NV NV - Steven Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #22

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This may be a long shot but since we’ve got literally nothing to go off of I thought it wouldn’t hurt. Through the search engine familytreenow.com I found Steven’s landlord and many people he is connected with. (Suprisingly this website has quite accurate info from what I can tell). One of the landlord’s friends (I also verified they are connected via facebook) lives in Las Vegas and the location of his house is almost an exact match for one of Steven’s cell phone pings, I mean, literally within a block. This person is a gun dealer. Steven’s landlord got in trouble at one point for being in possession of a firearm when he wasn’t supposed to have one. (Is he a felon?) Again, I know this is a long shot but could the landlord and this person be involved in illegal gun trade and got Steven involved somehow? What is the likelihood that Steven ended up a block from his landlord’s friend’s house in Las Vegas? Also, the next phone call after he is in that location is to his landlord about six hours later. Also, there is a woman connected to the landlord, can’t tell if it’s a sister or wife (they lived at the same address) that has an even longer rap sheet than the landlord, tons of drug, theft and forgery charges.

Great info! I have come to believe Steven was caught up in something involving these people. But if they harmed him, why? Did he threaten to report them or he say he wasn't going to continue doing whatever he was doing for them? IDK. Also don't know if LE ever took the time to look at these connections. It's been over 7 years since Steven disappeared.

Couple other things: IIRC, Steven had spoken to his bishop about finding better employment. I believe he was told they would look into after the holidays.

The information that Steven and LL had come to an agreement for Steven to get caught up on his rent came from LL's wife - who posted here in the early days. We don't know what the terms of the agreement were......

I always wondered why LL would contact Steven's parents about him being behind on his rent. The man was 30-years-old and, if Mrs. LL is to be believed, capable of resolving the issue on his own. Was this LL's way of holding some kind of power over Steven for reasons other than late rent?
Didn't the LL wife join the thread at one point and make a few comments? I'm on mobile and can't seem to find it...can anyone point me to it?
Fairy, I always thought that the LL contacted SK's parents regarding rent owned was because they'd co-signed the lease for him. If that's true, though, it says that his financial troubles weren't just over the recent months. (I don't think anything was ever submitted, evidence-wise, pointing toward this, but I know many here have speculated that that is why the LL would have contacted his folks.)

I do think that we may be making some progress here (we, not including myself in that characterization) with regard to SK. I do remember the term "arrangements were made" with regard to the back-rent, and that sure leaves open the concept that maybe there was something alternative to just making it up by a certain date -maybe he could "work it off".

Sassy: You are good. I don't know how you know who the LL is to even begin to do the sleuthing you did, but congratulations. I think you may have gone a long way toward solving this thing. The phone call from the LL, after his having "made arrangements" for the back rent, doesn't make sense unless, of course, he's giving him some work to "work it off". It sure sounds like that "work" could easily be of the unsavory kind, considering LL and his wife.
Fairy, I always thought that the LL contacted SK's parents regarding rent owned was because they'd co-signed the lease for him. If that's true, though, it says that his financial troubles weren't just over the recent months. (I don't think anything was ever submitted, evidence-wise, pointing toward this, but I know many here have speculated that that is why the LL would have contacted his folks.)

I do think that we may be making some progress here (we, not including myself in that characterization) with regard to SK. I do remember the term "arrangements were made" with regard to the back-rent, and that sure leaves open the concept that maybe there was something alternative to just making it up by a certain date -maybe he could "work it off".

Sassy: You are good. I don't know how you know who the LL is to even begin to do the sleuthing you did, but congratulations. I think you may have gone a long way toward solving this thing. The phone call from the LL, after his having "made arrangements" for the back rent, doesn't make sense unless, of course, he's giving him some work to "work it off". It sure sounds like that "work" could easily be of the unsavory kind, considering LL and his wife.

Lol, I was hesitant to even post my idea, I thought people would think I was crazy. It’s just a stab in the dark and could mean nothing but I TRULY believe someone connected to Steven knows what happened or at least knows what he was doing in Vegas when he disappeared. I don’t think Steven was just randomly driving around before he went to Vegas, a man who can’t even pay rent isn’t going to waste money on gas just to drive around aimlessly, he was on some kind of mission for money. I will continue with my digging…
Sassy, this is precisely the kind of thing I've been expecting to see here on Steven's thread!!!

Do you think LE assembled this information, and are arranging for "the other shoe" to drop?

