Match! NY - Caledonia, WhtFem 1UFNY, 13-19, Turquoise Necklace, Nov'79 *Tammy Alexander*

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I don't think Linette looks anything like Cali either. She does not have the same upturned noise.

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If you read the comments seeking the lost is basically accusing someone named GJ. Only going by that the sister of Linette said she thinks she was married to someone of that name. Uh what???! Thank god for WS

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Prob not a match because Cali had Isotope testing that said she's from the west. This girl was born in Brooklyn, NY
edit- I sent Grace an email; going to show her this post.

original post by Grace Miller

Really not fond of that site. Glad you caught it.

Hav you seen this?

Seeking TheLost

5/3/2013: I must share with you our new page People Seeking People may have solved the case of Caledonia Jane Doe (left) found murdered in New York during 1979 posted on Seeking TheLost a number of months ago. Here's how:

Yesterday Grace Murray posted a photo of her sister Linette Marie Miller (right), DOB 8/30/1961 in Brooklyn, New York, who she hadn't seen or heard from since 1977. Others and I researched the case and determined she must be deceased or moved out of the country because there was no data on her.

When asked, Grace indicated Linette had never been reported missing. "Linette lived with our mother Grace Miller until Grace's death in March 1977. After that she lived with me for a few months then went to live with another sister for a few months. She then went hitch hiking out west to visit an uncle then living in Idaho. The friend hitching with her made it to the uncles house but she said Linette went with a trucker," Grace wrote on People Seeking People.

Caledonia Jane Doe had been dumped about 20 feet (6.1 m) from the south side of U.S. Route 20 and 0.5 miles from the intersection of U.S. Route 20 with New York State Route 5.

Truckers interviewed by police reported having seen the girl hitchhiking and catching rides prior to her death. One trucker stated that he saw Caledonia Jane Doe trying to hitchhike to Boston, Massachusetts the night before she died."

Linette looked familiar to me so I decided to look at unidentified Jane Does on and quickly realized why when I laid eyes on the thumbnail of Caledonia Jane Doe. I was stunned and filled with a flood of emotions from the realization I may have found Linette.

Grace was informed and did not deny this Jane Doe could be her sister and will be filing a missing person case tomorrow as well as contacting the caseworker for Caledonia Jane Doe's Namus case to discuss submitting DNA for comparison.

Thankfully, Caledonia Jane Doe's remains were exhumed for the purpose of obtaining DNA so a comparison can be made.

This case has received national attention, appearing on such television shows as America's Most Wanted.

Edit: Remeber that SeeKing the lost has a tendency to just jump to a conslusion, he/she has been wrong many many times before
I saw the "Seeking the Lost" post today, too, and immediately thought to let folks here know. It's hard to tell based on one old grainy photograph, but I don't think Linette looks much like Cali, unfortunately. Still, there's no harm in ruling her out for certain. I haven't read all the posts in that thread, but it's extremely irresponsible for the admin of "Seeking the Lost" to be throwing around accusations without evidence, and if there is evidence, it should be brought to the authorities, not discussed on a Facebook forum.
I saw the "Seeking the Lost" post today, too, and immediately thought to let folks here know. It's hard to tell based on one old grainy photograph, but I don't think Linette looks much like Cali, unfortunately. Still, there's no harm in ruling her out for certain. I haven't read all the posts in that thread, but it's extremely irresponsible for the admin of "Seeking the Lost" to be throwing around accusations without evidence, and if there is evidence, it should be brought to the authorities, not discussed on a Facebook forum.

I just finished reading the people seeking people post; am working on reading the seeking the lost "SOLVED" post. I had to walk away on the 1st one with what they did to the sister; hard not to cry. How heartless & irresponsible!

I have a search angel friend; going to give her the sisters info; see what she can turn up. I will help her with NamUs if it needs to be done.

My heart really breaks that sites like that do that.
I wish Seeking the lost would just slow down sometimes. He/she keeps jumping to conslusions, and everybody thinks the case is gonna be solved just like that. You should have seen all the ******** I hate to take when I posted the grateful doe case there, people just wouldn't listen when I told them that the people they thought he could be already had been ruled out, or just didn't look alike. I just gave up. I prefer to investigate on my own
I think it's incredibly irresponsible to be naming names when they don't even know its the right person or know anything about the husband except for a possible name and that they were possibly married. And because public records online don't list them together and there are discrepancies in name spelling, etc it is assumed he's hiding something. I just don't get it! Frustrating. I've always enjoyed that page because it gets so many cases out into the public but this is a disappointment

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I saw the "Seeking the Lost" post today, too, and immediately thought to let folks here know. It's hard to tell based on one old grainy photograph, but I don't think Linette looks much like Cali, unfortunately. Still, there's no harm in ruling her out for certain. I haven't read all the posts in that thread, but it's extremely irresponsible for the admin of "Seeking the Lost" to be throwing around accusations without evidence, and if there is evidence, it should be brought to the authorities, not discussed on a Facebook forum.

