Quite right, thanks for catching that, should read 2018!Isn’t the date incorrect in the title of this thread??
Thank you, for finding this thread for me!Thanks @dotr !
So are they suspecting the husband now?
Whoever killed Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik surely must have had help. imo
I do wonder if it is a genuine kidnap or has someone closer to home somehow engineered a situation to look like a kidnapping as it is very unusual for there to be no contact for further ransom at this stage. I find your post very informative and I thank you for it however, I don’t believe it has anything to do with this albeit it’s a great suggestion but I think in MOO , LE need to take a look closer to home . All JMOOFirst, thankyou for accepting me into this group.. I follow several missing persons cases and have been following & reading your group threads for years. I've been following the Anne Elisabeth Hagen case since the beginning and researching several cryptocurrency companies in Oslo and found that due to the new taxes added because of the kidnapped wife's husband owning the shares in the power company one company might be closing down(Kryptovault) and another is losing alot of money. I wondered if the kidnapping had anything to do with this? Someone from one of the companies that was affected by her husband raising taxes on the power. Especially if that forced Kryptovault out of business. Could it be a revenge kidnapping? I wonder if LE has looked into this. Kryptovault and the other company, I can't remember the name, is blaming their loss of money directly to the new power taxes. I found all the articles about this on websites when I googled cryptocurrency companies Oslo, Norway after coming across the article of Krytovault considering shuttering it's doors. I follow alot of tech sites because my son is in the IT industry and Krytovault is big talk in the groups. I just thought that the 1st place LE might ought to look at is at all the companies affected the most by Anne's husband's new taxes. Especially the one the taxes have caused to probably go out of business. What do you guys think?
'Anne Elisabeth Hagen is still alive'
...... family had been in contact with the counterpart in July, and that the counterpart "clearly states that Anne-Elisabeth Hagen is alive".
- On Monday, July 8, the counterparty contacted us again. The contact deals with several issues. We can't go into the content in public, says Holden and informs that there are two things they want to make clear:
- Firstly, we perceive the inquiry as a clear and clear response to the message we communicated to the counterparty in mid-May. Secondly, it is clearly stated that Anne-Elisabeth Hagen is alive, but we have not received proof that it is correct, says Holden.
Confirms contact after July 8
Holden informs Dagbladet that they have had contact with the counterparty after the inquiry which came on July 8.
- Can you say something about the contact that has been after July 8? asks the newspaper's reporter.
- Nothing except that there has been clear communication. But I can't say anything more about the content of it, Holden tells Dagbladet.
Two weeks before the inquiry, the police held a press conference on the case. Holden cannot rule out that the press conference and the inquiry on July 8 may be related.
- There is nothing about the inquiry from July 8 which indicates that this is the case. But of course there can be a connection, even if this is not stated, says Holden.
Hevder Hagen er i live
This makes no sense to me. Why would the kidnappers be so patient, making contact sporadically?
On the other hand, if it wasn't really a kidnapping, who is making contact with the family? Is it someone trying to take advantage of a bad situation- or someone hired to do it?
I hope this case will be solved.
Maybe we are missing something here ... Your observation is so funny, it is not possible. Think of all the work they have been doing to keep her alive, fed, clothed and housed! And not been paid for many months. Poor kidnappers, playing the long game.Ransom kidnappers keeping someone alive for almost a year but barely demanding the payoff? Definitely fishy... I’m thinking someone thought it would be a good idea to get a call in July to continue weaving this ransom story..
Police say they now believe Anne-Elisabeth was killed and not abducted, and have enough evidence to "suspect" Tom of her killing.
"It is important to emphasize that although we have charged Tom Hagen, the case is still being investigated and there are several unanswered questions," Øst Police District said in a statement.
"It will be particularly important to clarify the role played by Tom Hagen, to find Anne-Elisabeth Hagen and to determine whether other people are involved."