Identified! NV - Washoe Co., WhtFem 156UFNV, 25-35, Sheep's Flat Trail, Jul'82 - Mary Edith Silvani

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm glad the nyt article mentions that Mary may have had a child that she gave up for adoption. Ever since she was identified I've been wondering about that, because I remembered that her autopsy hinted she'd had at least one child. I remember people, myself included, wondering if her child or children were looking for her. If she gave them up for adoption, it seems not (unless they're searching for their birth parents). I assume the gedmatch files of does are taken down after they are identified, and I think doe files aren't visible anyway. I wonder if the child ever did upload to gedmatch in the future, there would be any way for them to figure out where they came from.

I'm also curious about the mentioning of what role NPEs (not parent expected or none paternity event) play in this process. I have uploaded to gedmatch, but have just taken down my gedcom that I had on there because it's misleading. I only uploaded it because I thought it might help in doe cases, but I have since found out I'm NPE (I was donor conceived and not told). I don't want LE going down my dad's side trying to find a doe when I'm not related to him, and it's my donor's family they should look at. I'm in the UK, but hope that someday LE here might use the technique. I wonder how often NPEs become roadblocks in cases like this, as the article explains that one of the closest matches to Mary was adopted.
I’ve windered about the child as well. I wonder if they know for sure the child was given up for adoption or they assuming that? The child could have been stillborn or for all we know her body could be a bit different and show a childbirth when there really wasn’t. I just wonder if they know for fact she was pregnant and that the child was given up for adoption.
Hopefully if there is a child they will do dna and possibly find their father who may be able to tell us a bit more about Mary.
Her case is my favorite ( for lack of a better word) because it seems she really had nobody to look out for her or check on her or even really care about her to notice she’s been missing 30+ years
As for her nephew I can understand why he didn’t know because he’s going off what he’s tikdbif someone he’s never met. It’s just such a sad story. Also Mary looks like a close relative I have and her name is Mary as well so that could be another reason her case stands out in my heart
I’ve windered about the child as well. I wonder if they know for sure the child was given up for adoption or they assuming that? The child could have been stillborn or for all we know her body could be a bit different and show a childbirth when there really wasn’t. I just wonder if they know for fact she was pregnant and that the child was given up for adoption.
Hopefully if there is a child they will do dna and possibly find their father who may be able to tell us a bit more about Mary.
Her case is my favorite ( for lack of a better word) because it seems she really had nobody to look out for her or check on her or even really care about her to notice she’s been missing 30+ years
As for her nephew I can understand why he didn’t know because he’s going off what he’s tikdbif someone he’s never met. It’s just such a sad story. Also Mary looks like a close relative I have and her name is Mary as well so that could be another reason her case stands out in my heart
"Cumming said the last time she saw Silvani she was pregnant and living at a home for young, expectant mothers. It was around 1972, she recalled, and Silvani had plans to give up the baby for adoption.

' I remember talking with her on the phone after she had the baby," Cumming recalled. "She was sad about the whole thing, as you would expect. And she said that the adoption was a closed one but that she would be receiving pictures, and she was happy about that, in a melancholy way.'"

She definitely had a baby. I'm curious, too.

She was killed 37 years ago — and her friends just found out: 'She was my bridesmaid'
I suspect, based on the European dental work, that this woman was a visitor from Europe. I wonder if LE has ever checked on European visa overstays from that time period.

Longtime lurker on this thread.

I have a question about the dental work. Has it ever / already been established that Mary Edith Silvani lived in Europe at any given time?

My reason for asking this is that this European dental work does not appear in a case where the victim, "Miss Molly", is suspected to be European (something that seems highly unlikely to me):

KS - KS - Salina, 'Miss Molly' 184UFKS, 25-30, in creek under I-70 bridge, Jan'86
Could she be Lynn Adel Oliver from Canada The Doe Network: Case File 2369DFNS ?? She has brown hair and green eyes and went missing in 1979....22 years old and left a son mention of C section or other scars. The big pictures is from Loved & Missing in Canada facebook site


Sorry couldn't put the picture of Jane Doe in....
Reward of up to $150,000

The province is offering a reward of up to $150,000 for information leading to an arrest and conviction as part of the major unsolved crimes program.

Because police never found a body, charges were never laid, said Jeff Oliver.

His mother was a feisty, free-spirit, he said — a character, who carried a guitar with her.

"It's a standstill," he said. "There was probably evidence, but ... it's small town Nova Scotia in 1979."

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