GUILTY NV - Tammy Meyers, 44, fatally shot at her Las Vegas home, 12 Feb 2015 - #8

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Family of Tammy Meyers say suspects in her murder reject plea deal.

LAS VEGAS (KSNV News3LV) – A plea deal for the two defendants in the case of a Las Vegas mother gunned down in her own driveway is now off the table.

Attorneys confirm negotiations ended this week when the Clark County district attorney’s office’s offer to plead guilty was rejected, and now, Erich Nowsch and Derrick Andrews will face a jury.

"The Meyers family supported efforts to seek a plea deal, Schwartz said, saying they thought it would help with closure after losing their loved one, Tammy Meyers."
Am I wrong but it seems like most families oppose the DA accepting a plea deal.
Most charges nowdays end up as plea deals instead of trials.
"The Meyers family supported efforts to seek a plea deal, Schwartz said, saying they thought it would help with closure after losing their loved one, Tammy Meyers."
Am I wrong but it seems like most families oppose the DA accepting a plea deal.

Maybe the Meyers don't want to deal with the trial. This may mean they would have to take the stand and testify. I'm sure they just want to be done with this and not relive it. Can't say I blame them. I wish I knew what the deal was that was offered...
Maybe the Meyers don't want to deal with the trial. This may mean they would have to take the stand and testify. I'm sure they just want to be done with this and not relive it. Can't say I blame them. I wish I knew what the deal was that was offered...

They absolutely will have to testify during the trial. And they do have an issue with being inconsistent. But defendant did confess, and confession is coming in. Juries tend to put high value on confessions.
Maybe the Meyers don't want to deal with the trial. This may mean they would have to take the stand and testify. I'm sure they just want to be done with this and not relive it. Can't say I blame them. I wish I knew what the deal was that was offered...

I'm quite certain they do not want to take the stand and testify.
Delay the trial all because of a book that might taint the jury pool? Why not have the trial now before too many people find out about the book and read it. Hum??? :waitasec: maybe I'm missing something here :dunno:
Oh good gravy. If anyone gets bored enough to read this book, please let us know which version of the many stories is told.
This librarian might have to take one for the team and read it.

With Amazon Prime membership, it's free to borrow for your Kindle. I've got it download on mine now, but I have to finish the book I'm currently reading first.

Apparently it's about 70 or 80 pages, and according to the comments on Amazon it reads like a Meyers family press release. I'm not filled with high expectations.
After the 1st shooting the Meyers did not pass EN's house they went straight home per testimony, they would have had to pass their street in order to pass EN's house. EN went into the cul-de-sac and fired away. The Meyers were not at EN's house when TM was shot and killed, they were in front of their own house. The Jury will want to know why EN was on that cul-de-sac shooting at a fleeing man and people in the car. EN in his own words told 2 or 3 people that no one shot at him. The Meyers fled the 1st shootout, they retreated, EN however didn't. In fact LE asked if he ever went back to his house to check on his sister and mom and EN said no.

I totally agree.

Once the Meyers tried to flee from EN when he first shot several times at them his self defense argument ended and so did any hope of manslaughter charges, imo. And really what does he have to support that he felt threatened by those in the green car. The only bullet casings they found at the first scene belonged to EN's weapon only. And as far as I know one cant go around shooting someone in a car just because they are paranoid because they sell drugs themselves. This was no shootout between drug dealers anyway. The only shots fired first came from EN and then he began to hunt them down along with the help of his sidekick. IMO. How many here who will be honest has had someone following them close behind? It happens countless times a day. I see it for myself when I am traveling either during the day or night but yet I have never seen someone start shooting at the vehicle behind them.

If the green car was filled with drug dealer/gang then why wouldn't he expect them to shoot back instead of backing up and fleeing? What big tough drug dealer or drug gang member does that? After all he said he felt they were trying to do harm. He would have to be thinking those druggies/gang members sure were some pretty chicken chit criminals to tuck tail and run and not fire one shot when he shot multiple times at them. If they intended them harm then why would they flee? His story makes no sense.

Imo, once the Meyers turned around to flee (RETREAT) from the idiot shooting at them and returned to the safety of their home the only ones who had a valid case of self defense was Tammy and Brandon Meyers. Everyone knows one has a legal right to protect themselves and property if criminals come there planning to harm.

EN became the aggressor and the pursuer. He cant even say either Tammy or Brandon shot at him first. Even if he did feel fearful from his drugged paranoia and because he was a small time drug dealer he has no right by law to come to their home and try to mow them down when they are trying to get into the sanctity of their home. That would be as nonsensical as someone who was in a real road rage incident and shot both on the highway but then kept pursuing the other person to their home and then shot and killed them dead. That would be Murder One all day long. ENs acts were totally premediated. It makes no sense that he and his homie just happened to find the very ones he had shot at prior to coming there and those are the ones he tried to murder including Brandon.

Even when Tammy went to look for the one who had threatened her daughter neither she or Brandon did any illegal act. Following someone in a car is not a death penalty offense but that is what EN decided they deserved just for following behind his buddy's vehicle.

