Match! NY - Caledonia, WhtFem 1UFNY, 13-19, Turquoise Necklace, Nov'79 *Tammy Alexander*

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This is so exciting :-O I, too, was struck by the resemblance...really struck more than I am with most. The facial structure really seems to match.
Can't wait for the DNA results. Some of the more recent rule-outs were girls I'd thought were possible matches. Cali's one of my pet cases too, I've read about her and tried to solve this on and off for a few years. It would be amazing and oddly bittersweet to have her ID'd now, but lord knows she deserves it, after all this time....
Oh my heavens! Tammy bears the closest resemblance to Cali out of all the missing persons I have browsed through! I will be eagerly waiting for results. In the mean time, does anyone have any articles on Tammy's disapperance?
Ok, I did some searching and don't think this has been brought up yet, but forgive me if it has. Has LE considered Lewis Lent as a possible suspect? He seemed to do a lot of traveling along I-90 between Western Mass and Central/Western NY when committing his crimes. He is suspected of a case at least as far back as 1983. He would have been in his mid 20s in 1979. He wears glasses like the composite of the guy at the diner with Cali. He also has been know to threaten with a gun.

His pic is at the bottom of Sarah Anne Wood's charley.

Just an idea.
Personally, I think the DNA results are in and show that Tammy Jo is Caledonia but LE is sitting on it for some reason.
That wouldn't surprise me in the least. They'd have to notify next of kin and that'd open up whole new avenues of investigation as well.
There was a time when it seemed that they looked for connections to Lent with almost every missing/jane doe in WMass.

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There was a time when it seemed that they looked for connections to Lent with almost every missing/jane doe in WMass.

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Yeah, but I'm not sure they got as far as Cali in either space or time.
HI, Thought I'd throw a name into the hat. Found her on the and havent seen her name on the rule out list. Kathleen Edna Rodgers Missing March 1973 Oroville California. She was 15/16 at the time and I realise its a long distance between where she went missing and where Jane Doe was found and I realise the age group does not quite fit the mark either but would hate to not include someone due to age.
Cannot find much info on her or a better picture her nose is wrong but I always thought Jane's nose was tuned in more of an upward position due to her death and position of the body. Height and weight seem about the same even though the eye colour is off as Jane Doe had brown eyes and Kathleen had green eyes, but as I said I would prefer someone to tell me straight out no its been checked rather than me skipping over her and always wondering. Thanks
Personally, I think the DNA results are in and show that Tammy Jo is Caledonia but LE is sitting on it for some reason.

I guess that is always possible, but I do not think it is probable. Burgess has always dealt straight up with us and he has not once openly lied. The email I received from him the other day said specifically that they are still waiting on the results of the comparison. I think if he already had the results and was simply not revealing them for some reason, he would have just said nothing at all.
It saddens me that there are so many people that go unrecognised and unreported for years. I can't imagine a world where it wouldn't be realised that i was missing or had run away. I get emailed on facebook if i haven't posted in a day. One day, not so long ago, i accidentally slept in when i was meant to go to work & i had about 10 different people frantically messaging and ringing me while i happily snored away. Having said that, i am not close with my immediate family. I guess that's why it's so important to me to come here & try in any small way to put faces with names. It's even more sad when its unidentified kids for me. I love when Carl posts his renderings he makes them human again, not computer composites or clay. I guess we will know soon enough. It's just good that so many people care about Cali and all the others.
Personally, I think the DNA results are in and show that Tammy Jo is Caledonia but LE is sitting on it for some reason.

Tammy's sisters DNA had to be processed. Tammy is a minor which means NCMEC is involved. They slowed down Helen Green's DNA. Just spoke to SSA; it was 8 weeks for Helen only because we contacted someone we knew.

Having said that; it usually takes 2 full months to process DNA; took that long for Grace when her sister Linette was compared. I do not feel Burgess is hiding anything from us; and feel if he could not tell us he would tell us he couldn't.
I guess that is always possible, but I do not think it is probable. Burgess has always dealt straight up with us and he has not once openly lied. The email I received from him the other day said specifically that they are still waiting on the results of the comparison. I think if he already had the results and was simply not revealing them for some reason, he would have just said nothing at all.

You have a really good relationship with him; I think that if at some point he couldn't share info with "us" he would say just that. I think NCMEC is holding it up; I thing Burgess is in the same shoes we are.
One thing to keep in mind is that in the 60's and 70's, we didn't have all this internet connection and telephones in the pocket. There were areas of the country (I was in one of them) where many people didn't even have phones in their homes because they didn't need them.

Neighbors kept an eye out for each other but mainly we were on our own a whole lot more, and if somebody hadn't been seen for a few days, nobody got alarmed. Seriously. It wasn't lack of caring. Missing work without letting somebody know would be somewhat more worrisome, but on the other hand, people and even families would decide to pull up stakes and try their luck somewhere else on quite short notice. Job in another state, creditors at the door, lost a job and no money to pay the rent. (It's still like that in what for lack of a better term I'll call the lower classes. One of my nieces has lived at six addresses and held four different jobs since last January.)

And if somebody said, "Hey, I'm going up to Alaska to work on the pipeline," packed his family into a small trailer, and left, all people would have said is, "I hope he can make it over the passes before the snow sets in." And if he came back alone, saying his wife left him and took the kids with her back to her mother in the south, nobody would have been surprised. True story. I've run into his kids since so I know he didn't murder his family and leave them beside the road in Yellow Knife or something, but at the time the possibility would never have crossed our minds.

