Identified! NV - Henderson, 'Arroyo Grande', WhtFem UP46, "S" tattoo, Oct'80 *GRAPHIC* #2 - Tammy Corrine Terrell

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'd make a guess that she might be of Mennonite heritage.I know Mennonites have practices similar to the might explain the no teeth.the Vistula in modern Poland was home to a Mennonite community.some local poles converted and assimilated into the society

The Mennonite communities in Mexico and Canada both originate from Russia circa 18th century who came circa 1600s/1700s from what was then Prussia

The Mennonites practice still some shunning/disownment.I could be wrong and I am not sure how common and how effective it could be or is it worse or better than the Amish shunning

Patricia Janice Salamandyk

I highly doubt they are the same person but I do think they look a bit similar.
I'm not sure about Arizona or the southwest US in having a Slavic community.I know Kansas is home to a Community of Volga Germans.some Germans from Romania.even a few Sudeten Germans

The Midwest in general is home to a community of Germans who lived in eastern Europe.that might explain her mixed Slavic features since otsiedler/East Germans(yes they are known as East Germans.confusing since people from communist East Germany are also known as East Germans)have mixed with Slavic people as mtdna results often show.

plus red hair does occur in high frequency among Slavic hair also occurs in Ashkenazi Jews too so maybe Agjd is of Eastern European Jewish descent might explain her Slavic/Mediterranean mixed appearance

I have often wondered if she was from Eastern Europe, perhaps as a mail order bride. In the 1970s, "mail-order brides" once again became popular, with American men seeking out and marrying women who were primarily Filipina. However, some brides traveled from Russia to marry American men. After the fall of the Soviet Union, women leaving Russia and the Ukraine for marriage prospects increased substantially. It was seen as a way to escape poverty and have a chance at a better life by marrying a "rich American man." Noone wou;ld be looking for her, because they knew she had gone to America to get married.
Current exclusions The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

MP1783 Tammy Akers 02/07/1977 Roanoke VA
MP11582 Barbara Bruno 08/01/1980 Monroe NY
MP5901 Sandra Butler 06/26/1978 Washoe NV
MP9467 Terry Collier 06/17/2004 San Bernardino CA
MP2345 Carla Corley 08/12/1980 Jefferson AL
MP5308 Melinda Creech 09/05/1979 Madison IN
MP11009 Kimberly Doss 05/29/1979 Duval FL
MP2362 Rachael Garden 03/22/1980 Rockingham NH
-- Mary Gregory 02/18/1978 -- --
MP17277 Cindy Haumann 11/03/1980 Pima AZ
MP2493 Tracy King 07/08/1975 Adams PA
MP547 Sandra Landrum 09/29/1975 Fulton GA
MP8253 Deborah McCall 11/05/1979 DuPage IL
MP6391 Angela Meeker 07/07/1979 Pierce WA
MP28701 Marilyn Milligan * 06/17/1977 Lafayette MO
MP2392 Laureen Rahn 04/27/1980 Hillsborough NH
MP26838 Carol Roberts 08/15/1976 Seminole FL
MP23885 Mary Rodermund 03/02/1978 St. Mary LA
MP12861 Rebecca Rodriguez 07/16/1977 Contra Costa CA
MP3859 Cheryl Scherer 04/17/1979 Scott MO
MP34119 Rosie Schlicker 03/14/1978 Jackson MO
MP6635 Suzanne Schultz 12/01/1978 Hillsborough FL
MP31371 Patricia Taylor 08/01/1981 Tulsa OK
MP17932 Debra Vowell 01/24/1979 San Diego CA
Just pointing out that there are millions of people in the US who have Slavic and/or Germanic genes in their family tree.
20 million Americans with recent Slavic ancestry.probably higher if you include the fact that many Sorbians and Polabians in modern East Germany were forcibly Germanized centuries before the Nazi regime.many Prussians in Eastern Prussia also had indigenous Slavic DNA.Wisconsin is home to a community of Prussians

Polish Americans have a intermarriage rate of 80%.The exact same can be said of Czech Americans who also have a 80% intermarriage rate
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I have often wondered if she was from Eastern Europe, perhaps as a mail order bride. In the 1970s, "mail-order brides" once again became popular, with American men seeking out and marrying women who were primarily Filipina. However, some brides traveled from Russia to marry American men. After the fall of the Soviet Union, women leaving Russia and the Ukraine for marriage prospects increased substantially. It was seen as a way to escape poverty and have a chance at a better life by marrying a "rich American man." Noone wou;ld be looking for her, because they knew she had gone to America to get married.

