church where what the Minister wanted (materially) he got.

I hope the whole damn lot of them are thoroughly checked out, finance wise, by police.
Possibly. It's a shame that OW didn't get dressed up to go to court! Total disrespect to wear jeans IMO.

Forgive me, but I'm so hugely confused over mention of what one did, didn't or should've worn to COURT! ??? Golly, who cares? Are people so judgemental ~ in that if one dressed 'to kill' (no pun intended), would they actually be perceived as better people or not?
Wearing jeans was possibly disrespectful to who? A possible murderer or legal eagles only interested in making $$$ anyway?
Are you camping tonight?

We arent actually camping but I like to call it that for the sympathy vote lol.

Leaving in the morning and taking boat over to Straddie and we have a camp setup for a group of us but will be sleeping on the boat
Great post and I think you may be spot on in relation to the insurance policy. If Allison thought that one way of getting the budget down was to relinquish one of the policies and rang them and asked them this (the phone call on April 18) and mentioned that to GBC. He may have thought to bring forward his plans. What makes me shudder is that this is all so much premeditated - and even if planned for later maybe what was speculated about earlier eg his credit card being rejected may have made him seem red.

Allison coming home from the hairdressers (if she knew TM was going to be there the sort of thing a woman would do - having to face up to the mistress she wanted to feel and look her best) having spent money on that would have made him even more furious.

Even though, knowing more now than a few weeks ago, I still cannot fathom how someone could be so cold and callous and self centred as to go to his children's cross country run the day before and see them being alive and well and happy, than have the children asleep in the house, whilst he murders their mother for financial gain and be with his mistress. No matter how hard I try I find that so reprehensible and disgusting I cannot find the words to express myself.

Also given what we now understand from phone calls etc that someone must have become aware (people close to the children, related to the children) who assisted him instead of turning him in and at least allowing the children to feel that whilst their father did something very wrong at least their grandparents did not agree and had morals and spines. But no, the facade was maintained and the children lived with their mother's killer and accessories before and/or after he fact for a number of weeks. Because their grandparents were spineless immoral beings they have had to loose not just their mother, but also their friends, their grandparents, and their familiar surroundings. As well as the ability to trust those closest to them as they have betrayed them. I don't care how the Dickies spent the money in the trust fund for the girls, as nothing can give them back what is priceless; love and trust from their parents.
Goodnight all...I missed a load of good stuff today but really enjoyed the catch up tonight, thermomix's and discombobulations aside. I hope we can see more info leading to more resolutions leading to ultimate justice for Allison . Probabvly be back for midnight update slash news release
We arent actually camping but I like to call it that for the sympathy vote lol.

Leaving in the morning and taking boat over to Straddie and we have a camp setup for a group of us but will be sleeping on the boat

I was thinking that it was tonight. I pictured you sitting in a tent with sand in your sheets blogging lol:floorlaugh:
One thing that bothered me at the funeral were some of the photos included in the video montage thingy that was played. Some showed Al in a fairly unflattering way - complete with tracky dacks, glasses, during her chubby phase etc. They were interspersed with other more posh shots. Sure, it just might have been showing the various parts of her life, but I keep thinking that the only time Gerard turned up at a police station willingly was to get 'photos for the funeral'. It flashed in my mind that (allegedly) he put those in to silently say 'look what I had to DEAL with - can you BLAME me for straying (a little bit)'. Every time I had those thoughts, I would brush them aside, call myself a b@@ch and think c'mon, nobody would be that callous/stupid/ shallow.
This site has a great search facility if you know how to use it (it and I are no longer friends, but Marly has a longstanding relationship of some note).

Just click on Hawkins name and you will see options that come up including 'see all post by Hawkins'. That way it is easy to find what you are looking for direct and save yourself a lot of hassle.

Thank you for your post, although I am familiar with the search engine. I'm also very familiar with Hawkins' posts and am *always* interested in what that poster has to share :)

Forgive me, but I'm so hugely confused over mention of what one did, didn't or should've worn to COURT! ??? Golly, who cares? Are people so judgemental ~ in that if one dressed 'to kill' (no pun intended), would they actually be perceived as better people or not?
Wearing jeans was possibly disrespectful to who? A possible murderer or legal eagles only interested in making $$$ anyway?

Since I made comment on the jeans , I'll answer with my view

I wasn't being judgmental, but it is the supreme court and I just think a dress code should be followed for some places....But yeah, it really doesn't matter what you wear, it's not like they were going to refuse her entry
has to be said.. why wouldnt Toni have the decency to cancel going to this conference.. why push it.

just my opinion..

If your willing to sleep with someones else's husband I dont think decency is an issue
Here is what I posted a while back...."As Gerard has done from the start...he will say nothing. His lawyers will make it hard to find a decent unbiased jury. There is so much circumstantial evidence so they will say his client is innocent unless they can prove it beyond reasonable doubt.
The hope... The police have something up there sleeve"

I now truly believe the police have plenty up there sleeve!!!
I tend to disagree YoureNicked. I've watched and re-watched the video of the GBC interview where OW is standing beside him. Watch OW's reaction when the reporter askes GBC if Allison was upset before she went missing. GBC mumbles "no and um...bla bla bla." As soon as that question is asked OW immediately casts her eyes downward and then her eyes slide to the right (towards GBC). It is very subtle but IMO she knows a lot more than she's prepared to tell at this stage.

All just my opinion.

We still don't know for sure, but I think we are pretty certain that she was down in Brisbane on Thursday 19 April as she was reportedly seen at the school cross country. If she was staying at the BC seniors then she would have to know what happened that night, yes? It is not a big house and if there were phone calls and movement in the middle of the night, she would have to be aware. We don't know she was staying there though.
Cm front page GBC called himself Bruce Overland and was coming to TM a free man on July 1.

No wonder the judge thought he was a potential flight risk.

Should be up soon on main CM website.
well he is exactly where he should be. Nice and warm.
It appears men could see through GBC easier than women, I recall reading some early posts from parents at the school, where many of the men seemed to think he was a real wa*****, but the women found him charming, gee didn't we even have him rock'n rollin with the mothers. I guess there are few smug local men saying "I told you so " to their wives.

Allison deserved so much better than this excuse for a man.
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