NV NV -Willard Duane Martindale, 29, Reno, 1 December 1977

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Verified local - Rebecca Stahl case
Jun 30, 2008
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Missing Person / NamUs #MP60244
Willard Duane Martindale,
Male, White / Caucasian


Case Information​


Missing Age 29 Years
Current Age 75 Years
First Name Willard
Middle Name Duane
Last Name Martindale

Sex Male
Height5' 10" - 5' 11" (70 - 71 Inches)
Weight150 - 190 lbs
Race / Ethnicity White / Caucasian


Date of Last Contact December 1, 1977
NamUs Case Created September 20, 2019

Last Known Location​

Location Reno, Nevada
County Washoe County
Missing From Tribal Land No
Primary Residence on Tribal Land No
Circumstances of Disappearance Willard was a known transient in the Reno and Hawthorne areas of Nevada. His family drove around various areas he was known to be and saw him near a highway overpass in Reno, Nevada. When family turned the vehicle around, Willard was gone and his family and friends have not seen or heard from him again.

Physical Description​

Hair Color Sandy
Head Hair Description--
Body Hair Description--
Facial Hair Description Possible beard (would grow in red, if so)
Left Eye Color Blue
Right Eye Color Blue
Eye Description--
Screen Shot 2023-05-25 at 11.55.40 AM.png
His Ancestry profile suggests he was originally from Michigan.
Screen Shot 2023-05-25 at 11.57.03 AM.png
This photo is also linked to his profile. I assume it's a yearbook photo.
According to his brother's obituary the family was from Sault Ste. Marie, MI.

His mother is Eleanor Martindale, father is Willard Martindale.

He's listed as predeceased in his brothers obituary so I assume he was legally declared dead at some point.
This is my mom’s brother. She and my dad were the last family to see him. He had been in and out of mental institutions as a diagnosed schizophrenic after he came back from Vietnam. At one point he was living under an overpass jumping out brandishing a rifle when vehicles approached.
The family assumed he was dead many many years ago due to his mental illness and homelessness.
Of the 7 children only 3 remain. I had hoped we would have some news before my uncle Earl and my mom passed a few years ago.
Hoping one day we will know what happened to him.
Location Found: Churchill County, NV [Roughly a 1-hour drive from Reno, NV]
Date Body Found: August 31, 1980
Estimated Age: 22 - 29
Estimated Year of Death: 1979 - 1980
Estimated PMI: 1 Year
Height: 6'1" (73 inches), Estimated
Weight: 140 lbs, Estimated
Hair Color: Reddish brown
Eye Color: Unknown
Race/Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Circumstances: Skeletal remains were found on 08/31/1980 near Highway 95 north of Fallon, Nevada.

Location Found: Floriston, CA [Roughly a 20-minute drive from Reno, NV]
Date Body Found: January 6, 1984
Estimated Age: 25 - 45
Estimated Year of Death: 0 - 1984
Estimated PMI: N/A
Height: 5'6" - 6'2" (66 - 74 inches), Estimated
Weight: Cannot Estimate
Hair Color: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Race/Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Circumstances: On 01/06/1984, the decedent's skeletal remains were found beneath a tree by a hiker north of I-80 near Floriston, California. There were three gunshot wound defects to the skull.

Location Found: Truckee, CA [Roughly a 30-minute drive from Reno, NV]
Date Body Found: April 6, 1986
Estimated Age: 25 - 45
Estimated Year of Death: 1980 - 1985
Estimated PMI: N/A
Height: Cannot Estimate
Weight: Cannot Estimate
Hair Color: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Race/Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Circumstances: Skull located off of a USFS road by skiers.

Location Found: Sun Valley, NV [Roughly a 10-minute drive from Reno, NV]
Date Body Found: July 30, 1989
Estimated Age: 30 - 35
Estimated Year of Death: 1988
Estimated PMI: Years
Height: 5'8" (68 inches), Estimated
Weight: Cannot Estimate
Hair Color: Long red-brown or brown hair.
Eye Color: Unknown
Race/Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Circumstances: Skull, mandible and bone fragments found by hikers on a dirt trail in the Castle Pits located northwest of Chimney Drive in Sun Valley, Nevada.

