NV NV - Steven Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #22

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DNA Solves
After all these years nothing has come from the more likely explanation, has it? Also, Steven has never officially been linked to the address or the man you are referring to, that was a theory from someone who was looking at the case, it's just a theory, just like mine. Personally I think Steven had much more of a reason to go into the that neighborhood to meet w/ the mortgage broker for some kind of work. I don't think he willingly would have been involved with illegal pill distribution.
After all these years nothing has come from the more likely explanation, has it? Also, Steven has never officially been linked to the address or the man you are referring to, that was a theory from someone who was looking at the case, it's just a theory, just like mine. Personally I think Steven had much more of a reason to go into the that neighborhood to meet w/ the mortgage broker for some kind of work. I don't think he willingly would have been involved with illegal pill distribution.
One must follow the evidence. Maybe Steven was unaware of the legality of his actions or, the sender assured Steven it was lawful. It feels to me as though Steven was willing to try something/almost anything to stay afloat. Wrong place, wrong time. I'm sorry it happened.
One must follow the evidence. Maybe Steven was unaware of the legality of his actions or, the sender assured Steven it was lawful. It feels to me as though Steven was willing to try something/almost anything to stay afloat. Wrong place, wrong time. I'm sorry it happened.
Regarding SK doing something “unlawful”: I think most folks who know him would say that (and, this is certainly my opinion only) he likely wouldn’t do something like delivering “recreational” drugs, etc. He wouldn’t be out delivering Fentanyl. Or crack.

However, something like legal drugs, sold as “unused, leftovers” or the like, that could help people who couldn’t afford a “new” prescription, might be within the realm of possibility for SK, who desperately wanted to be on his own -stand on his own two feet- rather than rely on help from his family. Make some extra cash to pay the rent while job hunting, and at the same time actually helping people. It might “technically” be illegal but SK, like many of us, would see it quite differently than robbing a bank, selling Fentanyl, stealing money from the neighbor kid’s lemonade stand, etc.

There’s illegal, and then there’s just plain wrong. Perhaps he was willing to short of “skirt the law” for a short time while desperate.

For me, at least, I think it fits fairly handily with his situation, and with WHO he knew at the time, namely the LL. MOO.
The landlords wife also said that the location where his car was found was his "last stop before returning home, according to his last conversation" but I dont know what conversation shes talking about, so i dont see how she could possibly know that unless her or the landlord was involved. Unless shes referring to his phone conversation-the fact he offered to return to do the church duties for greg webb, but thats quite a stretch
I/we have just returned from a productive meeting in Las Vegas, NV., at KLAS Channel 8 Las Vegas, a CBS affiliate. For those who are familiar with George Knapp, this is his team's broadcasting station. We met with two professional, interested and intrigued team members of Mr. Knapps at the station. An approx. 1 1/2-hour interview of our team was conducted and recorded there. Most of our gathered evidence was discussed in the interview however, we were not allowed to "name drop."

Our efforts in Henderson also produced what' is called a follow-up interview, conducted by (with body cam) a Henderson PD officer of 16 years. His report, of this interview, is then added to the original case file. Yes, the same case file, only 13 years later. This is a second witness; a human witness, whereas the first was the video. Or,, has the video now become the second witness, and the neighbor the first witness, who puts SK there on that day?

This witness reports he was approached by SK that day. The witness states, he was using the bathroom when the doorbell rang. It took the witness some time to gather himself together, and after he did, he answered the door and sees SK on the walk, in front of the house. SK peaks and asks, something along the lines of, do you need some money? When the witness says no, this is where SK realizes, he is at the wrong house. The 6 min gap, from arrival to capture in the video, is SK visiting the wrong home. (Our theory.)

More to come.
So, the only new piece of information I see is this "conversation" he had with the fellow on the street asking if he wanted money. Odd that's never been mentioned before. But, I'm curious how this is what sealed his fate. What's the thinking here?

I really do wish that St. George would be more assertive in their investigation. I still strongly believe whatever happened to Steven started there.
So, the only new piece of information I see is this "conversation" he had with the fellow on the street asking if he wanted money. Odd that's never been mentioned before. But, I'm curious how this is what sealed his fate. What's the thinking here?

I really do wish that St. George would be more assertive in their investigation. I still strongly believe whatever happened to Steven started there.
It' is mentioned in post 852. Steven visited the wrong house after he arrived. This has been proven by a witness statement. The wordage in the story could be more precise but isn't to protect the witness. The goal was to get LE reinvigorated. Think it might?? I agree about your St. George comment too. We're hoping this does.
It' is mentioned in post 852. Steven visited the wrong house after he arrived. This has been proven by a witness statement. The wordage in the story could be more precise but isn't to protect the witness. The goal was to get LE reinvigorated. Think it might?? I agree about your St. George comment too. We're hoping this does
The story says he asked someone "on the street," not at another house. I guess I'm confused about that.
So, the only new piece of information I see is this "conversation" he had with the fellow on the street asking if he wanted money. Odd that's never been mentioned before. But, I'm curious how this is what sealed his fate. What's the thinking here?

I really do wish that St. George would be more assertive in their investigation. I still strongly believe whatever happened to Steven started there.
<modsnip> The theory is that Steven was delivering pills for his landlord to someone in that community, as a way to pay the landlord for missed rent. Arrin details this and there is a ton of relevant info that supports this theory. There was an individual in that community whom also has a sketchy past. The issue is making the connection between the landlord and this individual.

