NV NV - Everlyse Cabrera, 2, North Las Vegas, 10 June 2006

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JerseyGirl said:
I couldn't have said this better myself.

I feel the same way. I think that one of their sons did something to this baby. She didn't just vanish into thin air. I'd like to know why this couple were living with an older son and if either son...the older one or the 14 yr old had any type of problems.

You would think those people would have been out of their minds with worry. Instead they have a fit when the neighbors hold a vigil for the baby and they refuse to cooperate with LE and then the move! Has LE just forgotten all about this little girl? I think about her a lot and also about the other little 2 yr old that disappeared close to the same time out of her mother's home while the mom and all of the kids slept in the living room.
So many things in this case does not makse sense. First of all unless the 34 year old son won the lottery and bought a mansion which his family was living in I can think of no other situation where it makes sense that this couple are foster parents. How do you become foster parents without a residence in your name?? This issue needs to be looking into. How can any parents or guardians wait 4 hours before calling the police to report a TWO year old missing?? What human being can just give up the search and object to people holidng a vigil and trying to help find this child. Something really stinks here!!

fran said:
I've raised six children. I've never once had any of them move a chair to the door to unlock a deadbolt. I wonder if this child of 2 1/2 would even know to turn (or would be able to), the knob of a deadbolt.

The non-cooperation of the foster-family points a big read arrow at them.

I won't be at all surprised if eventually, one of this foster-family is taken in for questioning and one of them is arrested.

This is too sad. These poor kids are placed with this family to keep them safe, and........................they disappear without a trace.


Fran , my mother also raised 6 kids and a few other kids from the neighborhood. She babysat 2 summers for 2 kids . Thats a fulltime job 24/7
I figure you would have a pretty good guess on this ,

Do you think it could have been possible the 14 year old sneaked out and did not lock the door? Either leaving or returning? I haven't seen that question come up unless I missed it.

Now for my experience with kids unlocking doors I know a few hooligans. My youngest one is very tall and at 2 she could reach up on her tip toes and turn the dead bolt no problem. I am ashamed to say we flipped the deadbolt.
We didnt buy a baby gate we bought 2 of those long dog gates you get from the foster and smith magazine. That solved the problem temporarily. She then removed her shoes threw her leg up and hooked her toe on the top and climbed over like a monkey.
So we just ended up getting hook and eyes for every door inside the house

She is still the third tallest girl in her class. She looked like LIL from the rugrats. Bald and tall.
Now on to my friendly neighbor. This guy took a broom to the hook and eye and popped the hook off and quietly slipped out the back door.Every chance he got . Today he is in high school and is the quarterback. If I see him I still remind him he was the fastest baby on 2 feet.

Babies get out. It happens. Some are on a mission. My biggest fear was the pool .That is a big concern , was there water nearby?
I appears Everlyse has fallen off of the news radar, nothing new, no hits in various web searches, nothing :(

I keep hoping she is located, that the foster family cooperates fully even if it means going over the same questions over and over and over again. If this had been one of their own sons when he was two I am sure they would have jumped at the chance to speak with police as often as needed.
So the foster family still refuse to talk to LE. They have attained an attorney!
Why won't the cooperate with the police? Why do they need an attorney? Is there something that they aren't telling? I think that there is. The state put this baby in their care...they were responsible for her well being. The least they can do is answer the questions LE need to ask them. Maybe they will remember some little detail that they hadn't even thought of before.

These people refused to take part in the vigil that the neighborhood had for the baby. In fact, they got a restraining order. They talked to LE once and then refused to speak with them. They moved. They hired an attorney. Does any of this make a lick of sense? All of this because a little foster baby disappeared from their home while under their care. Something is fishy here and if I was LE they would be my #1 suspects. I think something happened to that baby and they don't want LE to find out what it was or who did it. Are they protecting one of their sons?
mistivon said:
i'm sorry i may have missed this, but the foster home case review has been released, as well as EIGHT pages of "hidden" incidents in clark county:

The link to the Carrascal Foster Home case review has some interesting information regarding the adult son. We've speculated many times on why they lived with their adult son. Quoting part of the case review on Page 4:

"Mr. Carrascal calls Dave Cronister and cancels a child/parent visit, planned for April 17 (2006), due to an unnamed family emergency. Staff has speculated that this situation involved the medical condition of the family's 34 year old son, and resulted in his returning from California to reside in the home. However, no one was able to state that they were certain that this is the date that he returned to the home. During Ms. Lamb's visit earlier in the day, the foster father stated that no other adult resides in the home."
LAS VEGAS - A case review has been made public detailing Clark County Family Services dealings with the foster parents of a toddler whose disappearance has not been solved.

