Not sure Caylee is dead, Not sure she's alive

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I really hope the authorities have been investigating ALL the people surrounding this case throughout these weeks. And I don't mean just taking their statement and leaving it at that.

I have been praying that too, there are so many people and places that need to be gone over with a fine tooth comb, do you think someone is doing it?
OMG! Do you know that I didn't even know this thread got posted! I got an error when I posted and then went to class. I just realized it's here! LOL Anyway...yeah, I'm on the fence and open. Guess I can leave the "for sure she's alivers" alone now lol.

For the person asking about the "death band". In my searching, I found that the science associated with that is called "forensic taphonomy". I posted about it on the alive thread. I just don't know enough about that death band to trust the science!
This is a post from another sleuther. It say's it all until proven differently.

I lived through the Elizabeth Smart case.
Her family was drug through the mud.. her dad and uncle were "gay"
"her dad killed her because he was molesting her" "Richard Reesey
did it and he won't co-operate with the police" "there is evidence
Richard did it" etc etc...
I remember the evidence they "had" against Richard.
"dirt in his car" "tire tracks that matched" "prints" "hair" etc.
An LO and Behold... LOOK what happened!
It's sad that everyone believes LE only "leaks" the truth!
The truth is that NOT one person here KNOWS what evidence they have
or don't have!
I know they say they have evidence but like I have said before...
I'll wait until it's presented in court.
If you sit back and look at all the people who are digging through
trash, camping out with signs (signs posted for the web cam people to see
and NOT the Anthony's), people on here not taking baths and not fixing
It is sad!
These people have not only judged, but they already have her sentenced to
It's really easy to sit at your computer and agree with the majority!
It's really easy to get caught up in the hateful atmosphere against people
who have NOT even been charged... let alone convicted!
I feel for those who have no hope. With out hope... what do you really have?
I choose to have compassion and hope, because one day I might be faced with something
that I would like others to have compassion for me!
I pray each night for all those who have so much hate in
their hearts.....
If not Caylee, then who does it belong to? Ultimately, there shouldn't be a dead body - regardless of whose it is - in the trunk of any individual's vehicle! I have to be honest with you, it isn't every day that someone ends up with a dead body in their trunk. When you look at it statistically, meaning the chances of that happening to any individual, then you add to that the chances that it would happen to someone who is missing a daughter; well, I don't think I need to say much more about it.

I'd love to believe she is alive, but just using common sense tells me that the little girl is dead. And I come to that conclusion using just two facts, those stated above, and not all of the other circumstantial evidence (i.e., lies, motive, shovel, gas cans, etc.).

Yeah, I believe there was a body in the trunk, I don't doubt that. BUT, since the evidence can't conclude whose body it was, I can't conclude that either. My own common sense comes to the same conclusions as yours does...there's a body, someone's missing, the missing person is the body BUT my inability to have blind faith in anything will not allow me to jump to that conclusion.
Commending you on starting an intelligent and object thread.
I believe she is dead :( :( and by the hands of her mother. I agree with Milopedes post about how unlikely someone would put a dead body in someone's car, when that car was owned and abandoned by a woman who's child is missing.. To top that off she never calls the police. :behindbar AND then lies to them over and over again. Why? if you want your daugther to be found, why lie? why lead them on a wild goose chase???? Guilty? yup, smells like it to me..

Everything you said makes perfect sense, it really does. I believe Casey told a whole heap of lies. Because she told so many lies and because she was involved in G_d knows what, I believe in the possibility that she could have been involved in some activity that included someone ending up dead and being transported in her trunk. The most likely person, unfortunately, is her daughter (hated to say that) but I can't discount the fact that it's possible that it's someone else. That's one thing that actually goes along with the wild story Casey's been telling.

Yes, I'm the queen of reasonable doubt LOL.
I too would like to believe that Caylee is alive. I also believe the DNA evidence and LP who has been closer to the case. I feel that if Caylee were alive, the people who have her would have found some way to leave her at an open place and collect one of the rewards. They could get the one from LP without any threat of being charged with something. Also I don't think they would want the continued publicity.... JMHO

Okay, you've tapped into one of my major doubts here. Let's just play along with Casey for a second and pretend these kidnappers exist...why Caylee? What is the incentive to keep Caylee? Since what I've heard of her story doesn't answer those questions, I seriously doubt the kidnapping story.

You are right about them trying to collect the rewards if they had her.

The crazy thing is, I don't believe the kidnapper story. So if Caley does happen to be alive, where the heck would she be? If Caley left her with a any good person (like the father's family), they'd probably come forward and not want to be involved in the drama and face criminal charges. Why would they risk imprisonment just so Casey could get back at her mother. See...that's another thing weighing heavily on the she's not alive side for me.
Theres one way to end the kidnapper theory once and for all.

