NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#30

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How am I casting aspersions on anyone? One of my best friends is a member of the police on the case. When I say 'what they want to show us' - I mean what's been publicly released. ie - not much!

ABC was murdered. All I'm saying is that perhaps GBC didn't do it OR there's possibly a better explanation.
How can I accuse someone of anything sinister? There's a murderer out there.
I hope he or she gets caught.

Life is never as simple as we want it to be. It carries twists and turns with it that are so convoluted, we will all sit back in astonishment when the full story is out and wonder if we've all been right... Obviously there's a 'defence' which we haven't heard one iota of yet.
How about we wait to hear both sides before we condemn someone?

Like, actual facts and actual reasons for actions

I agree totally that things are not always as they appear. And I am certainly prepared to accept that, and have as much said along those same lines previously. I believe there is more than we know and perhaps it will turn out differently than we think. At this stage it is looking highly likely police have caught the murderer, but there is always that possibility that things will turn out differently.
Let's go easy on each other please. Emotions are running very high in this case, but we are all entitled to our thoughts and opinions.

You are great folks who want the same thing in the end.

Friendly reminder: Comments should be about the content of posts, not about the person who posted. And comments should be respectful of the other person's point of view, even when we vehemently disagree!

Avoid seemingly disparaging remarks, please.

(I'm just trying to get ahead of the game here, so we avoid any more "forced vacations". There is a zero-tolerance policy in play on this thread)
Without ALL the facts, it's difficult to come up with anything other than what the prosecution and media WANT us to come up with.
We do not have ALL the facts.
We are being drip fed the details which will call him 'guilty' in our minds.

THAT is what they want.

We have absolutely NO idea what happened that night.

What if the drink bottle near Allison is one she took on her evening walk?
What if a random stranger had killed ABC?
We have no idea what his story is.

I agree with you, it's hard to think that he isn't guilty, but we have so little detail that we can't make a judgement call.

This is what I mean... 'this murder'... What if it wasn't a murder? What if it wasn't all a horrible accident, like you say?
What if he panicked after she was accidentally killed and called his father because he thought he'd be condemned as guilty... I mean, who knows?

We don't.

I really cannot happily sit here and think up how he killed her. It's wrong.

We should not be assuming anything. We are surely better than that.

Australia's legal system is built on the presumption of innocence.

Where is the proof?

What the police and media want to show us?

I think not.

Here, we know hardly anything. Perhaps we have a sighting at a roundabout/bridge/bus stop... Perhaps we do not. Perhaps we have a crazy person who rings the police with their imagined story.

We have a man whose wife is missing who realises she might be dead after possibly telling him she's going to end it all... perhaps she's fitted him up... perhaps he's terrified he's going to get strung up with her accidntal death and has googled how not to get incriminated.

How the heck do we know?

That's my point. Sure he might be guilty.

Is he going to get a jury trial? What if this is all part of the evidence? What if they look at us and see that every person here thinks he's guilty?
Is that going to be in his favour?
I think so.

The web is an awesome thing. I love that there's a place for all us who are interested in this... and in justice for ABC.
GBC is possibly going to be in remand for about 3 years... before we hear his case....
These threads will exist on the web for that time... persuading others that he's guilty, perhaps.

What if he's not?

Where's the justice for ABC if the wrong person gets convicted?

Yes, there are many "What If's", however the police have the facts and, one would hope, the necessary evidence to back up their arrest and accusations. There are some critical points for me: a) He allegedly enquired about her life insurance only days before, b) he allegedly put up claims for the money even before ABC's body was officially identified as being her, c) he allegedly had made commitments to his mistress, d) statistically, spouses are more likely than not the perpetrator of this type of crime, e) he allegedly has lied to police, etc. etc.

I agree that the time on remand in this State is shameful and I have indicated that before, however we cannot do anything about that ourselves.

IMO we may have another O. J. Simpson case in our hands, i.e. he did it but will get away with it.
July 03, 2012 12:00AM

GERARD Baden-Clay has sought legal advice from yet another top Queensland criminal lawyer, confirming to authorities that three law firms were now helping him with his legal defence.

Oh for pete's sake. What is this, auditions for Australia's Next Top Defence?
Oh for pete's sake. What is this, auditions for Australia's Next Top Defence?

:rolling:.. I really am wondering where on earth the moneys coming from or who on earth is paying for this legal who's who.

:rolling:.. I really am wondering where on earth the moneys coming from or who on earth is paying for this legal who's who.


Here's a thought. Maybe he has money squirrelled away in his Swiss Bank Account and his financial situation isn't as dire as everyone thinks it is.

G'night UT!
I think that the Dickies will be feeling like this.

There are better days than others, but none of them are particularly "good" anymore. There are days with less tears than others if that's how "good" is now defined. There are days that the pent-up feeling of exasperation isn't quite as powerful as others. There are days that you are happy to still be on this earth, but there are a lot more days that you wish it would all be over with--and this has NOTHING to do with suicidal thoughts. If that were true, there'd be a lot more suicides happening--trust me on that one. There are days where everything flows calmly, and there are days where you spend the majority of time traversing the rapids. Get over it? I don't know how one can when there is this huge, gaping, black hole right in the middle of your life ... Right in the middle of your family. You never get over it. You never get past it. You learn to live with it. And, so other people aren't uncomfortable, you learn to not talk to them anymore. There are many people who can't deal with the fact that others hurt. They don't want to know about your pain. They don't want to see your pain. And for Pete's sake they certainly don't want to feel your pain. They want you to be over it. It doesn't work that way. It never will. Many don't understand that.