Imo, the green car could have belonged to anyone and it still would have wound up with someone being shot at and murdered that night. He had no clue the green car belonged to Tammy. If it had been another vehicle behind them in his paranoid state of mind he would have still shot at that car too and pursued them and shot them dead. The car could have been filled with a family including parents and small children and he still would have done this to them instead of to Brandon and Tammy.

I have seen multiple families over the years that do go along with a plea deal. That way they do not have to experience the trauma of a trial having to see autopsy and crime scene photos of their murdered loved one or having to endure their murdered loved one be put on trial instead of the murderer. 90% of all cases in the criminal court system windup in plea deals anyway.

I am glad whatever the defense is wanting the DA is not going along with it. He really deserves to go to prison for life and have no possibility of parole. I think the least time the DA would agree to is 25 years to life with a possibility of parole. That may not be acceptable to the DA though. Imo, they will never agree to any type of manslaughter. The events of that night just doesn't support any degree of manslaughter.

He had plenty of time to change his plan when he made the driver pursue the green car. At anytime he could have told the driver he wanted to go home. From the first shooting scene until he came and killed Tammy at her own home is plenty of time to form premeditation. That is why the laws do not give a time interval which has to take place before it is formed. As long as he had time to put his plan in motion and then carried it out is more than enough time for aforethought to happen. He was on the hunt and he was going to try to kill whoever was in the green car.

It shows how dangerous someone can be who is paranoid because they live a life of crime.

The Tammy Meyers case is going to be featured tonight on 20/20 and 20/20 has released parts of interviews from BM and KK, plus RM is interviewed as well:
Apparently KK still insists it was the alleged road rager who did the shooting because she honked at him and is saying she was an eyewitness to the shooting from a window in the house where she saw her mother fall after being shot. It looks like the Nowsch defense may be to agree with Meyers to a point and say there was another car involved while the Andrews defense seems to still be that he wasn't at the scene.
Respectfully Snipped By Me.

I totally agree.

Once the Meyers tried to flee from EN when he first shot several times at them his self defense argument ended and so did any hope of manslaughter charges, imo. And really what does he have to support that he felt threatened by those in the green car. The only bullet casings they found at the first scene belonged to EN's weapon only. And as far as I know one cant go around shooting someone in a car just because they are paranoid because they sell drugs themselves. This was no shootout between drug dealers anyway. The only shots fired first came from EN and then he began to hunt them down along with the help of his sidekick. IMO. How many here who will be honest has had someone following them close behind? It happens countless times a day. I see it for myself when I am traveling either during the day or night but yet I have never seen someone start shooting at the vehicle behind them.

If the green car was filled with drug dealer/gang then why wouldn't he expect them to shoot back instead of backing up and fleeing? What big tough drug dealer or drug gang member does that? After all he said he felt they were trying to do harm. He would have to be thinking those druggies/gang members sure were some pretty chicken chit criminals to tuck tail and run and not fire one shot when he shot multiple times at them. If they intended them harm then why would they flee? His story makes no sense.

Imo, once the Meyers turned around to flee (RETREAT) from the idiot shooting at them and returned to the safety of their home the only ones who had a valid case of self defense was Tammy and Brandon Meyers. Everyone knows one has a legal right to protect themselves and property if criminals come there planning to harm.

EN became the aggressor and the pursuer. He cant even say either Tammy or Brandon shot at him first. Even if he did feel fearful from his drugged paranoia and because he was a small time drug dealer he has no right by law to come to their home and try to mow them down when they are trying to get into the sanctity of their home. That would be as nonsensical as someone who was in a real road rage incident and shot both on the highway but then kept pursuing the other person to their home and then shot and killed them dead. That would be Murder One all day long. ENs acts were totally premediated. It makes no sense that he and his homie just happened to find the very ones he had shot at prior to coming there and those are the ones he tried to murder including Brandon.

Even when Tammy went to look for the one who had threatened her daughter neither she or Brandon did any illegal act. Following someone in a car is not a death penalty offense but that is what EN decided they deserved just for following behind his buddy's vehicle.

Thank you OBE. This is what I had been saying all along and the reason I stopped following this thread. Whatever wrong she did before she retreated did not call for deadly force against her.
So 20/20 is doing a Special on this case tonight. This case exhausts me so I don't know if I will watch the entire thing or not.
I am sorry, I am posting this in the wrong forum, but I have no how to start a new thread.
There is woman named Sylvia Consuelo who was raped and murdered in her apartment.
There is video footage of the suspect entering her apartment and leaving her apartment.
Please help me to start a new thread for Sylvia.
I am sorry, I am posting this in the wrong forum, but I have no how to start a new thread.
There is woman named Sylvia Consuelo who was raped and murdered in her apartment.
There is video footage of the suspect entering her apartment and leaving her apartment.
Please help me to start a new thread for Sylvia.

Here you go

Toronto - Sylvia Consuelo (34) (surveillance captures image of perp)

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