In Russia and Ukraine there's a gender ratio of 5 women to one man so that there explains as to why there's a community of women desperately looking for foreign men.It's not just America as Finland and Greece have some Russian brides

I know in the mid 60s or probably 50s,Lee Harvey Oswald took his Russian bride to the U.S sometime after defecting to the Soviet union

maybe she was somehow linked to a eastern block defector community of some sorts.I don't the exact details of what expedia a Slavic descent defector experienced
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Good day to all!
I have been following this matter for a very long time, but always only read it. I think we should speak about the point of view about the Slavic appearance of this Jane Doe.
I have a mixed Slavic origin (Russian-Polish-Romanian roots) and have lived in Eastern Europe for most of my life. A girl have an appearance can easily pass for a Russian or a Ukrainian. And this would be a logical assumption if her case occurred, for example, in the early 1990s. However, in the 1980s ... At that time, migration was a difficult thing in the countries of the socialist camp.
She looks more like she could be of south Slavic heritage ie maybe Bulgaria or the former Yugoslav states.I know Chicago did have a thriving Serbian community.not sure if they still do

Many Albanians in Montenegro are mixed with Bosnian.many Albanians in Montenegro identify as Bosnian on census records.I come from the North Albania/South Montenegro border region and many Muslim Albanians have a Slavic influenced phenotype

She has wavyish/somewhat curly hair.Russians and Ukrainians don't really have curly/wavy hair.south Slavs often have curly and wavy hair but that is due to indigenous balkanic/eastern Mediterranean DNA that they have since the Slavic people in the Balkans have assimilated the native people's they encountered
She looks more like she could be of south Slavic heritage ie maybe Bulgaria or the former Yugoslav states.I know Chicago did have a thriving Serbian community.not sure if they still do

Many Albanians in Montenegro are mixed with Bosnian.many Albanians in Montenegro identify as Bosnian on census records.I come from the North Albania/South Montenegro border region and many Muslim Albanians have a Slavic influenced phenotype

She has wavyish/somewhat curly hair.Russians and Ukrainians don't really have curly/wavy hair.south Slavs often have curly and wavy hair but that is due to indigenous balkanic/eastern Mediterranean DNA that they have since the Slavic people in the Balkans have assimilated the native people's they encountered

What makes the many southeastern European countries confusing when it comes to ethnicity is that the Europeans are heavily mixed in with Ottoman heritage. The Ottomans also took a lot of Europeans from as far away as Poland to the Levant, which is why some Syrians and Turks are pale enough to pass for northern or western European. It's actually pretty interesting. (I personally believe the reason this is not very well known is because the world has mainly been an Anglosphere and western Europe was barely affected by this.)

In any case, if our Doe is from one of these countries, it would make sense that she hasn't been identified so far. Even if she was born in America but came from a community of Albanians/Montenegrin/other ethnic southeastern Europeans, the language barrier would have been a problem even if a lack of available media in 1980 wasn't.
What makes the many southeastern European countries confusing when it comes to ethnicity is that the Europeans are heavily mixed in with Ottoman heritage. The Ottomans also took a lot of Europeans from as far away as Poland to the Levant, which is why some Syrians and Turks are pale enough to pass for northern or western European. It's actually pretty interesting. (I personally believe the reason this is not very well known is because the world has mainly been an Anglosphere and western Europe was barely affected by this.)

In any case, if our Doe is from one of these countries, it would make sense that she hasn't been identified so far. Even if she was born in America but came from a community of Albanians/Montenegrin/other ethnic southeastern Europeans, the language barrier would have been a problem even if a lack of available media in 1980 wasn't.

this jane doe has probably been trafficked

I know there is a thriving market for trafficked Slavic women the country of Turkey is one notable example.The slavic female phenotype has been fetishized by many people.many Ashkenazi Jewish males living in Slavic lands took local slavic brides which might explain why I notice a lot of slavic looking jewish women more so than men
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So like many previous posters I'm guessing she's a trafficked women from the eastern bloc countries.there are men out there who fetishize red hair.I think that might be somewhat important in this case

Probably a jealous boyfriend wanted her all for himself.although I don't see any crime of passion involved but I could be wrong