Location Found: Washoe County, NV [Roughly a 1.5- to 2-hour drive from Reno, NV]
Date Body Found: October 7, 1989
Estimated Age: 20 - 29
Estimated Year of Death: N/A
Estimated PMI: Years
Height: Cannot Estimate
Weight: Cannot Estimate
Hair Color: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Race/Ethnicity: Uncertain
Circumstances: Researchers from University of Nevada found skull on the north side of Granite Basin in the Granite Mountain Range, east of Gerlach, Nevada.

Location Found: Washoe County, NV [Roughly a 1.5- to 2-hour drive from Reno, NV]
Date Body Found: April 12, 1991
Estimated Age: 30 - 40
Estimated Year of Death: 1991
Estimated PMI: Years
Height: Cannot Estimate
Weight: Cannot Estimate
Hair Color: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Race/Ethnicity: Uncertain
Circumstances: On 04/12/1991 at approximately 1330 hours, a hiker discovered the decedent's fragmented skeletal remains. Law enforcement was notified. A loaded .22 caliber revolver (serial # 205683) was found near the remains.

Location Found: Reno, NV
Date Body Found: August 7, 1993
Estimated Age: 37 - 45
Estimated Year of Death: 1993
Estimated PMI: Months
Height: 5'11" (71 inches), Estimated
Weight: Cannot Estimate
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Unknown
Race/Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Circumstances: On 08/07/1993 at approximately 2115 hours, a passerby was walking through an empty lot north of 524 Bell Street in Reno, Nevada when he discovered the decedent's body lying supine in some weeds and bushes. The body was in a state of advanced decomposition and located in an area commonly utilized by homeless persons.

Location Found: Churchill County, NV [Roughly a 1-hour drive from Reno, NV]
Date Body Found: August 24, 1993
Estimated Age: 27 - 34
Estimated Year of Death: N/A
Estimated PMI: N/A
Height: 6'0" (72 inches), Estimated
Weight: Cannot Estimate
Hair Color: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Race/Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Circumstances: Passerby found a near complete skeleton with skull. Remains scattered appox. 100 feet. No clothing or hair located

Location Found: Carson City, NV [Roughly a 30-minute drive from Reno, NV]
Date Body Found: May 26, 1994
Estimated Age: N/A
Estimated Year of Death: N/A
Estimated PMI: N/A
Height: Cannot Estimate
Weight: Cannot Estimate
Hair Color: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Race/Ethnicity: Uncertain
Circumstances: Skeletal remains were found by a US Forest Service personnel during forest survey on 05/25/1994.

Location Found: Patrick, NV [Roughly a 20-minute drive from Reno, NV]
Date Body Found: October 21, 1995
Estimated Age: 28 - 38
Estimated Year of Death: 1995
Estimated PMI: N/A
Height: 5'10" (70 inches), Estimated
Weight: Cannot Estimate
Hair Color: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Race/Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Circumstances: On 10/14/1995 at approximately 0530 hours, a hunter found the decedent's skeletal remains lying in a supine position adjacent to the south bank of the Truckee River near Patrick, rural Storey County, Nevada.

Location Found: Nevada City, CA [Roughly a 1.5-hour drive from Reno, NV]
Date Body Found: March 23, 2013
Estimated Age: N/A
Estimated Year of Death: N/A
Estimated PMI: Years
Height: Cannot Estimate
Weight: Cannot Estimate
Hair Color: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Race/Ethnicity: Uncertain
Circumstances: On 03/23/2013, a private citizen was panning near a bank of the Yuba River and located partial human remains.

Location Found: Dayton, NV [Roughly a 45-minute drive from Reno, NV]
Date Body Found: July 3, 2022
Estimated Age: N/A
Estimated Year of Death: N/A
Estimated PMI: N/A
Height: 5'7" - 6'3" (67 - 75 inches), Estimated
Weight: Cannot Estimate
Hair Color: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Race/Ethnicity: Uncertain
Circumstances: Skeletal remains discovered by a mountain lion hunter in a remote area near Dayton, NV.

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