NY - Christopher Porco - Another Menandez situation? - sentenced

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A lot of stuff happened today and yesterday that looks to help the prosecutors. Included was some pretty strong testimony from former co-workers of Peter Porco's and also from friends of Chris Porco. I thought the strongest testimony was from Michelle McKay who was one of Peter Porco's co-workers. Incredibly she said that about a month before Peter Porco was killed; he confided in her that he was starting to think that his son Chris was a sociopath. She said she remembered it well and was shocked because Peter Porco never had a bad word for anyone and this was his son he was concerned about; as being a sociopath. I thought this was a pretty powerful statement. I wonder how the jury reacted to this? What their expressions were?
I stand corrected; Michelle McKay said that it was only a week before Peter Porco was found that, that he confided in her that he thought his son Chris; was a sociopath. I made a mistake and said it was a month before. Here's an excellent article from the Times Union, that recaps many of this weeks important developments. While the prosecutors can't use the police interogation, they've been able to show the jury; some of the lies Porco made to the police, because he used the same lies he made to the police; to his friends also, which were exposed during cross examination of his friends. Here's link to TU article, which also includes e-mail exchanges and more:

He has the classic sociopath characteristics doesn't he? He has Scott Peterson written all over him!!! How sad. His father seemed to just keep giving and giving. My husband would have cut our son off after the initial flunk out.Yet the mother stands by him. Now thats unconditional love.
Its clear that the Porco side of the family is not in Chris's corner,is anyone supportive of him? What about his brother?
jannuncutt said:
Some e-mails between Chris and Peter Porco:

PDF: E-mails between Christopher and Peter Porco

I find them chilling - Chris is truly a sociopath.
These emails are UNREAL! Chris is a train wreck. The father is sending one email after another alerting Chris to his evermounting woes (IRS, loans, loan defaults, car repossession, school suspension, grades, DMV, etc.)

Chris has an excuse for everything. It's a mistake. It's someone else's fault. I paid that bill. I cleared up that mistake with the school. Of course, he says that he is up all night studying for tests, doing homework, yada, yada, yada. Amazing.

Man, I am worn out reading these emails. The father kept his cool far more than most parents would. He was desperately trying to help a son whose life was clearly out of control. His reward was to be murdered with an ax.

ETA: You can see from the 11/4/2004 email (pg. 44 of 52) that the father has finally discovered all of Chris' lies and is taking action to rescind the loans, etc. I think, like so many of the other murderers, Chris killed his father (and tried to kill his mother) because the jig was up. He reacted as a cornered rat would react.
Boy,if I were a jury I would have a hard time aquitting him. And the prosecution isn't finished yet. What can the defense do? Perhaps the Satanic cult defense? Or the "just because he is a liar and a thief doesn't make him a murderer" defense. Unless Chris gets on the stand to defend himself,how will the defense handle his obvious lies?

I was listening to a local talk radio show and they were taking calls re: the case. Pretty much everyone knows Chris is guilty,but one guy called up and actually said,if the mother can forgive him,why should he be convicted,even if he did it. That she was the true victim and what good would it do to put him behind bars? I couldn't believe my ears. Stupidest thing I've ever heard!
hockeymom said:
Boy,if I were a jury I would have a hard time aquitting him. And the prosecution isn't finished yet. What can the defense do? Perhaps the Satanic cult defense? Or the "just because he is a liar and a thief doesn't make him a murderer" defense. Unless Chris gets on the stand to defend himself,how will the defense handle his obvious lies?