Offer the kidnappers 25 million and total immunity to surrender Caylee.

After all, they did Caylee a favor to get her away from that family anyway.

When no one comes forward. Voila! Time for a new story.
They WANT you to believe that. They are using people as nice and accepting as you as well as others to place "reasonable doubt" into your minds. I want her to be alive too. But please don't be vulnerable to the defense and research, research, research. There are people out there believing the "reasonable doubt," and that is exactly what the defense wants done. JB is working hard at this, and no doubt telling the Anthony's how to roll and what to say. Believe in LE, and things will happen with patience!! (I know, I'm guilty of pounding the pavement as much as everyone else...)

I'm a reasonable doubter. I think you are absolutely right and herein lies the paradox of our legal system. You are right to say believe in LE but I think we've also got to believe in the law as well. Reasonable doubt exists for the same reason defense attorneys exist-- to make certain the prosecution proves their case so there is less of a chance that innocent people are convicted. It's my responsibility as a citizen to doubt until guilt is proven and to hold LE accountable for following the due process of the law.
I too would like nothing more then to believe Caylee is still alive .

Help me to understand if you will how you explain away key points in this case ??

Let's start with the abandoned car , giving Casey the benefit of doubt that she did in fact run out of gas on the 27 th.

Logicaly speaking what does one do when they run out of gas ?? They find a gas station get gas go back to car and your on your way or if you don't have cash or the gas station is not reachable by foot , you would then call someone saying hey I'm out of gas & cash . Can you come pick me up borrow me a few bucks and I'll pay you back .

Casey does not do either , instead she parks the car next to a dumpster
( large parking lot I might add ) at a payday loan place ( could have gone in for cash there too I suppose ) Calls TonE to pick her up claiming George was going to pick the car up to be repaired . What makes this act even more damming is she never goes back for the car !!!! Even if she did go back at some point for the car 3 , 4 or even a week later and it was gone , she never goes in Amscot and says I let my car in the parking lot and now it's gone do you know what happened . She never calls George , Cindy or LE to say I can't find my car , it's not where I let it. Two weeks later and still it's never reported as stolen , never inquired about .

What about Caylee's car seat , her backpack , tooth brush , fav doll or toy ??? What about Casey's purse or the famous Fusion boots ???? Would she need these things especialy the car seat ?? How was she going to find Caylee with no car ?????

Mothers reading this What would you do if your child was missing ?? I know what I would do , I would be frantic , I would call anybody and everybody to help me find her , I would most definitly tell my parents and LE . I wouldn't eat , sleep or be able to think of anything else , my eyes would be swelled shut from crying for days on end . Nope not Casey , she says NOTHING to NOBODY and goes clubbing for 31 days.

Cindy in the 911 call saying the car smells like a dead body has been in it . George eckos this statement but both later back paddle - Pizza , dead animal , cleaning fluid and now both are back to dead body but not Caylee's .

Cindy , George , Towing Company guy , LE , 2 cadaver dogs , Body Farm , FBI Lab all say there was a decomosing body in that car . Georges own words the dead body in my daughters trunk was not my granddaughter . Who then ??

Help me to understand WHY Cindy would wash the very clothes George claims Casey was wearing the last time he saw Caylee leave with Casey .

Help me to understand why they would put a car they both claim smelled like a dead body in their garage and remove /clean anything in it when they knew their granddaughter was unaccounted for ?? Why did they put the smelly car in their garage period ?? We have watched them come and go on webcam / news reports both George and Cindy always park their cars in there . Why was this different ?

By reading the 400 page doc file we learned that even Lee must have found it unusual at the time as he states When I got to my parents house my sisters car was in the garage . Why make this statement if it was not out of the ordinary ??

So I can't help but wonder who's dead body Casey was riding around with ??
Caylee is the only one unaccounted for .

Why has no composite drawing been done of either ZG or this Samantha ?? Surely if there was any truth behind the stories JB him self would have seen to it to help clear his client . Why do we not even have at the very least a discription of Samantha ?

Please if anyone can help me understand these things I too would like to believe Caylee is still alive .
Someone was asking for someone to prove the statement that "DNA doesn't prove someone is dead"?
Well, that's right, isn't it? DNA can only identify a person (within a reasonable margin of error), it can't determine if that person was dead.

It can if the tissue the DNA came from was scalp tissue with hair still attached and that hair has a black band. That person is DEAD!
I too would like nothing more then to believe Caylee is still alive .

Help me to understand if you will how you explain away key points in this case ??

