Norway Norway - Arjen Kamphuis, 47, Dutch citizen, Bodø, 20 Aug 2018 - #2

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This forum thread would not be complete without posting a quote from the closing statement of #TeamArjen and Frank van de Goot following their visit and investigation in Norway.

Link to the original closing statement: Statement #TeamArjen & Frank van de Goot

This statement was originally posted at Dec 1, 2022.
Arjen Kamphuis missing persons case
Last seen around Bodø, Norway, August 2018
Private research via crowdfunding on
Initiated by #TeamArjen; Sanne, Jos, Helma and Ancilla.
Conducted by researcher and pathologist Frank van de Goot & team — September 2022

Statement #TeamArjen and Frank van de Goot

First of all, a big thank you to everyone who sympathized with Arjen and his loved ones, and especially those who kindly donated to the crowdfunding. Through this statement we want to share the findings of the research that Frank van de Goot has been able to carry out for us in Norway.
Let’s recap briefly why we started this crowdfunded private investigation. Because our own additional research in the past year into Arjen’s disappearance left us with a lot of questions, which the police could not answer either, the following three scenarios (or a combination of them) are still possible: a self-imposed disappearance, a fatal accident, or intervention by a second party.
The purpose of an additional private investigation on site was to rule out or confirm at least one of these scenarios. Since the conclusion of the Norwegian police investigation was that Arjen drowned in a kayaking accident, we chose to focus at least on confirming or disproving this particular scenario in our investigation. Earlier we were able to determine that the video footage from the salmon factory, which may have shown a kayak, was not useful as evidence. The time of the sighting of Arjen by a credible eye witness in Rognan cannot possibly match these images. This means that the earlier conclusion of the police, on which it is partly based, is flawed.
Our investigation took place from 12 to 17 September in the area where Arjen was last seen, and from where the known trail ends. These are the towns of Bodø, Fauske, and Rognan.
Due to conflicting information, and unanswered questions about the current of the fjord, as well as locations of Arjen’s washed-up and found personal items, floats have been installed to determine the current with precision. The area has also been mapped where Arjen would have been seen by a credible eyewitness. The investigating team walked the entire country road, as well as speaking to locals and authorities.

The conclusions of the private investigation​

Arjen’s last sighting was on August 20 around 9pm off the coast of Rognan. The wild camping site on the other side of the fjord is clearly visible from this spot. At the time of Arjen’s last sighting this campsite can no longer be reached by public transport. From Rognan, the campsite seems close, and the water calm. In practice, however, there is a great distance — more than 5 kilometers, an hour of kayaking for the experienced paddler.
The current at this location is very deceptive. If you enter the water it is quite possible to get caught in the strong undercurrent. In addition, the mooring place is a very slippery and steep area, and it is therefore impossible to get ashore at all. We don’t know why Arjen would want to stay at the wild camping, and whether he actually wanted to go there on this evening. But it fits in with the image we have of Arjen as friends. The wild camping is also a place where the truckers — who have partly found his stuff — could stop with their truck.
The floats that were set out, washed up on the exact spot where the kayak was found. There the floats ‘hung around’ for some time, after which they set course for the exit of the fjord, towards the open sea. The place where the kayak was found is on private property, and is therefore not easily accessible from another side. This makes it plausible that the items washed up naturally at the site where they were found.
This scenario can be matched with the data from Arjen’s telephone. Since Rognan’s cell tower is between buildings, and the Fauske cell tower is high up, it makes sense that the phone contacted the Fauske cell tower from the water, even though Arjen may have been closer to Rognan in terms of distance. This answers one of the important questions our investigation brought up.
Based on these findings in our investigation, Van de Goot concludes that Arjen most likely entered the water and died as a result of hypothermia and/or drowning. Even with a lifejacket on it is a very difficult task to get back on the kayak or swim to shore, and no guarantee of survival or even recovery of a body.
If this is indeed the scenario, it is likely that his body and some of his belongings floated out to sea, and were lost forever. The bottom of the fjord can be described as very mountainous, making searches with an underwater drone or recovering a body a hopeless task.
We are certainly stilll left with questions — it remains a guess as to why he made certain choices surrounding his journey. However, we will now also have to accept with great sadness that we will probably never get an answer to this. The most likely scenario is also the most painful for all of us, because it means that Arjen will most likely not be found again, dead or alive.
We request privacy to process this sad news together, and would like to refer to Frank van de Goot for additional questions regarding the investigation.
With great appreciation for the efforts of Frank and his team, and each other’s support, we can rest in the knowledge that after 4 years of our own investigation, we really did everything we could to find out the truth.

We are grateful that Arjen’s story, vision and ideas still inspire new people every day, and we take comfort in the fact that although we have lost a dear friend, his ideas live on.
Arjen will forever be dearly missed.