The ottomans did more or less have not much of a genetic effect since the oghuz turks were outnumbered by the Anatolian natives which is why the average Turk is 15-20% Central the Balkan peninsula was swarmed by Avars,Pechenengs & Bulgars(originally a Turkic tribe).Romania had a thriving merchant tatar Muslim community in the middle ages and in Yugoslavia it was among the Hungarian community that had the highest exogamous marriage rate compared to other communities

Hungarian yugoslavia intermarriage - بحث Google
I wonder why the isotopes are stalling or not made public. I thought they were done already a long time ago. Not that I have the believe that isotopes would do "the trick", seeing the results in other cases, but could give some additional information maybe. Geneoalogical DNA research is probably a better solution if there is sufficiënt DNA.
Southern Slavs are not often fair-haired, but the version with Serbian heritage is plausible. Does anyone know that there are Serbian communities in California in the '70s and' 80s?

Dow's DNA doesn't plan to take her case?
Southern Slavs are not often fair-haired, but the version with Serbian heritage is plausible. Does anyone know that there are Serbian communities in California in the '70s and' 80s?

Dow's DNA doesn't plan to take her case?

I did a really quick search for Serbian communities in the United States. According to Wikipedia, there are sizable Serbian communities in , of all places, Alaska. Juneau has the largest group, but there are also communities in Sitka,Fairbanks, and Douglas. Many Serbians came to Alaska during the 1890s Gold Rush and stayed.

From Wikipedia : Serbian Americans - Wikipedia
"During the First World War, many Serbian Americans volunteered to fight overseas, with thousands coming from Alaska.
" In 1930s and 40s Fairbanks, Yugoslav immigrants, mainly Serbs and Montenegrins, owned a great number of businesses and bars in the city. In between the world wars, many Serbian Alaskan men returned to Yugoslavia to find brides and bring them back to Alaska to start families."
I propose:
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

Hairline; tip of nose; eyebrows; smile; and if you look at the teeth, there seems to be the same gap/darkness.
I could be wrong since I am no professional detective but I don't think it's her

Agjd has this very slavic/balkanic look.I grew up seeing this has this visual reaction to my brain signaling that a limited gene pool is involved ie probably a inbred of some kind.It's consistent through many of her recons.It's common on south slavs(a no brainer) and also very common among Kosovo Albanians but isn't common among Montenegrin Albanians(especially the Catholic ones who look borderline inbred)and most Albanians from Albania excluding regions border the former Yugoslav states
Good day to all!
I have been following this matter for a very long time, but always only read it. I think we should speak about the point of view about the Slavic appearance of this Jane Doe.
I have a mixed Slavic origin (Russian-Polish-Romanian roots) and have lived in Eastern Europe for most of my life. A girl have an appearance can easily pass for a Russian or a Ukrainian. And this would be a logical assumption if her case occurred, for example, in the early 1990s. However, in the 1980s ... At that time, migration was a difficult thing in the countries of the socialist camp.

IMO if her parents were born in Europe, she was most likely born here because no one was immigrating in the 70's from what I remember. Her parents probably came over in the 50's. Also could be grandparents that came over. I have relatives in the US who's parents were born here and married another European descendant that spoke Hungarian too.

My cousin was going to come over from Hungary in the mid to late 80's from what I remember but he never did. I have a neighbor that came over in the late 80's.

So like many previous posters I'm guessing she's a trafficked women from the eastern bloc countries.there are men out there who fetishize red hair.I think that might be somewhat important in this case

Probably a jealous boyfriend wanted her all for himself.although I don't see any crime of passion involved but I could be wrong

The ottomans did more or less have not much of a genetic effect since the oghuz turks were outnumbered by the Anatolian natives which is why the average Turk is 15-20% Central the Balkan peninsula was swarmed by Avars,Pechenengs & Bulgars(originally a Turkic tribe).Romania had a thriving merchant tatar Muslim community in the middle ages and in Yugoslavia it was among the Hungarian community that had the highest exogamous marriage rate compared to other communities

Hungarian yugoslavia intermarriage - بحث Google

There is one article saying she was raped. It's a very early one. I bumped it a few months ago.

Thanks for the Hungarian Yugoslavia intermarriage link, I'll have a look at it. I'm a blond with blue gray eyes Hungarian who's parents immigrated from Hungary in the late 50's

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