Identified! NV - Washoe Co., WhtFem 156UFNV, 25-35, Sheep's Flat Trail, Jul'82 - Mary Edith Silvani

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
A handgun would tend to create a larger exit wound than a rifle (generally speaking). But a low-caliber handgun (say, a .22 caliber handgun, or even a .38) would probably not. I tend to doubt that it was a rifle or shotgun, because it would be difficult to tote around inconspicuously.

Secondly, if it was a shotgun, it would either blow half her head off (if from close range), or there would have been wounds spread over her upper body if from longer range, The indication that she was shot in the back of the head would seem to be inconsistent with either scenario.

I'm also thinking a lower caliber handgun like a .22 or .380 for concealability and less damage.

Even at close range, the tendency is for the bullet to "lodge" somewhere because of it's lower speed. (You should see my back fence. :)) Even a .38 might do that at close range.

A .357 would definitely make a "wide exit" (and possibly keep on going to the nearest tree.)
I think a .357 would take a good amount of the head out.
Yes, it would...
and it would probably keep's happened quite a lot actually. That's the reason I would not use a .357 for "home defense". It might go through the attacker, but also through the wall, across the street, into the living room of my neighbor and put a stop to his innocent channel surfing.
I am wondering if the lace 1 piece bathing suit was really a bathing suit. It might of been a lace body suit or body briefer. Which might mean it had nothing to do with swimming. I bet the detectives never realized 28 years later, people would be asking all these questions. I am really glad you started this thread. Someone, somewhere needs closure.
I am wondering if the lace 1 piece bathing suit was really a bathing suit. It might of been a lace body suit or body briefer. Which might mean it had nothing to do with swimming. I bet the detectives never realized 28 years later, people would be asking all these questions. I am really glad you started this thread. Someone, somewhere needs closure.

A very good observation...those types of bodysuits were very popular back then...lingerie?? Very good possibility.
I think doe network calls it a knitted bikini. My European gf have one. I don't see US girls wear them typically.
More or less yeah.

Hmm I always had it in my head that it was knitted. I must have read it somewhere. Maybe another discrepancy or my mind is playing tricks on me. What I would love to have, not for any sick fetish or anything, is the actual crime scene photos and a few new post mortem shots. At least a profile of her face.

Freedom of information act?
More or less yeah.

Hmm I always had it in my head that it was knitted. I must have read it somewhere. Maybe another discrepancy or my mind is playing tricks on me. What I would love to have, not for any sick fetish or anything, is the actual crime scene photos and a few new post mortem shots. At least a profile of her face.

Freedom of information act?

I wish you could, but I think exemption 7 would prevent you from using it:

#7 records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information (A) could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings, (B) would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication, (C) could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, (D) could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of a confidential source, including a State, local, or foreign agency or authority or any private institution which furnished information on a confidential basis, and, in the case of a record or information compiled by a criminal law enforcement authority in the course of a criminal investigation or by an agency conducting a lawful national security intelligence investigation, information furnished by a confidential source, (E) would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions if such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law, or (F) could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of any individual;[5]

Their position could be that you are a suspect Charlie....sad, huh?
Knitted or crocheted material might well be called lace, depending on the point of view of the person describing it.
Knitted or crocheted material might well be called lace, depending on the point of view of the person describing it.

I agree, what may be a bathing suit to one person is lingerie to another.
Thanks for posting this --- I agree this distance is huge, bt the girl in Tahoe had eastern european dental work. Also, the face may seem similar but as artist I have to say this is a different woman. The planes of her nose, leading into the eye socket is all wrong.

Poor Lynette! Thank you for posting her information. I hope her killer is found, tried and convicted. RIP Lynette!

Yeah, Lynette would be worth the effort of following up immediately if it looked like a rule-out would be an easy matter, like if there was DNA or dental records easily available I'd go to the effort just for the thoroughness of it. She's worth keeping on a second list, the one you go to when all the probable matches just don't match.