I was listening to a local talk radio show and they were taking calls re: the case. Pretty much everyone knows Chris is guilty,but one guy called up and actually said,if the mother can forgive him,why should he be convicted,even if he did it. That she was the true victim and what good would it do to put him behind bars? I couldn't believe my ears. Stupidest thing I've ever heard!
Hockeymom, which show was that?
I don't know which radio station it was. I think it might have been something my kids were listening to that a had a call in show.
jannuncutt said:
Some e-mails between Chris and Peter Porco:

PDF: E-mails between Christopher and Peter Porco

I find them chilling - Chris is truly a sociopath.
I agree. I wonder if the entire 2 months of e-mailing(September and October); Chris was simply conning his dad? In most of Peter Porco's e-mails; especially in October; he asks his son to please call home. By late October he is really begging his son to call. Yet it appears Porco never calls them as he constantly has an excuse for not calling; like it was too late or he was studying and forget; or whatever. My guess is that there were 2 reasons why Porco purposely avoided calling his parents. 1 is that somewhere along the way; I think he made the decision that he was basically going to rob his parents, so I'm guessing; he didn't call because its so much easier to lie and con someone with an e-mail as opposed to actually talking on the phone or face to face. Sadly maybe he also had thought of murder in early/mid/late October? The other reason; I'm guessing; would be that there was some mental illness creeping in, which made him not want to physically talk to either parent. It looks like he never even called his Mom on her birthday; even though his dad pressed him to; so it looks like he was purposely hurting her? What's eery for me when I read these e-mails; is that I started to wonder at what point, he might have been planning or thinking about murder; or if he simply snapped the final night.
hockeymom said:
He has the classic sociopath characteristics doesn't he? He has Scott Peterson written all over him!!! How sad. His father seemed to just keep giving and giving. My husband would have cut our son off after the initial flunk out.Yet the mother stands by him. Now thats unconditional love.
Its clear that the Porco side of the family is not in Chris's corner,is anyone supportive of him? What about his brother?
I think the only support he has is from his Mom, those idiot vets, a couple of friends and young girls who he's still got conned and of course; Kindlon and Shanks. His brother is staying away and his uncle has been very quiet. Peter Porco's sister is in court everyday, but has no contact with him. By the way; I heard from several sources that the vets business is taking a major hit; as Porco won't quit and they're "too nice" to fire him. Morons!
nanandjim said:
These emails are UNREAL! Chris is a train wreck.
ETA: You can see from the 11/4/2004 email (pg. 44 of 52) that the father has finally discovered all of Chris' lies and is taking action to rescind the loans, etc. I think, like so many of the other murderers, Chris killed his father (and tried to kill his mother) because the jig was up. He reacted as a cornered rat would react.
That exactly sums up the whole case. Nanand Jim; do you follow other murder mysteries andin this common? I basically am here just to follow Porco case and was wondering if Porco case is similiar to others? I notice Chris never would call home the entire month of October and into November and he didn't respond back to the November 9th e-mail, which was clearly when the jig was up; as you wrote. Today or tomorrow; surprisingly; his brother will testify. Kind of surprised he's being called
SheerLuck said:
That exactly sums up the whole case. Nanand Jim; do you follow other murder mysteries andin this common? I basically am here just to follow Porco case and was wondering if Porco case is similiar to others? I notice Chris never would call home the entire month of October and into November and he didn't respond back to the November 9th e-mail, which was clearly when the jig was up; as you wrote. Today or tomorrow; surprisingly; his brother will testify. Kind of surprised he's being called
Hello, SheerLuck - There are several cases that came to mind when I read the emaisl and how the parents were attacked when they discovered the scam that was being perpetrated on them.

I think that there are many murderers who murdered their victims (spouses, usually) when they have been found out. Some that come to mind are: Mark Hacking, Michael Peterson, Chris DeLongo, Neil Entwistle, Perry March, Mary Winkler; to name a few.

