Not sure Caylee is dead, Not sure she's alive

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves


I don't know and you don't know either! LOL
Aug 30, 2008
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The last fence sitters thread was closed and not re-opened. I don't know why so I'm taking a chance and starting another one. We can't discuss doubts about her being dead on the Caylee's Alive thread and it's difficult to discuss those doubts on other threads. If there's another open thread like this one...merge away! I did search beforehand.

So my biggest doubt about Caylee being dead has to do with the hair samples. I mentioned this on the alive thread but doubting is not enough over there and they shouldn't have to constantly prove why they believe she's alive. So since authorities used a process of elimination to determine who the death ring hair belonged to and cannot conclusively say the hair with the death ring belongs to Caylee, I think it's possible she could be alive.

Also, I'm not sure if chemicals/chloroform in the trunk that got on the hair couldn't mimic that in some way.

I don't think the hair samples thread is the best place to discuss this particular doubt because a lot of posters have already drawn their conclusions about that evidence. This is for people who have not.

I've seen other's posting on other threads with their doubts/hopes.

I want to come to a conclusion, one way or the other, let's help eachother out!
So my biggest doubt about Caylee being dead has to do with the hair samples. I mentioned this on the alive thread but doubting is not enough over there and they shouldn't have to constantly prove why they believe she's alive. So since authorities used a process of elimination to determine who the death ring hair belonged to and cannot conclusively say the hair with the death ring belongs to Caylee, I think it's possible she could be alive.

If not Caylee, then who does it belong to? Ultimately, there shouldn't be a dead body - regardless of whose it is - in the trunk of any individual's vehicle! I have to be honest with you, it isn't every day that someone ends up with a dead body in their trunk. When you look at it statistically, meaning the chances of that happening to any individual, then you add to that the chances that it would happen to someone who is missing a daughter; well, I don't think I need to say much more about it.

I'd love to believe she is alive, but just using common sense tells me that the little girl is dead. And I come to that conclusion using just two facts, those stated above, and not all of the other circumstantial evidence (i.e., lies, motive, shovel, gas cans, etc.).
The DNA says DEAD! I am not happy bout that one lil bit, but I believe forensics. :(

Now, all they have to do is prove it, and I think they will.
The DNA says DEAD! I am not happy bout that one lil bit, but I believe forensics. :(

Now, all they have to do is prove it, and I think they will.

DNA can't determine dead.
DNA can't determine dead.

The DNA of the decomposing material (whatever it may be that was tested) can. If you have something that is in a decomp state and it can be determined that it was Caylee's DNA, then there ya go.

As for the hair - they can use MtDNA to determine who it belonged to through the process of elimination. IIRC, it was determined to either be Casey's or Caylee's hair in the trunk. Given that the hair had a death band present and Casey is alive - then it must be Caylee's hair?

I will admit, I heard something today (can't find it now) that gave me a glimmering hope that Caylee is alive. But, then I think about the scientific evidence and my hopes are shattered. :mad:

This is such a sad case!
I too would like to believe that Caylee is alive. I also believe the DNA evidence and LP who has been closer to the case. I feel that if Caylee were alive, the people who have her would have found some way to leave her at an open place and collect one of the rewards. They could get the one from LP without any threat of being charged with something. Also I don't think they would want the continued publicity.... JMHO
I believe she is dead :( :( and by the hands of her mother. I agree with Milopedes post about how unlikely someone would put a dead body in someone's car, when that car was owned and abandoned by a woman who's child is missing.. To top that off she never calls the police. :behindbar AND then lies to them over and over again. Why? if you want your daugther to be found, why lie? why lead them on a wild goose chase???? Guilty? yup, smells like it to me..
DNA can't determine dead.

After death, the human body decays in a succession of stages.
The four stages are:

decay and
For a body on top of soil, the products of decomposition seep into the ground. This input of substrates and microorganisms from the body causes the profiles of the microbial community in the soil to change significantly over the period of decomposition. Understanding these changes could help estimate the time elapsed since death in a way similar to that used by forensic entomologists


Preferably, the analysis of the DNA includes the amplification of the DNA or any part thereof. More preferably, the amplified DNA includes both a conserved and a variable region of a gene, and most preferably, the area amplified includes at least a portion of the 16S rRNA gene or the 23S rRNA gene.

It is preferred that the analysis of the DNA is a polymorphic analysis, such as restriction fragment length polymorphism. More preferably the polymorphism analysis may be performed on the 16S rRNA gene or the 23S rRNA gene. Preferably the comparison of the polymorphic analysis from one or more samples is achieved via a visual comparison or more preferably by a mathematical process.

Preferably the one or more characteristics that changes over time following death includes the abundance, presence or absence of one or more polymorphic products.


Does that help answer your question on DNA?

P.S. This links explains maggots as well....
I too would like to believe that Caylee is alive. I also believe the DNA evidence and LP who has been closer to the case. I feel that if Caylee were alive, the people who have her would have found some way to leave her at an open place and collect one of the rewards. They could get the one from LP without any threat of being charged with something. Also I don't think they would want the continued publicity.... JMHO

They WANT you to believe that. They are using people as nice and accepting as you as well as others to place "reasonable doubt" into your minds. I want her to be alive too. But please don't be vulnerable to the defense and research, research, research. There are people out there believing the "reasonable doubt," and that is exactly what the defense wants done. JB is working hard at this, and no doubt telling the Anthony's how to roll and what to say. Believe in LE, and things will happen with patience!! (I know, I'm guilty of pounding the pavement as much as everyone else...)
What does it disapprove? I mean dead rotten smelly body is pretty distinguished. Would you not agree?
I have no reasonable doubt, I was posting that I believe she is dead and at the hands of her mom, I was only stating why I believe that.........
We all know that there was 'the smell of death' in the trunk.....PERIOD
I keep reading about the "death band" on Caylee's hair and how this has led investigators to believe Caylee is dead. Did they ever refer to the death band by some other name? I wanted to read up on this (not just as it relates to the Caylee case, but just scientific information in general) but can't find anything about a "death band" on google.
I believe it was Kobeleski on NG that talked about it, but not sure...
I have no reasonable doubt, I was posting that I believe she is dead and at the hands of her mom, I was only stating why I believe that.........

No cold pricklies.....:blowkiss:
none intended, apologize if it came across that way... this case has just obsessed me...
The last fence sitters thread was closed and not re-opened. I don't know why so I'm taking a chance and starting another one. We can't discuss doubts about her being dead on the Caylee's Alive thread and it's difficult to discuss those doubts on other threads. If there's another open thread like this one...merge away! I did search beforehand.

So my biggest doubt about Caylee being dead has to do with the hair samples. I mentioned this on the alive thread but doubting is not enough over there and they shouldn't have to constantly prove why they believe she's alive. So since authorities used a process of elimination to determine who the death ring hair belonged to and cannot conclusively say the hair with the death ring belongs to Caylee, I think it's possible she could be alive.

Also, I'm not sure if chemicals/chloroform in the trunk that got on the hair couldn't mimic that in some way.

I don't think the hair samples thread is the best place to discuss this particular doubt because a lot of posters have already drawn their conclusions about that evidence. This is for people who have not.

I've seen other's posting on other threads with their doubts/hopes.

I want to come to a conclusion, one way or the other, let's help eachother out!

its my personal belief that LE know for certain the hair is from Caylee but have not released that information as of yet. The hair is a less of a concern for me then the fact that they were able to determine there was for a fact decomoposition in that car. So if not Caylee, whose dead body was Casey driving around with?

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