It was the Vietnam era, and gay liberation. Families really did rupture and never talked to each other again. I know a man who on his deathbed still refused to make peace with his lesbian daughter. People went on the road in search of adventure or just to see the world. You didn't expect to hear from them for a couple of years (no telephones in the pockets, remember?) and if some of them didn't come back, you didn't know whether they were in jail in Alabama, married and settled down in Arizona, or dead beside the road somewhere. (This song kind of covers it:

And if somebody didn't come back, and you did want to try to find them, most people wouldn't have a clue about where to start looking. It's a big country. There weren't computers everywhere. You couldn't just search online databases or Google your loved one's name. You probably couldn't even get the police to take a missing persons report. And many people don't consider it a police matter that they've lost track of a loved one. For a lot of people, all that could be done is to wonder and wait.

So yeah, it's sad that these people can't be connected with their families, and some of it is because people didn't notice or care. But a lot of it is just circumstances. I don't know how to go about doing this, but I truly think the thing we could do that would lead to the most matches is to have some sort of push to try to get more people to report loved ones they've lost track of and get their DNA into the database.
You have a really good relationship with him; I think that if at some point he couldn't share info with "us" he would say just that. I think NCMEC is holding it up; I thing Burgess is in the same shoes we are.

Maybe but he is still a LEO and we are not. I wouldn't expect him to fully include us in an open murder investigation. I also wouldn't expect to be treated differently due to the good relationship because most LEO are trained in developing and managing effective relationships with people. I'm just saying that LE are very careful about what information they do and don't share as to not complicate the case. For all we know, the killer could occasionally read these posts and Burgess may want people to think he's in the dark when he may be actively investigating based on information that we may not know. If he is a good LEO, then his number one priorities are identifying CJD and bringing her killer(s) to justice, not impressing people. I've spoken to him before and one of the things that he mentioned about CJD was the number of rumors and distortions that were accepted as fact because there was no controlling of information. I mean, you had reporters taking pictures of CJD laying on the ground while police were investigating.
I was just revisiting some details from Cali's Namus page:

"small mole about 1.5" below outer corner of left eye"
"Both ears pierced once"
"Freckles on the backs of her shoulders"

I really wish we could see Tammy Alexander's ears for the shape comparison, that would really help! But I was also wondering now if Tammy Alexander was known to have a mole around her left eye, pierced ears, and if she was known to have or develop freckles on the backs of her shoulders. The mole seems to be the most important, because moles are less likely to develop/are not voluntarily acquired like pierced ears and freckles.

Does anyone know if Tammy Alexander had a small mole ~1.5 in. below the outer corner of her left eye??

Still on pins & needles about the DNA...:scared:
I was just revisiting some details from Cali's Namus page:

"small mole about 1.5" below outer corner of left eye"
"Both ears pierced once"
"Freckles on the backs of her shoulders"

I really wish we could see Tammy Alexander's ears for the shape comparison, that would really help! But I was also wondering now if Tammy Alexander was known to have a mole around her left eye, pierced ears, and if she was known to have or develop freckles on the backs of her shoulders. The mole seems to be the most important, because moles are less likely to develop/are not voluntarily acquired like pierced ears and freckles.

Does anyone know if Tammy Alexander had a small mole ~1.5 in. below the outer corner of her left eye??

Still on pins & needles about the DNA...:scared:

Tammy Jo does have a mole below her left eye. It's visible on her picture. She has has what appears to be a mole on her left side of her chin. However it could a smudge on the picture or a pimple.
People do sometimes grow new moles. I get a new one every year or two. (O/T: I've read that people who do are more vulnerable to skin cancer.)
Maybe but he is still a LEO and we are not. I wouldn't expect him to fully include us in an open murder investigation. I also wouldn't expect to be treated differently due to the good relationship because most LEO are trained in developing and managing effective relationships with people. I'm just saying that LE are very careful about what information they do and don't share as to not complicate the case. For all we know, the killer could occasionally read these posts and Burgess may want people to think he's in the dark when he may be actively investigating based on information that we may not know. If he is a good LEO, then his number one priorities are identifying CJD and bringing her killer(s) to justice, not impressing people. I've spoken to him before and one of the things that he mentioned about CJD was the number of rumors and distortions that were accepted as fact because there was no controlling of information. I mean, you had reporters taking pictures of CJD laying on the ground while police were investigating.

Of course his first priority is to Cali, and I don't think any of us would expect less. However, since Tammy's sister has not been notified of the results yet, I just do not believe they are in. Roselvr and I just went through this very same thing with Helen's case. The DNA comparison was being held up until after NCMEC did case management. Helen's family was falling apart under the pressure so she and I asked a friend for a favor. If it had not been for that we still would not have her results. Her NCMEC case manager just called me the other day and they are still working on getting the things done on her case that they need to do. So I agree with Roselvr, NCMEC is doing case management on Tammy and that is what is holding up the results.

I did not say he would include us in an open murder investigation, I said he would have just said nothing at all. He was very great about helping us sort out the rumors from the facts in this case. During that process if we asked him a question he did not wish to release the information about, he would just not answer that question. I think he would have used that same method on this question, instead of openly lying.

Does anybody see Tammy Jo listed on NCMEC site yet? I also wish NAMUS would fix the incorrect information on her that is listed there. If she turns out not to be Cali, (which I do not think will happen) then people are going to be trying to match her up to other Jane Doe's, and accurate info always helps.
Tammy is not yet listed on NCMEC as of this morning. Sadly, there are 3 other missing children with the last name of Alexander, though.
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