So, those of us walking this road bond together. We find each other through the strangest of ways. We create bonds and friendships and groups with people whose circumstances we never wanted to be joined with. Our pain bonds us. Our emptiness is shared. Our grief is understood. And no one is over it ... Or expecting others to be.

We move forward. One foot in front of the other no matter how mechanical. Forward. Onward. But never, never over. The expanse is too wide to cross. The hole is too deep to traverse. No, never over it. The hole will never leave. You just learn to live with that hole. You learn to live with the emptiness in your life. You learn to live with the pain. You learn to live without that missing piece. You learn to "deal" with it. I don't think you are ever over it, though. Ever. I wish one could be ...

Beautifully and poignantly expressed x x x
Very very unusual to have three separate law firms representing you for the same matter?? And very very expensive too!!! Most top barristers would require a hefty deposit in their trust account before proceeding further too, where oh where is all the loot coming from to pay for this??? This case gets stranger and stranger!
The more I think about it, the more odd it seems. I'm not a solicitor and I have never worked in criminal law, but have worked for solicitors for 30 years. I know how difficult it can be when two or more lawyers in the same firm work on a file (different styles etc). How on earth can it be done with three different firms? I can't see how it could be beneficial and in fact could hinder a matter. Also re costs, would be very easy for lawyers to "double up" on fees ( or "triple up" in this case LOL). What kind of a statement is GBC making with this move? :what:
Just found out today that when an iPhone registers itself on a wifi network it immediately connects to the apple push notification servers and sends to the server the ip address of the wireless router they are connected to.

To register on the wifi network the phone must have previously connected to the wifi network and the user saved the network password.

Now this will be the case for GBC, NBC and Allisons iPhone.

What this means is that the QPS can find out from apple when these phones registered on the wifi network at GBC house. For Allisons phone they should be able to find out when Allisons phone last registered on the wifi network by asking apple for the logs. They should also be able to find out when apple was last successful in sending a push notification to Allisons phone. Push notifications are sent out regularly to notify users of an app update.

Even better,fever if NBC had location services turned off, if he was within range of GBC wifi that night, and his phone had previously connected to that wifi this will still have resulted in apple receiving the ip of GBC wifi via NBC phone. Similarly if GBC was within range of NBC wifi that night.

It all hinges on how long apple keeps logs of the ip registrations as iPhones register onto wifi networks.

I really hope the QPS are aware of this and are following up, or have already followed up, with Apple. If anyone has a contact at QPS please run this info past them.


How does Apples (FaceTime) Server know the IP Address of the 2nd (to be called) iPhone*?

Easy, every iPhone registers itself at Apple's push notification server whenever WiFi is available ("calls" Home).
Basic Process:
iPhone detects Wi-Fi Connection
iPhone gets IP address via DHCP (if not set to static in Settings)
iPhone sends a HTTP request to
Apple's servers send back a HTML page containing only the word "Success" in the title and body
iPhone knows it is connected to the Internet
iPhone gets to enable a quick GPS fix for Location Services; LTO stands for long-term orbit. This is unrelated to FaceTime.
iPhone contacts the FaceTime server,
iPhone downloads
iPhone joins Apple's Jabber server at
Apple knows the iPhone's IP, which is then used for FaceTime and other push notifications.

Perhaps this should be provided to the Polcie Investigation, as helpful info. I know they there is a technical team which has been used but you never know, the above may not all be info they already know.
1.3c here! GBC will need a LOT of dosh to support his defence if he has 3 separate firms representing him. Imagine the cumulative effective hourly rate- say $1500 minimum and that would be very conservative. Not to mention the hours lost while jostling for position. Hmmm hope he has a good kidney to sell at the very least. Even this smacks of grandiousity imo despite my strong belief in the right to a defence.
Hey Doc, you were right to 'rattle the chains' and I do try to keep an open mind and am open to alternative views. Truth is often stranger than fiction. I would just like 5 mins in Insp Ainsworth's head just to satisfy myself of my burning questions.
Bingo - Just worked something out about FaceTime and how they might have used wifi via mobile network. A mifi router - portable mobile hotspot router device. Cheap as chips and perfect for people who want to created a wifi network on the move ( real estate agents love them!!!)

With this type of device in their pockets, the face time call would create a virtual wifi connection - either of them could have been anywhere on a telco GSM Data connection.

Good point! Wonder what 3g signal is like in that creek bed? From memory, reasonable coverage all along that road.
The more I think about it, the more odd it seems. I'm not a solicitor and I have never worked in criminal law, but have worked for solicitors for 30 years. I know how difficult it can be when two or more lawyers in the same firm work on a file (different styles etc). How on earth can it be done with three different firms? I can't see how it could be beneficial and in fact could hinder a matter. Also re costs, would be very easy for lawyers to "double up" on fees ( or "triple up" in this case LOL). What kind of a statement is GBC making with this move? :what:

Might be like the three little pigs when they see Big Bad Wolf Superintendent Ainsworth coming. Not sure which one is building the brick house at the end, but it better be good, 'cos I smell pork chops in this fairy tale ending.

Chris Nyst might be involved out of sheer curiosity, although of course he'll do his legal best to defend his third of the client - wonder which one-third he got? Can't imagine which part of his client is the least sought, but if I was him i'd request the brains end, seems to have had less use than lower regions. It is heartening that some of Nyst's deserving past clients the Lacey's (from a family who thought they were above the law) ended up exactly where they belonged, terrified for their life in general population with real hard cases.

Unfortunately my local mention of GBC going into general population was confused, seems as latest Courier Mail mentioned he's out of medical unit and into a 'protected cell'. At least it's the real deal. Maybe he'll be allowed a little mingling ... Would be great to think they will give GBC an opportunity to meet others.
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