Norway Norway - Oslo, WhtFem 20-30, Fake Name, shot in hotel room, Jun'95

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Well here's my thinking outside the box theory.
"Jennifer" was eliminated by an Israeli Mossad agent, and then a suicide was hastily staged to make it look like a depressed woman (bottle of men's cologne on the table, dressed in black, last meal etc)
That BHP copy found in her hand could actually be an Israeli Kareen MK1. I'm working on asking some real experts based on the limited photos we have. Most think it is for sure a Hungarian FEG clone, and the Kareen is the same clone made for the Israeli police and Mossad.
Here's something that makes me think this theory could hold water. At the time Oslo was the scene of the ongoing Israeli/PLO talks. Many of the negotiators apparently stayed in the Oslo Plaza hotel during these months. Jennifer was most likely from East Germany. A little too young to have been working for the East German Stasi which disbanded in 1989, but she could have been affiliated with some Anti-Zionist- pro PLO organization gathering intel on Israeli guests at the hotel. Mossad doesn't mess around, and sometimes are a little sloppy compared to the CIA/MI6 etc. The gun was a throwaway since it was impossible to trace, so what would they care?
Well here's my thinking outside the box theory.
"Jennifer" was eliminated by an Israeli Mossad agent, and then a suicide was hastily staged to make it look like a depressed woman (bottle of men's cologne on the table, dressed in black, last meal etc)
That BHP copy found in her hand could actually be an Israeli Kareen MK1. I'm working on asking some real experts based on the limited photos we have. Most think it is for sure a Hungarian FEG clone, and the Kareen is the same clone made for the Israeli police and Mossad.
Here's something that makes me think this theory could hold water. At the time Oslo was the scene of the ongoing Israeli/PLO talks. Many of the negotiators apparently stayed in the Oslo Plaza hotel during these months. Jennifer was most likely from East Germany. A little too young to have been working for the East German Stasi which disbanded in 1989, but she could have been affiliated with some Anti-Zionist- pro PLO organization gathering intel on Israeli guests at the hotel. Mossad doesn't mess around, and sometimes are a little sloppy compared to the CIA/MI6 etc. The gun was a throwaway since it was impossible to trace, so what would they care?
Well, it wouldn't be the first time Mossad carried out an assassination on Norwegian soil.

Lillehammer affair - Wikipedia
Plaza-mysteriet: Se så lekende lett han låser døren

New article in VG today. It’s in norwegian but check out the video. Shows how easy it is to exit the room and make it look “double locked”. It is demonstrated on the same system that was in the Plaza Hotel in 1995. The article also states that according to experts the lock can also be double locked with just the card if you know how.
Plaza-mysteriet: Se så lekende lett han låser døren

New article in VG today. It’s in norwegian but check out the video. Shows how easy it is to exit the room and make it look “double locked”. It is demonstrated on the same system that was in the Plaza Hotel in 1995. The article also states that according to experts the lock can also be double locked with just the card if you know how.

Just saw the link at the top! That's what I was thinking: using a string.
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Apologies for the long post, I was taking notes while watching and reading media about this case. Here some random thoughts and observations, split up in several posts due to length:

* Since two different women called to make and change the reservation, one with perfect English (maybe Jennifer, common North American name) and another one with perfect German (maybe Lois), could it be two women in that room, with very similar physical characteristics? One could have been the main operator, and the other one a decoy, that got eliminated (or instructed/forced to be self-eliminated) at the end?
* Could the dead woman be Lois, rather than Jennifer? in her signature, it looks like a weird L, instead of a J, or is it a distorted X similar to the one in other boxes, made by the front desk agent? Anyways, wondering if two similar looking females used these names interchangeably?
* I read somewhere the habds of this lady did not have burn marks. The barrel in a pistol like that, would not burn skin (not with two shots, it does not get that hot); since the barrel is inside the slide, and after firing the gun, the gases get expelled to the side.
* Some investigators said the pistol would have left this lady’s hands. Well, the recoil on a 9 mm pistol, is definitely manageable (compared to a .45 ACP or a 10 mm, I know since I train and compete with pistols), and recoil management can be accomplished even with a strange grip: holding the pistol high on the beavertail and pushing the lower part of the hand (the ball of the hand) into the lower front of the grip.
* When the police examined this woman, the trigger clicked when taking the pistol out of her hand, which is an indication of the trigger reset, confirming that she fired the shot. People who commit suicide with a shot to the head, keep a strong grip on the firearm. However, no blood in her hands is really suspicious. Did someone had their own hands wrapped around this lady’s hands? Were her hands covered with something (i.e. black handkerchief) that fell on top of her after the firearm was shot?
* The cartridges' location indicates the pistol was ejecting them towards the right side of the bed (towards the window), therefore, the pistol was aiming from the foot of the bed, towards the head of the bed. So, did this lady reached out all the way to the pillow, above her head, just to try a test shot? If she did a test shot while standing next to the bed (right side of the bed), the cartridge would likely have bounced on the head of the bed, and into the mattress. She was definitely laying down when she was shot, given the bullet went through the mattress into the concrete floor.
* Interesting that the cartridges were 3 inches away from each other, that’s rare to see when firing a firearm, they could go all over the place: on the floor, in furniture, in your shirt collar, in your hair, in your shooting glasses, etc.
* The handwriting on the batteries seems very similar to hers in the registration card, specifically the 3 and the 5.
* Let’s assume the front desk agent printed the room number and marked all the X’s, it looks like some of those X’s are reversed (compare the ones on the left, and the ones under the form of payment and signature), so, did the agent reverse the card at some point? They handwriting (both his and this lady) seem similar, just curious as to why.
* The pistol seems very old, worn-out and crappy for an intelligence agent, even the ammunition looks old as well; this seems to be more related to criminal activity. If I was an intelligence agent, would rely on a more modern (yet unmarked, if you will) weapon system, with new ammunition, so I knew it would work and would not have to test it (and obviously, I would practice heavily with it, before going on a mission).
* The amount of ammunition seems odd. Agree that it is too much for a suicide, so, what criminal activity was this lady involved: where there any shootings in the city that week? It is odd police did not pay attention to this. Ok, this lady shot herself... don’t focus just on her, were there any other criminal activities that may be related to this in the city, one week before and after this incident?
* The pedophilia kidnappings in Belgium, just days after this lady died; seem very suspicious and likely related.
* The form of payment in the registration form indicates cash, therefore, no credit card may have been required at that time, however, when the person(s) in the room started using pay-per-view and placing a food order, with the no-disturb sign on the door, that did raise the alarm they may leave without paying, and that’s why they send someone to check the room.
* What does 2DY NON mean on the registration card? And what is 3C as nationality? Is that a P on top of the 3 in the nationality box? Was she going to write “Poland”, which is right next and east of Germany?
* Misspelling of the last name could have been an error of the person writing the reservation, very common: I have an unusual last name, and even people who know me, misspell my last name all the time.
* Cerbis could also be a misspelling by the person making the reservation, Ceris is a diplomatic school in Belgium. Did one of these persons attend this school and became a political activist after? This is a common occurrence too.
* In the name of the street, does it read Slonde, a dutch word, that translates into *advertiser censored*?
* The occupation was intentionally left blank in the form, conveniently. The front desk agent did not put an X on it, interesting too.
* The absence of fingerprints, even on pistol magazines, may involve gloves; or poor police work. Magazines could have been loaded beforehand, with gloves (I would use masking tape on fingerprints if I was going to be using latex gloves, to avoid leaving fingerprints).
* Some items were missing from the room: a roller luggage, a pair of shiny women’s shoes; and maybe other things. Well, she or a companion could have taken those out during the periods people left the room. This room was an intermediate area.
* Strange that no security cameras were in place, or running, at such a high-security and high-end hotel. Police work seems sloppy again, not mentioning why there are no tapes.
* It is said that no gunpowder residue was found, however, was a paraffin test really done to her hands (rather than just a visual inspection)? This type of test was never mentioned in media. Unusual firearm grip, in this case, would still leave a residue, even minimal.
* As for the DNA test, it must be ran on a tool such as GED Match, to find her relatives, even distant.
* One of the investigators mentioned that there was a star shape tear in this lady’s forehead, indicating close proximity of the barrel to her forehead. Obviously, she was fixed before the pictures were taken; but I would be curious to see the original crime scene pictures. Having said that, if there was direct contact (barrel and forehead), the results would be devastating to the face: try shooting any firearm making direct contact with a paper target, and you will see what I mean.
* Given her documented stature and weight, her BMI indicates she was overweight… are those measures correct? She does not seem to be overweight.
* She was definitely connected to Belgium, as she used some Belgian information on the registration form; and called incorrect numbers in Belgium. Maybe she forgot the number, failed the mission, and had no choice but to take her own life?
* It is strange that the medical examiner did not keep vaginal swabs or other DNA related material from the crime scene. Also, the bedding was not kept, which could have contained crucial information (hair, DNA, saliva, other secretions), which indicates poor police work.
* About that diver watch she was wearing, did she come to Norway by swimming from a nearby country, or was she dropped near the shore?
* As per the front desk agent, she was seen waiting for someone, therefore, she was waiting for someone. Since she was not detected at the airports that night, she was probably in Norway already, and now she was waiting for someone arriving on the flights that got to Oslo that night.
* She has some grey hair on the sides of her head, which may be an indication she was older. Based on DNA she was not 21 at the time, but older.
* Since her autopsy revealed food in her stomach, likely she was eliminated right after she ate, in the middle of the night, so nobody would be alarmed (one gunshot while sleeping may wake you up, but multiple gunshots would have definitely raised an alarm).
* A duvet was tightly wrapped in one of the chairs, was it going to be used as a silencer?
* If I had a lover or a person I do not want to be seen with, we would leave the room at different times. Did the other person leave first, and took the roller luggage with the things that were missing from the room (makeup, toiletries, skirts, shoes, etc.)? And then this lady stayed behind, and took herself out (to avoid being executed or tortured somewhere else)?
* The paper-magazine with another room number, she could have taken it from the floor or if it was hanging on the door handle.
* Three different kinds of drinks were taken from the mini-bar, probably two or three different people were at some point in the room. As mentioned before, the room was likely used as an intermediate and temporary point, to complete other activities somewhere else. However, why such an expensive hotel as an intermediate point? It had to have some significance.
* It was revealed that the gun was build from different firearms parts, which indicates a black-market weapon. A professional black-market firearms dealer would be well versed at removing serial numbers. Even with partial serial numbers, an Artificial Intelligence program can be used to narrow down the search, and locate possible owners of the firearm.
* Hotel personnel reported an acrid smell: well, it was the food from the day before, enhanced by humidity of the shower.
* There is one photograph with two drops of blood on floor: are those next to bed, or under the bed? It was not clear their location, and whose blood was it.
One more finding: I ran the word STEHDE (part of the address in the registration card) through a Deep Learning translator, it detected it to be German, and it translates into different meanings, but the most notable ones for this case are: "in position", or "on standby". It translates directly into "standing" (like when one person is on their feet, standing up). Was that a signal to the person who checked her in, to not ask for identification nor credit card information? If we notice, she also ran out of space to put the country name; it is tucked in between lines. After check-in, she was seen standing... in position, on standby, waiting.
One more finding: I ran the word STEHDE (part of the address in the registration card) through a Deep Learning translator, it detected it to be German, and it translates into different meanings, but the most notable ones for this case are: "in position", or "on standby". It translates directly into "standing" (like when one person is on their feet, standing up). Was that a signal to the person who checked her in, to not ask for identification nor credit card information? If we notice, she also ran out of space to put the country name; it is tucked in between lines. After check-in, she was seen standing... in position, on standby, waiting.