So this case has been analyzed by countless FBI and local law enforcements, been posted on television shows such as A.M.W, been sleuthed by talented people on this very site for a number of years, and it is solved just like that. I agree it is irresponsible to post information that may or may not be true on facebook. If it is believed this is Cali (which I can most likely promise, it is not) It should have been brought to the local authorities before ever claiming to have solved one of the most prolific UID cases (if not the most) on record. Now for the photo, I agree it looks nothing like Cali and can bet with a degree of certainty it is not her. I know the post meant well, but that is a big claim and you better have the chops to back it up or this forum will chew you up and spit you out (that is a joke). I know many people care very deeply about this case and I hope someday it will be solved, I hope I am wrong and that is Cali but it should have been known before posting anywhere.
Nothing is wrong with ruling someone out. And I am glad this girl Linette well finally be listed as a missing person. I am not sure why she hasn't before now. But to accuse someone of murder off of nothing concrete, not even knowing if that was her husband or not. I wonder how long it would take to find out about the DNA match?

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So this case has been analyzed by countless FBI and local law enforcements, been posted on television shows such as A.M.W, been sleuthed by talented people on this very site for a number of years, and it is solved just like that. I agree it is irresponsible to post information that may or may not be true on facebook. If it is believed this is Cali (which I can most likely promise, it is not) It should have been brought to the local authorities before ever claiming to have solved one of the most prolific UID cases (if not the most) on record. Now for the photo, I agree it looks nothing like Cali and can bet with a degree of certainty it is not her. I know the post meant well, but that is a big claim and you better have the chops to back it up or this forum will chew you up and spit you out (that is a joke). I know many people care very deeply about this case and I hope someday it will be solved, I hope I am wrong and that is Cali but it should have been known before posting anywhere.

They know nothing about the case; they're quoting the wiki page.

I can't even imagine how Linette's sister felt!
They know nothing about the case; they're quoting the wiki page.

I can't even imagine how Linette's sister felt!

Seeking the Lost said that the sister said that it could be Linette. The morgue photo was the day after the murder correct? Cali's face was in good shape and I feel that it would be easy to identify a sibling with that level of evidence. I'm not sure how one could look at a photo and not know for sure if it was your sibling or not unless there was trauma or if it had been several days since death. I'm not sure what I think about this whole thing
Having followed this case for years I have Cali's images etched in my mind. I have to say I see almost no resembalance to this possible match. They are both female and white. That is honestly the resembalance I see. The Isotope testing does not match up. The aledged last sighting of Linette does not match up. Is there information not be released? Or information I missed. Why is this considred a promising match?

WARNING this is a link to a morgue photo. It has been posted before but just warning in case anyone doesn't want to see it. Seeking the Lost says this photo has been enhanced because there was a gun shot to the front of her head? Is this true? Is it changed at all? I thought it was a morgue ID photo, not changed. Does anyone know?
The Morgue picture is more similar to the picture of Linette, however I still do not see a strong resembalance. I wish Linette's picture was not a side angle. Hopefully the detective in charge of Cali's case will explore this possible match.

WARNING this is a link to a morgue photo. It has been posted before but just warning in case anyone doesn't want to see it. Seeking the Lost says this photo has been enhanced because there was a gun shot to the front of her head? Is this true? Is it changed at all? I thought it was a morgue ID photo, not changed. Does anyone know?
I thought it was the picture released that doe has and yes I don't have a link but the detective in charge of the case said yes it has been enhanced she was shot on the right side iirc

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My understanding is the isotope testing said she grew up south west as did the pollen testing & thats why they sent the age regression to those states. I will post the google results I found tomorrow.

Carl says Linette resembles another gal more
I posted this on the Seeking The Lost FB page, but will repeat it here.

Looking at the side photo of Cali, you can see her left ear and compare it to Linette's left ear.

Cali's earlobe has much more droop than Linette's. The bottom of Linette's earlobe runs horizontally from its connection point. There is very little droop below the connection point.

Apparently "who are we to question" since the sister thinks it may be possible. *sigh

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WARNING this is a link to a morgue photo. It has been posted before but just warning in case anyone doesn't want to see it. Seeking the Lost says this photo has been enhanced because there was a gun shot to the front of her head? Is this true? Is it changed at all? I thought it was a morgue ID photo, not changed. Does anyone know?

Yes, they photoshopped out the bullet wound at the inside end of her right eyebrow. STL says that there were two bullet wounds to her head. That is incorrect, she was shot once in the forehead, and then dragged several yards into the cornfield and shot once again in the back.

The DoeNetwork narrative for this Jane Doe incorrectly states that she was shot in the "right temple". When I spoke with the detective in charge of this case about a year ago, I specifically asked where the bullet wound was, and he responded "above the right eye".
I came here right away from seeing the post by seeking the lost. I did a big ole sigh. Everyone already said what I'm thinking, so I'll leave it at that. I sorta cling to the info that her teeth appeared to have work by someone non-American trained, and she's young with substantial decay. Makes me wonder if she had some work done abroad, immigrated to NY with family and didn't have proper dental care since. That could be the reason no one has reported her. OR she could have been sent here to go to school with relatives. It's really hard telling.

And her clothes are odd but only if she wasn't a "tom boy" or preferred male clothing. Like someone redressed her. So mysterious. I do hope that at least there will be renewed attention from this seeking the lost post.
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