GUILTY NY - Cheyenne Cherry for killing kitten in hot oven, Bronx, 2009

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what the hell was this girls problem?

I'm not a cat person either, but if someone did this to my dogs (not that they would even fit in the oven, but theoretically), they'd better hope the police get them before I do.
what the hell was this girls problem?

I'm not a cat person either, but if someone did this to my dogs (not that they would even fit in the oven, but theoretically), they'd better hope the police get them before I do.

I think she was in an argument with her friend the kittens owner, she poured bleach on the walls, unscrewed light bulbs etc is what the article said. Could have burned everyone up in the apartments, she needs to be off the streets. I looked at her myspace page and she brags about making money on the street.
This is so horrifying. A sweet little kitten...what is WRONG with these idiots anyhow? :furious:
I think she was in an argument with her friend the kittens owner, she poured bleach on the walls, unscrewed light bulbs etc is what the article said. Could have burned everyone up in the apartments, she needs to be off the streets. I looked at her myspace page and she brags about making money on the street.

I figured there was some sort of disagreement. But even at my angriest moment, I couldn't imagine pouring bleach on walls, etc. Much less, I couldn't kill a kitten! :(
Hmmm-gonna guess that this is a sign of deeper issues yet her attorney will argue it is a cry for help.

I am getting cynical.
I think she was in an argument with her friend the kittens owner, she poured bleach on the walls, unscrewed light bulbs etc is what the article said. Could have burned everyone up in the apartments, she needs to be off the streets. I looked at her myspace page and she brags about making money on the street.

Anyone else thinking what I'm thinking? AntiSocial Personality Disorder anyone?
I'm thinking serial killer in the making.


Just sayin'
Why did I have to click that link and look at that kitten's face. I have such a rage at people who go after the innocent, the ones who can't fight back. Babies, kittens, invalid..

She is pure evil. How can that not nauseate you.

Future serial killer. I hope the maximum penalty is inflicted (which probably will be a slap) on this piece of crap scourge to society.
This made me cry... A defenseless little kitten! HOW can people do this? I have a kitten myself and I feel bad when I even brush against her fluffy tail the wrong way... How is it that some people are born inhuman, without a conscience? It boggles my mind.

It's too bad that animal abuse doesn't really have too harsh of a sentence. That kitten is so adorable! HOW could that happen! This is going to haunt me. Sigh. :(
I cannot click the link, because I cannot bear to look at the kitten.

I am an animal lover---big time. The fact that a GIRL did this scary. I mean, usually, this is only done by the male population.

I think she deserves the same sentence. Sorry, but I do. I am an empath, and as such, have much love for all animals in this world...those who harm them must be removed from our society.
I cannot click the link, because I cannot bear to look at the kitten.

I am an animal lover---big time. The fact that a GIRL did this scary. I mean, usually, this is only done by the male population.

I think she deserves the same sentence. Sorry, but I do. I am an empath, and as such, have much love for all animals in this world...those who harm them must be removed from our society.

I couldn't click the link either.

Does anyone know how old this evil girl is?
This is horrifying. And I'm so ashamed it happened in my area. There is a website, I think it's called or something along those lines, where one can enter their zip code and find all recent cases of animal abuse within a 50, 25, or 10 mile radius. I was revolted at the dozens of recent cases like this one in my city.

There needs to be tougher sentences for animal abusers and killers! A year ago in NYC this guy severely beat his girlfriend's cat to death. His defense was that the cat "attacked him". This was a 190 pound man vs a declawed, 7 lb kitty! He got charged with only a misdemeanor and community service for what was essentially murder.

I am a huge cat person (although I LOVE ALL animals) and this Bronx case makes me want to cry. I have two kitties, and if anyone ever harmed them I'd go after the perpetrator like someone had harmed my family. My cats are like my children. May this Bronx girl roast in hell.
I'm thinking serial killer in the making.


Just sayin'

She shows the signs.
According today's NY Daily News, she has a previous record of violent crimes--thinks that armed robbery was "a joke" --seems to enjoy participating in crimes against helpless animals (dognapping may sound harmless but think of the fear that dog and owner go through). We all know that people who hurt animals go on to be serial killers.
This monster is really sick.
A heartless kitty killer hissed angrily at animal rights activists Wednesday, grinning widely as she took credit for stuffing the helpless pet into a 500-degree oven.
"It's dead, *****!" snapped an unrepentant Cheyenne Cherry, sticking her tongue out after a plea bargain that will put her behind bars for a year in the May 6 killing of tiny Tiger Lily. . . .

After her arrest, Cherry told police the cat killing was "just a joke."
Ive tried & tried & tried to think of a post that wouldnt violate TOS........just cant do it!!!!!!!!!!!!:furious:

Oh & btw...........this girl has an EXTENSIVE & VIOLENT rap sheet at her young age...........HOW & WHY did she ONLY get 1 year(which we all know will be far less)? WTF?
I'm sure she'll kill a person pretty soon after she gets out. What a waste of a person.

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