i speak moderate German and the word “stehe” is often used in a sentence when you are the subject and your action (verb use) is the act of standing.

So for this it would be “I stand (or I am standing)” would be “Ich stehe”. If someone else is the subject it would be “du stehst” (informal) “sie stehen” (used in formal and addressing a group of “they”) and “ihr stehst” is used in a Situation like a presenter instructing a group of people to stand up.

This is all just context for the word.
I was also trying to decipher the road name on the registration card as it doesn't seem to me to be "station" and I read it as "stehde" so I run "Stehde" on Google maps and came up with a road called "Auf der Stehde" in Germany that also has a nr 14.

I then found a German newspaper article linking the same road to this case but it is unfortunatelly under a pay wall.
I was also trying to decipher the road name on the registration card as it doesn't seem to me to be "station" and I read it as "stehde" so I run "Stehde" on Google maps and came up with a road called "Auf der Stehde" in Germany that also has a nr 14.

I then found a German newspaper article linking the same road to this case but it is unfortunatelly under a pay wall.

That is excellent, I tried that but could not find addresses in Germany. Thanks for sharing, will investigate a little further.
There is a lot of mystery surrounding the woman’s activities in the days leading up to her death. They defy explanation but they don’t clearly point to either murder or suicide. The possible presence of another person with her and possibly in her room would argue strongly against suicide but it hasn’t really been verified.

The actual circumstances of her death strongly suggest she was alone and suicide would be the only explanation. The first shot was fired at the time the security officer knocked at the door. While we know that the officer left the floor unattended for 15 minutes, I do not believe it would be a reasonable expectation that the security officer would leave the scene. If there was a second party in the room, they would have every reason to expect a security officer to be in the hall. This would be the worst time to shot someone. For suicide however, it may have been perceived as the last chance since, as a non-payer, she may have feared removal from, the hotel.

If there was a second party intent on murder, the reasonable assumption would be that the victim would struggle and call for help yet she did neither.

The door was “double locked” from the inside. The Norwegian police determined that while it was possible to do it from outside, it would require special knowledge of the lock mechanism than few people would have.

There are many ways that one could commit suicide in a hotel room with out making noise or attracting attention. It is common sense that a staged suicide, whether done by a trained spy or a common criminal, would use one of those methods. It would make no sense to do it that way.