The seven-page case review, dated June 29, includes a history of Manuel and Vilma "Vhee" Carrascal as foster parents before 2-year-old Everlyse Cabrera disappeared from their home June 10, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported Wednesday.

The Carrascals initially told police the girl opened their front door and disappeared sometime during the night.

North Las Vegas police, who say they were notified about noon the following morning, say the investigation stalled after family members refused follow-up interviews.

I think this family knows very well what happened to that little girl. So the adult son had been living in California and because of some problems he moved in with his parents. I would love to know what problems he was having. The 14 yr old son was never there when caseworkers visited. Every time this couple got foster children there seemed to be some reason to get rid of them. A little boy burns himself badly with SOUP at 7:00 in the morning. Why was he eating soup in the morning instead of cereal and why was it given to him so hot that he would be burned by it. Do these caseworkers have any brains at all???? No one ever talked to the little boy about getting burned????

I think that little girl got one someone's nerves and probably ended up dead. The family probably got tired of being told that they had to give a 10 day notice to return a child. It doesn't seem that they were to interested in caring for foster children....maybe just the money that they brought in. That is what I'm thinking. Anyone knows that foster children are going to have problems or most of the time anyway and so you have to expect to have some difficult time. Strange that before the 34 yr old son came home the foster family always got rid of the kids but he comes home and this little girl disappears into thin air.

Why can't these foster parents be made to talk to LE? How can they just say no and that is that? I don't understand that at all. Seems that there should be something legally that the state can do to make them talk to LE.
Gosh, I get sick for a few days and missed the updates on Everlyse.

I think the parents are within their constitutional rights to plead the fifth, sad but true. It seems like the only people who invoke it tend to be the guilty parties. I'm sure it is just helping strengthen the law enforcement's resolve to find her and solve the case.

Still praying for this little girl and her family.

From reading this article, I gather that Clark County foster families are automatically insured. Everlyse's birth family's lawsuit against the foster family could be paid by an insurance company.

The foster parents are at least guilty of not watching the child closely. It's likely that they are guilty of a lot more. I hate it that law enforcement has been unable to charge them with anything and now they probably won't even be punished by this lawsuit.
I'm new to this case but just read a few pages. The birth parents are filing a lawsuit? Does anyone know why the child was in foster care to begin with?
Hi Lurker. I'm reposting this information from a link that I originally posted in Post #35:

reviewjournal.com -- News - EDITORIAL: Grabbing more kids

Marlena Olivas (Everlyse's biological mother) was already missing one child. The young mother says two of her children were taken away from her by county authorities in January because they did not believe she had adequate housing...

Marlena Olivas is still being kept apart from her 1-year-old. In fact, she says, she first came into contact with county child welfare officials when that son was born. Both she and the child tested positive for marijuana at the time...

Both parents ... were ordered to take a drug treatment class.

Ms. Olivas admits she didn't complete the classes. But she says she wasn't warned that as a result, county officials would do what they did on July 6.

Marlena Olivas gave birth to a new baby at University Medical Center on July 5. ...The infant ... was drug free. "I'm clean and sober," the mother says. "The baby is clean. They (the hospital staff) let me know that me and the baby are totally healthy."

Yet when Marlena Olivas went to leave the hospital with her baby the next day, authorities took the newborn out of her arms...

Then another link:

LasVegasNOW.com | News for Las Vegas, Nevada - Detectives to Re-Canvass For Everlyse Cabrera

Marlena Olivas was two months away from finishing Department of Family Services requirements to get Everlyse back.

Since her child disappeared, Olivas tries to keep the faith. "The minute we stop thinking about, we freak out. We need everybody to keep looking and remember her," she said.

(It seems to me that this is not a bad person. She seems to have had a few problems but genuinely loves her kids and wanted to get them back. My heart breaks for her. And here she thought that her kids were going to be "taken care of" until she got on her feet.)
Why can't LE find out where this little girl is? You know the way that the foster family is acting that they had something to do with her disappearance. Didn't she disappear around the time that the older son moved back home with some type of problems? Every action this family has taken or not taken screams guilty. I wish LE could break one of the family members.
Thanks JerseyGirl! And I totally agree that the mother thought she would be taken care of until she could get back on her feet again.
(It seems to me that this is not a bad person. She seems to have had a few problems but genuinely loves her kids and wanted to get them back. My heart breaks for her. And here she thought that her kids were going to be "taken care of" until she got on her feet.)

Totally agreed. So very, very sad for her.

On another note, how can a baby test positive for marijuana - can a baby test positive for whatever it is that gets in your blood from smoking regular cigarettes?
Totally agreed. So very, very sad for her.

On another note, how can a baby test positive for marijuana - can a baby test positive for whatever it is that gets in your blood from smoking regular cigarettes?

Didn't the latest baby test...clean?

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