GUILTY NV - Brodie Ansley, 16 mos, beaten to death, Las Vegas, 14 Feb 2006

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You will have to choose between anger and tears on this one.

Steve/Mr. A

edited to add: You will see on the police report I linked from the blog entry above that Mr. Ayala apparently confessed to killing the little girl. That is why I referred to him directly as the killer in the subject title. ~ Steve
I couldnt of said it better myself!! I read the article, looked at the pictures of them. Low life disgusting scums is what I got to say.

chiefs_fan_4life said:
evil people, stupid people, unworthy people, pigs, to murder an innocent baby and then have sex...I hope they rot in hell with the rest of the baby killers...they are young, they will hopefully have a good long time in prison until they get the death penalty to be brutalized by other baby know that babies life was hell and then it ended at 16 disgusting, so sad, so infuriating.
2beautifulboys said:
evil people, stupid people, unworthy people, pigs, to murder an innocent baby and then have sex...I hope they rot in hell with the rest of the baby killers...they are young, they will hopefully have a good long time in prison until they get the death penalty to be brutalized by other baby know that babies life was hell and then it ended at 16 disgusting, so sad, so infuriating.
not much more to add to this:banghead:

Ayala's half-brother says the couple and the baby just recently made a trip to his home in Phoenix. "She was playful, tired from the drive from Las Vegas. She was in good spirits." Even though little Brodie Ansley wasn't related to Adam Long, she was still part of his family. "She loved to play with my dogs," Long said.

Brodie's mother was dating Jeremiah Ayala, Long's little brother. "I always thought he was misunderstood. I never thought he would be violent to anybody." But this misunderstood teen is accused of a horrific crime, a murder taking its toll on his entire extended family.

~more at link~
As in his family misunderstood the fact that he was a murderous, heartless jerk.
Disturbing new details in baby murder investigation

...Amrin Ansley, 21, is the child's mother. She and her 18 year old boyfriend, Jeremiah Ayala, are charged with murder by child abuse. Both defendants will make their first court appearance Friday.
It's a heartbreaking case in which sex, drugs and alcohol were apparently more important than the life of a little baby girl. Police have investigated some horrifying cases of child abuse lately, but detectives say this one is just about as bad as it gets.

When police arrived at the Desert Sky Apartments, located near Las Vegas Boulevard and Silverado Rancho, they discovered the baby girl, 19 month old Brodie Ansley, covered from head to toe in cuts and bruises.

Brodie's mother and her boyfriend were interviewed by detectives prior to their arrest and what they admitted to is startling.
According the mother's statement, "she was awakened by the baby crying, and heard Jeremiah hitting the baby. He stopped as she entered the room. Both Jeremiah and Amrin then went into the bedroom and had sex."


I read Steve's blog. Great job as always. This one is killing me. I can't believe how horrible this story is! :(

And then the mother ignores the baby's cries and goes off to have sex with the creep who just beat her baby? :furious:

This reminds me of Nixzmary in New York. Deplorable living conditions, mother just goes to bed and leaves the child wailing in pain until the poor child dies.
What kind of mothers do this? Is the sex worth it? Is it THAT important to stand by your man and let your child bleed to death and suffer?
These new details make me want to vomit, they hurt in the very pit of my stomach, the hell they put this baby through. She was covered in cuts and bruises from head to toe, laid dead on the floor for 12 hours. How can people be this evil....I can't believe that people this cruel can walk among us. You can bet her little life was full of evil, and there was noone there to save her. Wiping back my tears and choking back the vomit in my throat, I can only say God has her now and God punishes evil. I hope he throws these two scum bags down to hell and let's the devil have his way. There is no pain that these two sub-humans could endure that would even begin to equate to what they did to this sweet baby. A person isn't supposed to hate, but this one boils my blood for it's absolute evil cruelty. No way, no how, she was a lovingmother. Bull *advertiser censored*!
lymom3 said:
As in his family misunderstood the fact that he was a murderous, heartless jerk.

Yes, but who would want to believe their own blood could do this? I think they will understand what he's all about in prison.

I would like to hear from the "mother" 's family. I wonder what they think of her now.
Yet another sickening murder of an innocent baby. This p*sses me off to no end. Both of them deserve the death penalty. They should be taken out of the gene pool. :furious: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
What a beautiful little girl. Can't help but think of what her life would have been like if she had been with people who loved her.

It's hard to even comprehend a mother allowing this to happen and even being a part of it by not stopping it. I wonder if she even feels guilty? If she was my daughter I would be horrified and it would be a cold day that I would be a support to her...ever.

Why don't these people who murder their children give them up for adoption when they are born. Is it because they can get a welfare check once a month? I just don't understand it at all.
Here's a clearer copy of that picture, I found it on myspace:

Isn't she a little angel?:
What an adorable little sweetie. How sad for that little baby with no one to love her and protect her. My sadness is magnified when I think of the nice people who wish to adopt children.

I am all for sterilizing both of these low lifes. They look like tweekers: Meth users - skin all broken out and only caring about sex and drugs.

I don't give a rat's behind if they were on drugs. There should be NO SECOND CHANCE WITH A CHILD after something like this. I don't want him pro-creating and I don't want her given the priveledge of bearing another child. ACLU go F yourself.
What a precious little doll. I wonder who took the trouble to buy and dress her up in that cute little outfit.

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