While it can not be absolutely ruled out, any explanation except suicide seems extremely unlikely. The victims obviously did not want to be identified and her efforts appear to be successful. The Norwegian police came to the very reasonable conclusion that no crime was committed and deteriorating the identity of some foreigner who did not want to be identified did not warrant their time and effort.

They could have drugged her first that was why there was no struggle or screams.
Rip-off alert: I paid the 1 EUR for 24 hours access to the article, still didn't let me in. Will contact them and see what's going on. Stay tuned.
I figured it out, had to hack my way into it. Got the translation done really quick, but due to potential copyright issues, will only post here a few things that did catch my eye, and may be relevant to the case (and perhaps we didn't know about):
  • There are many indications that the dead woman comes from Germany - possibly from Wittgenstein.
  • "Auf der Stehde" (on the standing) as mentioned by @Aluev , seems to have caught the eye of a fellow IT expert from Hennef, his name is Carsten Mika.
  • Carsten did the following: In a social network, he launched an appeal to the village community of Feudingen, asking if anyone knows
    the woman. And indeed, a police photograph of the dead has aroused the interest of some Feudingers. Many want to remember her - today the dead woman would have to be between 50 and 60 years old, at the
    time of her death she was about 30.
  • Carsten hopes for help from Feudingen. He himself has not yet been on site. "If the Feudingen people manage to get the woman a name, that would be a sensation. And if the Feudingers manage that, I'm sure I'll bring a few cases of beer over there." But if the trail to Feudingen is colder than he had hoped, he has meanwhile discovered another one - 20 kilometers away. In Müsse there is the road "Unter der Stehde".
Carsten seems to be ahead of us, great. I did reach out to someone of that name on social media, hoping that's him. Stay tuned.
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Not even close, and Camilla was a) older b) taller c) not East German
Wrong. It is close. And the resemblance between Camilla and "Jennifer" is astonishing. Anyone can see it.

And a couple of inches different in height as measured on a live person 10 years earlier vs. a dead person who just bled out on a hotel bed? That's your evidence that it can't be Camilla? I'm not saying that it IS Camilla - just saying that you don't know that it's not.

Also, separately, no matter how many times somebody "says it over and over" I don't think there were two women staying in that hotel room. But that's just my opinion.

The recent science reports and claims that the measurement of the amount of atomic bomb testing-related C-14 in a person's tooth enamel can be used to very precisely determine age in a forensic investigation is nowhere near settled. Even the 1.6 yr accuracy claim was based only on the results of 8 out of 15 test subjects.

I've read many recent articles about C-14 Carbon testing for both ancient artifacts and forensics, and there are more articles than ever now which question the accuracy and precision of many previous claims.

In forensics especially there are way too many variables involved for C-14 tooth enamel measurements to be used to make precise age determinations, including: when a person was born, where a person lived (especially which hemisphere), what kind, the frequency, the location, and the amount of atomic testing, when did a person's teeth "come in", what did their diet consist of, what was the nearby geography like, and how much fossil fuel was being burned around them, and for how long (including even before they were born, as apparently fossil fuel burning can affect atmospheric C-14 levels for years). Not to mention, most if not all of the testing was done in the US. One study included only 32 participants. As I said, lots of variables.

Again, I'm not saying there's nothing to analyzing tooth enamel C-14, just that there are too many outside factors that could effect tooth enamel C-14 levels to
make a precise determination of age possible.

The original autopsy basically said that Jennifer's age range could be anywhere from mid twenties to early 30's - which would not exclude Camilla. I don't think at this point (since "Jennifer's" eyes are not available) that anyone can be more precise than the coroner's report on "Jennifer's" age - not unless they're bending the truth to support their own theory. I also haven't read anywhere that the coroner's report stated that "Jennifer's" body had NO tattoos (but I might've missed it). Again, I'm not saying it was Camilla, just saying that you don't know enough at this point to say that it wasn't her.

And the isotope maps are similar in that same way: too broad at this point to be as useful as we'd like. All four maps included areas in both Germany and Denmark. Investigators may rightly suspect (based on other things as well) that it's likely that Jennifer was from Northern or Eastern Germany - but they don't know that for a fact, and neither do you. How do you know Camilla wasn't born in the West Germany part of "Northern Germany" (e.g outside of the GDR) and then moved with her family to Denmark?

I think the spy thing (Mossad assassination of a PLO operative) that you mentioned is a possibility. I also think the address in Belgium that Jost is checking out is a possibility. I think there are lots and lots of possibilities. I'm just saying that "Jennifer's" age and place of origin have not yet been factually determined, and until they are, Camilla is one possibility for "Jennifer". Until more facts are established, I don't think you should be so quick to slam Beekarina's possibility. JMO

And of course, it may be that we'll never find out who she was, or what happened in that hotel - just like the Somerton Man
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