And I would very much like to know exactly what the dental techniques they are basing their judgments on are. Bound to be some differences between Australia and America, just as there are between America and Europe. Also, everyone seems to be jumping from "Europe" to "eastern bloc" in their thinking, and maybe that isn't what the dentist who assessed the Doe's mouth really meant?

Lynette has a thread here with another picture of her posted by a relative, she looks less bony in the face, more puffy, almost a different person again. I suspect she tended to show stress by becoming gaunt.
Australia - Lynnette Dawson. Missing since 1982. Presumed dead - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Yeah, Lynette would be worth the effort of following up immediately if it looked like a rule-out would be an easy matter, like if there was DNA or dental records easily available I'd go to the effort just for the thoroughness of it. She's worth keeping on a second list, the one you go to when all the probable matches just don't match.

And I would very much like to know exactly what the dental techniques they are basing their judgments on are. Bound to be some differences between Australia and America, just as there are between America and Europe. Also, everyone seems to be jumping from "Europe" to "eastern bloc" in their thinking, and maybe that isn't what the dentist who assessed the Doe's mouth really meant?

Lynette has a thread here with another picture of her posted by a relative, she looks less bony in the face, more puffy, almost a different person again. I suspect she tended to show stress by becoming gaunt.
Australia - Lynnette Dawson. Missing since 1982. Presumed dead - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Hi reasy!

I'm so sorry for lynnette...I agree she should be looked at by professionals...I certainly am just another artist who happened in here a few days ago...I was only giving my thoughts as an artist who studies lines, planes, angles, curves which is what a human face is to us. But of course, I am not a forensic professional of ANY KIND.

Looking at her face, I see the potential for a match, but I also see one piece of bone structure that I don't think would match and which would be important --- namely, the sinus cavity, where it meets up to the bridge of her nose in Lynette's face appears to be quite narrow and flat to me. I'm not sure that's something that can really change. That flatness, would eliminate the angle of the cheekbone. That's only my non-professional opinion as an artist.

The information about "eastern European dental work" was cited in the official information that was posted somewhere. I forgot where. Doenetwork I think?? Which I'm assuming they got that from the coroner.
I'm not sure what specifically they were referring to becuause that's all it said. I did post a personal experience of mine with "Eastern European dental procedure" on a cavity that I had filled in Leningrad. (St. Petersburg.) That was a long time ago granted ---I was 15 at the time. But I don't know if that procedure was the "same" as what was seen in this victim. I only posted it as an example of a possibility.

Having had numerous dental problems throughout my life, I think I can safely say that Aussie dental work is on a par with American. Procedures are very similar and materials are similar. Aussie dental work is superior of course, to Mexican dental work (which I also have.)
Having spent my entire childhood and up to early 20's abroad I have had a lot of dental work (some quite serious) in countries other than the US. So of course, my experiences are my own and not reflective of anything other than some basic informational purposes. But to make a long story short, if I had to make a guess I would say that this victim may have had some inferior crowns made of stainless steel or she had fillings made from lower grade amalgam.
Something like that would be a strong indicator of "eastern European" dental work.

God bless Lynette, her family and the people who are searching for her. I hoep she is found one day soon.
In the one reply I received from LE they never went further than European dentistry techniques.
What if she was a prostitute out of southern tahoe or stateline? That could explain the being outin the middle of no where at night.

I can't tell you how many turn outs I have relieved my bladder on to see tire tracks and condom wrappers.
What if she was a prostitute out of southern tahoe or stateline? That could explain the being outin the middle of no where at night.

I can't tell you how many turn outs I have relieved my bladder on to see tire tracks and condom wrappers.

Possible I suppose, but she seems a little overdressed for working.
I was thinking about it later, if she was a prostitute she would possible have prints on file.

Library downtown was closed today so I composed interview questions for a cold call today to mills lane. Hopefully the good judge is well enough to speak or set up a real time when we could talk.

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