NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #21

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I was under the impression that SK's parents were listed as his "next of kin" or contact people in case of emergency - so in that way I guess if you phrase it as "your son hasn't paid rent and I'm worried about him and do you know if anything is going on?" it would make sense. Not trying to excuse LL but I would call the contact person listed if my tenant were falling further and further behind.

It still leaves all the other phone calls, though.

Maybe, but it's still odd to me. The LL doesn't strike me as the soft-hearted, sensitive type. I don't really believe he was worried about Steven, but just about getting his money.

One other thing - which I've mentioned before; when GW called Steven the morning he disappeared, Steven was more than willing to turn around and go back to St. George to cover GW at church. He was already in Las Vegas at that time! Here we have a man who was, by all accounts, desperately searching for a job. If he was going to SCA for a job interview, why would be be so quick to offer to go back home? That call was approximately 4 hours before Steven shows up on the surveillance video. What was he doing during those hours?

Why do I keep asking the same questions? :banghead:
Why do I keep asking the same questions? :banghead:

There, there, Fairy1, I think we've all wondered the same thing at some point! :therethere: I guess that's what happens when an adult goes missing - in many ways the police's hands are tied and there are always other cases. Maybe if we apply ourselves to the LL we'll be able to find something new? Is swjaxon still around?

ETA: I'm sure LL was only calling Sk's parents hoping to get the back rent, etc. It's the sensible thing to do!
Do we have a source other than stillooking who puts Steven behind in rent and that this was the reason for multiple phone calls?
Do we have a source other than stillooking who puts Steven behind in rent and that this was the reason for multiple phone calls?

The fact that Steven was 3 months behind in rent has been verified and the call LL made to Steven's Mother is what led to the call from Steven's Father, when Steven hung up on him. We also know that Mrs. Koecher put money in Steven's bank account (tho I don't believe enough to catch up on the rent) and that the money was never accessed by Steven.
I am not trying to be hard nosed, but which poster is she and how do we know it is her?? TIA. On the WWW I can say or do anything because of the anonymity of it all, KWIM.

I am just trying to find a different angle, fwiw, not that the LL hasnt been discussed before. I think there are a lot of ways to look at a flurry of phone calls to Steven's cell phone after he was last seen by the surveillance camera.

Where are you Steven? :(
One other thing - which I've mentioned before; when GW called Steven the morning he disappeared, Steven was more than willing to turn around and go back to St. George to cover GW at church. He was already in Las Vegas at that time! Here we have a man who was, by all accounts, desperately searching for a job. If he was going to SCA for a job interview, why would be be so quick to offer to go back home? That call was approximately 4 hours before Steven shows up on the surveillance video. What was he doing during those hours?

I've wondered that, too. Maybe Steven was just being polite, and hoping they wouldn't take him up on his offer? Or, maybe he hadn't yet made the plans for the (possible) noon meeting/interview/whatever? Or, maybe he was feeling nervous or apprehensive about wherever he was going at noon, and wanted to give himself an "out?"

Still, where was he all those morning hours? Just hanging out somewhere? Since he didn't have a lot of money, that makes hanging out at local businesses somewhat difficult. Was he just walking/driving around? Why??
I am not trying to be hard nosed, but which poster is she and how do we know it is her?? TIA. On the WWW I can say or do anything because of the anonymity of it all, KWIM.

I am just trying to find a different angle, fwiw, not that the LL hasnt been discussed before. I think there are a lot of ways to look at a flurry of phone calls to Steven's cell phone after he was last seen by the surveillance camera.

Where are you Steven? :(

She has posted on HUFSK - which is on Facebook. She's been open about who she is and posts from her own personal Facebook account. She does seem to be sincere in her concern and support for Steven's family.

Can you share your thoughts on other reasons for the many calls the LL placed to Steven? Based on the number of calls, it strikes me as somewhat frantic, but then I am somewhat suspicious by nature!
I've wondered that, too. Maybe Steven was just being polite, and hoping they wouldn't take him up on his offer? Or, maybe he hadn't yet made the plans for the (possible) noon meeting/interview/whatever? Or, maybe he was feeling nervous or apprehensive about wherever he was going at noon, and wanted to give himself an "out?"

True - either scenario is entirely possible, IMO.

Still, where was he all those morning hours? Just hanging out somewhere? Since he didn't have a lot of money, that makes hanging out at local businesses somewhat difficult. Was he just walking/driving around? Why??

I wish we knew! Of course, it's too late now, but he could quite possibly have been captured on surveillance video elsewhere that day somewhere that could provide more pieces of the puzzle.
I am not trying to be hard nosed, but which poster is she and how do we know it is her?? TIA. On the WWW I can say or do anything because of the anonymity of it all, KWIM.

I am just trying to find a different angle, fwiw, not that the LL hasnt been discussed before. I think there are a lot of ways to look at a flurry of phone calls to Steven's cell phone after he was last seen by the surveillance camera.

Where are you Steven? :(

She posts under the name Nikayla. I think it’s pretty obvious if you read the posts that it’s her.
Sorry to bump with no info, I am watching the Disappeared episode on Steven. I started reading this thread last week. Where are you Steven?
Maybe, but it's still odd to me. The LL doesn't strike me as the soft-hearted, sensitive type. I don't really believe he was worried about Steven, but just about getting his money.

One other thing - which I've mentioned before; when GW called Steven the morning he disappeared, Steven was more than willing to turn around and go back to St. George to cover GW at church. He was already in Las Vegas at that time! Here we have a man who was, by all accounts, desperately searching for a job. If he was going to SCA for a job interview, why would be be so quick to offer to go back home? That call was approximately 4 hours before Steven shows up on the surveillance video. What was he doing during those hours?