Of course, many of these convicted murderers and alleged murderers deny a scam was being perpetrated and the victims therefore discovered nothing amiss.
nanandjim said:
Hello, SheerLuck - There are several cases that came to mind when I read the emaisl and how the parents were attacked when they discovered the scam that was being perpetrated on them.

nanandjim, I figured there were early signs the police saw that led them to believe Chris was mentally ill and committed the crime; which might be similiar to other murderers you mentioned. Of course they knew early on that his alibi was a complete lie; as he said he slept on the dorm lounge tv couch and 7 frat brothers already testified that he was not there, whom they probably interviewed right away. I guess some people snap and then feel remorse and have emotion; but Porco appears to have absolutely no emotion or feelings towards his parents, which is what makes this so eery. Maybe though he's similiar to many others? I still think he must have been drinking heavy and doing drugs, but maybe metalally ill sociopaths don't need to be. His brother didn't make any eye contact with him yesterday; I think it's obvious from that, what his brother thinks. His brother testified that Chris also told him he slept on the dorm lounge couch; so the prosecutor has done a great jo in getting that lie of Chris's exposed. Wednesday we'll hear for the first time from the Bethlehem Police. So far every witness called on is very credible, so Kindlon has not attacked anyone's credibility. I suspect he's saving his critism all for the Bethlehem Police. I'll guess Kindlon attacks the heck out of them, but that Kindlon makes a fool of himself on Wednesday
SheerLuck said:
I guess some people snap and then feel remorse and have emotion; but Porco appears to have absolutely no emotion or feelings towards his parents, which is what makes this so eery. Maybe though he's similiar to many others? I still think he must have been drinking heavy and doing drugs, but maybe metalally ill sociopaths don't need to be.
Sadly, sociopaths are all about themselves and relationships to them are only about how the other person can be of use to them. After a person is no longer useful to a sociopath, they are discarded. I believe that Chris realized that his father was no longer going to believe the ridiculous stories that Chris was feeding him and so he could no longer use Peter for free money. When it came time to get rid of his parents, I assure you that Chris Porco as a sociopath would not have needed any drugs or alcohol to do what he did. His parents simply weren't useful to him any longer so he got rid of them.

Nanandjim gave some great examples of other cases that are similar to this one. Neil Entwhistle is the one that is most strikingly similar, IMO. After reading about many cases here at WS, Chris is certainly not unique. Maybe he thought he had it all figured out but there's no doubt that LE knew from moment 1 that Chris did this. The e-mails demonstrating the financial troubles, Chris' constant blame on everything but himself, etc., just makes this a classic case of sociopathy and a classic case of behavior leading up to the crime, IMO. Unfortunately, there are TONS of cases similar to this here at WS.

The e-mails and the testimony are shocking. Thanks to everyone for keeping this case updated.
I don't think he was drunk and doing drugs at the time of the crime. That's some drive if your messed up! I think he committed the crime with a clear head, drugs may have gotten him into the financial troubles. Has anyone testified that he was into drugs?
Garnan said:
I don't think he was drunk and doing drugs at the time of the crime. That's some drive if your messed up! I think he committed the crime with a clear head, drugs may have gotten him into the financial troubles. Has anyone testified that he was into drugs?
Garnan, there were a lot of rumors about his life style, but I don't know him or anyone who does know him; so I've never printed I heard. I have seen him out drinking at local Albany and Delmar bars; and he appears to drink quite a bit and always looked to be having a great time. I've always thought a lot of people labeled "sociopaths" are also people who drink and do a lot of drugs and thats its the combination of mental illness plus alcohol and drug use that leads to a lot of these crimes. Maybe I'm wrong though and a lot of people are just sociopaths or psychopaths and don't need any help with their illness. Today Detective Bowdish speaks. Kindlon has had not witnesses to attack on credibility, so he'll have an all out assault on Bowdish. I think Bowdish will do very well and be very professional and Kindlon will look like a fool
Well, the national news has finally picked this case up. Here's the link to ABC News that carried the story a few days ago.

Unfortunately, their fact checker must have been asleep at the switch as they have Detective Bowdish as one of the detectives that died. They would be surprised to see that Bowdish is going to be testifying at the trial today. Ah, isn't resurrection marvelous!
As for the testimony of Jonathan Porco, I sure would like to know more about the "strained" relationship he now has with his brother, Christopher. Wonder what it was like before the murder and assault?

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