NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#28

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Sorry, a bit off topic I know, but is this the longest thread ever?

Have the mods finally given up?
I quote from the aforementioned article:

More scratches were noticed on his torso and neck during an upper body examination, the court documents say.

His defence counsel Peter Davis SC told the court during the bail application that these were from caterpillar bites.

He did not address the scratches seen on his client's face.

(my emphasis on the nasty creature)

I just learnt from Wiki (please don't attack me) that they are mostly herbivorous in food habit, although some species are insectivorous.

What does that make GBC then, plant or insect?


Grubs bite, caterpillars, never known of that happening.
I am staggered by the number of documents that have been processed re your link and I am sure there have been several documents since. My divorce cost me $75,000 with a lawyer and barrister and with me doing 50% of the paperwork at my lawyer offices to save costs. Looking at what has been done so far with a Barrister and top Lawyer engaged ,I would think he was at least nearing or even over the $100,000 mark. Who's paying? His lawyers don't need Pro Bono advertising. If he goes to trial the cost will be phenomenal.I base this opinion on personal experience. IMO

Wow .. my divorce cost me about $800 incl. good lawyer (we split assets 50/50). You must have had a hell of a fight to get what you were entitled to.
I quote from the aforementioned article:

More scratches were noticed on his torso and neck during an upper body examination, the court documents say.
His defence counsel Peter Davis SC told the court during the bail application that these were from caterpillar bites.
He did not address the scratches seen on his client's face.
(my emphasis on the nasty creature)
I just learnt from Wiki (please don't attack me) that they are mostly herbivorous in food habit, although some species are insectivorous.
What does that make GBC then, plant or insect?

I'm still hoping the poor old caterpillar is involved in this & that he hangs out with his furry friends at Kholo Creek. With the mention of "scratches & abrasions on chest, torso...he could have quite easily fallen into a caterpillar nest somewhere out in amongst that vegetation surrounding the creek. This would put GBC right there.....there'd be no way in the world he'd get out of that.

A longggg shot but stranger things have flower was the clincher in another case.

April 21, 2012

Mr Baden-Clay voluntarily attended the Indooroopilly Police Station with his lawyers and voluntarily provided a DNA sample and allowed police to take photos of his body.

Scratches and abrasions on his chest, torso and neck were photographe

DR LYNNE MILNE, FORENSIC PALYNOLOGIST: The police found Samantha's car parked outside a nightclub in Gympie, and they found a wattle flower in there which led them to think that maybe her car had been used to drive her body to Noosa.
1) yes. this is the longest thread EVER.

2) how could they be so much in debt?

Answer to:
)1 - yes! Helllooo lovely US moderators for us Aussie posters?

2) mmm. my family comes from this area and is 'highly-leveraged'. Is it about keeping up appearances and keeping us with the Jones's/Kardashians? Yes, it is. But also - we run our own business - in R/E, Corporate Finance, Corporate Re-furbishments - and our bill, just to keep a 'small' business alive like Gerard's (I've done some research) is COSTLY. We have 10 people working for us - that's roughly - $80K a month 0 we have money going OUT - but very little coming in. 10 months - $80K a month - loe and behold - $800K! Without ANY coming in!

Small business - big s...h happens.

We pay our people before we pay ourselves.

Income, super, etc. Within 12 months...a LOT of money owed.

It happens.

We are good people and we pay our people.

But, in the interim, we have lost our home and all of our savings.

We are smart people, who had a lot of money from R/E and invested it in a business of something else.

I think GBC was a person who wasn't so smart as he was arrogant and invested money and lost it and KEPT ON LOSING IT - without a consideration for who worked for him or MORE IMPORTANTLY, who loved him.

We have lost everything - financially - but we are still together.

There you go. WE ALL HAVE A CHOICE. X
Win TV just had a report on GBC's links to Toowoomba.
Mentions him going to Gabbinbar Primary School before going to Tmba Grammar. He represented Tmba in hockey. Got a TE Score of 900 before undertaking Bachelor of Business at USCQ and waited tables while studying.
Hard to believe things can go so wrong.
Expensive motels or you could be right, blackmail.