Let's start with the abandoned car , giving Casey the benefit of doubt that she did in fact run out of gas on the 27 th.

Logicaly speaking what does one do when they run out of gas ?? They find a gas station get gas go back to car and your on your way or if you don't have cash or the gas station is not reachable by foot , you would then call someone saying hey I'm out of gas & cash . Can you come pick me up borrow me a few bucks and I'll pay you back .

Casey does not do either , instead she parks the car next to a dumpster
( large parking lot I might add ) at a payday loan place ( could have gone in for cash there too I suppose ) Calls TonE to pick her up claiming George was going to pick the car up to be repaired . What makes this act even more damming is she never goes back for the car !!!! Even if she did go back at some point for the car 3 , 4 or even a week later and it was gone , she never goes in Amscot and says I let my car in the parking lot and now it's gone do you know what happened . She never calls George , Cindy or LE to say I can't find my car , it's not where I let it. Two weeks later and still it's never reported as stolen , never inquired about .

What about Caylee's car seat , her backpack , tooth brush , fav doll or toy ??? What about Casey's purse or the famous Fusion boots ???? Would she need these things especialy the car seat ?? How was she going to find Caylee with no car ?????

Mothers reading this What would you do if your child was missing ?? I know what I would do , I would be frantic , I would call anybody and everybody to help me find her , I would most definitly tell my parents and LE . I wouldn't eat , sleep or be able to think of anything else , my eyes would be swelled shut from crying for days on end . Nope not Casey , she says NOTHING to NOBODY and goes clubbing for 31 days.

Cindy in the 911 call saying the car smells like a dead body has been in it . George eckos this statement but both later back paddle - Pizza , dead animal , cleaning fluid and now both are back to dead body but not Caylee's .

Cindy , George , Towing Company guy , LE , 2 cadaver dogs , Body Farm , FBI Lab all say there was a decomosing body in that car . Georges own words the dead body in my daughters trunk was not my granddaughter . Who then ??

Help me to understand WHY Cindy would wash the very clothes George claims Casey was wearing the last time he saw Caylee leave with Casey .

Help me to understand why they would put a car they both claim smelled like a dead body in their garage and remove /clean anything in it when they knew their granddaughter was unaccounted for ?? Why did they put the smelly car in their garage period ?? We have watched them come and go on webcam / news reports both George and Cindy always park their cars in there . Why was this different ?

By reading the 400 page doc file we learned that even Lee must have found it unusual at the time as he states When I got to my parents house my sisters car was in the garage . Why make this statement if it was not out of the ordinary ??

So I can't help but wonder who's dead body Casey was riding around with ??
Caylee is the only one unaccounted for .

Why has no composite drawing been done of either ZG or this Samantha ?? Surely if there was any truth behind the stories JB him self would have seen to it to help clear his client . Why do we not even have at the very least a discription of Samantha ?

Please if anyone can help me understand these things I too would like to believe Caylee is still alive .

Yes, Casey abandoned the car and what you said is true. That doesn't mean Caylee is dead.

Good point about Casey needing the car to find Caylee. I don't believe Casey was looking for Caylee though. There's only 2 reasons not to look: you think she's safe or you think she's dead. The evidence doesn't lead me to know which it is. If you'd like me to look at it from a mom's perspective- I'm a mom and I actually get light-headed and swoon if I turn around in the store and my son is not standing where he's supposed to be. So the only way I'd be partying is if I thought he was okay.

Yes, there was a decomposing body in the trunk. Doesn't mean it was Caylee's. Most likely it's Caylee's but this can't be determined. Caylee is the only one unaccounted for IN THE FAMILY. Though it's unlikely, it's possible that Casey was caught up in some activities that would lead her to be involved with the transport a dead body other than Caylee's. We can't know that based on the evidence yet.

The only way to explain the GPs behavior is to say that they operate as if Caylee is still alive, thus the washing of clothes and cleaning of a smelly car, those are normal things you do when you don't suspect someone you love is dead at all. Clothes stink= wash them. Car smells= clean it.

What you've listed are all valid points, all valid reasons to DOUBT Caylee is alive. But you can't KNOW that based on the evidence is the point. None of us can.
It can if the tissue the DNA came from was scalp tissue with hair still attached and that hair has a black band. That person is DEAD!

Or that hair sample is COMPROMISED! LOL
It can if the tissue the DNA came from was scalp tissue with hair still attached and that hair has a black band. That person is DEAD!

Yes, forensic scientists would have to have the scalp tissue attached to the folicle to determine that, right? Some people are saying that a piece of hair detached from the scalp tissue also could show the decomp. ring...I doubt it.

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