NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 9

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As I understand it, that spot they were digging up was where the bones were found. It was very close to where the search was started. I was still out in the field when all that began, but I believe one of the detectives from the HPD and a CSI officer were there by the time they started digging.

As far as I know, the only pet grave was the one fasteddy4 found. I think it should be dug up too, but I'm not the boss. It's very easy to spot, though, and pretty elaborate. Just because it looked like a pet grave doesn't mean it was one!

I think it should have been also, but I'm not the boss either :) I found it kind of startling that the pet's name was Jazz. There has been alot of talk about his connection to this name....just sayin This would be very sick tho.
I think it should have been also, but I'm not the boss either :) I found it kind of startling that the pet's name was Jazz. There has been alot of talk about his connection to this name....just sayin This would be very sick tho.

I was just thinking that same thing this morning, hollyblue! I didn't remember the Jazz thing until I was looking over the timeline earlier today. Quite a coincidence.
I was just thinking that same thing this morning, hollyblue! I didn't remember the Jazz thing until I was looking over the timeline earlier today. Quite a coincidence.

What coincidence?
I keep thinking about how Steven could have been lead to where he was and not leave a trail. The phone records most likely show normal contacts. And we only have their word on what was discussed on those phone calls. Anyone of them could have given Steven directions to SCA.
Tell you what....if someone disappeared in my neighborhood, I'd be checking out the neighbors more than a little from that point on.

Yeah it was an odd reaction. He should have been more concerned with the possible murderer living near him.
I think the answer to Steven's disappearance is right there "distributing fliers for his window-washing business". The day before he disappeared he was drumming up business in this neighborhood - that's where he met someone that lured him to SCA.

I've undoubtedly missed something significant, Paulette, but why would the primary theory being tha he was still distributing the same fliers in the area where he parked not be the most logical conclusion?

I've undoubtedly missed something significant, Paulette, but why would the primary theory being tha he was still distributing the same fliers in the area where he parked not be the most logical conclusion?


There's lots of reasons he wasn't passing out flyers in SCA, darn it! It would definitely be a red flag, if he'd been doing so because where he *stopped* doing so would be suspect.

No one in that neighborhood got a flyer.

He didn't stop and pass out flyers at the homes he passed -- he keeps walking.

Doing so is HOA-illegal in SCA; there'd have been complaints.

Steven's flyers, found in the car, had his boss's Utah phone number on them. Not his own. There's no benefit in letting your boss know you're going outside your territory.

His boss said that Steven was not there to do any such work. It's doubtful he's even licensed to do business there (the same-named person as Steven's boss, is not the person Steven worked for).

It's really not worth it, to pay someone to drive from St George Utah to Las Vegas Nevada just for a window-washing job -- it's two hours each way.

NOW....what I understand Paulette saying, is that he could have met "trouble" while passing the flyers out in St George. That might have been a face-to-face contact that led him astray.
I keep thinking about how Steven could have been lead to where he was and not leave a trail. The phone records most likely show normal contacts. And we only have their word on what was discussed on those phone calls. Anyone of them could have given Steven directions to SCA.

That's a good point SuziQ. We've been told all the numbers called to and from Steven's phone were of people known to them. Doesn't mean one of those people didn't tell Steven how to get to SCA.
The name on the pet grave was "Jazz."

OK. I had to look at the timeline. Steven helped at Jazz Camp, and there was a pet named "Jazz" who was buried in the desert.

If the pet grave said "Sparticus" (spelled that way), I'd get excited.
I think you should contact Craig and mention that. He's asking people to contact him via the FB page.

I don't know the widest point of the search, but if people could stand 10 feet apart and just kinda move as one unit (even if NOT covering it all in one day), maybe it would help?

But I think what was being searched for, would be fairly large. The little pieces of bone, human or animal, would seem to have been there for much longer - and if human, why not larger pieces.

Unless the creek rises (ie, family obligations I've mentioned to some here), I'll be at the next search. In hiking boots that I had better buy NOW and get used to quickly!
Thank you & I will pass this info on to Craig. Just hope we do another search of the area soon.
I guess we are all still wondering and pondering. Here is a crazy thought, what if Steven's car was still there because he never left. Do any of those homes have basements? Maybe somehow Steven is being held against his will in one of those homes.
I don't get the feeling Steven was ever planning to harm himself.
A question to anyone who attended the search:

Why were they digging in some spots? What type of things would require this further digging in a spot, besides bones? Were the pet graves dug up to be sure they were animal?

Dumb question...but I have never been to a search before.

One area they were digging was a spot of fresh dirt and it was hidden under a large piece of plywood...look very suspicious. They dug down a good couple of feet and unfortunately there was nothing but large rock.
I do not think Steven would be passing out flyers on a Sunday because of his religious beliefs.

Again a few of my thoughts. When you all put your thoughts here, I just keep thinking about them, and try to play them out in my head.

1. Steven was there in the neighborhood before. Got talking to the home owner who made conversation with Steven, said he had a business and needed help, and invited him over to discuss it.
2. One of Steven's church friends (who was also in the area) asked him to meet him there, to attend church there, go to lunch, etc. Saying"I will meet you at my cousins out front of the home. We can take my car" The friend new he was the last call on the phone, and told police a different story.
I wonder if the airport has surveillance video and if so how long they keep them?

If Steven flew out of that Executive Airport he might have been captured on video. Having said that, the owner of the plane would certainly be aware whether video existed and tried to work around that. Again, assuming he flew out of that airport.
OK. I had to look at the timeline. Steven helped at Jazz Camp, and there was a pet named "Jazz" who was buried in the desert.

If the pet grave said "Sparticus" (spelled that way), I'd get excited.

LOL! So it's a bit of a stretch. But if the dog's name was Fido, I probably wouldn't have given it a second thought! It's very easy to find. Under two of the very few trees (Joshua trees) on that piece of land.
I guess we are all still wondering and pondering. Here is a crazy thought, what if Steven's car was still there because he never left. Do any of those homes have basements? Maybe somehow Steven is being held against his will in one of those homes.
I don't get the feeling Steven was ever planning to harm himself.

Most of the homes in Vegas don't have basements - but they could have soundproof rooms. But -

Does anyone remember the case up in Wisconsin (I think) where the guy kidnapped two younger men (one at a time) and held them captive for a while? It wasn't months and they both got a away. I'm just saying, there are all kinds of weirdos out there. I'll see if I can find the story.

Here is the WS thread on it - most of the news stories are no longer available:

Found Alive WI-Two Missing Wisconsin Men Found, Man Arrested - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
OK. I had to look at the timeline. Steven helped at Jazz Camp, and there was a pet named "Jazz" who was buried in the desert.

If the pet grave said "Sparticus" (spelled that way), I'd get excited.

Most people from Utah, and knowing of sports would more or less connect this word with the BB team. He also had checked out a book of a former player...although, don't know how recent. He was just in Nevada. Probably nothing, but it just struck me as a little quirky.

I'd think of music.
Most of the homes in Vegas don't have basements - but they could have soundproof rooms. But -
Does anyone remember the case up in Wisconsin (I think) where the guy kidnapped two younger men (one at a time) and held them captive for a while? It wasn't months and they both got a away. I'm just saying, there are all kinds of weirdos out there. I'll see if I can find the story.

Here is the WS thread on it - most of the news stories are no longer available:

Found Alive WI-Two Missing Wisconsin Men Found, Man Arrested - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Like a home recording studio.......hmmm. Your right Fairy1--there are all kinds of weirdos out there. Even a trip to the grocery store is a little scary now days. I live in a city, so they constantly have baggers or employees standing outside. Security drivers at Wally's.
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