Match! NY - Caledonia, WhtFem 1UFNY, 13-19, Turquoise Necklace, Nov'79 *Tammy Alexander*

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following all this with amazement. cannot believe what a year its been - suzanne sevakis, tammy, maybe soon grateful doe. just shows how important it is for sites like websleuths to keep going when law enforcement has come to a dead end. keep working hard everyone!

We should also add Dana Point Jane Doe to the maybe soon list too.
I am so proud of this team effort that goes on in the UID cases.
Thanks, Roselvr. That's the first time I've gone back and listened to it.

I guess that wasn't as bad as I thought it was when I was doing the interview. I was very nervous because she wasn't asking the questions that she told me that she was going to ask, and I was talking with sort of halting and hesitant flow. But overall, I guess it wasn't that bad. LOL.

I just listened and thought you did a fabulous job. You really do rock, CarlK.
I've been out of the loop with some family issues and just had the thought to come here and check the other night. WOW! What a fantastic surprise and what a relief for 'Calli" to have her real name back!

Carl, everyone; you have done a fantastic job! God knows how many heads banged against this wall of a case until one by one, people backed off yelling, "Ok, maybe she really did just fall from the sky!"

But enough people kept coming back to the wall...and thank God for that friend who finally got Tammy reported as missing!

Had a thought: there should be a book about this case. I am seeing a working title as "Callie; the incredible case of Tammy Jo Alexander" the book would cover Tammy's story and the story of all who were involved in helping this poor girl. This really is one heck of a story people and I, fledgling writer that I am, would love to do it.
Say, in the picture of the two sisters, that's Tammy on the left, Pam on the right, correct?

Still can't get over how this has finally come together....
Say, in the picture of the two sisters, that's Tammy on the left, Pam on the right, correct?

Still can't get over how this has finally come together....

No, it's Tammy on the right, Pam on the left. (That is to say, from the viewer's perspective, not theirs)
Ok, so now the next order of business is finding the killer! Has there been a plan of volunteer action put forth yet? Here are some ideas I had this afternoon:

Place posters with Tammy's photo in truck stops within 100 radius of the stop in Lima, NY.
Send posters of Tammy to area Trucker Union halls and ask them to put up.
Find forums for truckers, especially retired ones and ask if a thread on Tammy could be started.

Some one there may remember something about the girl in the too big jacket, may remember what or whose rig she was hitching a ride in.

Would love to see this case come complete, full circle.
I've been out of the loop with some family issues and just had the thought to come here and check the other night. WOW! What a fantastic surprise and what a relief for 'Calli" to have her real name back!

Carl, everyone; you have done a fantastic job! God knows how many heads banged against this wall of a case until one by one, people backed off yelling, "Ok, maybe she really did just fall from the sky!"

But enough people kept coming back to the wall...and thank God for that friend who finally got Tammy reported as missing!

Had a thought: there should be a book about this case. I am seeing a working title as "Callie; the incredible case of Tammy Jo Alexander" the book would cover Tammy's story and the story of all who were involved in helping this poor girl. This really is one heck of a story people and I, fledgling writer that I am, would love to do it.

There have been a lot of thoughts over the years for both Cali & Grateful Dead Fan; not from the US; from Canada (we knew Cali was from here due to Isotope testing); foster kids... I knew that neither were currently reported missing. I have a secret FB group where we've poured over google news cache's to find kids that were reported missing back then that may have been mentioned as compared to a Jane Doe or "identified" as a Jane Doe; wondering if some how they were wrong. We knew Cali was not in the current databases.

With Grateful Dead Fan; have you checked his section? Guess who may be next for identification this year? It started with my friend greymetal doing a Social Media Push on Imgur & Reddit! Very exciting year! You have enough for 2 books!
Task Delegation; What tasks/suggestions/enquiries are you currently working on?
Current Leads; Facts and Updates


I thought that Pam was younger than Tammy. Ah, I see now I was wrong.

Yeah, no clue what's up but Pam is older by Tammy 11/2/63; Pam end of November 61.

Ok, so now the next order of business is finding the killer! Has there been a plan of volunteer action put forth yet? Here are some ideas I had this afternoon:

Place posters with Tammy's photo in truck stops within 100 radius of the stop in Lima, NY.
Send posters of Tammy to area Trucker Union halls and ask them to put up.
Find forums for truckers, especially retired ones and ask if a thread on Tammy could be started.

Some one there may remember something about the girl in the too big jacket, may remember what or whose rig she was hitching a ride in.

Would love to see this case come complete, full circle.

Been waiting on Carl to make me a new flier but he's so busy with new cases
Ok, so now the next order of business is finding the killer! Has there been a plan of volunteer action put forth yet? Here are some ideas I had this afternoon:

Place posters with Tammy's photo in truck stops within 100 radius of the stop in Lima, NY.
Send posters of Tammy to area Trucker Union halls and ask them to put up.
Find forums for truckers, especially retired ones and ask if a thread on Tammy could be started.

Some one there may remember something about the girl in the too big jacket, may remember what or whose rig she was hitching a ride in.

Would love to see this case come complete, full circle.

I like the idea of the forums for truckers. Tammy was 16 when she was murdered, and would be 51 now if she were alive. So, if most truckers back then were 25 or older, they would be 60 and up now, most likely retired.
A week ago, I received a message from Sheriff York, which he sent to my LinkedIn account. I decided to post it here (with a few run-on sentences corrected).

