NV NV - Tiffany Booth, 35, (fnd dec) & Eduardo Clemente, 38, Las Vegas, vehicle found, 27 Sep 2020

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A silver Honda CRV, registered to missing person and Las Vegas resident, Tiffany Booth was located in Ely last week on Thursday, October 8, 248 miles north of Las Vegas.

The car was abandoned, with the license plates removed. The family is now pleading for help to find Tiffany Booth and her boyfriend Eduardo Clemente who have been reported missing for two weeks now.

Tiffany moved from San Antonio, Texas approximately a year ago to live with her mother Judy, who has multiple sclerosis. Tiffany reportedly knew Eduardo for a year before they recently started dating. They worked together for a company called Telus International in Las Vegas. Tiffany let Eduardo move in to her mothers condo with her, in May of this year, and shortly after a few months, they began dating. “We knew they were dating, when they finally told us, we weren’t surprised.” Judy said.

But Judy seemed to like Eduardo, and described him as a nice man, very smart, “he is like a genius”, Judy noted. But, details of Eduardo’s side of the family seem vague. “Eduardo would tell us he was not close with his family at all.”

The last time Judy physically spoke to Tiffany and Eduardo was when they went over to Judy’s boyfriends house on September 27, 2020. “That’s the last time I seen them physically and spoke to them,” said Judy.

Judy explained that they had a webcam facing the carport where Tiffany wold park her car. Judy said she could view the webcam from her cell phone, and when she happened to look at it on October 1, she noticed Tiffany’s car had been gone all day. When she went to go back to view the following days, she noticed that the footage for September 29 & 30th, had been deleted. “I think they did that so I wouldn’t be able to see when they left, but I don’t know why they would do that.”

Judy said she was just as puzzled as everyone else of Tiffany’s disappearance.

When Judy text messaged Tiffany on October 1 and October 2, Tiffany had told her mother that they decided to take a day trip to Boulder City, and that she was feeling good, and they would be back the next day. That was the last time Judy has been able to contact Tiffany. Judy has made several attempts to contact Tiffany and Eduardo via their cell phones and Facebook without any success. “Their phones go right to voicemail.”

Tiffany told her mother that she had left the cat enough food and water and they were just on a day trip. Judy’s boyfriend went over to the condo to check on the cat on October 5, and noticed that none of Tiffany’s bathroom toiletries such as deodorant, tooth brush, or any such items were gone, and no extra clothing was missing, “it didn’t look like she had packed for a trip,” Judy explained.

The last transaction reported on Booth’s bank card was on October 6, 2020 at a McDonal’d and Stinker’s gas station in Idaho.

October 8. 2020, Tiffany’s car was located in Ely, abandoned with the plates missing. A search warrant was obtained for both Tiffany’s car and condo last weekend. Las Vegas Metro are analyzing data collected.

Missing Woman’s Car Found abandoned in Ely, family pleas for help
Confusing? If Judy is Tiffany’s Mom, why did Tiffany and Eduardo go to Tiffany’s Moms boyfriends house Sept 27?
If Tiffany and Edwardo lives with Tiffany’s Mom, why would she text her Mom about leaving food for her cat? Wouldn’t the cat be at her Moms house?
The Webcam at the garage where Tiffany usually parks was at Tiffany’s Moms boyfriends house? Am I missing something?
September 27, 2020.
From Help FIND Tiffany BOOTH:

Timeline of Tiffany's disappearnace :

Tuesday Sept 29 and Wednesday 30th, Security footage was deleted for Tiffany's condo and they possibly left Wednesday.

Thursday October 1 Tiffany texted Judy that they were staying in Boulder City, Nevada for the night and took a day off of work for Friday Oct. 2 and were supposed to be back that day.

Saturday Oct 3 Tiffany’s San Antonio friends group chat noticed Tiffany was in Idaho and her last text to anyone was at 7:49 pm
The group chat still had her phone in Idaho Sunday morning Oct 4. Then it was turned off.

