NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #10

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Oct 28, 2009
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Las Vegas shooting death toll rises to 59, no apparent connection to international terror

The shooter, perched on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel, sent more than 22,000 country music fans scrambling for their lives.
One witness described the shooting as "non-stop gunfire."

Las Vegas Shooting Live Updates: Multiple Weapons Found in Gunman’s Hotel Room

The police found the gunman, whom they identified as Stephen Paddock, 64, dead in his room at the hotel. Investigators were still combing through Mr. Paddock’s background and searching his home on Monday.

How the Shooting in Las Vegas Unfolded


Las Vegas shooting victims: Portraits of the fallen

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Search Warrant

MEDIA MAPS TIMELINES - (a non discussion thread)

This is NOT a political debate. There will be zero tolerance for politicizing this American tragedy. Period. We will discuss the case, the shooter, the victims, the crime. Posts that are not compliant with this rule will be removed and members risk losing their posting privileges if they do not abide.
Normally we do not allow conspiracy theories on Websleuths.

However, due to the fact that there are conflicting statements given by law enforcement you have to ask yourself why? Also, there are several very strange things that the Sheriff brought up but no one has asked him to elaborate.

Yes, I am getting a list with the back up from a media source. Or a recording of the Sherrif himself.

We will allow the discussion (in this case only) to explore reasons why the all the departments involved seem to have conflicting stories.

Please feel free to post the documents released by the FBI today.

As almost everything on Websleuths this is a grey area.

Please do not go overboard. I don't want this discussion to turn into a crazy nutcase thread where the Taliban, the Bush family, and the Pope are all in this together and Stephen Paddock was an agent of the devil developed in a lab in West Germany.


The things that need to be examined are:

Was Paddock alone?
Did someone from the hotel help him get his guns in the room? Did that person know there were guns in his luggage?
Why is the Sheriff giving conflicting statements?
Why did it take over an hour for the swat team to get to the hotel? Where were they?
What about the security guard Campos? Where is he? Did he give conflicting statements? If so what were they?

Do not accuse anyone by name of being an accomplice.The only one we know to be guilty right now is Stephen Paddock.

I hope I am being clear and not confusing anyone.

Common sense. That's what we need to use here.

Please, no name calling of anyone at all. Name calling does no good.
Thanks Tricia for re-opening this conversation.
I saw preliminary warrant reports, full reports to be released
[FONT=&amp] https://twitter.com/CraigNews3LV/status/951579943179186176



And here's the warrants. Happy reading.

The records also did not say whether Danley knew in advance about Paddock's plans and why Paddock apparently emailed himself about buying and selling weapons and accessories.


Another document said Paddock apparently sent messages between separate email accounts with similar names referring to buying and selling assault-style rifles and so-called "bump stock" devices to make the guns more rapid-fire.


I understood this to mean that he was emailing HIMSELF.
Did I understand that incorrectly? Have they identified people that he was emailing?
I won't have time to read the actual documents so I'm relying on the media's reports.
As we know the media isn't always very thorough or efficient at interpreting correctly. :facepalm:
“Police responding to the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history MAY HAVE witnessed gunman Stephen Paddock commit suicide inside his Las Vegas hotel room, newly unsealed documents indicate. The revelation contradicts previous police reports that the shooter was already dead when authorities arrived.

“As SWAT officers breached room 135, they observed Stephen Paddock place a gun to this head and fire one round,” one page of court documents released on Tuesday stated.

The account differs from that of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department ****Sheriff Joe Lombardo, who has said numerous times that officers found 64-year-old Paddock dead of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound when they breached his room at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino**** Moments earlier, Paddock had shot 58 people dead from his shattered hotel room window.”

Snipped from:
More from link:
The coroner also confirmed that 1 October shooter Stephen Paddock killed himself but autopsy results may provide a glimpse into the motive behind his senseless actions.

Today, Judge Timothy Williams will hear arguments for and against releasing the coroner documents. Depending on his decision, documents may be released as soon as this week.

[emoji146] Kittythehare, thanks for working so hard to bring us all the reports, conflicting or not. [emoji146]

I'm very curious what that glimpse into motive alluded to by the coroner might be and what component of the autopsy might reveal that glimpse. Toxicology? Brain physiology/ neurology? I am eagerly awaiting that report.
we discussed that a lot in early threads and argued much too..the possibilties of him having a brain lesion that brought about personality changes.. the various psychiatric diseases he might have etc..

Then the headlines came
'Paddock's brain was normal'
Brains are like jelly, they break easy, bleed easy and rupture easy, specially if one eats or is forced to eat a bullet or two..

I'd be more interested in forensic analysis from a qualified independent medic of bullet track, likliehood of it being self induced and any and all surrounding factors including position they found him in, found gun in, blood type and quantity and exact ish time of death as well as ancillary injuries.
Even if it turns out he had a strange and rare pathology going on that made him secretive, withdrawn, dour and whatever accurate adjective is being used to describe him.. there is NO excuse for the behaviour of LE.
NO reason to withhold the fact that his death was allegedly witnessed.