This new information lends a lot of credence to this theory because Steven clearly went to the wrong house and why would he ask “do you need some money?” That type of question to a random person likely means something nefarious.
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<modsnip> The theory is that Steven was delivering pills for his landlord to someone in that community, as a way to pay the landlord for missed rent. Arrin details this and there is a ton of relevant info that supports this theory. There was an individual in that community whom also has a sketchy past. The issue is making the connection between the landlord and this individual.

This new information lends a lot of credence to this theory because Steven clearly went to the wrong house and why would he ask “do you need some money?” That type of question to a random person likely means something nefarious.
So, if you're making a delivery of pills, why would you say "do you need some money?" That's confusing to me.

To be clear, I do believe Steven was on this type of errand for "someone." The one issue I have about it is that he offered to turn around and go back to St. George when he spoke to GW - as if he didn't really have somewhere to be at a specific time. That's always bothered me.
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So, if you're making a delivery of pills, why would you say "do you need some money?" That's confusing to me.

To be clear, I do believe Steven was on this type of errand for "someone." The one issue I have about it is that he offered to turn around and go back to St. George when he spoke to GW - as if he didn't really have somewhere to be at a specific time. That's always bothered me.
The arrangement could have been buying pills from the individual in the subdivision, and selling back to the landlord. I have no idea what the specific deal was but this question of “do you need some money” adds credibility to there being some type of nefarious deal. That isn’t a question you ask someone you don’t know, it’s a question that is very personal and suggests a rapport.

There was an awesome post years ago (before Arrin’s videos) by a former pill addict on Reddit. He said Steven’s behavior suggested he was either an addict or selling drugs. I don’t think I can link it here but search for “call to u/captjax reddit” and I think you will be convinced. The individual is a Vegas local and details Steven’s behavior and how it aligns with his own previous experience.
So, if you're making a delivery of pills, why would you say "do you need some money?" That's confusing to me.

To be clear, I do believe Steven was on this type of errand for "someone." The one issue I have about it is that he offered to turn around and go back to St. George when he spoke to GW - as if he didn't really have somewhere to be at a specific time. That's always bothered me.
When he was captured on the security camera that sunday, I believe he had money in whatever he was carrying to be delivered. but he could have also been delivering or picking up pills on his other road trips, or even earlier that day when his purpose was not accounted for

As far as offering to return to St George, thats odd, might have done it out of courtesy or he could have planned to contact whoever he was making that delivery to later and said "can't make it today, I'll stop by another time"
I/we have just returned from a productive meeting in Las Vegas, NV., at KLAS Channel 8 Las Vegas, a CBS affiliate. For those who are familiar with George Knapp, this is his tea's broadcasting station. We met with two professional, interested and intrigued team members of Mr. Knapps at the station. An approx. 1 1/2-hour interview of our team was conducted and recorded there. Most of our gathered evidence was discussed in the interview however, we were not allowed to "name drop."

Our efforts in Henderson also produced what' is called a follow-up interview, conducted by (with body cam) a Henderson PD officer of 16 years. His report, of this interview, is then added to the original case file. Yes, the same case file, only 13 years later. This is a second witness; a human witness, whereas the first was the video. Or,, has the video now become the second witness, and the neighbor the first witness, who puts SK there on that day?

This witness reports he was approached by SK that day. The witness states, he was using the bathroom when the doorbell rang. It took the witness some time to gather himself together, and after he did, he answered the door and sees SK on the walk, in front of the house. SK peaks and asks, something along the lines of, do you need some money? When the witness says no, this is where SK realizes, he is at the wrong house. The 6 min gap, from arrival to capture in the video, is SK visiting the wrong home. (Our theory.)

More to come.
Glovey, i assume you are part of EyesOn Justice? if so what happened to the 3 hour interview with the landlord, is that still coming ? The last podcast episode was over a year ago. Also it was mentioned that there was a jacket found with what might be blood on it that was hidden at the landlords house, was it found to be blood and was it DNA tested? thanks
'Nov 21, 2022
Steven Koecher’s phone continued to ping off a Las Vegas-area cell phone tower -- miles from where he vanished -- for days in 2009, leading a team of private investigators to believe someone alive may be involved in the 30-year-old’s disappearance and presumed death.'

One thing that I don't think has been established, perhaps never will be, unless I missed it - who exactly was at 2260 Evening Lights that sunday? Presumably, only Steven and MD.. the woman across the street said "the neighbours were moving a lot of boxes in 3 hours".. the police report is so poorly done, theres no indication. the theory is that he was killed in the house, but maybe Steven was talked into helping him move, and then killed in the van? This sorta makes sense given that MD was still recovering from a car accident at the time, that he might need help
So, the only new piece of information I see is this "conversation" he had with the fellow on the street asking if he wanted money. Odd that's never been mentioned before. But, I'm curious how this is what sealed his fate. What's the thinking here?

I really do wish that St. George would be more assertive in their investigation. I still strongly believe whatever happened to Steven started there.
The conversation with the man on the street or at the wrong house (I'm not sure which it is) has never been verified by law enforcement, it came from a guy who was interested in this case and decided to go around the neighborhood himself years after Steven disappeared. Sorry, but I don't buy it, I've interacted with this guy a long time ago on Facebook and I don't believe him.

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