No, I don't think LE has a clue what happened to him. I don't think they were very thorough in their investigation.
Great info! I have come to believe Steven was caught up in something involving these people. But if they harmed him, why? Did he threaten to report them or he say he wasn't going to continue doing whatever he was doing for them? IDK. Also don't know if LE ever took the time to look at these connections. It's been over 7 years since Steven disappeared.

Couple other things: IIRC, Steven had spoken to his bishop about finding better employment. I believe he was told they would look into after the holidays.

The information that Steven and LL had come to an agreement for Steven to get caught up on his rent came from LL's wife - who posted here in the early days. We don't know what the terms of the agreement were......

I always wondered why LL would contact Steven's parents about him being behind on his rent. The man was 30-years-old and, if Mrs. LL is to be believed, capable of resolving the issue on his own. Was this LL's way of holding some kind of power over Steven for reasons other than late rent?

A long time ago, an old friend or co-worker from Salt Lake City (can’t remember which it was) said that Steven would voice his unhappiness about conversations his co-workers were engaging in regarding partying, etc, He said Steven was more or less a prude (sorry, best word I can think of). If Steven wasn’t afraid to speak up about things he was against, perhaps when he found out he was involved in something nefarious he expressed his concern to the wrong person or said he would go to the authorities and he was killed to keep quiet. By all accounts from friends and family he seemed like a stand-up guy, I have a hard time believing he agreed to involve himself in something illegal, I really think he was tricked into something he wasn’t aware of.
Why are you offended? Being offended is a choice. I'm Lds and am not offended at all, this is someone's speculation and "outsiders" view. Instead if being offended and coming off as close minded. Share your belief as to why you don't think the statement is incorrect.
you could not sit by.... please!!!! Don't be so freaking dramatic. The Lds church does have narrow views. Be Christlike, like we preach, don't be so easily offended. It's ridiculous and self-righteous. I don't feel criticized, I don't feel my religion has been criticized. I don't own other people's opinions, why would I, I have enough of my own opinions to keep track of and own. Lol

Thank you! I respect this comment so much. In fact, I was wanting to hear your own take on the substance of the issue, but I guess that is a little off-topic!
Lol, I was hesitant to even post my idea, I thought people would think I was crazy. It’s just a stab in the dark and could mean nothing but I TRULY believe someone connected to Steven knows what happened or at least knows what he was doing in Vegas when he disappeared. I don’t think Steven was just randomly driving around before he went to Vegas, a man who can’t even pay rent isn’t going to waste money on gas just to drive around aimlessly, he was on some kind of mission for money. I will continue with my digging…

Very interesting work--thank you! I think stabs in the dark are pretty much welcomed in this context, within reason, I guess.

One thing. I couldn't figure out where you derived the claim that this guy (LL's friend) is a gun dealer. Is it just that he's been arrested for some gun-related crime? I'm pretty sure gun dealers try not to publicize their profession...
Fairy, I always thought that the LL contacted SK's parents regarding rent owned was because they'd co-signed the lease for him. If that's true, though, it says that his financial troubles weren't just over the recent months. (I don't think anything was ever submitted, evidence-wise, pointing toward this, but I know many here have speculated that that is why the LL would have contacted his folks.)

I do think that we may be making some progress here (we, not including myself in that characterization) with regard to SK. I do remember the term "arrangements were made" with regard to the back-rent, and that sure leaves open the concept that maybe there was something alternative to just making it up by a certain date -maybe he could "work it off".

Sassy: You are good. I don't know how you know who the LL is to even begin to do the sleuthing you did, but congratulations. I think you may have gone a long way toward solving this thing. The phone call from the LL, after his having "made arrangements" for the back rent, doesn't make sense unless, of course, he's giving him some work to "work it off". It sure sounds like that "work" could easily be of the unsavory kind, considering LL and his wife.

Yes, Steven's parents were co-signers on the room. Still, we have been told that Steven and the LL had come to an agreement before Steven went missing. Seems to me that could have been accomplished between Steven and LL before Steven's parents had to be called. Just my opinion.
No, I don't think LE has a clue what happened to him. I don't think they were very thorough in their investigation.

I don't think so either. However, many things were mishandled from the very beginning. The search of Steven's car, the search of the neighborhood in which it was found, the lack of "stranger" calls and contact on his phone and computer, etc.

When a 30-year-old man goes missing with no clear indication of foul play, no one really cares. Factor in financial difficulties and you have an assumption. Even if it makes no sense....
Very interesting work--thank you! I think stabs in the dark are pretty much welcomed in this context, within reason, I guess.