Monday, Oct 5
Car hadn't been back all weekend.
Judy filed a missing person report.
Possible sighting of the two at Perry, Utah Monday Oct. 5, between 12-1 pm

Tuesday Oct 6, Tiffany’s Facebook goes inactive about 1 pm
Tiffany’s bank card was used in Idaho on Tuesday at a McDonald's and Stinker's Store gas station

Oct. 7, Police spoke to their work. They hadn't called in since the Oct. 1

Thursday Oct 8, Tiffany’s car was found in Ely, Nevada

Saturday Oct 10, CSI searched condo
Ely, Nevada search of surrounding area around car found torn clothing

Sunday Oct 11, police search of Tiffany’s car
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Confusing? If Judy is Tiffany’s Mom, why did Tiffany and Eduardo go to Tiffany’s Moms boyfriends house Sept 27?
If Tiffany and Edwardo lives with Tiffany’s Mom, why would she text her Mom about leaving food for her cat? Wouldn’t the cat be at her Moms house?
The Webcam at the garage where Tiffany usually parks was at Tiffany’s Moms boyfriends house? Am I missing something?
September 27, 2020.

It sounds to me like:
- Tiffany and Eduardo moved in with her mom, Judy.
- Judy went to stay with her boyfriend (don't know what date).
- Judy last saw Tiffany and Eduardo when they visited Judy at Judy's boyfriend's place on September 27.
- Tiffany and Eduardo were living - and feeding Judy's cat - at Judy's condo while Judy was away.
- The webcam was at Judy's condo, where Tiffany lived and usually parked her car.

That's what I took from it anyway.

What happened on September 29-30 while Tiffany and Eduardo were there alone? Did someone break in, make them leave the house, and take their car as well? Or did something else happen?

I am getting the sense that they didn't leave together under normal circumstances. I'd bet that the text messages were not sent by Tiffany.
There's a note about Eduardo added to the timeline on the Help FIND Tiffany BOOTH page:

"Eduardo Clemente is known to be a loner, not close to his own family members. Considers himself a digital nomad and a computer tech with information security background. He does not like Apple products and prefers Android. Claims to own 20 acres around Las Vegas area. He has been fasting and has lost over 100 pounds within the last month."
There's a note about Eduardo added to the timeline on the Help FIND Tiffany BOOTH page:

"Eduardo Clemente is known to be a loner, not close to his own family members. Considers himself a digital nomad and a computer tech with information security background. He does not like Apple products and prefers Android. Claims to own 20 acres around Las Vegas area. He has been fasting and has lost over 100 pounds within the last month."

Bolded by me. Holy mackerel, over 100 pounds shed in just one month? :eek: I just hope he wasn't enhancing the fast's thinning effects with drugs because that's an enormous amount of weight to lose in such a short time.
Wait, what? I don't think you can lose that much weight in a month.

You can, using some quite extremal and unhealthy methods and means. I seriously doubt though you can do that by fasting alone.

I wonder whose clothing was torn. I have serious concerns that I will not currently be voicing.

Yup. I am concerned too.
I hope there's footage to determine if it was Tiffany that used her bank card in Idaho on Oct 6. If she did then something happened to them afterwards.

It's possible that Tiffany and Eduardo were returning home from Idaho and stopped in Ely, but why were their phones off? Because the batteries died? What are the chances that the plates were stolen by someone else after the occupant(s) left the car in Ely?

If something bad happened before the start of their journey, why go to Idaho? Would someone try to impersonate Tiffany to her friends? Did they know that her phone location would be shared with them?

I expect tracking Tiffany's phone could tell a story. How about Eduardo's? Will there be warrants issued for phone records without indication of foul play? Would abandoned car be enough?

I'm sure by now the police have processed a few places for evidence, at least her condo and car.
Torn clothing might be a red herring IMO. There's some update on that, not in MSM.

Her car was left in Ely, but where are they? Why no communication? The car could have broken down, although she only bought it in July. Car's location could also be indicative of the possibilites (e.g. in a store parking lot as opposed to a more remote spot).

Image from Help FIND Tiffany BOOTH page:

Where is Eduardo from anyone know?
Eighth Judicial District Court Portal
  • Tiffany was last seen (physically) on September 27th by Mom-Judy.
  • Security footage from webcam for September 29th & 30th deleted from system.
  • Judy sent Tiffany text messages on October 1st & 2nd, Tiffany told Mom they were on a day trip to Boulder City and would be back the following day.
  • Any further contact since has been unsuccessful. phone goes straight to voicemail, facebook messages not returned.
  • Judy reports Tiffany missing on October 5th.
  • Possible sighting of the two at Perry, Utah Monday Oct. 5, between 12-1 pm
  • The last transaction reported on Booth’s bank card was on October 6, 2020 at a McDonal’d and Stinker’s gas station in Idaho.
  • Tuesday Oct 6, Tiffany’s Facebook goes inactive about 1 pm
  • Oct. 7, Police spoke to their work. They hadn't called in since the Oct. 1
  • Tiffany’s car was located in Ely, abandoned with the plates missing on October 8th.
  • Saturday Oct 10, CSI searched condo
  • Sunday Oct 11, police search of Tiffany’s car
  • 121701950_10157096385637531_6405825008883875197_n.jpg
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You can, using some quite extremal and unhealthy methods and means. I seriously doubt though you can do that by fasting alone.

