NY - Christopher Porco - Another Menandez situation? - sentenced

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I live in the area and followed this case...imo Christopher is right where he belongs!!!
I too, wonder how Kindlon is being paid..? What a waste of money and time. I didn't know Patty died how sad :(
Christopher is a sociopath! jmo
Hi, I'm new!!:seeya:

I've been sporadically lurking around WS since the Porco case and finally decided to join. The Porco murders occurred across from my high school (Chris Porco went to the same high school, but graduated a few years ahead of me) and I've always closely followed this case...

Anyway, Kindlon finally got around to appealing --


It's supposed to take weeks before the court makes a decision. Could someone explain to me why Kindlon is arguing that the police detective's testimony is hearsay? Isn't hearsay supposed to be a rumor? How is it a rumor if the detective personally witnessed JP nod her head? I'm puzzled...
I went to high school with a guy who was adopted by a really nice couple when he was just a baby and the thanks they got for giving him everything and loving him was that one day after he graduated, he took them to their lake house and shot both of them in the head. They found him in a hotel room a week later.

So I am not too surprised by what people will do to one another.
Did anyone notice Joan Porco sitting in the courtroom? I saw no sign of her facial disfigurement.
Yes, Joan Porco was in the courtroom and the camera was kind to her and shot her from the right side of her face. It was the left side that Christopher attacked and in the view that I saw, there were subtle signs of the disfigurement. I think she must have an excellent plastic surgeon who put her back together again.
Now to await the nearly six weeks or so that it will take the appellate court to hand down their decision.
This is definetly a different Webslueth site than the last time I visited it...Emoticons and more.
As for the Porco appeal, Channel 9 carried it live and it can be seen at:

While the Prosecution attorney, Chris Horn, had a slow start...he made his point that the defense never, ever, questioned Joan about nodding her head in response to Det. Bowdish' questions. Joan spent a day and a half on the stand and was questioned about all kinds of things...gave hours of positive testimony regarding Christopher, in spite of the fact that her e-mails showed how frustrated she had become with Christopher...the proof that Christopher had flunked out of college and forged bogus transcripts to show otherwise. She found no fault with Christopher even though evidence showed he had forged his father's signature on credit card applications (to [purchase that yellow Jeep) and bank loans (to pay the U of R tuition he said he didn't have to pay. There was even evidence produced showing that Christopher had burglarized the Porco home the previous November and Joan's laptop was sold through Christopher's account on Ebay. During all those hours of questioning Joan, Kindlon never asked her directly: "Do you remember nodding your head ...or turning it side to side...when you were questioned by Det. Bowdish?" Now, Kindlon wants to say that the defense didn't have the chance to question the witness (Joan) who accused Christopher of harming her and killing her husband at the time she was found mortally wounded in her bed. Kindlon says asking her that question would have been like asking a table (or chair) because she has no memory. But, the fact is...KINDLON NEVER ASKED THE WITNESS, JOAN, THE QUESTION... he cannot now say he didn't have the opportunity to ask that question. In a day and a half of Joan's testifying, Kindlon didn't ask questions about the head nod...and there is no basis for his NOT asking those questions. (She has no memory isn't a basis...she could have said that on the stand to answer that question).
As Prosecution Attorney Horn points out...The Constitution guarantees the defendent the right to cross examine his accuser but does not guarantee that the defendent will received the answer he is hoping for. The accusation, the witness's testamony, and the rest of the evidence is for the jury to evaluate and return a verdict.

Also Kindlon, seemingly under attack from the Judges, wanted to let the Judges know that they wouldn't necessarily be writing new law (which Judges hate to do) they would only be applying the Crawford law (the right to confront your accuser at trial) to this unique set of circumstances. If Porco wins an appeal on this legal point...that Joan lost her memory...then any of us who are conscious at the time we are attacked, raped, or otherwise harmed, identify who hurt us .. but, then, because of the trauma of the event, the seriousness of the injury, and the drugs we receive for pain,etc. we loose our memory of the event...then our statements at the time we are injured become worthless and the perpetrator has harmed us twice...the original physical injuries and the loss of our ability to bring the perpetrator to justice.