One thing. I couldn't figure out where you derived the claim that this guy (LL's friend) is a gun dealer. Is it just that he's been arrested for some gun-related crime? I'm pretty sure gun dealers try not to publicize their profession...

The LL’s friend runs a gun shop (I think it’s a family owned business), but also has a criminal record that involves firearms. I’m kind of shocked that is allowed but I don’t know the laws in Nevada are. I was taking a stab in the dark that this guy also deals guns under the table, I personally have known two people who have owned gun stores and they both sold guns under the table to people they weren’t supposed to. I’m not implying all gun store owners do this but it does happen…
And another thing we've heard here from friends/family (not sure which -both?) is that "they" thought that SK could have been duped/caught up in something he wasn't fully aware of -that he could have been a bit naive.
Thanks Fairy -it's been so long I've forgotten much! What a situation -At 33yo I'd be mortified if my LL called my parents!
If you listen to the podcast about Steven on In Sight...they go over the timeline and how he drives super far to a place, and turns around and drives home, maybe having a few minutes at the place he stops based on purchase records, etc. sounds like a delivery is made and he returns back home. GW was also in Vegas and also owned a medical delivery company at the time. At the point he spoke to Steven they were a few miles from each other. I don't think the conversation was what he said. Sorry, I don't.

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I know that killers sometimes change there MO. Steven went missing In Henderson and Neal Falls lived in Henderson at the time. Do you think it's possible he had something to do with it?
Sorry to post and never respond back, my father became very ill early this year and just recently passed away.

ID Discovery is playing all the old Disappeared episodes and I just rewatched the episode about Steven. Afterwards, I got on Facebook and looked to see if there were any groups dedicated to his case and found a few. One was private so I requested to become a member and was just accepted yesterday. Most of the discussion on there is not much different than on here but I did see one VERY interesting thing. Last summer, one of the members (sounds like he may be a reporter?) stated that he spoke to Steven’s roommate shortly after Steven’s disappearance. He said the roommate was friendly and forthcoming, telling him that Steven was a good guy who never drank or smoked and had never been to Las Vegas. He then went on to say that the landlord ran a prescription delivery service in Las Vegas. He said the landlord was always showing up at the rental with bottles of pills.

So here’s what I think: Steven agreed to work for his landlord delivering prescriptions in Las Vegas as well as other areas (this would explain all the driving around). One day he was sent to Sun City Anthem on a delivery (lots of old people, lots of prescription meds needed) and at one of his stops he was robbed and killed. The perp took everything Steven had on him (including his phone) and went to several locations that day with Steven’s phone pinging as he went. Finally, the next morning he tossed the phone as he was driving down the highway. I think the landlord knows something bad happened to Steven on one of his deliveries but didn’t want to get involved and have the police checking him out.

Another interesting note is that the roommate claimed the day he moved in the landlord had 40-50 guns laying on the couch…
Sorry to post and never respond back, my father became very ill early this year and just recently passed away.

ID Discovery is playing all the old Disappeared episodes and I just rewatched the episode about Steven. Afterwards, I got on Facebook and looked to see if there were any groups dedicated to his case and found a few. One was private so I requested to become a member and was just accepted yesterday. Most of the discussion on there is not much different than on here but I did see one VERY interesting thing. Last summer, one of the members (sounds like he may be a reporter?) stated that he spoke to Steven’s roommate shortly after Steven’s disappearance. He said the roommate was friendly and forthcoming, telling him that Steven was a good guy who never drank or smoked and had never been to Las Vegas. He then went on to say that the landlord ran a prescription delivery service in Las Vegas. He said the landlord was always showing up at the rental with bottles of pills.

So here’s what I think: Steven agreed to work for his landlord delivering prescriptions in Las Vegas as well as other areas (this would explain all the driving around). One day he was sent to Sun City Anthem on a delivery (lots of old people, lots of prescription meds needed) and at one of his stops he was robbed and killed. The perp took everything Steven had on him (including his phone) and went to several locations that day with Steven’s phone pinging as he went. Finally, the next morning he tossed the phone as he was driving down the highway. I think the landlord knows something bad happened to Steven on one of his deliveries but didn’t want to get involved and have the police checking him out.

Another interesting note is that the roommate claimed the day he moved in the landlord had 40-50 guns laying on the couch…

That's really interesting.

Now this prescription delivery service...was this a legitimate business or just a cute way to say he sold prescription drugs illegally? I'm assuming there's some legitimacy to it if he was perhaps making a stop to an area with older people.