You and Tammy both remain in our prayers. After looking for 35 years to give Tammy a name and bring a killer to justice, you proudly did half. The other half continues to be our job, even if he currently is or will be in hell.

But I can never tell you the appreciation for what you have done. While we had all the puzzle ready we lacked the two pieces you and her classmate gave.

May you know you have earned your seat in heaven next to Tammy.

Thank you
Retired Sheriff John M York
I've also thought about whoever she hung out with/confided in right before she disappeared. She was a student at Hernando High at the time. It sounds like she and her friend Laurel hadn't seen each other since the end of the 78/79 school year (I think one of the girls changed schools?) Did she have other close friends from school? Were Tammy and Kevin still dating? It sounds like it. But he seems to have thought that she was somewhere local. Maybe we could find the Facebook site for Hernando High School for that time period, and ask around? If she were 16 in Fall 1979, sounds like she'd have been 1981 graduating class?

If she spent a lot of time on the CB radio, and also chatting with truckers at the truck stop where she worked, could she have possibly shared her plans with someone? Like, where she was headed, and possibly who with? I guess that goes back to trucker forums. Do truckers (and retired truckers) still use CB's? One of my uncles was a trucker, based in Florida, at the time. Unfortunately, he passed away a few years ago -- sure would like to pick his brain.
Maybe we could find the Facebook site for Hernando High School for that time period, and ask around? If she were 16 in Fall 1979, sounds like she'd have been 1981 graduating class?

The Hernando HS Class of 82 has a Facebook page, but there isn't one for the 81 class.

Someone on the page posted the article to ask if anyone remembers her. Nobody did, except one who said he (or she) might have a vague memory of seeing Tammy in a tan coat with a fur collar.
Tammy has her own thread in her own name. These suggestions might be more useful there.
Here is another photo of Tammy provided by her sister.


... and here she is next to my recon for comparison:


Carl, you are a perfect example that when we use the gifts God gave us to serve others, the angels sing.
Found this forum - Trucking Truth -
but they don't seem to have any tags for retirees

and this one...Trucker's Report
once again, no tags for retired truckers, but this site seems pretty active and there's a spot for non-truckers to ask questions

I happen to have an account there as I'm a truckers wife. I also have an account on a Union truckers site. Once a new flier is made with her photo I can post. May be a good idea to take Tammy's school pic but put Cali's clothes on.

As far as whether truckers from then are still driving; I've been pumping gas at my dads service station since 1976 (age 11). We used to have a trucker come in from Connecticut around 1980. Pretty sure I was riding my moped to work when he 1st started coming in. He used to park in our lot to sleep; wait for us to come in so he can have coffee with me; then get fuel. He had that route a good 10+ years. We both had kids around the same time too; both rode Harleys.

Just looked at his FB profile; graduated in 74; he's 2 years older then my hub at 58. Pretty sure he still drives but he's local now. My hub used to drive all over; then had been more local to NJ for the last 10 years but is now back to driving all over. It's very hard on the body.

As to whether a trucker from 79 goes to a trucker forum; possibly. My friend has FB; that's about it for online for him. My hub doesn't have FB but goes to gaming forums.

wow; post 1965; the year I was born lol
I've also thought about whoever she hung out with/confided in right before she disappeared. She was a student at Hernando High at the time. It sounds like she and her friend Laurel hadn't seen each other since the end of the 78/79 school year (I think one of the girls changed schools?) Did she have other close friends from school? Were Tammy and Kevin still dating? It sounds like it. But he seems to have thought that she was somewhere local. Maybe we could find the Facebook site for Hernando High School for that time period, and ask around? If she were 16 in Fall 1979, sounds like she'd have been 1981 graduating class?

If she spent a lot of time on the CB radio, and also chatting with truckers at the truck stop where she worked, could she have possibly shared her plans with someone? Like, where she was headed, and possibly who with? I guess that goes back to trucker forums. Do truckers (and retired truckers) still use CB's? One of my uncles was a trucker, based in Florida, at the time. Unfortunately, he passed away a few years ago -- sure would like to pick his brain.

I know CB was still popular with truckers on the West Coast in the early 1990s.

I also realize Tammy probably did confide a whole lot in her school friends- her half-sister makes it sound as if Tammy would not have been motivated to treat her birth mother as a confidante. Tammy might have been friendly with a friend's mother or sister- teenagers in bad homes are 1) either working hard to avoid being at home, or 2) willing to look for an out by confiding in someone who might be able to help them.

Btw it is common enough for truckers to work cross-country- there might be truckers all over the US who have crossed through areas relevant to this investigation, or drank/hung out with someone responsible for Tammy's murder. They might have not said anything at the time for many reasons. It's worth circulating the info. Other cases could find resolution....or Tammy's killer may be discovered.
The Hernando HS Class of 82 has a Facebook page, but there isn't one for the 81 class.

Someone on the page posted the article to ask if anyone remembers her. Nobody did, except one who said he (or she) might have a vague memory of seeing Tammy in a tan coat with a fur collar.

Tammy Jo could have possibly been class of 82 because her birthday(November) comes so late in the year.

In Ohio, the cutoff date for starting kindergarten is your 5th birthday by September 30th of that year. Otherwise you have to pass a test and an evaluation to see if you're mature enough. I don't know if its the same in FL.
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