May Lady Justice give the Judges the wisdom to see this argument to be the same smoke and mirrors Kindlon used during the trial. The only blow torch taken to anyone's Constitutional rights in this case has always been (and still is) in Kindlon's hands. I believe that these Appellate Judge can well recognize "hot air" from long-winded lawyers like Kindlon.
Just heard a blub on the radio that the court has upheld Christopher Porco's conviction. They apparently indicated that there was enough evidence to convict Porco and Joan's head not was not relevant. There will probably be further details on local TV and the Times Union tomorrow.
If you go to


you can read (or print out) the Decision and Order affirming the conviction of Christopher Porco. ( I had to copy and paste the address in my browser to get there...but, then I have Vista and it has many querks.) The Decision is 4 pages long.

The Decision says that Joan's headnod was not an "excited utterance" ..spontaneous and trustworthy...it was an answer to a question and came hours after the attack. Therefore Det. Bowdish shouldn't have been allowed to testify regarding Joan's head nod. I DISAGREE! Joan's head nod was an excited utterance...she didn't lay there half dead and nod in the affirmative to accuse Christopher as a "product of studied reflection and possible fabrication," as the Decision determined. Her nod was "certainly made under stress and excitement caused by an external event." While her gesture was made in response to a question, there is no reason to believe it wasn't "trustworthy." Even if hours passed between the attack and her discovery, we have no evidence suggesting that she was conscious during those hours thinking up stories to tell her rescuers. She was more than likely unconscious which is why she survived and Peter didn't. (He bled to death as he walked through the house.) That head nod was probably the last honest expression of truth Joan has been able to make regarding her attacker since November 15th, 2004.
But, in any event, the Court deemed that the evidence against Christopher was so overwhelming that this head nod was a "harmless error" and didn't cause the guilty verdict. The jury was polled by the press after the verdict came in and the jurors all said that the head nod was not considered in their decision.

Any of you who can get local (Albany,NY) tv stations will see and hear Terry Kindlon tell all who listen that he is taking this case the the NYS Court of Appeals. Mr. Kindlon "can't take this case to the Appeals Court unless the Appeals Court invites him to submit a brief. It is very rare for a NYS Court of Appeals to issue an "invitiation to appeal" from a unanimous decision of an Appeallate Division of the Supreme Court of NYS affirming a conviction renderred by a jury trial. Dream on Mr. Kindlon. Nightmares are in your future. And, just who is going to pay for this unlikely appearance before the Court of Appeals?

Joan is devastated! We anguish at her pain...It is time for an ending to the blows that just keep coming.

Sacandaga Captain
DELMAR -- The Porco case is getting new life.

The State Court of Appeals has agreed to hear arguments that Christopher Porco was denied his constitutional rights to confront his accuser when the infamous "head nod" was allowed into evidence at his murder trial.

Porco was convicted of killing his father and brutally disfiguring his mother with an axe at their Delmar home in November 2004.