:) Oh course NOBODY directly involved would've viewed such as 'blackmail', but rather, as TM could've put it: "He's just a real COOL dude who loves your Mom & is doing his best to get out of a bad / failed marriage, but since there're 3 kids involved, it'll obviously take a little time, so let's all be patient."

Who knows what GBC MAY HAVE spent, not only on TM personally, but on her 3 kids to win their 'affection' / acceptance or whatever?
The eldest son MAY have received a car or better still, MAYBE ... $$$ & a means to assist him to live independently (i.e. conveniently shift off the scene) or maybe even a trip abroad somewhere???

The MUCH younger twins would've been easy to win over, given that they would've only been +/-8yrs of age when the affair commenced, so the odd expensive toys & latest gadgets would've easily settled them, but the older one wouldn't have been at all easy, and definitely would've required adequate, much more $izable PERKS in order for him to keep quiet & be accepting ... &/or quietly & conveniently afford to move away from the adulterous love nest. :banghead:
Uh-oh, have noticed some typos in my Post (sorry, I have a 6 year old and 2 year old jumping on our bed behind me trying to 'kill' each other) time to edit. x
Hmmm - if anyone needed a Find Your Phone (and YOU) APP, it would have been Allison to keep tags on GBC.
1) yes. this is the longest thread EVER.

2) how could they be so much in debt?

Answer to:
)1 - yes! Helllooo lovely US moderators for us Aussie posters?

2) mmm. my family comes from this area and is 'highly-leveraged'. Is it about keeping up appearances and keeping us with the Jones's/Kardashians? Yes, it is. But also - we run our own business - in R/E, Corporate Finance, Corporate Re-furbishments - and our bill, just to keep a 'small' business alive like Gerard's (I've done some research) is COSTLY. We have 10 people working for us - that's roughly - $80K a month 0 we have money going OUT - but very little coming in. 10 months - $80K a month - loe and behold - $800K! Without ANY coming in!

Small business - big s...h happens.

We pay our people before we pay ourselves.

Income, super, etc. Within 12 months...a LOT of money owed.

It happens.

We are good people and we pay our people.

But, in the interim, we have lost our home and all of our savings.

We are smart people, who had a lot of money from R/E and invested it in a business of something else.

I think GBC was a person who wasn't so smart as he was arrogant and invested money and lost it and KEPT ON LOSING IT - without a consideration for who worked for him or MORE IMPORTANTLY, who loved him.

We have lost everything - financially - but we are still together.

There you go. WE ALL HAVE A CHOICE. X

I'm very sorry to hear of your struggles but thank you for sharing that with us.

I did have an idea, that possibly TM was the brains behind the RE business and having lost her, perhaps she took a lot of clients with her and GBC couldn't handle it alone.
I'm still hoping the poor old caterpillar is involved in this & that he hangs out with his furry friends at Kholo Creek. With the mention of "scratches & abrasions on chest, torso...he could have quite easily fallen into a caterpillar nest somewhere out in amongst that vegetation surrounding the creek. This would put GBC right there.....there'd be no way in the world he'd get out of that.

A longggg shot but stranger things have flower was the clincher in another case.

Hi all, long time lurker first time poster. Been following the threads for awhile now and it's heartening to see so many mature and caring people here.

The problem I have with the caterpillar/pollen being used to identify a specific location is that they lived close to where the body was found. Thus any pollen or vegetation near the creek would likely be similar to what is around the rest of the area as well. Unless of course it specifically relates to a species that is only found along fresh water river systems/streams, which is possible. But even so because they lived near the area their lawyer could come up with any number of explanations to dismiss the evidence, especially considering that Gerard was involved with the scouts who have a camp near the river in question.

I can't believe the evidence that was presented at the bail hearing, and by the sounds of it there is much more to come. It amazes me how idiotic he appears to be. Calling insurance companies, making incriminating searches on google, blatantly lieing to detectives on matters that cold be easily proven false (eg claiming to be asleep while making FaceTime calls). The evidence does suggest that it was pre meditated, but if that's the case how on earth could someone be so stupid and arrogant. Perhaps he was so used to getting away with things his whole life he just figured it would be the same again.

Anyway, like many of you. Have a feeling there will be more arrests and/or some sort of witness plea bargaining going on with some of the other family members.
Wow .. my divorce cost me about $800 incl. good lawyer (we split assets 50/50). You must have had a hell of a fight to get what you were entitled to.