Why do I keep asking the same questions? :banghead:

I was recently reading an old article about Steven’s disappearance in which GW stated he was a good friend of Steven’s. So why didn’t he ask Steven what he was doing in Las Vegas when he called him the morning of the 13th? If I was good friends with someone, called them and they told me they were in the same area, I would ask what they were doing there, it just seems like the normal thing to do “Oh you’re in Vegas this weekend too? What are you down here for?” This just strikes me as strange, unless GW already knew why Steven was down there.
The flurry of phone calls-I suppose it could be concern for their rent money and confusion about whether or not Steven had skipped town.

They must have known his things were still there, so I dont know if I think that they would have thought he left.

Call after call to him about what, when he was planning on bringing the money by? I have to re check but wasnt the plan that he would catch up by January?

I dont know-to me this set of calls could be an attempt to get a hold of SK to find out what happened to him after the scheduled meeting...I am starting to lean in the direction of LL establishing some means of SK being able to offset part of the rent. JMO. It also could be a means of establishing concern...an alibi of sorts, you know...like we called all of these times because we wanted to know where our rent money was.

I know we have been on the same hamster wheel for some time...I want to go back through the threads and find some stuff. Find where it was verified that Steven was behind with his rent and what the drop dead date for paying it was....if it was January, why were they hassling him?

My memory could be very faulty of course. :)
The flurry of phone calls-I suppose it could be concern for their rent money and confusion about whether or not Steven had skipped town.

They must have known his things were still there, so I dont know if I think that they would have thought he left.

They did know his things were still there because, IIRC, they went into his room to check!

Call after call to him about what, when he was planning on bringing the money by? I have to re check but wasnt the plan that he would catch up by January?

That's just the thing! As I recall, the issue had already been discussed and a resolution agreed upon. I don't recall if a specific date had been established but I do know it wasn't going to be resolved in a matter of days.

I dont know-to me this set of calls could be an attempt to get a hold of SK to find out what happened to him after the scheduled meeting...I am starting to lean in the direction of LL establishing some means of SK being able to offset part of the rent. JMO. It also could be a means of establishing concern...an alibi of sorts, you know...like we called all of these times because we wanted to know where our rent money was.

But there wouldn't have been any reason for them to believe, at that point, that Steven was "gone" or that anything was wrong. They knew all his stuff was in his room and it was days before his folks got the call from SCA about the car.

I know we have been on the same hamster wheel for some time...I want to go back through the threads and find some stuff. Find where it was verified that Steven was behind with his rent and what the drop dead date for paying it was....if it was January, why were they hassling him?

We have, indeed. It should be easy to find confirmation of the rent situation. But, to the best of my recollection, the January date was in reference to his Bishop helping him find work. He had promised to help "after the holidays."

My memory could be very faulty of course. :)

Mine is. For sure!
I was recently reading an old article about Steven’s disappearance in which GW stated he was a good friend of Steven’s. So why didn’t he ask Steven what he was doing in Las Vegas when he called him the morning of the 13th? If I was good friends with someone, called them and they told me they were in the same area, I would ask what they were doing there, it just seems like the normal thing to do “Oh you’re in Vegas this weekend too? What are you down here for?” This just strikes me as strange, unless GW already knew why Steven was down there.

Well, this is another point of contention.

GW was in Vegas visiting friends, reportedly. I'm not sure what his definition of a "good friend" is, but I don't believe mine is the same. The phone call between them that morning occurred while they were basically passing by one another on the I-15 - in opposite directions.

All of us girls believe it was weird for GW not to ask SK why he was in Vegas but instead just said, "do what you gotta do." Maybe it's a guy thing not to pry into a bro's business. IDK.

All this time later, it still doesn't sit well with me.
Correct me if I am incorrect, because there's been so many posts on this; Didnt the last call from his cell phone come the following morning after he left the car on the cul d sac and it was to his voice mail? This is what really makes me believe that there's a good possibility that he is alive. Why would someone else call his vm if he was a victim of foul play?

Also, the fact that he seemed to be wandering aimlessly prior (to the parents of an old gf in N Nevada and other places. It didnt seem like he had a specific adgenda like a job interview.
Correct me if I am incorrect, because there's been so many posts on this; Didnt the last call from his cell phone come the following morning after he left the car on the cul d sac and it was to his voice mail? This is what really makes me believe that there's a good possibility that he is alive. Why would someone else call his vm if he was a victim of foul play?

Also, the fact that he seemed to be wandering aimlessly prior (to the parents of an old gf in N Nevada and other places. It didnt seem like he had a specific adgenda like a job interview.

Yes, his voice mail was checked very early the morning after he was, allegedly, captured on the video in SCA. No way to know if it was him checking or not.

For the longest time, I did believe Steven just walked away. I'd still like to believe that. And I continue to look for him everywhere I go - out of habit now.

But.....at this point, it seems unlikely Steven is still among the living.

Correct me if I am incorrect, because there's been so many posts on this; Didnt the last call from his cell phone come the following morning after he left the car on the cul d sac and it was to his voice mail? This is what really makes me believe that there's a good possibility that he is alive. Why would someone else call his vm if he was a victim of foul play?

Also, the fact that he seemed to be wandering aimlessly prior (to the parents of an old gf in N Nevada and other places. It didnt seem like he had a specific adgenda like a job interview.

BBM. Perps do this all the time to see if their victim is missed yet, to give themselves a heads up, or out of plain curiosity. Now I need some refreshing because there's been so many posts. Where did the phone ping? It traveled outside of SCA I think?
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