Some images on the same webpage:
Reading the statement I conclude:
An important aspect of Frank van de Goot's investigation was to determine whether an object released into the water at the harbour of Rognan would actually wash up at the location where the remnants of Arjen's kayak were found. This was indeed the case. In the final report, Frank van de Goot confirms that the piece of wood with a GPS unit that he released into the water in Rognan was carried by the current to that eventual finding place, about 13 km northly.
Source of image: Politie zoekt met speurhonden waar kajak Arjen Kamphuis is gevonden

I created this map of the most likely route of the test-object of Frank van de Goot.


The released piece of wood would eventually drift further westwards (where it was carried towards one of the three possible exits of the fjord).

When I read Frank van de Goot's final statement, I see that this observation served as a confirmation for a scenario in which the kayak could have moved through the fjord in a similar manner.
Frank van de Goot also reports that the location where Arjen might have intended to launch the kayak was not a 'simple' spot, but a place that was risky.
The current at this location is very deceptive. If you enter the water it is quite possible to get caught in the strong undercurrent. In addition, the mooring place is a very slippery and steep area, and it is therefore impossible to get ashore at all.

Frank van de Goot also states that the location in Rognan where Arjen might have launched his kayak could, in principle, have been accessible to the truckers who claimed they found Arjen's belongings.

The wild camping is also a place where the truckers — who have partly found his stuff — could stop with their truck.

Source for above image: Politie sluit onderzoek Arjen Kamphuis: ‘Het was een kajak-ongeluk’
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One of the questions that still remains unanswered after all these years is why the police eventually found a kayak that was completely disassembled. This implies that a scenario is still possible in which Arjen (or others!) intentionally threw the kayak into the water in its unassembled state.

Several people who use the same type of kayak state that while a kayak that is assembled is not 100% stable (it is, after all, a foldable/collapsible kayak), the condition in which the kayak was found does not match that of an assembled kayak. It is likely that an assembled kayak would maintain its kayak shape even under the influence of the current.

The state the kayak was in when found:

Source: confidential

See below the kayak in its assembled state (as reconstructed by the police).

Source image: Politie zoekt met speurhonden waar kajak Arjen Kamphuis is gevonden

The difference between the found condition of the kayak (collapsed/not assembled) and the images of the kayak in the police garage is literally like night and day.

Publicly, there is also no information available about whether the kayak was examined for fingerprints of Arjen (which logically should be present if the claim were that Arjen assembled the kayak himself).

It is also still unclear whether the items that truckers claim to have seen on the beach in Rognan were left there by Arjen himself or by others. Several friends of Arjen have publicly stated that they find it highly unlikely that Arjen himself would have left the USB sticks containing Tails and other information because those sticks contained highly confidential information.

Family and friends - as I understand from the statement of Frank van de Goot - have the explicit desire to let Arjen's disappearance rest further. Naturally, we must respect that wish, although after all these years, I still harbor the thought that a violent scenario in which something happened to Arjen remains within the realm of possibilities and perhaps should be further investigated as a preferred scenario.
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One of the questions that still remains unanswered after all these years is why the police eventually found a kayak that was completely disassembled. This implies that a scenario is still possible in which Arjen (or others!) intentionally threw the kayak into the water in its unassembled state.

Several people who use the same type of kayak state that while a kayak that is assembled is not 100% stable (it is, after all, a foldable/collapsible kayak), the condition in which the kayak was found does not match that of an assembled kayak. It is likely that an assembled kayak would maintain its kayak shape even under the influence of the current.

The state the kayak was in when found:

View attachment 505205
Source: confidential

See below the kayak in its assembled state (as reconstructed by the police).

View attachment 505202
Source image: Politie zoekt met speurhonden waar kajak Arjen Kamphuis is gevonden

The difference between the found condition of the kayak (collapsed/not assembled) and the images of the kayak in the police garage is literally like night and day.

Publicly, there is also no information available about whether the kayak was examined for fingerprints of Arjen (which logically should be present if the claim were that Arjen assembled the kayak himself).

It is also still unclear whether the items that truckers claim to have seen on the beach in Rognan were left there by Arjen himself or by others. Several friends of Arjen have publicly stated that they find it highly unlikely that Arjen himself would have left the USB sticks containing Tails and other information because those sticks contained highly confidential information.

Family and friends - as I understand from the statement of Frank van de Goot - have the explicit desire to let Arjen's disappearance rest further. Naturally, we must respect that wish, although after all these years, I still harbor the thought that a violent scenario in which something happened to Arjen remains within the realm of possibilities and perhaps should be further investigated as a preferred scenario.
Thank you for the update, @Cave .

But, what still wonders my mind, there was a last ping coming from Arjens telephone.
Around 22.00, the evening, he actually was missing/vanished.

Why no one questioned this, is still a little bit - Off- imo.

With all due respect:
Arjen was a famous hacker, he knew a lot about digital safety,so did his close circle....

^So any declaration, on that? ^

It seemed to be his last life signal...

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