Yup. I am concerned too.
Yeah there's no way he did it just fasting. I lost 30 lbs in three weeks one time and it took me playing hockey 3-4 hours a day five days a week to do that while barely eating. The amount of calories he would have to burn every day to lose that much weight is insane.

Makes me wonder if he was using drugs like you had mentioned in your previous post and perhaps had an event involving psychosis
At first blush I thought Tiffany & Eduardo, who are both known to suffer from anxiety, just needed to get away. Maybe life pressures became too much and he convinced her to leave on a day trip, which turned into something more extended.

But the security footage being deleted, and the car found with missing plates is screaming foul play. If those two wanted to disappear voluntarily they are both almost in their 40's, no reason to go to any great lengths to cover it up. That dude likely did something to Tiffany and was buying time to get out of town before her Mom discovered her missing, JMO.
Yeah there's no way he did it just fasting. I lost 30 lbs in three weeks one time and it took me playing hockey 3-4 hours a day five days a week to do that while barely eating. The amount of calories he would have to burn every day to lose that much weight is insane.

Makes me wonder if he was using drugs like you had mentioned in your previous post and perhaps had an event involving psychosis

Was thinking the same. Also, that people sometimes inflate the amount they've lost, regardless of how they did it. At any rate, he would not look much like he does in most of the photos.

If he lost weight at anywhere near that rate, though, the mental effects would likely be severe. It would mean fasting to the point of losing muscle mass throughout the body, and would interfere with brain function (no food at all, highly likely to be using stimulants).
If the 6'2 385lbs is right, I have doubts how much physical activity he'd be up to, and fasting still wouldn't account for it, IMO.

She looks to have lost weight through the span of pics on the FB. Maybe between them, with some embellishment by the reporting person?
Was thinking the same. Also, that people sometimes inflate the amount they've lost, regardless of how they did it. At any rate, he would not look much like he does in most of the photos.

If he lost weight at anywhere near that rate, though, the mental effects would likely be severe. It would mean fasting to the point of losing muscle mass throughout the body, and would interfere with brain function (no food at all, highly likely to be using stimulants).
That is very true that some inflate thier weight loss. Looking at her profile picture of the two and one of his, he definitely lost weight but I wonder what the time difference was between the two pics.

Most definitely the mental effects would be severe, and if coupled with drug use, could cause some pretty bad things to happen
If the 6'2 385lbs is right, I have doubts how much physical activity he'd be up to, and fasting still wouldn't account for it, IMO.

She looks to have lost weight through the span of pics on the FB. Maybe between them, with some embellishment by the reporting person?
There is a comment on the missing page, the time frame for the weight loss was not one month it was longer.
Where is Eduardo from anyone know?
Eighth Judicial District Court Portal
  • Tiffany was last seen (physically) on September 27th by Mom-Judy.
  • Security footage from webcam for September 29th & 30th deleted from system.
  • Judy sent Tiffany text messages on October 1st & 2nd, Tiffany told Mom they were on a day trip to Boulder City and would be back the following day.
  • Any further contact since has been unsuccessful. phone goes straight to voicemail, facebook messages not returned.
  • Judy reports Tiffany missing on October 5th.
  • Possible sighting of the two at Perry, Utah Monday Oct. 5, between 12-1 pm
  • The last transaction reported on Booth’s bank card was on October 6, 2020 at a McDonal’d and Stinker’s gas station in Idaho.
  • Tuesday Oct 6, Tiffany’s Facebook goes inactive about 1 pm
  • Oct. 7, Police spoke to their work. They hadn't called in since the Oct. 1
  • Tiffany’s car was located in Ely, abandoned with the plates missing on October 8th.
  • Saturday Oct 10, CSI searched condo
  • Sunday Oct 11, police search of Tiffany’s car
  • 121701950_10157096385637531_6405825008883875197_n.jpg
According to the timeline, the last text from her phone was sent in the evening on Oct 3rd (at 7:49) and the phone was turned off the next morning. Perhaps the recipient of the message could tell if it was specific enough to be coming from her and not from an imposter.

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