In fact I recall reading elsewhere someone had a very similar thought as the area seems to have an RX drug problem.

Though maybe this was a semi-real business but had some illegal dealings on the side. I think it would be incredibly odd that say, an elderly resident in Henderson just decided to rob and kill him as 1) he may not have had much cash on him 2) any meds he had were unknown. He could of very way had 30 deliveries that were all blood pressure and diabetes meds. It's quite a gamble.

It certainly seems plausible but if this is the case, I don't think Steven was working in any official capacity. Now, being an illegal drug courier, it's almost guaranteed that large amounts of money and desirable prescription drugs will be on hand. That seems quite possible to me.

To me, Steven always came off as slightly naive so to engage in something illegal under the guise that it is a real business is quite honestly an imaginable scenario. Plus, needing to square up with his landlord may have caused him to ignore any red flags, big or small.

While the LL may not be directly involved it seems quite possible he was sent on an incredibly risky venture and never returned...LL probably knew when he didn't come back, something bad happened.
That's really interesting.

Now this prescription delivery service...was this a legitimate business or just a cute way to say he sold prescription drugs illegally? I'm assuming there's some legitimacy to it if he was perhaps making a stop to an area with older people.

In fact I recall reading elsewhere someone had a very similar thought as the area seems to have an RX drug problem.

Though maybe this was a semi-real business but had some illegal dealings on the side. I think it would be incredibly odd that say, an elderly resident in Henderson just decided to rob and kill him as 1) he may not have had much cash on him 2) any meds he had were unknown. He could of very way had 30 deliveries that were all blood pressure and diabetes meds. It's quite a gamble.

It certainly seems plausible but if this is the case, I don't think Steven was working in any official capacity. Now, being an illegal drug courier, it's almost guaranteed that large amounts of money and desirable prescription drugs will be on hand. That seems quite possible to me.

To me, Steven always came off as slightly naive so to engage in something illegal under the guise that it is a real business is quite honestly an imaginable scenario. Plus, needing to square up with his landlord may have caused him to ignore any red flags, big or small.

While the LL may not be directly involved it seems quite possible he was sent on an incredibly risky venture and never returned...LL probably knew when he didn't come back, something bad happened.

I have searched for info regarding the landlord and him running a prescription delivery business and did not find anything. I’m going to assume this was an illegal operation as all prescription delivery services in St. George are run by legitimate pharmacies and this guy had previous drug charges, no one in their right mind would hire someone with that background to deliver prescriptions. That being said, who knows what kind of people were buying these prescriptions, probably some very shady characters. In regards to Sun City Anthem, I have been told that there are plenty of people under age 55 that live there, the owner of the property has to be age 55 but many people have younger relatives, etc. living with them and Sun City doesn’t do anything about it. Anyways, drug addicts and shady people come in all shapes, sizes and ages.
Good points and I argee there probably wasn't any sort of real business going on here...we're probably talking about a full fledged drug distributor who had low level street dealers playing courier for him.

As for having lots of prescription bottles around, makes you wonder if these we're just stolen meds with other people's names on them, or falsely labeled or not labeled at it. I would think it would be highly unusual for an actual dealer to package products in real pharmacy amber bottles, as little baggies have always been a favorite for drug peddlers, so that was an unusual observation from the roommate.

And your right, chances are with any past convictions it would be near impossible to start an actual delivery business for pharmacies. Plus, I'm pretty familiar with the pharmacy trade - most businesses handle delivery two ways: in house with their own employees doing it or hiring a third party courier that has the proper credentials to do this...no one is going to hand over customer information, money and narcotics to just anyone who claims to run a delivery service.

Overall, to me it's quite believable. But it does add a frustrating element to it. With the drug trade, there's a lot of layers to it. Steven may have been put into contact with one or more street level dealers directing him where to go, who to meet. What could have been arranged by the LL could have been passed on to other people who move the product, becoming more detached from the main dealer as it moves down the line to be sold.

The person at the top just buys and sells in bulk typically. Smaller portions are bought and sold and dealers keep selling it off until it makes its way to the street. The LL could very well have no idea what happened because the likely passed Steven off as a courier and let others channel it off into the hands of the user.

At that point, Steven is pretty expendable. The kingpin sold his share, so it doesn't matter to him and now that the product has moved down the supply line the only person truly affected is the street dealer who bought his share and has the contacts to unload then products. So, at that point if something happens to Steven, he's lost money but it's not like he will go to police about it.

There's so much movement from buyer to seller than who knows if anyone has the faintest idea of what may have happened. Pretty sad.

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