If they shot him, they could have justified it.
Whereas terrorism was the most likely reason for his actions at the early stages it is unlikely they would have been reprimanded if the shot him in the head upon entry.

I believe the investigators will need to be investigated thoroughly and I have no idea whether that will happen or who will conduct such an investigation or even whether it is possible to do it with integrity.

when I think of that 60 minutes fiasco... I feel like becoming ill.
I just went back to look at the photo of the body and the weapon again, I realized I was missing something. The rifle on the bi-pod on top of his left leg is NOT the weapon that was under the body. There is still an AR under Paddock in the photo. I never noticed it before.

Remember those photos were leaked..
Why were they leaked?
Who leaked them?
It is possible the leaked photos were not the original photos..the photos taken immediately upon breach..
They did not know Paddock was not a fully fledged member of ISIS when they entered that room..
they had every reason to assume he was , in fact a terrorist because they would have been aware that ISIS threatened LV, as well as everywhere else..
They should have expected that he was wired to an explosive,
Generally they will strip the body immediately in these cases..
a bomb squad will be in attendance and body will be moved several times..

I'm interested in whether he was lying down, sitting or standing when he allegedly topped himself and whether his shot made any sound and whether this is recorded anywhere..?

Terrorists tend not to kill themselves.. they frequently make themselves look as though they are wearing an explosive vest so that the police will be forced to kill them rather than take them alive..
Not sure how much ambient light was in that room.. whether LE used torches, extra lighting etc?
But I am very sure there is no way those photos would have been leaked without the full consent of investigators.. and I cannot imagine the reason why..
Is that even his decision to make? I mean theoretically he could claim the autopsy report isn’t final for the rest of eternity. I guess my question is if the judge ruled that his autopsy report must be released to the press, can the corner then decide no the autopsy hasn’t been finalized and won’t be released until it is ...even though the judge has ordered it to be released?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Coroners can and do hold off finalizing autopsy reports to delay public release. Sometimes for legitimate reasons. But eventually they have to come out. Although I have seen some exceptions. In this case, if the coroner continues to say the reports are not final, eventually the Judge is going to make him show cause why they are not complete and released.
Snipped from Poppas latest:

“Paddock’s body has already been cremated and his ashes were picked up by his brother, Eric Paddock, earlier this month.

So, the big question here is why hasn’t Stephen Paddock’s autopsy been “finalized,” whatever that means. How could it not be finalized if the coroner already ruled his cause of death as a suicide?

It’s statements like this that irritate me.


Because it’s only going to add to a long list of conspiracy theories that I for one don’t prescribe to.

I still believe that Stephen Paddock was the lone gunman responsible for the October 1 massacre, however that remark from the coroner bothers me. It is becoming extremely hard for me to maintain that position and retain my objectivity.

This investigation from the outset has been plagued with controversy, in large part due to Clark County Sheriff, Joe Lombardo who runs the LVMPD.

Lombardo’s lies, false, misleading, convoluted and contradictory statements just added fuel to the fire of conspiracy.

Now, it appears that Clark County Coroner, John Fudenberg is following in Lombardo’s footsteps.

What the hell is going on here?

The judge Mr. Fudenberg, ordered you to release the autopsy reports, so release them immediately, without delay. End of story.

Let’s not forget this

The SWAT Team that never showed up for the worst mass shooting in American history. First reported by the Baltimore Post-Examiner. YEY!!!

The homicide unit was not allowed to conduct the investigation of Paddock’s suicide, instead, it was given to the Force Investigation Team that at the time was commanded by the wife of Lombardo’s number two-man, Undersheriff Kevin McMahill. First reported by the Baltimore Post-Examiner.

The police rolled over Paddock’s body before the arrival of the crime scene investigator’s. First reported by the Baltimore Post-Examiner.

Then to add insult to injury police personnel leaked photographs of the crime scene to the press, compromising the integrity of the criminal investigation.

Then someone allowed a photographer to breach the Mandalay Bay 32nd floor hallway crime scene to take pictures of the front door suite and the interior directly in front of the door.

Those were POLICE OFFICERS THAT LEAKED THOSE CRIME SCENE PHOTOGRAPHS. And as first reported in the Baltimore Post-Examiner, I was told, was one of those officers was one of Lombardo’s command staff personnel.

The Baltimore Post-Examiner was the first to report that the LVMPD had to borrow three armored vehicles from a private company the night of the massacre. The LVMPD and the private company, both refused to comment on that. FIRST I AM HEARING ABOUT THIS??
CAIIRS, these the vehicles you mentioned?

What the hell.

Like I said, I don’t prescribe to conspiracy theory, but if I wanted to write a great conspiracy mystery novel, I wouldn’t have to go too far for a plot.