A court win for Porco
A state Court of Appeals judge has granted Christopher Porco the right to appeal his conviction for murdering his father and attempting to kill his mother with an ax.
One judge couldn't make the decision to deny Christopher a further appeal on the lower Court's decision to uphold the guilty verdict in spite of the fact that the defense had ample opportunity to ask Joan if she ever nodded her head in response to Detective Bowdish's question and never did ask that question. So now, more tax payer money will be spent bringing this matter to the State Court of Appeals on the basis of the "infamous head nod" that was only introduced to explain why the police immediately focused their attention on Christopher. The head nod was not even considered by the jury members as being part of the evidence against Christopher. Without the head nod, there was overwhelming evidence against Christopher....especially the fact that Christopher couldn't come up with an truthful alibi for his whereabouts the night of 11/14 and the morning of 11/15. To this day, he says he really can't remember what he was doing that night. All of us remember what we were doing before &/or during the time something horrific happens...the day Kennedy was assassinated (for us oldsters); the day the Challenger blew up in space; the day the Twin Towers were brought to ground zero; and what I was doing when I was told that Peter was dead and Joan was near death. For me, listening to Christopher say for weeks that he was sleeping on the couch in the dorm and that he had lots of frat brothers to call as witnesses, only to find out that those frat brothers never saw Christopher on the couch they sat on the night of the 14th and the early hours of the 15th.
This appeal is more about Kindlon and his reputation than it is about whether or not Christopher's rights were violated. And, it is certainly not about Christopher's guilt...that has already been established.
Has anyone heard any news of this case. I was sorry to hear that Christopher Porco won the right to appeal. Was the result of this appeal ever published or has it not happened yet?
The NYS Court of Appeals granted Christopher the right to plead his case claiming a technical error was made when his mother's "head nod" was allowed into testimony. As the defendant, he has a right to question his accusers...and, since Joan has no memory of what happened, she can't testify to having nodded her head when asked if "Christopher did this to her." However, if the defendant so injures a victim that she can not testify to what happened, does that give the defendant a "get out of jail free" card? There's another consideration....Kindlon had Joan on the stand for 1.5 days. During all that time, he never once asked Joan if she nodded when she heard Christopher's name!!!! So, it was the defense attorney who failed to preserve the defendant's right to ask the accuser if she nodded her head. So, does that mean the defense gets a second bite of the apple?
There was another appeal by Kindon yesterday in front of NY's highest appellate court. He, once again, argued that Joan's head nod should not have been allowed into evidence because she no longer has a memory of nodding her head to Det. Bowdish's question: Did Christopher do this to you? He would like the Court to make a new rule...."If a person gives evidence in a case and then later can't remember having given that testimony (evidence) whether it's because too much time has passed and people forget what they have said....or because they have been seriously injured and that injury causes a loss of memory, then whatever statements or evidence they once gave should be "vaporized" and never mentioned again...even if there were witnesses who still do remember what the person said or did." So, if you witness a crime and you tell a policeman you knew and saw the criminal and named him in front of others....a year later you can say you don't remember what you said and that criminal goes free....even if the witnesses to your statement still do remember what you said. If this Court agrees with that thinking, then there will be a lot of forgetful witnesses as criminals make sure they won't remember...either by killing all witnesses...or physically threatening any witnesses who gave statements to police into "forgetting." Any wonder why crime increases as criminals have more and more protections and victims have less and less? If you want to witness the appeal or see current pictures of the people involved, go to the timesunion.com site.
We can only hope that these judges will not slide down the path Kindlon has greased for them.
Top court rejects Porco appeal

ALBANY -- The Court of Appeals upheld the murder conviction of Christopher Porco in an unanimous decision issued Tuesday morning.

Porco's murder conviction was argued last month before the state's highest court in an appeal that focused largely on the memory of his mother, Joan, who was left disfigured and brain-damaged from the savage assault.

The NYS Appellate Court's decision says that while Christopher was denied his Crawford right to question his accuser (his mother) because she doesn't remember nodding her head at Det. Bowdish's question: "Did Christopher do this to you?" it was a harmless error. It was harmless because the head nod was only admitted as an explaination of why the police immediately centered their investigation on Christopher...it was not admitted as evidence of Christopher's guilt. But, in any case, the Appellate Court said that the Prosecution presented such a perponderance of evidence proving their case against Christopher, that the head nod was not the reason the jury convicted...therefore, its admission was harmless. The Decision then repeats the bricks in the wall of evidence they were building. They conclude that if you pull out the head nod brick, the wall still stands.
Kindlon makes noises about taking this case to the US Supreme Court. He will probably present a petition to that Court....but, will the US Supreme Court, after reviewing all the evidence, want to over rule a jury verdict and 2 state appellate Courts because of a mother who "can't remember" nodding her head? A mother whose lack of memory has allowed these appeals... and who lives her life determine to free her son?

To allow a defendant freedom because he has rendered his victim so injured and traumatized that she cannot remember, or choses not to re-live the attack so that she can remember what happened, would be a travesty of justice.

It doesn't matter how many more appeals are made; the jury already renderred the verdict: GUILTY.
I agree with you Sacandaga. I hate to see Judges become a super juror with veto power. I think the courts should respect the jury verdicts after all they were the ones present, listened and saw all live testimony.

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