Yes I wanted to do my own divorce but the ex who had nothing when we met decided he wanted 75% of my assets pre marriage which was quite considerable. It was like waving a red flag at a bull when that was presented to me. I had a wonderful lawyer and the best barrister in the state and they nailed him to the wall. Judge was disgusted with him.I sure learnt a lot about trust ,and faith in my own ability to take control of my life in that exercise .He was also a narcissist. Never ever again.

1) yes. this is the longest thread EVER.

2) how could they be so much in debt?

Answer to:
)1 - yes! Helllooo lovely US moderators for us Aussie posters?

2) mmm. my family comes from this area and is 'highly-leveraged'. Is it about keeping up appearances and keeping us with the Jones's/Kardashians? Yes, it is. But also - we run our own business - in R/E, Corporate Finance, Corporate Re-furbishments - and our bill, just to keep a 'small' business alive like Gerard's (I've done some research) is COSTLY. We have 10 people working for us - that's roughly - $80K a month 0 we have money going OUT - but very little coming in. 10 months - $80K a month - loe and behold - $800K! Without ANY coming in!

Small business - big s...h happens.

We pay our people before we pay ourselves.

Income, super, etc. Within 12 months...a LOT of money owed.

It happens.

We are good people and we pay our people.

But, in the interim, we have lost our home and all of our savings.

We are smart people, who had a lot of money from R/E and invested it in a business of something else.

I think GBC was a person who wasn't so smart as he was arrogant and invested money and lost it and KEPT ON LOSING IT - without a consideration for who worked for him or MORE IMPORTANTLY, who loved him.

We have lost everything - financially - but we are still together.

There you go. WE ALL HAVE A CHOICE. X

AWW MAN! Your honest, heartfelt story has brought tears to my eyes.
I somehow KNOW ~ don't ask me how ~ but I just KNOW, that such GOODNESS, GREATNESS & even greater (if at all possible) rewards, besides still being TOGETHER, are DEFINITELY on YOUR cards!

BLESS YOU ALL! Nothing ever escapes God's eyes ~ & I also know in my heart, that He is NEVER the vindictive, punishing, testing kind that most religious indoctrinations make Him out to be, but rather, the most REWARDING KIND imaginable! Enjoy & wallow in your most deserved glory when it arrives.
I apologise if this has been covered before, but I just cannot keep up with the posts whilst my eyes recover from laser surgery...everything is double!!

I have just read the timeline from Brisbane Times and Ihave a couple of thoughts....

1. There was a rumour that the Police had been called out the night before ABC was reported missing due to Domestic dispute. If this was the case, why did it take the Police 1 hour and 15 minutes to arrive at the house from the time of the triple 000 call? In fact, WHY did it take that long? I dont think they suspected anything until they arrived.

2. GBC googles 'west brisbane psychiatrists' at 9.34am. Could this be for his daughters? If he allegedly killed ABC, he may have known she wasn't coming back and the girls were going to suffer or the poor girls were already showing signs of distress, having had the Police around?

3. Why would he voluntarily allow Police to photograph injuries and then THE NEXT DAY have a car accident to cover up his injuries...that had already been seen??!!
:) Oh course NOBODY directly involved would've viewed such as 'blackmail', but rather, as TM could've put it: "He's just a real COOL dude who loves your Mom & is doing his best to get out of a bad / failed marriage, but since there're 3 kids involved, it'll obviously take a little time, so let's all be patient."

Who knows what GBC MAY HAVE spent, not only on TM personally, but on her 3 kids to win their 'affection' / acceptance or whatever?
The eldest son MAY have received a car or better still, MAYBE ... $$$ & a means to assist him to live independently (i.e. conveniently shift off the scene) or maybe even a trip abroad somewhere???

The MUCH younger twins would've been easy to win over, given that they would've only been +/-8yrs of age when the affair commenced, so the odd expensive toys & latest gadgets would've easily settled them, but the older one wouldn't have been at all easy, and definitely would've required adequate, much more $izable PERKS in order for him to keep quiet & be accepting ... &/or quietly & conveniently afford to move away from the adulterous love nest. :banghead:

My "dearest" used to contribute $200 a week towards the other family!s rent!
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