If you think what you heard is bad enough, keep on reading, you will be in for a real shocker, as it only gets worse.

I hate to say this but anyone that was involved in this investigation at the LVMPD is quickly losing credibility with me.

YOU WOULD THINK that a police department would have wanted the criminal investigation of the worst mass shooting in American history to be their greatest shining moment.

SNIPPED from: https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime...e-clear-up-details-about-gunmans-oct-1-death/

“He ABSOLUTELY killed himself before anyone got into the room,” Sgt. Jerry MacDonald told the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

“That night was crazy. You get information coming in. It’s fluid, and none of it is confirmed,” he said. “And that’s par for the course when you’re doing telephonic search warrants. You base those search warrants based on what you believed up to that point.”

What about what you saw with your own eyes...NOT WHAT “YOU” BELIEVED
???????? This is one of the most stupidest remarks to date!!!!

“MacDonald said it became clear as the investigation unfolded that none of the officers saw the gunman shoot himself, and that he was dead before officers entered the room.”

*****How does he know that, did he SEE it or just believed it?****

“No one witnessed that act,” MacDonald said.

****Okay...we are suppose to believe this???****

This is the equivalent of:
This timeline, no this one...7 days later...
Campos shot after, no before or after...
on and on and on....

Can he be tried under oath regarding this minor detail (forgery)?
SNIPPED from: https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime...e-clear-up-details-about-gunmans-oct-1-death/

“He ABSOLUTELY killed himself before anyone got into the room,” Sgt. Jerry MacDonald told the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

“That night was crazy. You get information coming in. It’s fluid, and none of it is confirmed,” he said. “And that’s par for the course when you’re doing telephonic search warrants. You base those search warrants based on what you believed up to that point.”

What about what you saw with your own eyes...NOT WHAT “YOU” BELIEVED
???????? This is one of the most stupidest remarks to date!!!!

“MacDonald said it became clear as the investigation unfolded that none of the officers saw the gunman shoot himself, and that he was dead before officers entered the room.”

*****How does he know that, did he SEE it or just believed it?****

“No one witnessed that act,” MacDonald said.

****Okay...we are suppose to believe this???****

This is the equivalent of:
This timeline, no this one...7 days later...
Campos shot after, no before or after...
on and on and on....

Can he be tried under oath regarding this minor detail (forgery)?
Hey Everyone,

If you think some other posts from thread #9 should be brought over to thread #10 please alert on the posts and ask the mods to move them over.

Thank you. Continue on.
Hey Everyone,

If you think some other posts from thread #9 should be brought over to thread #10 please alert on the posts and ask the mods to move them over.

Thank you. Continue on.

Thank you, Tricia!
SNIPPED from: https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime...e-clear-up-details-about-gunmans-oct-1-death/

“He ABSOLUTELY killed himself before anyone got into the room,” Sgt. Jerry MacDonald told the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

“That night was crazy. You get information coming in. It’s fluid, and none of it is confirmed,” he said. “And that’s par for the course when you’re doing telephonic search warrants. You base those search warrants based on what you believed up to that point.”

What about what you saw with your own eyes...NOT WHAT “YOU” BELIEVED
???????? This is one of the most stupidest remarks to date!!!!

“MacDonald said it became clear as the investigation unfolded that none of the officers saw the gunman shoot himself, and that he was dead before officers entered the room.”

*****How does he know that, did he SEE it or just believed it?****

“No one witnessed that act,” MacDonald said.

****Okay...we are suppose to believe this???****

This is the equivalent of:
This timeline, no this one...7 days later...
Campos shot after, no before or after...
on and on and on....

Can he be tried under oath regarding this minor detail (forgery)?
perjury, was a phone-in warrant request to a judge late at night.
There is no way on earth it would have been necessary to embellish a warrant request under those circumstances.
only a single brain cell left on full charge after past 24 hrs..
perjury, was a phone-in warrant request to a judge late at night.
There is no way on earth it would have been necessary to embellish a warrant request under those circumstances.
only a single brain cell left on full charge after past 24 hrs..

Yes, forgery, thank you...that’s what I said-forgery;)
Serious brain fog.....

What other reason for the phone-in embellishing? There is none, no logical reason to say you witnessed a suicide if you hadn’t. You would have to be real quick to concoct a verbal relay on the spot.
Yes, forgery, thank you...that’s what I said-forgery;)
Serious brain fog.....

What other reason for the phone-in embellishing? There is none, no logical reason to say you witnessed a suicide if you hadn’t. You would have to be real quick to concoct a verbal relay on the spot.
Is that the reason they wanted them sealed as opposed to the alleged second investigation 'reason'?
My last brain cell is flickering and dying to such an extent that I avoided all mention of the massacre on twitter.. and I didn
't even get through half the new 'releases'.. is that a word?
Cognitively dissonated. Goodnight...

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